The HEEL JuiceLee
Pre-Show Stalwart
We all heard CM Punk mention him in yet another promo,Then the whole crowd started a Colt Cabana chant. So if Punk returns Do you think Colt Cabana will be making a WWE return with him,
I really do, I think Punk should of made it one of the conditions of his kayfabe contract. I actualy think it might be in his real contract.
I would love to see Colt do some of his comedy with Santino.
Plus i think it would be cool to break out the mask for Colt classic 2 or 3 times a year.
I really do, I think Punk should of made it one of the conditions of his kayfabe contract. I actualy think it might be in his real contract.
I would love to see Colt do some of his comedy with Santino.

Plus i think it would be cool to break out the mask for Colt classic 2 or 3 times a year.