Colt Cabana

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
We all heard CM Punk mention him in yet another promo,Then the whole crowd started a Colt Cabana chant. So if Punk returns Do you think Colt Cabana will be making a WWE return with him,

I really do, I think Punk should of made it one of the conditions of his kayfabe contract. I actualy think it might be in his real contract.

I would love to see Colt do some of his comedy with Santino.:lol:

Plus i think it would be cool to break out the mask for Colt classic 2 or 3 times a year. :)
Scotty Goldman better be making his WWE Superstars re-debut sometime soon.
Just because he looked a little like Bam Neely and also happened to be a body guard, doesn't mean he sucks.
Festus got over. Generic body guards don't. How about giving him something to do instead of feeding him garbage and expecting him to shit gold?
I was thinking after he left the SES. Where he beat up Punk backstage, had a match with him and the crowd sat on their hands. In my book if you get a Conway Pop while wrestling SES Punk, something's wrong.

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