Jeremy Borash as Color Commentator?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Note: This is not a thread to bash Don West. That's merely the secondary function. Don't base your posts around it.

So everybody talks about Don West, because he's shit, mainly. I think the most sensible option as a replacement is right in front of them - Jeremy Borash. I seriously love JB, he's great as an announcer and an interviewer and I think he knows his stuff, so I think he'd transition well to being a colour commentator. Not to mention that he's displayed heel characteristics - y'know when he was with the Angle alliance - in the past and TNA desperately requires a heel commentator. So what do you think? Impractical?
Well the only thing that I think is wrong with West is his enthusiasm. As strange as that sounds. A little less and he's be great. Also people only started to bash him once TNA became truly awful.

But I don't see why Borash shouldn't be given a run. He's awful as a backstage interviewer. So he can't be much worse at a desk. Although Tenay with anybody sounds poor to me. Like J.R. he's lost it. So I don't see how him or West can change that. I'd prefer a three man team. West with his enthusiasm, Tenay with his knowledge & Borash because he's normal.
I like the classic setup of play by play announcer and retired wrestler. I would either keep Mike Tenay or replace him with Borash. For color commentator A couple of possibilities Kevin Nash(when he is done with his last run), Shane Douglas, Jeff Jarrett or maybe Kurt Angle should retire and join the booth. Make Don West do the backstage interviews and sell merchandise. Also while we are making changes to TNA lets get rid of Vince Russo. He is just awful. Some of his gimmick matches are interesting but his writing is very stale. TNA needs an edginess to it so bring in Heyman or partner with ROH.
I don't mind DW. His excitement and enthusiasm for the product is unparalleled. Him and Tenay have good chemistry and work well together. As for JB, he's great as he is. He's a great backstage announcer in the modern times of horrible backstage announcers and his ability to get the crowd going at live events is excellent.

Ahhh yes, because Vince Russo is responsible for everything bad that happens in TNA and then comes the Paul Heyman is god solution.
I like the classic setup of play by play announcer and retired wrestler. I would either keep Mike Tenay or replace him with Borash. For color commentator A couple of possibilities Kevin Nash(when he is done with his last run), Shane Douglas, Jeff Jarrett or maybe Kurt Angle should retire and join the booth. Make Don West do the backstage interviews and sell merchandise. Also while we are making changes to TNA lets get rid of Vince Russo. He is just awful. Some of his gimmick matches are interesting but his writing is very stale. TNA needs an edginess to it so bring in Heyman or partner with ROH.

:lol::lmao: Kurt is thier biggest stay why on earth would they have him retire just for that
I dont watch TNA but that would be the biggest mistake in their career. as for the commentator situation is he really that bad? i mean he can't be as bad as adamle can he? commentator's arnt really that important IMO i mute the tv normally becouse i find thier bickering and constant mistakes anoying.
There are some people who would be great as commentators. First off I think TNA should go back to a heel and a face commentator, that concept was always great and could always make a bad match enjoyable when the commentators would argue.

Mike Tenay is a good babyface and I think Kevin Nash would be a great heel commentator, he's funny and he's a great heel.

So yeah, Kevin Nash replacing Don West would be great. Raven is also a guy who could be a good heel commentator.
I think weening one of the wrestlers that has very little in ring use, but good mix skills towards the announcers desk would be good...

Kevin nash or Bg James are the first two that come to mind. I have no desire to see either of them perform ever again, but there both golden on the mic.
I like Jeremy Borash. He can work a mic in an interview but that doesnt mean he can do it for PBP. Someone said Kevin Nash. THAT is a great choice. He's funny, witty, smart. I remember one time during a Nitro he did some play by play and said something along the lines of "I'm just practicing for when my in-ring career dies down." Nash would be oh so perfect. Raven would be decent too.

Back to Jeremy Borash. He would be better than Don West. I dont mind West but he gets on my nerves at times. They should have DW as a backstage interviewer and put either Borash or Nash at the commentary table.
I just want to know why they cant just hire some young fresh people that will bring some life to the show. Mike Tenay is old and out dated. He does not connect with the younger fans of today. Don West is ok, just doesnt bring much to the table.
Why not start fresh, bring 2 young guys and a girl in and let them go wild! (Maybe even make one of the guys a wrestler to give it some credit) Bischoff was fun to listen to, or not listen to!!
Keep Jeremy at the in ring interviewer and back stage interviewer. He does a good job...
I Agree in put Jeremy Borash in Broadcast Team.

JB is really good with the mic,funny and can add much more to transmition than Don West.But The backstage Interviews and the segments with Borash no more will happen,this is a dual point encounter
Borash would certainly add some much needed personality to the TNA broadcast table. I don't detest how it is now but I don't really enjoy it either.

I think Frank Trigg did an awesome job when he stopped by the desk to help call the matches. i suppose its not his role/what he's there for but he'd be great I think.
Borash would certainly add some much needed personality to the TNA broadcast table. I don't detest how it is now but I don't really enjoy it either.

I think Frank Trigg did an awesome job when he stopped by the desk to help call the matches. i suppose its not his role/what he's there for but he'd be great I think.

I agree that Frank Trigg did awesome when he would stop in for guest commentary. Once this program w/ AJ and Kurt is over, I'd be all for him joining the broadcast table. He added a sense of realism to the matches, and made them feel more legit. Something the current broadcast team doesn't seem to be very good at.

Unless Frank Trigg is actually going to become a full time wrestler and this is their way of bringing him in for that. Does anyone know if there are any plans for Frank Trigg to wrestle regularly if at all?
Kevin Nash would be perfect, remember how great a heel commentator King used to be, I believe that Nash could be that, plus he's a great heel anyway.

TNA is in need of a face/heel commentary team simply because its the formula that works best for wrestling, Kevin Nash I really think is the man to do it.
Kevin Nash as a commentator would be the greatest thing to happen to TNA. Borash should also be a commentator and they should get rid of Mike Tenay. I feel insulted everytime i hear commentary from Tenay and West.
I don't understand where the notion that a commentary team HAS to be part commentator and part wrestler. That is a WWE concept which TNA should avoid, especially if they are to portray themselves as innovative. After a while ex-wrestler commentators get boring and repetitive, talking about how any situation draws parrallel with their career (JBL & Tazz anyone...?) and making goofy comments on the females (JBL, Tazz, King). TNA should concentrate on getting 2 good announcers who know what they're doing and have good chemistry and charisma, regardless of their background in the industry.

JB could be a good choice, but I think he's better suited to his current role, warming up the crowd, interviewing etc...
I'm not so sure that Jeremy Borash would make a good color commentator. His aura comes off better as a visual character than he does by his voice or anything that he says. He needs to either stay in his current role or get a bigger on camera role if he is to be utilized.

Now as far as the argument foes to put him in as color commentator due to TNA needing a heel commentator goes, I'm really not sure where people are coming from. People need to realize that the days of the heel commentator are pretty much over. You can only find them on independent promotions and that, in itself, is still a rarity. I mean just look at the WWE's teams.

1. The King and Michael Cole- Now I'm not sure where people have been for the past few years, but if anybody has been listening and watching The King is a face. He only steps into the ring with heels and he rarely backs any of the heel wrestlers. He often has derogatory remarks to say about heel wrestlers and has come tot he rescue of several divas against heels. And well Michael Cole is DEFINITELY not a heel either

2. Mick Foley and Jim Ross- Now Jim Ross hasn't been a heel since be brought in the fake Diesel and the fake Razor Ramon. And he's not the color analyst either. And do we even need to speculate over Mick Foley's status? The guy spent weeks heckling Vladamir Koslov, who is a heel. So that's a face-face team also.

3. Mike Adamle and Taz- Well I'm not sure what the hell they are. They suck.

But all in all, I'm sure that you get my point in saying that TNA does not need a heel commentator. If anything, West fits the mold of what usually makes a memorable color man. He has a distinctive voice and he bring alot of emotion to his position. I think that if he had been a former wrestler then he would be more accepted, unfortunately people are unsure of what they want with the reasons they give for removing West. Go figure.
Jim Cornette would be the perfect replacement for West (who i think would just be a great Shill guy for TNA). Borash is like Mean Gene in the sense he is better as a visual guy rather than a voice. Kevin Nash would also make a good color man.
Jim Cornette is a really annoying commentator. Kevin Nash looks good on paper but have you heard him during the Nitro days? It was funny to listen to him take shots at guys and make sarcastic inside comments, but he didn't put anything over.

TNA's announce team is pretty bad. How Mike Tenay and Don West are allowed to sit there and scream about every little thing is beyond me. I just wish that there were better replacements out there.
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