The Man Who Will Beat Ric Flair's 16x World Championship Record?

I actually think Orton might do it or he'll come very close. He has 8 titles reigns right now at age 31 and I'm assuming he'll win the belt at Summer Slam, giving him 9. In wrestling terms, he's still young. Young enough to get 7 more title reigns.
Just like the majority I also think that Cena will be the one to beat it simply because he is the face of the WWE like it or not.Plus he has got a good 10 years and if he won 11 as a face just think how many he will win as a heel.But not only that he will also set a record of 18 or 19 world titles which will stay for 15 or 20 years.

Does he deserve to beat the record?Well that depends because there are people who may make you believe he does and people who may make you believe he doesn't.

I am 50/50 cause I'm not a Cena fan but I can't deny that he has love for the business and for me that is very important.
Most people will say cena, I hope that does not happen. I always used to think it would be HHH, but obv that not going to happen now. Then I thought maybe edge but again that want happen. So I'm gunna say I want it 2 be ORTON, he is the only 1 good enough to

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