Byron- heel commentator?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So Byron Saxton is now in the commentary booth for Smackdown and it appears he is playing the heel commentator...I wasn't really impressed.

He's not bad and if anything, nothing he said got on my nerves, but he just sounds too bland. I had the same issue with that other guy who was working on Smackdown commentary (I think he's the NXT Commentator?) in that nothing he says really registers to me. Cole, King and JBL might annoy the hell out of me, but I do think they have stronger personalities. Cole's delivery is in my opinion under-appreciated, King can be funny when he cares (which he no longer does) and JBL has a distinct tone that fits his heel persona. Generally, when they piss me off, it's because of the crap they're saying. They come across as pandering hypocrites.

Byron just doesn't stand out and his heel sympathies were forced. I think he's a better commentator than Booker T though. So do you think he'll get better? Did you like him as the heel sympathizer? Do you think he'd make a better face? How do you think he compares to the others?
I completely agree. The best commentators crews are 2 man booths with one man displaying compassion for the baby face and the other who sees nothing wrong (literally and figuratively) with what the heel does. Hell, even if you threw in a 3rd man who sees both sides it can work but nowadays they always go with 3 man crews with bland personalities who rather crack jokes, shill products, i.e. The Network, and talk about everything under the sun except for whats going on in their monitor.
I think he's still searching for his voice. He's a heel commentator, but as opposed to being a blowhard like JBL, he's actually playing a decent devil's advocate. He's voicing heel POV's with logic, which I'm kind of enjoying.

I agree, he's a little bland in vocal colour. That will come in time, but his content in pretty decent.
This was my first time hearing any of his commentary and he did fine. Like the poster above said he used heel POV logic to guide him most of the night and had some pretty good stumps:

Cole: Ryback saying "The Authority sucks..."
Bryon: And is that a smart thing to say his first day back on the job?


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