The Matt Hardy Thread: The Good, The Bad & The Tweets

To tell the truth, I was laughing when TNA signed "Fatt Hardy." But now that it's been a about 2 months, I think Matt is looking better than he has in the last 2 years. It's pretty clear to see that signing with TNA has re-light those embers in him.

I think during his Version 1 gimmick, we all thought he would be a World Champ someday, but during his more recent WWE run, There was no way I thought he would ever get there. Now in TNA, I think he has that chance again.
I think Hardy could be good in TNA. By that i mean he will get his passion back, i saw someone mention that at Against All Odds he looked better. As for all the things about Lita, well he should let it go but i understand how he is feeling he still loves her i guess. As for the comments about C.M. Punk, agreed Hardy knows him better than all of us because he saw him outside of the ring all the time, but i heard that being Straight Edge is really whats C.M. Punk is in real life. The only person that would know him better than Hardy would be Brian Danielson (Daniel Bryan) because they both worked in ROH.
Matt Hardy should lose that weight that he has and go back to the slim Matt that he was while in the WWE. I do not believe in his current gimmick right now, only because I never believed in his V1 gimmick. I always thought it was a joke and never took him seriously. anyway, other than that I find his youtube entires amusing. I just can't really take the guy seriously no matter how hard he wants his fans to believe in everything he is doing. All that aside I hope that he is successful and happy. If he is then I am happy for him. I am not gonna hate on a guy that probably makes more money in one day than I do in two weeks. lol
Matt Hardy on his supposed heat backstage (for commenting on Twitter about being responsible for ratings boost in TNA): "God I love the internet. No I mean obviously sure it’s ‘tongue-in-cheek.’ Even I don’t have the popularity of Jeff, but still as I wrestle as a hill like when I go out it’s a baby faced reaction. I really have to work hard and bust it to get the crowd to turn against me, but that’s my whole goal.

"Even on Twitter I’ve played on those things, obviously I would never come out and say those things in a serious light. That’s just like saying if I cut a promo on TV obviously I’m going to say stuff that’s full of stuff that is trash you know. It’s the same thing on Twitter I incorporate things here, there or whatever. People that are intelligent much like yourself like you said it was ‘tongue-in-cheek,’ they know the difference. It’s supposed to be entertaining to a degree."

Shockingly Matt confirms what those of us that are intelligent have been saying all along about the tweet heard round the basements. Are the lesser minds ever going to realize that responding with hate to his internet antics is exactly what he wants them to do?
A lot of people said that Matt couldn't cut a promo to save his life, but yesterday I liked his promo a lot. Am I the only one who think he deliver a stronger promo than what we were use to see from him in the big E.

I really like Matt in TNA and other that his eyes that always look like he is stoned out (not saying he is, I am sure he isn't) and his bad knee that make it look weird when he gets up, I really like what I am seeing from him and I think just like other it's good that they have more slack to be what they want to be.

Only negative in the TNA environnement is Flair, please keep the razor blade away from him for a week or two.

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