The Matt Hardy Thread: The Good, The Bad & The Tweets

My opinion of Matt Hardy, ignoring all backstage issues and his recent videos (which, like most people, have negatively effected my opinion of him):

As a tag team wrestler, Matt Hardy was very good in his prime. A more well-rounded worker than Jeff; he was genuinely quick in his day, and was capable of good, but not spectacular ground-based work and a bit of high flying stuff as well. For his part, Jeff was more charismatic, and was a spot-machine (I don't mean that as a criticism, it's an objective statement). The result was that they complimented each other nicely; Matt carried the bulk of the actual ring-work (which stopped their matches from becomming messy spotfests) while Jeff would come into the ring in short bursts to do the insane spots that people so strongly identify with the Hardys. Matt's strength was that he was quick enough and capable of a bit of high flying stuff himself, so he kept things flowing and made it so that the Hardys matches were always fast paced. They were excellent to watch in their day. Anyone who's being objective would acknowledge that as a tag team, the Hardys deserve an eventual HOF spot, both for their importance and the quality of their work.

As a singles wrestler he wasnt nearly as good. Being a solid but unspectacular ring worker was fine as a tag team wrestler, because his job was to keep things moving and provide a foundation/context for Jeffs high spots. As a singles wrestler, though, it hurt him, because he had nothing to build up to; no cool moves of his own to give his matches a climax. He is also absolutely robotic on the mic, often to the point of being painful to watch. This really limited his ability to take part in main event level feuds, and I'm sure it's a big reason why he never got "that big push", despite being more over than other guys who did.

I'm tempted to argue that he has no charisma, as I find him bland as fuck, but to be fair, he always got major pops even at the end of his WWE run. You cant entirely put this down to being Jeff's brother; he was still getting giant pops long after their breakup. I guess this -along with the fact that he was always a reliably solid worker until a couple of years ago- is the reason he was able to forge a modestly successful singles career, with the occasional memorable feud (MVP and Edge come to mind). However, a strong midcard spot was all he was ever going to get, and was all he deserved.

So, yeah, as a wrestler, that's my opinion of Matt Hardy. In a nutshell; he was a highly accomplished tag team wrestler and a decent but limited singles wrestler, who successfully held down a strong midcard spot but never had the makings of a main event wrestler. I also think that currently, he looks like a parody of his former self. He is -in theory- easily young enough to get in shape, get motivated and become decent again, whether he actually does it or not is a whole 'nother thing.
TNA should start billing him as "The Marshmallow Man." He had three months off and announced he was going to change the world (of wrestling). He could have used that time to work on his weight. Instead of gliding around the ring the way he used to, he's now waddling because of that prodigious gut he's carrying. It makes his ring repertoire look sloppy. All he seems to have changed is his hairstyle, meaning he's made no effort to improve anything about himself. Instead, all he's done is burn his bridge back to WWE, which he was busy doing even when he still worked there.

I don't like the way he's conducted himself and definitely don't like the way he looks. Many folks lose their passion for the career they've chosen, but that doesn't mean they have to tank it the way The Marshmallow Man has.
You can't ask us what we think of Matt Hardy and exclude how he acts backstage, that's a HUGE part of whether or not I like a guy, and I'm not alone. If a guy can overcome being a jerk in real life by being a simply fantastic performer and giving 100% every time he gets in the ring, then I respect that wrestler. Matt Hardy is not that wrestler. Matt Hardy is either really bad or he simply doesn't try his hardest every time he wrestles, and I'm leaning towards the latter. I don't think Hardy has what it takes to put on 4 or 5 star matches on a consistent basis, but I do think he has the ability to put them on on occasion... or at least he would if he stayed in wrestling shape.

I think bringing Hardy in to TNA is just a recipe for disaster. Jeff's problems are bad... REALLY bad, but you already know that. If Jeff is forced to leave TNA for a period of time, where does that leave his less talented, less charming brother? If they expect Matt to fill in Jeff's shoes they are higher than Jeff Hardy on a Friday night (or any other night for that matter). Matt is not nearly as exciting as Jeff is in the ring and can't do half the stuff Jeff does. Furthermore, he's not that talented at anything. It seems that there are three people in the world who believe Matt Hardy's hype, and they are Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Dixie Carter. Everyone else knows Matt is all talk, no walk. If Jeff is forced to leave TNA for any longer than a year, I think we'll see Matt Hardy slip into obscurity in the already crowded Impact Zone.
I have never understood what the big deal about Matt Hardy is and I am probably not going to understand it now either. He is probably a more rounded wrestler than Jeff, which is not a huge deal mind you, but Jeff is the more popular one and rightly so. In order to be popular you need to bring something unique to the table and Jeff, being the daredevil that he is certainly brought that more than "the epitome of average" Matt Hardy.

Another thing that I have never understood about Matt is that how was he a face in his feud with Edge. Lita left him and he went on the internet and bitched about it. That sounds like a complaining heel to me rather than someone I should have sympathy for.

Does he work better as a face or a heel? Probably as a heel judging by his Version 1 days. But either way, he is someone for whom I do not care for at all because he is just not special enough to have a lasting impact in the field of pro wrestling. The best thing about him are his Youtube videos because it is just funny to see how desperate for attention he is.
Hold on your saying Matt shouldnt be big headed because he just had "A ECW title reign" First off what title in the WWE have you held? Non didnt think so
Second If i won any title in wwe i would be pretty big headed aswell!
Third the dudes had the
ECW Championship (1 time)
WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
WWF/World Tag Team Championship
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
WWE United States Championship
Which are/were all major wwe titles and your judging the dude just because he didnt win the big 1.
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN THE WORLD? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WRESTLERS ARE IN THE WORLD? ONLY A SELECT FEW ARE CHOSEN TO HOLD WWE CHAMPIONSHIPS and that my friend makes the belts damn special. So dont look down your nose at someone whos dont more with his life,made more money and got a bigger fan base then you will ever have.
And you say hes out of shape? hes got a big gut atm so what?
His arms and chest are the biggest hes ever been and thats out of shape to you? damn you must have a body like freaking John Morrison and work out 4 hours per day. What you dont? what your out of shape too? no shit. But hold on your not a wrestler are you? thats the excuse you and the other IWC use isnt it? so what do you do? coz i hope your the head boss at your job and have won awards for watever it is you do 9/5 and i guess your making a lot of money since your looking down at people. Ahhh right you not? you dont? shit am shocked.
Show some respect man, Matt Hardy goes threw alot of pain night in night out for us.
Anyways,believe it or not no im not the biggest Hardy fan but like the new Matt Hardy. People say he was his best as V1naaaaa but that was also the time where he was a cruiserweight and being jobbed out to heavyweights. I rewatched Stieners WWE return recently and matt hardy got taken out with ease by Stiener. Now Matts not a cruiserweight anymore and might be the same size as Stiener now muscle wise. Buckle up guys coz i beleive the new Matt Hardy will b the best Matt Hardy.

Oh wow, this was difficult to read. And not just because of how ridiculous it was.

We're not talking about Matt Hardy as an ordinary person. We're talking about Matt Hardy as a wrestler. And, as a wrestler, he's over rated, lazy, and boring. He doesn't deserve the limited success he got in WWE, and Edge becoming the main eventer after their feud was the right call by Vince.

Kid, we're entitled to our opinions on how a good wrestler should be. We, as wrestling fans, have standards about what our beloved sport should be. It's OK to be a normal person and dislike a wrestler. Just like you probably dislike Justen Bieber or Rob Schneider or someone even though you're not, *gasp* a singer or actor. It's ok to dislike people who are stars, ok? And clearly a lot of people here believe Matt Hardy is pretty crap. Don't get pissed off cause of people's opinions, otherwise you'll be pissed off a lot as long as Matt Hardy is in the wrestling industry.

Yes we are "our judging the dude just because he didnt win the big 1", because there's a reason he didn't win a world title. He wasn't good enough. Yet Matt Hardy, in his own little deluded world where Edge and Lita are akin to Hitler and Franco, thinks he is good enough to be WWE champion, let alone TNA champion. And it's pretty ridiculous.

And don't talk about how he goes through pain "for us". Last time I checked, he chose that profession and last time I checked, he enjoys that profession. Hell, any of us would go through that pain to be in his position, don't talk about him as if he's some kind of martyr.

Matt Hardy is a phenomenal wrestler. His move set is nothing to complain about and he’s good on the mic. He is one of the most over people in the wrestling business. People just want to hate on him because he promotes himself. Well, WWE didn’t do it, so someone had to. I hope the TNA run brings good things for Matt. He is in the best shape of his life. He’s looking like a legit heavyweight. This new look might be able to catapult him to the TNA title.

Best shape of his life? Have you been watching wrestling for 8 weeks...?
Matt Hardy is def. about to be in beast mode.. the dude has bulked up since we last saw him on wwe television. and he probably isnt finished yet. i totally agree with onewayleeway69 "Buckle up guys coz i beleive the new Matt Hardy will b the best Matt Hardy."
I respect the opinions of others, but one thing I don't understand here is all the hate directed towards Matt because he believes he is a great wrestler. Doesn't EVERY wrestler? I remember reading an interview with Sean O'Haire where he was praising himself like he was the best wrestler in the business. It may not have been true, but that's just the mindset that most wrestlers have (and should). Steve Austin has often said that if a wrestler isn't trying to be the best and at the top, then they shouldn't be there. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant.

The difference in Matt Hardy's case is that he's a self-promoter with his youtube videos and such. Well, we all knew from the Version 1 days that Matt was a big internet guy, and the Youtube thing just seems to be the modern-day evolution of that, so it doesn't bother me at all. We can disagree with it, but he has every right to do it, and I say so what if he talks himself up? Every other wrestler should (and many do).
Matt Hardy is def. about to be in beast mode.. the dude has bulked up since we last saw him on wwe television. and he probably isnt finished yet. i totally agree with onewayleeway69 "Buckle up guys coz i beleive the new Matt Hardy will b the best Matt Hardy."

YOur a moron. Beast mode? have u seen him? i mean even the TNA locker room was like "that dude looks like shit." i mean he almost looks as bad as shannon moore. Btw about shannon moore.. Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me whatz the appeal? Every time i see him and his tag team partner come in the ring i can't stand it. Not meaning that they generate soo much "heat" because i know you wack marks will probably use that as an excuse. WHen i see them i change the channel. These are the type of people who are ruining wrestle. Matt hardy doesn't generate HEAT you stupid matt marks. Matt hardy makes me change the channel? NOw you tell me if thats good or not.
Hold on your saying Matt shouldnt be big headed because he just had "A ECW title reign" First off what title in the WWE have you held? Non didnt think so
Second If i won any title in wwe i would be pretty big headed aswell!
Third the dudes had the
ECW Championship (1 time)
WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
WWF/World Tag Team Championship
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
WWE United States Championship
Which are/were all major wwe titles and your judging the dude just because he didnt win the big 1.
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN THE WORLD? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WRESTLERS ARE IN THE WORLD? ONLY A SELECT FEW ARE CHOSEN TO HOLD WWE CHAMPIONSHIPS and that my friend makes the belts damn special. So dont look down your nose at someone whos dont more with his life,made more money and got a bigger fan base then you will ever have.
And you say hes out of shape? hes got a big gut atm so what?
His arms and chest are the biggest hes ever been and thats out of shape to you? damn you must have a body like freaking John Morrison and work out 4 hours per day. What you dont? what your out of shape too? no shit. But hold on your not a wrestler are you? thats the excuse you and the other IWC use isnt it? so what do you do? coz i hope your the head boss at your job and have won awards for watever it is you do 9/5 and i guess your making a lot of money since your looking down at people. Ahhh right you not? you dont? shit am shocked.
Show some respect man, Matt Hardy goes threw alot of pain night in night out for us.
Anyways,believe it or not no im not the biggest Hardy fan but like the new Matt Hardy. People say he was his best as V1naaaaa but that was also the time where he was a cruiserweight and being jobbed out to heavyweights. I rewatched Stieners WWE return recently and matt hardy got taken out with ease by Stiener. Now Matts not a cruiserweight anymore and might be the same size as Stiener now muscle wise. Buckle up guys coz i beleive the new Matt Hardy will b the best Matt Hardy.

Sorry for spamming i forgot to put this on my post too. But i found the real R-tard of this forum. You know why Matt hardy is not a cruiserweight anymorE? Because he put on so much freaking weight that he can't be a cruiserweight. Muscle? have you SEEN him or are you just living a lie you IDIOT. The guy has belly looks like its gettin stretch marks you twathead lol. I mean if that is fit to you then i am sorry. Compare him to lets say...John Cena. I mean the way you described him, you made it sound like he is that kind of heavyweight. Who is more fit? Compare him with the Miz. Whos is fit and who is a bum? He looks like a straight up mentally challenged hippy that is trying to live in the past.

HEY MATT here is a GREAT idea! IF you want to be GREAT you have to WORK at it. You have to SCARIFICE things. You have to TRAIN AS HARD AS YOU EVER DID. A person can't just make a Youtube video and expect him to be great the next day. If it was like this, this guy would probably be a freaking lawyer. But it doesn't that is why he is a Matt Hardy mark.
I respect the opinions of others, but one thing I don't understand here is all the hate directed towards Matt because he believes he is a great wrestler. Doesn't EVERY wrestler? I remember reading an interview with Sean O'Haire where he was praising himself like he was the best wrestler in the business. It may not have been true, but that's just the mindset that most wrestlers have (and should). Steve Austin has often said that if a wrestler isn't trying to be the best and at the top, then they shouldn't be there. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant.

The difference in Matt Hardy's case is that he's a self-promoter with his youtube videos and such. Well, we all knew from the Version 1 days that Matt was a big internet guy, and the Youtube thing just seems to be the modern-day evolution of that, so it doesn't bother me at all. We can disagree with it, but he has every right to do it, and I say so what if he talks himself up? Every other wrestler should (and many do).

Man I agree with you, Matt has every right to say he is better than any other wrestler if he believes it. Is it true no but he as the right to say it. As for the youtube thing, it might just be him messing around for the fans. Either way i like Matt hardy in TNA and if it makes him happy to be there good for him.
I believe Hardy was as over as can be against Edge. AND HE WON!!! Seriously, I'm not sucking dick here but if the writer's out of sympathy or some sort of "Okay, he kinda deserves it..." give you a feud where you get beat down and eventually in a steel cage match come out on top. You should be championship material. Especially if you just BEAT the hottest heel who'd go on to have a legendary career. But he didn't. And I gave up on him since then. He is, now worst than Hogan in that since he can't win the WWE title, he'll try and win the TNA title.

He's out of shape, he needs a new move, a new gimmick, a new look, a new promo, a new music if he wants to become a upper mid-card in WWE. In TNA he'll probably be a legend.
Personally, I hate the look on his face. While that might have to do with what he does backstage, it carries out into the ring. It makes him look unprofessional also takes away from some of the things he's able to do.

Also, he's out of shape, which is a shame considering he used to be in good shape and had a bit more crispness and movement involved in his in-ring game.

He's gotten a bit sloppy, he looks sloppy and he doesn't look like a main eventer. Considering that's what he seems to think he is, it's hard take him serious.

Just my take.
Personally, I hate the look on his face. While that might have to do with what he does backstage, it carries out into the ring. It makes him look unprofessional also takes away from some of the things he's able to do.

Also, he's out of shape, which is a shame considering he used to be in good shape and had a bit more crispness and movement involved in his in-ring game.

He's gotten a bit sloppy, he looks sloppy and he doesn't look like a main eventer. Considering that's what he seems to think he is, it's hard take him serious.

Just my take.

I think the bolded part is exactly why people are irritated by him, or it could be just me.

I don't like Hardy, I never did. The guy is below mediocre. The fact that he hyper-estimates his own value, then goes out and completely sucks is irritating. I can't like wrestlers I don't respect. I'm weird like that. If Matt said "Okay, I'm not that good, I never was, especially now, I'll go to TNA, try to help some guys with whatever I can, put some people over, maybe be in the X-Division and have fun" - that would be nice, because that's what he should be doing. Don't say you'll fucking revolutionize the business and you'll turn it upside down and you'll be the greatest shit ever and that hating on you actually fires you up - cuz you sound like a 12 years old girl. He believes his own hype which he fabricated, thinks of some stupid shitty name like "Cold Blood" and thinks everyone's going to like it just because he does. To me Matt Hardy sounds like a teenager who has not entered the real world yet.

"Blaah I'll rule the world, I'm special, I'll do many great things and be so cool and everyone's gonna like me", and then end up watching hot-dogs spin for the vast majority of your life.

Personally, I want this guy off the TNA roster. Go start a federation if you're so badass. Don't talk it, walk it.
Zion, and Calderownz, hit the nail on the head. Hardy's problem is he thinks he's an industry leader when he's just a player. The fact his twitter is called MATTHARDYBRAND pisses me off. He's a person, not a Brand! I don't see people buying into him, let alone taking him serious enough to be considered a brand.

I'm not the worlds biggest fan of Jericho but, to me, Hardy would get a lot more respect if he took the idea that he's never going to be a SUPERstar, merely a star and be content to go out there, work to the best of his abilities, and just entertain people. There are plenty of guys in wrestling history that never made it as big as they thought they should, but they knew enough to not bitch and moan about it while they were still wrestling (or, in steve Austin's case, use it as the basis for his character in ECW).

Hardy should use the under-appreciated schtick he clearly feels, and have it light a fire under him and he could do alright in TNA.

Still think he's a cunt though
Zion, and Calderownz, hit the nail on the head. Hardy's problem is he thinks he's an industry leader when he's just a player. The fact his twitter is called MATTHARDYBRAND pisses me off. He's a person, not a Brand! I don't see people buying into him, let alone taking him serious enough to be considered a brand.

I'm not the worlds biggest fan of Jericho but, to me, Hardy would get a lot more respect if he took the idea that he's never going to be a SUPERstar, merely a star and be content to go out there, work to the best of his abilities, and just entertain people. There are plenty of guys in wrestling history that never made it as big as they thought they should, but they knew enough to not bitch and moan about it while they were still wrestling (or, in steve Austin's case, use it as the basis for his character in ECW).

Hardy should use the under-appreciated schtick he clearly feels, and have it light a fire under him and he could do alright in TNA.

Still think he's a cunt though

You guys just hate on Hardy because it is the easy thing to do. Why is it so wrong for the man to have confidence? Matt Hardy believes in his abilities and believes that he can change the business. Maybe if other guys had this kind of mentality, wrestling would be a little bit better. Yes, he complains, but he wants to make wrestling entertaining and isn’t that what the people want? Hardy paid his dues in WWE and was ultimately shafted. He has a fire lit under him already.
You guys just hate on Hardy because it is the easy thing to do. Why is it so wrong for the man to have confidence? Matt Hardy believes in his abilities and believes that he can change the business. Maybe if other guys had this kind of mentality, wrestling would be a little bit better. Yes, he complains, but he wants to make wrestling entertaining and isn’t that what the people want? Hardy paid his dues in WWE and was ultimately shafted. He has a fire lit under him already.

There's a fine line between wanting and doing. Hardy wants it, he can't do it. I'm sure Rob Terry has high hopes for himself, and it would work in La-La Land, but in the real world he's just a bodybuiler who can take bumps and stare at people. Leave the wrestling, entertainment and must-see TV to the likes of AJ Styles.
Matt Hardy is good but he is no AJ Styles. He used to go into that direction but he never reached there so i guess thats his potential. Not everyone needs to be a main event guy. He can be upper midcard and still be fan favorite. There are plenty of wrestlers like that. But to start with he has to get into better shape. I don't know what his medical problem was, but with all his fat he doesn't look like an athletic guy who can jump here and there anymore
There's a fine line between wanting and doing. Hardy wants it, he can't do it. I'm sure Rob Terry has high hopes for himself, and it would work in La-La Land, but in the real world he's just a bodybuiler who can take bumps and stare at people. Leave the wrestling, entertainment and must-see TV to the likes of AJ Styles.

Why can’t Matt Hardy have any impact on the business? He is one of the most over guys in the industry like it or not. People will pay to see him. He helped revolutionize the TLC match along with being with one of the first wrestlers to use the internet to get over. Comparing him to Rob Terry is asinine. What the heck has Terry done to even merit being mentioned in the same breath as Matt Hardy? That’s an insult.
The reason people hate on Matt is because he brings all this upon himself. He posts youtube vids of doing useless crap like eating grapes or blogging in front of a Waffle House or Cracker Barrel or whatever the hell it is. He mentions at the beginning of every year that it will be the year of Matt Hardy, but it always ends up with him being in the same position as before. More importantly he comes off as a whiny douche, blaming everyone in sight for not being the big star he thinks he is. In 2005 he was an IWC darling..these days he's just a whiny little troll who everyone wishes would just shut up and go away.
Why can’t Matt Hardy have any impact on the business? He is one of the most over guys in the industry like it or not. People will pay to see him. He helped revolutionize the TLC match along with being with one of the first wrestlers to use the internet to get over. Comparing him to Rob Terry is asinine. What the heck has Terry done to even merit being mentioned in the same breath as Matt Hardy? That’s an insult.

I'll let Mr.Steiner answer this one.


Matt Hardy did not "help" revolutionize the TLC match. Matt Hardy was simply in the ring when Jeff Hardy, Edge and Christian were doing the huge bumps.

He was the first wrestle to use the internet to get over? Well ... when you can't go over on TV like all the other wrestlers, you go on and give YouTube a shot.
Matt Hardy WAS a guy with great potential. His work with his brother Jeff at the start of their careers was awesome. The Hardys (along with Edge & Christian) did make a huge impact on the business over 10 years ago.

His run as Matt Hardy version 1, was pretty solid. I enjoyed his work as a heel. I liked his mini-feud with Lesnar. He had a lot of potential. BUT you can only go SO FAR on potential.

The biggest problem, is that Matt Hardy doesn't know when to shut up and leave well enough alone. When "Lita" left him years ago, everyone supported Matt. When he got fired, people went nuts. Matt Hardy was a HUGE star in the eyes of many people. He came back to TV and we got the Edge vs. Hardy feud, which should have really put Matt on the map.

The problem was, along the way, we got tired of listening to him bitch and cry. We've all been there. We've all had things go wrong in our lives, but nobody wants to listen to someone complain about it every 5 seconds. People lost respect for him, not as a wrestler, but as a man. No wonder Lita left this jackass. He's obnoxious.

I still think Hardy is a decent hand in the ring, but he also seems like the kind of guy who could use some time in rehab and some psychological counseling. All these youtube videos talking about how great he is. Who is he really trying to convince? Us or himself?

I don't want to hear excuses about why he "got fat". Hell, I got fat too - and no one wants to listen to me complain about it. Maybe if Matt spent less time making ridiculous youtube videos and filming "the Hardy Show" with his drug addict brother, like they were a bunch of 15 year olds - and spent more time in the gym - he wouldn't be so out of shape.

Can Matt Hardy do ANYTHING to help TNA? Not unless he has a time machine, and can go back to a time when he was good, and people actually gave a shit about him.

Matt Hardy has no one but himself to blame for never making it to the main event. And when he looks back at his career someday, I hope he can live with the fact that his legacy will be "the fat drugged up loser that ate grapes on youtube".

Matt Hardy is wrestlings next tragedy. Guarenteed.
Typical hypocrisy....

That's what I think about this Hatred shown towards Matt hardy.....


In the words of Chris jericho, will all you smarks please! Shut the Hell up!!!

If a couple of strange Youtube video's can make you lose "All respect" for a Man who has never done anything wrong. Then maybe YOU are the one with the problem.

Oh and don't give me that fucking "He's Fat", sophmoric, BULLSHIT.

Don't even try it.

Last time I checked, THIS was what a Fat person looked like....


Not this....

Last time I checked, THIS was what a Fat person looked like....


Not this....


Agreed. The only reason people think he's fat is because he's a bit fat for an athlete. I'm willing to bet that 80% of people ripping him about his weight are in far worse shape than he is.

Samoa Joe is fat, yet we all like him. Kane is fat, and most like him. sometimes when HHH returns he is fat, But he's the best in the biz.

None of those guys are actually fat. they're either old (Kane), Genetically that way (Joe) or can't rehab an injury (Triple H).

Now I'm not the guys biggest fan, I'm a Jeff fan when it comes to the Hardys myself, but honestly, look at how many other guys have POTENTIAL but will probably never make it:
Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Ted Dibiase, Zack Ryder to name a few. You may bash me for a few of those, but can you really see them headlining 'Mania?

All these people could just as easily be bashing Goldust, whose career (though much longer) has gone similar way. Bush leagues-Jobbing-Minor push-fall from grace-comeback filled with false hope.
I'm a massive Goldust proponent and I'm saying this.

So basically it's just a matter of people jumping on someone for a few mistakes.
So far, I think Matt Hardy is fitting well into TNA. He could contribute a lot if put into the right angles.

As a person, Matt Hardy seems like a turd. I can't really say more because I've never met him and never hung out with him. My only point of reference comes from youtube videos and tweets.

As a wrestler, he is good in the ring. He has a decent move set and I can't recall him making mistakes. His matches flow well and are entertaining.

As far as Matt physique, I think he looks better since joining TNA. I heard everything from "he can't help having a gut b/c it's a medical thing" to "the guy has a gut from drinking." Not really sure what to believe, but he has cut up and looks to be in great shape
Here's an article I found about Matt hardy after searching on google.....I think people who are critical of hardy should read it.

Matt hardy- The Most hated man in Professional wrestling today……Why???????

Ok, first let me make this perfectly clear. I am not some “Super, Die-hard” Matt hardy mark. I have always been a casual fan when it comes to his work in wrestling, but I’m not so biased to not admit when he’s done something wrong. This article is strictly my argument on the reasoning why this man went from one of the most-respected wrestler’s in all of professional wrestling, to one of the most hated and despised men in the IWC.

Now let’s take a look at how this all started…….


In 2008, Matt hardy suffered an unfortunate tear in his abdominal wall, due to a genetic defect he was actually born with. But Instead of taking time off for surgery, he decided to suck it up and continue his United states champion reign. As the year went on the abdominal tear got severely worse, and in my opinion what was a poor choice, Matt chose to hold-off on surgery due to the fact that he had just become the ECW Champion. During this time the abdominal tear severely affected how hard doctor’s advised him to train in the gym, even getting so bad that Hardy wasn’t even cleared to do a simple sit-up. But Matt didn’t say anything about it publicly and continued to wrestle.

But his passion to be in a Wrestling ring ultimately came back to haunt him during a match against Kofi Kingston on WWE Superstars. While taking a diving crossbody from Kingston off the top rope, Matt’s intestine’s completely burst through his abdominal wall, leaving Matt in excruciating pain during the rest of the match. Matt was forced to have emergency surgery to repair his abdominal wall. After the surgery when Matt returned to Smackdown, his appearance was noticeably a little huskier than usual….and That’s where the “Fatt hardy” jokes began……

What a lot of people don’t know about Matt’s intestinal surgery is that it severely altered how his intestines processes food. He learned earlier this year that he can never eat red meat again, because his intestine’s has a lot of trouble digest’s it. Now I may be wrong here, but when you have screwed up intestines, doesn’t that make it very easy to gain a couple pounds? Anyways, moving on…….


The IWC completely hammered Matt for the weight gain, creating oh so clever and mature nicknames like “Fatt hardy” or “Fatt fucking Lardy”. Very similar treatment that a bunch of school bullies would give to the only kid in school that wear’s glasses. If you want my opinion, Fat jokes can be humorous only when they are about real fat people. Not when they are aimed towards someone who is slightly overweight because of his messed up intestines. I understand that Matt has always had his fair share of critics, I mean what wrestler doesn’t? but the kind of backlash and hostile criticism this man got not only from Immature teenager’s, but from adult Wrestling journalist’s for his weight gain really shows how low our societies morality level has dropped in recent years.

Around the summer of 2010, Matt started having thought’s about leaving the WWE mainly due to the fact that his body couldn’t keep up with the hectic schedule. He asked the WWE officials for his release TWICE, not once but TWICE, and both times they refused…….now here is where the real backlash begin’s in my eyes.

Frustrated with the fact that WWE wouldn’t let him leave the company, Hardy decided to post some rather “Odd” Youtube video’s. In the video’s Hardy really didn’t do anything that bad if you think about it, besides a couple of derogatory statement’s and Bold predictions. But what pulled the trigger on his released was when he posted a video of him and R-truth hanging out with an “Unmasked” Rey mysterio JR. The WWE obviously likes to keep Mysterio’s face hidden most of the time from the media, so this was the final nail in the coffin that was Matt hardy’s WWE career. About a week after that video was posted, announced they had officially released Matt hardy.

A lot of people said these Youtube video’s completely changed their opinion’s on Matt, saying he is a “Psycho” or “The Next Chris benoit”. These statements are ludicrous if you ask me, because Matt has stated many times that he likes to make his Youtube video’s entertaining, so he tries to be “Controversial”. Whether he’s telling the truth or not, is strictly a judgment call, not solid fact.

During his time between signing with TNA Wrestling, and leaving WWE, Matt started to kick his gym time up a notch, in an effort to get back into Tip-top shape. When he first debuted with TNA, it’s obvious he wasn’t quite there yet. But this past Sunday at against all odds, anyone with a brain-stem could see the man has lost a lot of weight and is in VERY good shape…


Now, there is one more reason why so many people claim that they lost “All-respect” for Matt hardy, and that’s the video of Jeff hardy trash-talking CM punk.

Ok, first off….JEFF hardy is the one who should be ridiculed for this video. He’s clearly hopped up on something, whether it be Beer, Sleeping pills or cocaine, but HE is the one that is “Trashing” CM punk.

Matt made one derogatory comment towards punk, ONE. I would also like to point out that this video was filmed in December 2009, only a couple months after Jeff left WWE, so it’s possible he might have been bitter about Vince allowing punk to use his name and criticize him in his In-ring “Straight-edge” promo’s. Back to the point, Matt said ONE thing about punk….when you have arrogant assholes like Sean Morley “AKA-Val venis” on twitter EVERY SINGLE DAY, Absolutely BASHING both the Hardy’s. Now ask yourself this, who looks like the bigger Jackass? Matt who made one derogatory comment? Or Sean Morley who is TROLLING both of the hardy’s every….single…

Now let’s talk about CM punk for a minute….


It’s no secret that CM punk is one of the most praised and beloved men in the IWC. Why? Well he is a Great wrestler, I’ll give him that. He has great mic skills, I’ll give him that as well. He also claims to be “Straight-edge” which in essence mean’s No drugs, No alcohol or any foreign substance will enter his body. This is all we know about punk, we don’t really know WHO HE IS, what he’s really like in his everyday life. But here’s the thing….Matt hardy does. Matt hardy knows CM punk better than any of us “Straight-edge” followers will ever know. Matt is more entitled to his opinion about punk than any of us fans are, because he actually knows the real CM punk that we don’t see in the ring. Who knows? Maybe CM punk is a great guy, or maybe he is an arrogant hypocrite, we have no way of knowing this. So to blindly defend a man against any form of criticism, when you don’t really know anything about him besides what you see on TV, is just a little bit ignorant if you ask me.


The last thing I’ll address is the stuff Matt hardy say’s on Twitter…..

When the rating’s for the first and second TNA impact that Matt appeared on came in, the ratings were considerably up from the week before. Matt said on his Twitter page the following…..” Hulkster & Jeff brought me in & the ratings keep growin-Coincidence?I think not! FACT! .. Dixie, u can thank ME & Jeff 4 the ratings jump-just saying.”……..Immediately when people read this they once again started Bashing hardy without mercy.

But let me ask you this…..

Is anybody even aware that Matt hardy is playing a HEEL Character in TNA right now??? CM punk sends out “Heel” type tweets on his twitter page everyday but you never see anybody complaining. Matt likes to create controversy, that’s no secret. That’s all this was, an attempt to get people talking, it worked didn’t it?

Case closed.


I’m sure some of you think that this entire article is me kissing Matt hardy’s A**, but there are things that I am not particularly fond of about Mr. hardy.

For one, he is way too confident for his own good. We all know people like that, people who set their expectations too high, and then ultimately get disappointed. That’s basically what Matt hardy has done with his career, instead of creating small, reasonable goals for himself, he has these WILDLY HUGE expectations and dream’s about being a huge Main-event player. I do think there was a time when Matt could of won the World championship, and that was in 2005 when Matt was truly in his prime. But it seems like Matt never let’s go of those hopes, which Is a good and bad thing if you think about it.

Another thing, he is too sensitive about criticism. I’m not talking about people that troll him, I’m talking about certain Wrestling journalists who have given Matt a hard time over the years. Matt has made it publicly clear that it gets under his skin when these journalist’s speak ill of him in their articles. But these men are just expression their opinions and they are entitled to it.


Look, I know I can’t change anybody’s opinions of this man, and that’s not even my intention. All I ask is for people to please….PLEASE stop treating this man like he’s some serial killer when he hasn’t really done ANYTHING wrong. If you hate the fact that he left WWE, that’s fine. But a man’s personal health and happiness is much more important than his career, end of story. WWE was tearing his body apart, it was obvious for all of 2010. I’m not the biggest TNA Fan, but if going their makes him happy, then let him be happy. There are more important things in life than wrestling my friends, the sooner some of you realize that the better.

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