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The Matt Hardy Push

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Does anyone else think that he is finally going to get a decent push? For the past couple of weeks he's been made to look impressive. In Mondays Battle Royal he was eliminated second to last. Which is impressive when you consider that Mark Henry is one of Smackdowns main heels and Hardy is just a mid carder. He recently droped the tag titles but they did it in a way that made it look like a fluke, so it didn't harm either Hardy. He was also given plenty of time in his match with Regal this week. It was a good match and showcased how much he can do given the oppertunity.

And while I dont think he had anything to do with the McMahon death, I think they are going to impliment him into the storyline.
I think this 'push' wil fizzle out into nothingness, I can't see hm really doing anythng big anytime soon. He's low down in the SmackDown peckin order and it'll be a tough ladder to climb. With that being said, I hope the draft keeps him at SD because he''l end up with Jeff at RAW and ECW is, well ECW. One day I think he may get a push, but his time isn't now, IMO.
The Matt Hardy push is coming as really since, Matt Hardy got a win over Kennedy when he was at that time Mr. Money in the Bank, and since then he has been built as a great tag team wrestler on RAW and a decent singles wrestler on Smackdown. If they keep building him the way that they have like win over Regal who is a technican in the ring then i can see it but only for a short time. Almost reminds me of how JBL got pushed as Smackdown at that time was reeling and Taker didnt want a full time schedule and he got the gold. I'm not saying Matt Hardy will get the WHC but a feud will Edge will happen and I can see it at happening at PPV, but one that RAW will domiante andit be like amiddle of the match card.

In the end Hardy will be main event player as his mic skills are not the greatest and he needs to be in the ring with great workers so that he can look good as well.
If Hardy is ever going to be given a decent push, now is the time. Him vs. Edge would make a great storyline considering the thing with Lita, and they could have some great matches. They already work together well, and how great would an Edge vs. Matt Hardy TLC Match for the WHC be? I think he will be pushed, but not as much as he deserves. He's more likely to chase MVP (lame) than Edge.
Well I almost think out of default now that Hardy is going to be the next face to go against Edge for the title. That is unless of course, we've all been swerved to believe Edge is getting his long title reign, and that Batista isn't getting the belt back at Vengeance.

The way the draft panned out, it sent a lot of heels to Smackdown, which I think sets up another dark age of Batista as Champion. If Batista loses, then that leaves until Misterio and Taker come back...Matt Hardy. Hold the applause, oh wait, no one cares.

I kinda wish Hardy gets his push for GaB or Summerslam, gets put into a main event feud, stinks the joint up like he usually does, and Edge can move onto the next guy. Hardy should get a push, out of his sheer amount of time in the company. A Bob Holly push if you will, when he faced Brock. Nothing big, just get him out there, let him get squashed and move on.
I actually like Matt Hardy as a Wrestler, he has said that he needs to work on his promos and personality, but I think this is WWE's fault in the gimmick department for not giving him the Angelic Diablo gimmick just slightly renaming it. But if they build Hardy some cred and have him main event a couple of Smackdowns and see how he does. Then based off of those you then go and decide whether to put him in a feud for the title or you put him in a program with MVP. He will be in the title picture but the question is when.
i think the hardy is a good wrestler but i dont see him getting a push as a singles competitor he is better off with his brother jeff and being the tag champions and put some meaning back into tag team wrestling because right there arent that many good tag teams well maybe but tag team wrestling is taking a back seat so they need to officially reunite the HARDYZ and get the tag team division going as for matt getting a push i dont really see that in his future...........well for now i think he might have what kane had be a champ for a day or a couple of days since hes on smackdown then lose it at the next show
Matt Hardy as a world champion?

Interesting thought... I hate the Hardyz.. Always have.. I really don't like Jeff Hardy... But emotions aside they are just better as a unit... I think Jeff would have the much better shot at being a singles champion then Matt. Jeff has more chrisma and better mic skillz then Matt. Not to mention these two goofs are spot-****es...
Matt Hardy as a world champion?

Interesting thought... I hate the Hardyz.. Always have.. I really don't like Jeff Hardy... But emotions aside they are just better as a unit... I think Jeff would have the much better shot at being a singles champion then Matt. Jeff has more chrisma and better mic skillz then Matt. Not to mention these two goofs are spot-****es...

what are u talking about jeff hardy is the best out of the two for all the reasons u stated above more extreme and overall better competitor lol but hey thats your opinion but i agree i think jeff has the much better shor at being a singles champion heck he was he was the IC champ before losing to Umaga
They have the perfect opportunity now to push Matt Hardy, but it should be done gradual, when MVP is done with Flair (who is entertaining, but should not be in a feud with a champion), Hardy should challenge MVP, I think they could have agood feud for the US title, and that would elevate Matt Hardy to the next level.

It would depend on who is champion, I can see Edge being champion for a long time, and that would be a good feud for the world title.
yeah i think there are 2 options for matt hardy to get a good push....
have him feud with MVP and give him the US TITLE to elevate him to the next level....or move him over to ECW to feud with there top wrestlers like cm punk and elijah burke..i can see them having a great 3way feud for the ECW title!!!
Matt beat Finlay this week as well, with his knee-brace ripped off, and he got hit in the back fo the knee with the shellala or however it's spelt. That's pretty impressive. I hope he feuds for one of the two main Smackdown! titles soon. He definitely deserves to
I think after Vengeance, Flair will go feud with someone else, and Hardy will have some kind of run in with MVP and bam, feud, and then, who knows, maybe Hardy vs Edge 19,000 with The Title on the line
Hardy/Edge have great feuds. I'd love to see them feuding over the World Heavyweight Championship. Their cage match at Unforgiven a few years back was great!
I would really like to see Matt fued with MVP.

Lately MVP hass shown a lot of promise and great inring skill,
so Matt would definatly have to step it up a bit.

That means no more screaming double axe handles from the second rope.
Try the third rope, and doing something at least as impressive as a drop kick.
Otherwise don't scream.
I would like to see Matt win the U.S. title from MVP at Summerslam. I think he'll get a good push soon. Just by the way JBL talks
Everytime there is a Hardy Boyz thread I feel compelled to post. I post for many reason and one in particular is I can't stand the Hadyz. I dislike Jeff a whole lot more then Matt but with that out of the way I'm sorry that I'm about to do this and break all you little Hardy fantics hearts but Matt will never win a world title in the WWE, futhermore I seriously doubt they would ever consider making him a top guy on any of the three brands. I mean if HEAT had a title he would be my prime canidate for a title there but they don't. Matt Hardy is only good for the US Title and that's about it, so all you Hardy-a-holics settle down and pinch yourselves because you need to come back to reality.
I disagree with the last post. Last week, I would have backed you up 100% and said he'll never win a major title. Then Johnny Nitro became ECW Champion. I think Matt Hardy is a lot better then Nitro, and the crowd would much rather see Hardy as a main champ then Nitro. Maybe that's just me, but as much as I never thought we'd see Hardy headlining, i'm not doubting anything theses days.
I think it's quite possible we will see Matt Hardy as a champion, or at least in competing for it.

Have to be honest, a couple of years ago I was a big Edge & Chirstian fan but didn't think I'd ever see either of them become main event players.

Only problem I have with Matt Hardy at the moment is he seems to rush all his moves, they're all pretty fast paced. Also needs a slight character tweak, perhaps MAtt Hardy V2.0 will be with us in the near future!
Everytime there is a Hardy Boyz thread I feel compelled to post. I post for many reason and one in particular is I can't stand the Hadyz. I dislike Jeff a whole lot more then Matt but with that out of the way I'm sorry that I'm about to do this and break all you little Hardy fantics hearts but Matt will never win a world title in the WWE, futhermore I seriously doubt they would ever consider making him a top guy on any of the three brands. I mean if HEAT had a title he would be my prime canidate for a title there but they don't. Matt Hardy is only good for the US Title and that's about it, so all you Hardy-a-holics settle down and pinch yourselves because you need to come back to reality.

Yes and I'm sure people said the exact same thing about fans of John Cena, Batista, Lashley, Mick Foley, Steve Austin, etc etc etc. To say that someone "will never make it to the big time" is bullshit because you're not a fortune teller, are you? I doubt a single person on the face of the planet thought that "The Ringmaster" Steve Austin would ever last even a few monthes in the WWE, let alone become arguably its greatest champion. But it happened, just like it did with a guy like Foley who no one besides Vince McMahon thought deserved the title. Images really don't mean shit in this context.

Matt Hardy has been wrestling main event caliber wrestlers for the last two monthes and beating them all---obviously he's being pushed for a main event bid, I'm not saying he'll be the champ, but there's no doubt they're going to have him feud with Edge at this point.

Honestly I can understand people's hatred of Jeff, but Matt? The man is extremely talented in the ring and if people could get over the initial homophobic hate of anyone who dresses differently could realize that his matches on Smackdown over the last month have been absolutely stellar affairs, and some of the best matches of the WWE in 2007.
I think noone out there can doubt that Matt Hardy will be getting a decent singles push, and if any out there doubts it they must not be watching Smackdown. Let's review the facts from recent smackdown episodes.

Who is constantly getting over hyped by JBL? Matt Hardy
Who has been getting one hell of a fan reaction? Matt Hardy
Who has been building some impressive wins lately? Matt Hardy
Who has been getting hyped on the WWE website since Wrestlemania (the weekend dairy thing)? Matt Hardy
Who's character has been upgrade, and showing direct (the "will not die theme")? Matt Hardy

I am just saying, read the signs. Like Matt Hardy or Hate him he is atleast getting a singles push of some kind. I would've liked to of seen a bit of a more of feud with Finlay first. They need to give him some more mic time, and maybe freshen up his ring attire and gimmick a bit.

**as a side note to people, watch Hardy Boyz tapes Jeff is the spot monkey and Matt ties the match together**
I cannot understand how anyone thinks Matt is not good enough or his gimmick needs adjusting. I'm SICK of gimmicks and promos, can we not just let the matches speak for themselves... just once? His is very simple, "I Will Not Die" that says everything you need to know about him right there. I don't think he will WIN the title but he is 100% going to feud with Edge at some point, probably after he has beaten Kane at the Bash and Summerslam and then Rey Mysterio for a couple of months. There is probably going to be a team Edge and a team Mysterio at Survivor Series, Matt Hardy on team Rey, somehow causes Edge to get eliminated, Edge violently lashes out, BOOM.
I cannot understand how anyone thinks Matt is not good enough or his gimmick needs adjusting. I'm SICK of gimmicks and promos, can we not just let the matches speak for themselves... just once?

Your exactly right im sick and tired of all these promos and stupid gimmicks...Matt Hardy puts on good matches and he isnt all that bad on the mic from what i saw in the edge feud in 2005...He also is not just a spot monkey like Jeff..and it seems his big push is starting now and i expect for him to win the US title at the GAB and he should be a very good champ as he gets huge pops everywhere he goes and pretty soon will be making a run at Edge for the title imo...so why not have him be US champ now to prepare him for the main event level i think Matt is a future main eventer and will be main eventing by the end of the year because there really isnt many faces for Edge to feud and his and MVP's match at the GAB is could be one of the best the whole night lets see if he gets the belt..
Matt Hardy has gone through hell and back, both professionally, and personally.

You would be hard pressed to find another wrestler more deserving of the title than Matt Hardy...he's paid his dues (unlike John Cena).

Great presence, VERY LOYAL fan base, good worker...yeah, he deserves a good title run.
You know...the sad thing is that Matt Hardy is a phenomenal talent but with the way that the WWE is, he won't be able to get over based on his matches alone. They care too much about buyrates and merchandise and things of that sort. The question is, did they wait so long because they felt like his merch didn't sell or his matches won't headline Wrestlemanias? I personally feel that they can but we'll see...

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