The Man Who Will Beat Ric Flair's 16x World Championship Record?

i think if anyone should beat Flairs record, it should be HHH. not only has he proven to be a ring general, but he has the tenacity of a real wrestling superstar and the respect of most fans...even though Punk vs. Cena at Money in the Bank was an awesome match, i have to say thats the first time Cena has impressed since...ever!(ive been watching wrestling since i was 5 years old) and I think by RAW standards, his match against Mysterio was probably the most well put together match of the night. even though i hate the fact that he is champion. (i was at Money in the Bank on July 17th and i boo-ed Cena till my throst hurt) its funny how when the usual "lets go Cena "Cena sucks" chant starts up at every event you can hear the high pitched voices i.e. kids and girls that cheer "lets go Cena" and then the REAL wrestling fans i.e. men, cheer "Cena sucks" the only way i think id root for Cena is if he turned heel and suprises everyone like when Hogan closing I hate John Cena
When WWE makes Cena surpass that(he will obviously) it wont mean shit compared to Ric Flairs 16x championship runs for one simple reason. The championship these days is a dime a dozen. It gets thrown around ridicuously and is constantly hot potatoed between main eventers(not so much this year though) although there have been some longish reigns, eg. miz. Cena has won the championship something like 8 times in the past 2-1/2 years. That is rediculous. Even the Superman Hogan only one it 6 times over something like 7 years. Most of those Cena had were thrown around, eg. Fued with Orton. Back when Ric got the 16x accomplishment it meant something. Back in the days when it mattered on wrestling ability not merchandise sales or how big and roided up you are.

At the end of the day cena draws and is the face of the company. Hes going to blitz that when you think -unless he gets a career ending injury- Johns got a good 5 years left in the limelight(he aint leaving anytime soon) and if he wins the title twice a year hes got atleast another 10 runs. Its a sad world when Cena can surpass Ric Flair.
If ANYONE beats Flairs record, it's because they EARNED it. No one is going to be handed 17+ World Titles just so they can say they are the best, it's because they are the best. And when/if someone claims this feat, they will have earned being called "the best", regardless if that man is Cena, Angle, anyone.
It's definitely going to happen. Face it CM Punk marks, there is nothing you can do about it. Do I think he should? Er.....If I had to choose someone to beat the record on the current roster, it would without a doubt be Cena. However, I don't think anyone should break the record.
P.S. I'm not a huge Cena fan. I don't wanna blow the guy like all the obsessed Cena marks.
There no way in hell Cena beats Flairs record....most of you dont even realize that Flair IS NOT a 16 time world champ....thats wwe acknowledging the ones they wish...hes really a 21 time world champion lmao...Cena has 10 more to go...thats like saying Christian is a 2 time champ...hes a 4 time champ
Just a couple of things wrong with some of the points the Flair fans are saying.

1. Cena has a longer WWE Title reign then both of Flairs WWE Title Reigns.

2. Flair actually won the title back and forth often one that if of the supposed 21 is when Dusty beat him and the title was returned to Flair. He did the same with Harley Race losing and winning the title in a relatively short time.

3. Cena has had other great matches before Punk his matches such as Micheals on RAW, Umaga at Royal Rumble I believe, Batista WM 26 was a great match over shadowed by Micheals vs. Taker.

Other then that I'm 100% percent sure that Cena will break the record. Does that make him better then Flair probably not but no doubt about it. The Best Wrestler is the one who draws the most and in the year 2011 that man is John Cena and he's the one who should break that record of any wrestler currently.
Sting will hit 16 I bet, maybe challenge Flair for 17. With Kurt Angle in an Olympic bid he is sure to be in good shape and hit a few more reigns afterwards. He could very well tie or break it in the long run.

WWE would never let TNA have all this prestige (The top 3?!).

John Cena will definetly hit this mark as well. I hope he turns into a GREAT heel one day. I'm sure that would notch a few more on the belt. And Randy Orton with a long tenure ahead of him is destined to most likely tie Cena at 16/17 and have a match to determine the "best of all time".

It will def happen. Its just a matter of who pulls the trigger first. But I'd say atleast two of these guys Sting/Angle/Flair/Orton/Cena beat Flair and all will sit at 16 or greater, pending a non-serious injury.
First off, my opinion is tha, yes, John Cena will surpass Flair's 16 world titles. I say this not because I'm a life-long Cena fan, but because it's true. But here's the thing, the man is a 9-time WWE Champ, 2-time Wolrd Heavyweight Champ, 3-time U.S. Champ, 4-time World/WWE Tag Team Champ, 2008 Royal Rumble winner, 2009 & 2010 Superstar of the Year. And for those saying that Cena can't wrestle, may I remind you that he's the guy who took Angle to his limits in his 2002 debut. Watch his matches from 2002-2008, he CAN wrestle & can wrestle good. In late 2007, early 2008, that's when Cena started the whole "Hulk Hogan" come back routine, but it seems as if that era is over with as he put on two phenomenal matches at MiTB & on RAW vs. Rey for the WWE title. He went to a good wrestling school, UPW, & wrestled alongside one of TNA's greats, Samoa Joe. He has beaten guys like Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Edge, etc. ect. He's even teamed with guys like Hogan, Flair & Bret Hart. All these Cena-haters choose to hate Cena because he's the easiest target & these Cena-haters hate Cena because they realize that they can't do half of what Cena can do in the ring. Plus, look ar ==t how respectable & admirable the guy is outside the ring, he has granted over 200 wishes for the Make-a-Wish Foundation, shows his dedication to the troops & loves his fans & interacts with him all the time, whether on Twitter or at autograph signings. He makes media appearances constantly, whether it be on radio or TV. How he gets any sleep is my question. So in Vince's eyes & many others, he deserves everything that he's gotten because he's worked his ass off to get into the WWE & still works his ass off to stay there. As for the people who whine, bitch & complain about Cena, grow up. you're not 5 anymore, start acting like adults. Yes, you can boo him as I boo Sheamus, but to disrespect the man, calling him worthless, saying he can't wrestle, saying he should be fired or doesn't deserve anyhting, that's immature & stupid because admit it, most of your hate is from jealousy of the guy.
Sadly, I agree that Cena will do it. I think it's something that should NEVER happen. The only reason that Cena will do it is because he is Mr. poster boy. He is the Hogan of this generation. Can't possibly be any more over, despite having only marginal ring skills. As far as who would be deserving of the honor there are only two Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker.
If we're only counting WWE wrestlers, then yes I'd say Cena will get that honor. He's already on like, what, 12? And at the rater they're giving him titles, he could reach 20 before retiring. I honestly thought it would have been Edge, but the retirement severely halted that...

As someone already said, aren't Kurt Angle and Sting already at 16, if not more?
It's almost comical to read all the posts from people that drink the Ric Flair Kool-Aid. He was largely over-rated. For the longest time I've always put quality of title reigns over quantity. Bret Hart for instance, his 5 WWE title reigns were long meaningful reigns. His WCW title reign almost doesn't count because they had no idea what they were doing. The biggest thing is MOST of Flair's title reigns were for the 2nd rate NWA/WCW. The NWA reigns might have been big, but from the time WM 1 came in until now WWF/E was and is the place to be. So in my opinion most reigns does not mean Flair is the man. Hell, really Hogan and Austin should be highly considered, not because they had many title reigns, but because they drew tons of money.

With all that said, the way they toss around the WWE and WHC titles, it wouldn't surprise me if Cena did garner more reigns than Flair. It also helps Cena's cause that the company currently has 2 World championships. I for one am not gonna loathe the day it happens, instead I'm going to watch it for what it's meant to be......ENTERTAINMENT!!
Honestly within the next 10 years more than one person will break that record. Why? Simple the titles are a joke. Rey has a 2 hour title rein that counts, Kane has a 24 hour title rein that counts. There is now 3 championships now they all count, Christian has had two title reins in what 3 months, Orton about to make his 2nd in 3 months. You will see Cena get at least 2-3 more before the year ends, He can win and beat punk, getting one more then lose to Del Rio then win again the next night or following ppv. That is and extra 2 right there. There is one great thing that Cena can NEVER tranish being a champion in other Companies, this shows why Cena can never be that good.
Hmm I definitely think John Cena is the one to beat Ric Flair's record of 16 championships.

As much as I hate the guy, I respect him a lot. He works hard for the WWE and is loyal to them 100% of the time in and out of the ring, which is very good and he deserves it. He is very over with the fans at points, some people boo him hard, some cheer him hard, either way he gets a big reaction out of a crowd, and is a reasonably good wrestler.

Would I be annoyed if he were to beat it. Absolutely not and I don't see why anyone should. He has done a lot for the WWE which people don't seem to realise, and they need to respect this.

Remember this is coming from someone who dislikes Cena, but respects him.
Dear Lord,

If somehow you actually allow John Cena to surpass Ric Flair's 16 World Title reigns, not only will I acknowledge that you exist but I will pledge my undying allegiance to you.

Your Pal,


Seriously, nothing would make me happier. Not just because I think he deserves it, certainly more than anyone else. But just because of the pure rage that will engulf the internet when it does. My how I will laugh and laugh... and laugh. I absolutely love basking in the misery of you people.

I can't be bothered to read through this and tell all of you little virgins why Cena is the best professional wrestler in the world, but just know that if you disagree, you're wrong.


that's funny about the whole laughter when Cena wins You knowbecause you know it's true; people are going to go bonkers when Cena beats the record! I just hope it isn't done so fast! I guess he does deserve it even though I don't think he is the best! Flair's record was prob. planned to be beaten once he appeared on TNA!

P.S. The Lord Rocks!!

and that's coming from another Nathan =)
That match was good, but not That good. Ric Flair had Matches that will be remembered for years, John Cena not so much.

If it does happen, which is most likely going to happen, it won't mean a thing.
Two Different Eras of Wrestling-
Ric Flair's Era - When Wrestling was Wrestling
John Cena's Era - When Wrestling was a Saturday morning cartoon show

I legit laughed when I read this response. You do realize that Flair was in his prime in the 80s, during a time when Wrestling aired on Saturday mornings...right after the cartoons. Matter of fact, I first became a fan around 85 or 86 after seeing the Hulk Hogan Rock n Wrestling cartoon one Saturday morning...

If Cena gets to 16 titles it will be because he has earned it. To suggest anything else is ridiculous...
Not being much of a fan of EITHER man, although i can respect what each has done for the business in their respective eras, the question that can't be answered:
How many titles would each of these guys won in the other's era?

Flair, in his prime, in our current "hot-potato" era would have EASILY twice as many reigns. Cena in the mid-70s to early-90s when a larger percentage of reigns lasted far longer? Nobody in that era hit double-digit title reigns in only 9 years ....

Which just goes to show why this whole debate is pointless. It's a different era. You're comparing 2 timeframes that are completely incomparable. Who can say how many titles people like Savage, Steamboat, Piper etc ... would have had wrestling in an era in which Hogan wasn't selling a gajillion dollars an hour in merch?
Will Cena beat Flair's record? More than likely. Does it bother me personally? A bit ... I don't like anybody racking up dozens of reigns that are mostly 3-6 weeks each ... As has been pointed out, it cheapens the hell out of the belts. But that's a personal bias ... I could care less if it's Cena, HHH (my 2nd fave of all time), Sting, Angle, Orton or Gillberg. I just personally wish they'd stop throwing the belt around so much.
Wishful thinking I know :(
I think we all know the three things that will happen
1.Cena will break ric's record
2.WWE will lose thousands of fans
3.The people will voice thier opinion by rioting in Conniticut
Cena sucks and its gonna suck when he breaks the record he just screwed a deserving champion out of the WWE title so it only makes sense hes gonna screw a deserving man out of his record but if u want me 2 say who i want 2 do it ethier Randy orton or Rey mysterio because they both might acuttly deserve it later.
Unfortunetly it will be cena. Wwe will prolly make another tshirt stating all of his title wins and or reigns. Cena will get it so wwe can make $$$ off of it, and to take the esteem record from flair. The one thing that flair will always be able to boast about is that most of his reigns, except the last few were reigns that lasted 8months to a year or more. And flair was always one of the best inring performers, entertainers, and promos. Something cena has never been all 3 at the same time.
Some of the post that I've read on here are quite funny. Because some people on here are filled with hate for Cena. The fact is there is no one in the buisness today that is more deserving than John Cena to break Ric Flair's record of 16. Why? Well lets look at the facts.

Cena is quite good in the ring. He has more than 5 moves, as many on have said in this thread. He's put on classic matches with HBK, Triple h, Punk, Edge, and so on. To say he was carried in those matches is ridiculous. It takes two to put on a classic, and he's done that. Simply right now, he's one of the best, and has been so for the last 5 years. End of story.

He sells more than anyone right now. By sells, I'm referring to ticket sells, and ppv buys. When he's gone you can tell there's a dip because he's the top draw in wrestling right now. If CM punk was facing Orton at MITB you would not have had as big of a match, because Cena draw more than Orton. Yes, a lot of people bought that ppv to see if Punk was going to win the title and leave, but. It was because of who he was facing. He was facing the face of the company, and if was going to beat John Cena and leave with the title. That is part of the reason the MITB buys are going to be through the roof. I am certain that would not have been the case had it been any of the other Main Eventers WWE has.

Also, look at what he's done for the company. He's been carrying that company through one of its lowest points. Many here would like to argue that it was Cena that caused this low point. How many of you are willing to say that it was Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart's fault when WWE went through the low spot they did in the mid 90s before the Attitude era? I doubt anyone because they're god's when it comes to the IWC. On top of that you have all the things the guy does outside of the ring, with make a wish foundation, and premoting. The guy does it all, and he has the best work ethic in the company.

To say you're going to stop watching because Cena beat's Flair's record is laughable. If you've watched wrestling while Cena's been the face of the company, and been pushed to the level that he has means you're going to keep watching when he beats Flair's record.
John Cena.John Cena.John Cena.John Cena..BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...Im not a Cena fan...I give him props cuz he was a good wrestler the key word is WAS...He is a re-run..Played to death..If Cena does get more title reings the Ric Flair...So what?..Just another story line that is written in the WWE book...Flair accomplished the WWE/F title,the WCW title,NWA title and he WRESTLED to get it..Cena is just written...They need to stop working Cena to death..Even if you are a fan do you want to see Cena last longer or do you want to seem him break down and retire early like Edge??..
john cena ,its very don't have to be rocket scientist for that. He has atleast 5 years left if something unusual will not happen.HE is just 5 steps away...lets go cena, but still east or west,punk is the best.
yes its sad that john cena will break this record, just because he sucks. Even HHH said in a interview that when he beat him at mania he asked him after the match how he did and he said to be honest u suck man and i havent seen a big improvement since. People like stone cold the rock undertaker ppl like that should of beat this record not someone like john cena who raps and honestly its not any good. John Cena is big cause of his build and his murchandise sells to little kids cause thats the only ppl who like him. People who know wrestling and have watched it since before the attitude era should love punk because he gives us hope of the good wrestling we once knew not this nickelodeon pg junk it sickens me to think of how wrestling has evolved today.
The question is will Cena have as many "world title" reigns as Jerry Lawler. Do we count the times Flair was both WCW and NWA champ as a duel reign? Since Flair lost the NWA title to Fujinami but not the WCW title. How do we count pre triple-crown All Japan, being the Pacific Rim champ for All Japan at the time was a bigger deal than being a Heyman run ECW "world champ" ever was in the wrestling biz. And right now is Cena truly a world champ, or is Punk, or is Christian the true world champ and the raw belt a false world title.
Definitely hope he does... as said many times before, he is very deserving and has earned the shot at holding that record. For all the haters, get over it.

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