The Man Who Will Beat Ric Flair's 16x World Championship Record?

I have to agree with many of you on this topic...

I, for one, am not a really big Cena fan. I don't hate the guy, but I'm not jumping on the CeNation bandwagon either. But you can't deny the fact that he does have a deep love and respect for what he does, whether it's in the ring or out of it. The way things are going nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised if Cena does surpass The Naitch in world title reigns. But I will give props where props are due, and Cena deserves it, whether we hate on the man or not for our own reasons. He's done wonders for the business so far, so it wouldn't come as a shock to me if, no, WHEN, he actually does it.
Sting has won 15 World titles and is currently ranked #2 of all time behind Ric Flair.

I have a complete list of ALL multiple world champions here:

Sting, Triple H, Jeff Jarrett, Randy Orton and John Cena are all very likely to beat Ric Flair someday. I personally think they ALL will.

And I don't think John Cena is better than Ric Flair in the slightest, but hey, if Jeff Jarrett is going to beat Flair, then yes, I think John Cena totally deserves to pass Flair as well. Flair will forever be known as a guy who achieved 16 world titles in an era were title changes were much rarer then they are now. Today, they happen all the time.
From Mexico, I'll be adding the AAA, UWA and CMLL Championships soon which means Jeff Jarrett will be a 13-time World Champion. It will also add El Canek who is a 15-time World Champion. From Japan, I'll add the IWGP Championship which will add a reign to both Angle and Lesnar's totals.

I don't know about FIP, CZW and PWG. They seem too "minor league" to be added to the list of World Heavyweight Championships. I decided against it, but even if they were added, the top spots wouldn't be affected.

Also, I decided to not count USWA's World title reigns considering they changed hands way too often (Jerry Lawler is a 52-time World Champion). Same reason why I didn't count WWC (Carlos Colón is a 20-time World Champion).
It will happen there is really now way it cant happen unless some how Cena gets a injury that makes him retire like edge.

Cena has 6year + left in him so all he needs is a reign a year and in this last year he has had about 3 i think. In a way im 100% for it i was hopeing it would be edge but Cena it is.

i think WWE will make a 17x champ just to out do flair. As i still think VKM probaly thinks Flair screwed him by wrestling again and even more so by going to TNA
Sting won the TNA title for the 5th time a couple of weeks ago. So that should put him at 16 World Titles. Also they list Kurt Angle as a 13 time champion in TNA. He is supposed to wrestle Sting at the next pay per view. So if Angle wins, that will put him at 14.
Will Cena be the one to crack Flair's 16 open? Maybe, but not before Sting does in TNA. With the way he wins belts every year, I can certainly see him equalling and then surpassing Flair by this time next year even. Back to Cena though, and I'm not really sure he will. Once this feud with the Rock ends, I can see Cena being used in the same way Shawn Michaels was or even someone like Chris Jericho (who didn't win a world championship for a good six years or so. Cena's world championship reigns could well come to an end, even at this time next year. I simply don't see him continuously winning the championship for that much longer.
Now I'm not a huge Cena fan, but I have to say that Flair only beats Cena in in-ring ability. People say Cena doesn't deserve to even be mentioned in the same sentence as Flair. But really, Flair has always had a reputation for being out only for himself and being all about the money and nothing else. Sure he's a better wrestler than Cena, but Cena devotes his entire life to the business. He does whatever is needed of him with no complaints, does the majority of the companies big publicity appearances, and spends his spare time reaching out to and working with various charities (most notably the make a wish foundation). Flair has done alot for the business, but that was all just a byproduct of him looking out for himself.

If even at one point Flair did deserve to hold his record over Cena, he's far since tarnished his legacy since then and I can't wait for Cena, the man not the character, to get the honor of taking that away from him.
Now I'm not a huge Cena fan, but I have to say that Flair only beats Cena in in-ring ability. People say Cena doesn't deserve to even be mentioned in the same sentence as Flair. But really, Flair has always had a reputation for being out only for himself and being all about the money and nothing else. Sure he's a better wrestler than Cena, but Cena devotes his entire life to the business. He does whatever is needed of him with no complaints, does the majority of the companies big publicity appearances, and spends his spare time reaching out to and working with various charities (most notably the make a wish foundation). Flair has done alot for the business, but that was all just a byproduct of him looking out for himself.

If even at one point Flair did deserve to hold his record over Cena, he's far since tarnished his legacy since then and I can't wait for Cena, the man not the character, to get the honor of taking that away from him.

Stop! Please! I know we are in this strange culture where it "cool" to hate Cena and then the other half comes back because its "cool" to be contrarian and like Cena. Whatever, just please Ric Flair > Cena. Don't ever confuse yourself by thinking other wise.

The only reason Cena is gonna break that record is because he gets at least 2 title wins a year. That is a by product of switching the title every other month, its not because he is a great wrestler or he deserves it. It is a product of the company's hot potato booking and nothing else.

I would be all for Cena having less title wins and more for Cena having fewer long title reigns, it means more when you hang onto that belt for an extended amount of time, its better for the credibility of the person holding the belt and it increases the importance of said belt.

Please just don't put Cena and Flair anywhere near each other in terms of work legacy etc. We are talking about a title wins record that will be broken because of the nature of the business.
John Cena is on his 11th reign, about 6 years after his first title reign. And including in that he is still fairly young, he'll easily break Flair's record. I would go as far to say that he could possibly crack 20 title reigns before he retires.

Also, a lot of people are suggesting that Punk should be the guy who breaks it. I say no, he shouldn't. As much as I love Punk, I'd rather he wasn't constantly winning the title, so that when he does win, it's a big deal, unlike when Cena wins the title.
Hate to say it, but with the current state of the roster, John Cena is the one and only candidate for breaking the 16x World Champion record. Why? He is 34. An 11x World Champion already and most reigns in todays age are shorter, so he could quite easily be a 20x World Champion if they want him to. Obviously he'll be a 17x World Champion so it makes it much closer, so he had to work harder. Shame.

People say CM Punk won't do it. I agree, but I feel he could be one (like The Miz) with longer reigns. CM Punk will finish his career a 7x World Champion. Something like that. Depends how long he sticks around for.
Stop! Please! I know we are in this strange culture where it "cool" to hate Cena and then the other half comes back because its "cool" to be contrarian and like Cena. Whatever, just please Ric Flair > Cena. Don't ever confuse yourself by thinking other wise.

The only reason Cena is gonna break that record is because he gets at least 2 title wins a year. That is a by product of switching the title every other month, its not because he is a great wrestler or he deserves it. It is a product of the company's hot potato booking and nothing else.

I would be all for Cena having less title wins and more for Cena having fewer long title reigns, it means more when you hang onto that belt for an extended amount of time, its better for the credibility of the person holding the belt and it increases the importance of said belt.

Please just don't put Cena and Flair anywhere near each other in terms of work legacy etc. We are talking about a title wins record that will be broken because of the nature of the business.

I think you must have just read the first sentence i wrote and moved on because you completely missed my point.

We agree that Flair is a far better wrestler than Cena, that's a given. But in terms of dedication and devotion to the business, love for the business, Cena is light years ahead. look up the thousands of interviews of the people who have worked with flair over the years, from his days in AWA to his current TNA run. Flair has always been about lining his pockets. Ric Flair the CHARACTER beats John Cena the CHARACTER. Ric Flair the MAN doesn't come close to John Cena the MAN.
I think you must have just read the first sentence i wrote and moved on because you completely missed my point.

We agree that Flair is a far better wrestler than Cena, that's a given. But in terms of dedication and devotion to the business, love for the business, Cena is light years ahead. look up the thousands of interviews of the people who have worked with flair over the years, from his days in AWA to his current TNA run. Flair has always been about lining his pockets. Ric Flair the CHARACTER beats John Cena the CHARACTER. Ric Flair the MAN doesn't come close to John Cena the MAN.

To be honest though, most guys from Flair's time were about lining their pockets. Mainly I think because if you were a top draw, you could make a killing in multiple territories. Flair seemed pretty humble at his HoF induction, so I wouldn't say he has no love of the business or its fans. And we can't for certain say that behind the scenes Cena isn't a money grubbing bastard. The comparison requires a lot of speculation with out facts. Maybe when Cena finally retires, we will find out he was an awful person in the locker room, you never know. Any way that's all kind of off topic but I see your point. Back on topic, Cena will likely have at least 20 title wins before its all said and done, just because of how they throw the belt around like a toy.
I don't think anyone needs to, ffs we gotta leave something to the past as a legacy.
the Streak should remain intact, Flairs "total title reigns" intact, Hulkamania a thing of beauty, Andre's imaginary 15yr undefeated streak
Actually if you ask Flair and some other sources, he's a 26 time world champ.

Unofficially aka was during the regions aswell as when titles were actually recognized globally
16x NWA World Title (2 of these were when NWA was transitioning to WCW)
8xWCW World Titles (2 of these were when NWA was transitioning to WCW)
2xWWF World Titles

Most aren't recognized because they were at house shows and only the crowd new about em or something to that effect and or they wre part of transitioning from one belt to another in the ongoing dispute between WCW and NWA where he held both and one was stripped.

Flair himself has stated his tally is
WCW International-2

so all the other people have a lot more to beat to "Be The Man"
Saying that though let's take title wins out of the equation as the old saying goes "So you're a 21 time world champ, wow that means you lost 22 times"

no one is gonna beat 21 reigns any time soon i hope.

Lets go on length of reigns
Currently Hulk Hogan and Bruno Sammartino are the 2 that are head and shoulders above anyone in terms of lengths of a single title run.

Bruno Sammartino 4040 days (11years combined) 7 years straight as WWWF champ
Hulk Hogans total WWE/WCW runs comprise 3362 days (9.2 years combined) just over 4 years straight as WWF champ

no one comes close to those 2 that's a record that won't be broken any time soon in the American based wrestling :) not counting Moolah obviously as she's not in the mens division

John Cena sits at around 1030 days
Ric Flair sits at 3613 but alot of those were short runs runs the longest continuous run was about 15months.

All for Triple H having beaten the official record of 16 but he doesn't need it now, he's done so much more in other respects and is still considered among the best of the best anyway. and being a close friend of Flair i wonder if he ever really wanted to surpass it

Edge was a 12 time champ too he was next on the possibility but well he's done now so there goes that :) he also was at one point on a WrestleMania streak too :)

Cena possibly could unless his underlying injuries finally catch up with him and he has to retire. One thing Cena gets is he has the most WWF/E world title reigns at the moment. not counting the WCW world title. but just the WWF/E title 1 ahead of Triple H and 2 ahead of The Rock
My dark horses are either Cena or Sting.

Cena is 34, and already is a 11th time World Champion. If he sticks in a minimum of 10 years, he will no doubt be a 16th time Champion or more.

On the other hand, Sting is old (and should be retired), but he is a 14th Champion. With TNA's ridiculous booking at the times, it can be possible to Sting to break the record.

I don't think it's insulting to Cena be able to do that. If there is someone who deserves, that man is Cena. The man is been working his ass off for years, and i think he very well me capable and should be a 16th or more champion.

However, Sting, in my opinion, is another subject. First off, after WCW died, and Sting didn't joined WWF, he should just retired. He would had a glorious career and be in the books as a 7th time World Champion. Anyway, he joined TNA. I understood that, and his comeback was a epic moment. If he stayed a year or two, it would be fine. But now he is just dragging in the ring. Honestly, when was Sting's last good match? If i remember, it was two years ago, in BFG 2009 with Styles.

But he is a draw power to TNA, and it's smart of them to use and promote him. But i don't think he deserves to be a 16th time champion. Not at this stage of the game. I would much better prefer Cena than Sting. But that's just my opinion.

Another guy that can possible do that is Randy Orton. Like someone said here, he is only 31 years old and he is already a 9 time Champion.

Besides from these three guys, i don't see anyone else, that for now, can reach Flair's legendary status.
At this point I don't think the number of title reigns carry much weight. HBK is one of the greatest of all time and has less title reigns in WWE than Kurt Angle does. Shawns number of reigns has always been something that pissed me off. If we're splitting hairs, Jerry Lawler is like a 28 time USWA heavy weight champion. Who beats that? LOL But to answer your question. I think Cena and Orton both break it, and Cena MIGHT be in the low 20s.
As much as i hate to say this but it's going to be John Cena. He's in his early 30's and still has a lot to give to the WWE. I reckon he still can stay with the company for another 10 years. As a HUGE fan of HHH's, i always hoped that he would be the man to beat Rick Flair's record but that seems unlikely to happen. It seems that Cena has to/is champion at least 2 a year (or more) and considering the fact that he is a 11 time champion and has many more years left with the WWE, he's got no problem in beating Flair's record. Maybe he'll set a high record himself which no one would be able to beat. Do i want Cena to break Flair's record ?... No, he isn't worthy enough to even lace HHH's or Flairs boots, but Cena breaking Rick Flair's record is going to happen. Unfortunately, for all the Anti-Cena people (myself included) we've just got to get used to that fact.
First of all I don't like, but I do respect his love and commitment to the business. Do I see him breaking Ric Flairs record? well if anybody can do it, it's Cena. He's only 34 and already an Eleven time world Champion and he's made it clear that he's not going anywhere for a long time. So unless an injury forces him to retire, I'd say he'll break that record or at least match it, but time will tell.
The fact that Flair's record is even close to being broken is an insult to the meaning and glory the wwe title represents. The damn thing is being thrown around more times in a month than the old pigskin gets thrown around throughout an entire NFL season.

John Cena is unquestionably a great draw, and so is Sting, despite the fact that he is so many hundreds of miles over the hill, but neither of them hold a candle to Flair and neither of them have ever had a legitimately long run as champion. In fact the only wrestler in recent memory who deserves to be near Flair's record is HHH, that man made even the worst wrestlers look like a million bucks (he could wrestle a mop and it would still be more entertaining than watching Sting pant and wheeze his way around the ring).

And Dolph Ziggler, i beg of you, learn to work the mic so that your undeniable talent in the ring can be recognized, and finish carrying around the now meaningless U.S title and the suddenly thinning Vickie Guerrero, and become a grand slam champion like i'm positive you're destined to be. Hell if DZ managed to work the mic he'd be pushing for 10+ title reigns in a few years time
The closest guy in the WWE is John Cena, I dont think HHH will win the world title again, all tho with this new CEO thing hes doing, i smell a Heel Turn coming soon, so theres a possibilty of a 14th reign for Hunter. Sting is so freaking close to it, hes a 14 or 15 time World Champion, and the way the TNA title changes hands, I wouldn't doubt he'll pass it. So pretty much either Sting or Cena will pass it, i guess only time will tell.
Cena winning 16 or more World titles is more of a by product of the current state of booking. Title changes are much more prevalent now than they ever were before. Not saying that's a bad thing just saying that Flair had 16 championships over nearly 25 years while Cena has done it less than half that time. It's just a product of the current state of the business.

Sting currently has 15 world title reigns. And with how TNA treats him, he'll get some more.

With WWE Cena could very well get it.

But for all of wrestling I say Sting will do it.
Cena will break Flair's record no doubt about it. Do I want to see this? No not at all. With the times evolving though, it is destined to happen, if not Cena it will be somebody else. What makes Flair's record so impressive though is that during majority of his runs, there was not a PPV every month (I know people will say well he lost it 16 times too), and there were way more main eventers in Jim Crockett Promotions than there is in the current WWE. Since being a main event talent, Cena has only fueded over the title with Orton, Triple H, JBL, Batista, The Miz, Edge, HBK and Sheamus over multiple PPVs and he did work a few main events with Umaga and Booker. All of this over the course of seven years. Flair fueded with Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Nikita Koloff, Kerry Von Erich, Ricky Morton, Ronnie Garvin, Lex Luger, Sting, The Road Warriors and Barry Windham over the course of about three years. From 86-89. I don't feel Cena is as deserving as Flair because of the track record. The Cena fueds I named, in 10 years I may remember the one with Edge and The Miz, mainly because of The Rock. The Flair title fueds I still remember like they happened last night.
jerry lawler has like 150+ world titles. now none with wwe or wcw or tna however where or how does that factor in.

Hmm interesting, but I'd have to say that the record stands with the bigger promotions. Flair held them in Mid Atlantic/WCW and WWF. In today's world of wrestling I would think the record counts in only WWE and TNA. Although I would like to see it count in ROH too. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of Kurt Angle's 13 championship reigns from New Japan? If so then I could see that counting as well.
I'm not sure if this counts as a double post or not? So mods if it is please don't infract me or something.

I haven't been able to read through all of your posts but thanks for giving your opinions and thoughts on this subject. A lot of you say that Sting will do it first, a lot of you are just posting to hate on my man John Cena, and a lot of you are agreeing that it will be Cena. I'm going to take it in another direction and say that John Cena will have the number to beat. It's clear he WILL beat any man's number while he's still an active competitor. Cena is going to win 20-20+ championships because he's got another 10 years left. Although to be honest, when John sets a new record I don't think we will see anyone beat it for a long, long time.
Will Cena do it?Probably.Do I mind?Not at all.He's not my personal favorite I don't dislike him either.The complaints seem so childish and similar that it seems like the same person is writing them.He does deserve to break it because I feel he earned it.I don't think that if Cena were to add 23 suplex variations to his arsenal that people would chill on bashing him.As if Flair had 3000 holds and moves when most people just remember his chops ,inverted atomic drop,and figure four.Cena's no where near as bad ring wise as many make him out to be.Yes Cena's character is a bit of a boysscout,but I wouldn't say he's been totally forced down our throuts because all mainteventers get pushed depending on the reaction they get from the fans.
Cena will likely do it based on his age and the current title culture in WWE. Should he do it? Entirely a matter of whether you like John Cena or not, but the number of title runs you have doesn't really mean anything- it's the kind of career you've had.

There's no doubt that Cena is hard working and all, but that doesn't mean he necessarily deserves to break (or not break) the record. I never liked Cena that much. I realized some time ago his ring skills are better than the anti-Cena crowd gives him credit for, it's just that I find his persona to be bland and boring. But I've always liked anti-hero type characters whether they be Solid Snake or Jack Bauer in various "ficitonal" works, or Stone Cold Steve Austin and now CM Punk in the world of pro wrestling. Cena is just too...good, nice, and perfect with no badassery or cavalier, debonair type attitude like a James Bond or a Rock. So until Cena puts some edges on his personality and stops being mister corporate perfection, I probably will never like his on-air character.

But the number of title reigns is meaningless, really. Cena will never be as remembered as Stone Cold for revolutionizing the Monday Night Wars, 'Taker for the cutting edge gimmick he debuted with and the spectacular matches he's had in his career, or Flair for putting wrestling on the road map to what it is today, to name a few. So while him passing Flair might annoy me, it won't really bother me that much.

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