The lost art of having pride.


Dark Match Winner is reporting that The Ultimate Warrior has declined an invitation to be inducted into the 2010 WWE Hall of Fame. Originally, WWE wanted to focus the 2010 Hall of Fame ceremony around Warrior, but since he declined the invitation, WWE has decided to make Stu Hart the major inductee this year.

It's about time someone said no to Vince, so many other former wrestlers just let Vince walk all over them. Warrior obviously could of had a nice paycheck from an appearance at Wrestlemania but turned it down in favor of his pride.

What do you all think about this move?
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In favor of pride? I don't want to speak for him but if he had pride for his career and legacy as a WWE wrestler, wouldn't he accept this honor? How many times in one's life are they asked to be inducted into a hall of fame? In my opinion, Warrior should have taken up on this once in the lifetime chance but that's just me. I'm not in his position so I really can't say anything... but that's just my opinion.
In favor of pride? I don't want to speak for him but if he had pride for his career and legacy as a WWE wrestler, wouldn't he accept this honor? How many times in one's life are they asked to be inducted into a hall of fame? In my opinion, Warrior should have taken up on this once in the lifetime chance but that's just me. I'm not in his position so I really can't say anything... but that's just my opinion.

The way I see it, It'll probably just end up with Warrior jobbing to someone, due to the circumstances between himself and Vince, that's the reason I feel he decided to have pride and say no.
Likely has nothing to do with Warrior having pride, and more to do with him being bat shit crazy. He is so fucking full of himself and living on an entirely different universe than the rest of us, he thinks he is above it. I bet he stole some little girl's lemonade stand and thumb tacked his picture up on the front side of it, and says its "The Ultimate Hall Of Fame". Ultimate Warrior is a TERRIBLE example to use for a thread like this :lmao:

Yeah, pretty much what NorCal said. If anything, this shows less of Warrior having pride, more of Warrior being a complete moron. As much as Vince McMahon and everyone else dislikes Warrior, he was still willing to put him in the Hall of Fame and recognize his achievements in the business. That's pretty classy, in my opinion. And Warrior turned it down because he's completely bonkers.
I don't know if this is true or not, so don't bite my head off if it's wrong, but from what I had read, the reason why Warrior turned it down wasn't because of pride, it was because he wanted more than the $5000 appearance fee that WWE gives to most of the inductees for the Hall of Fame.

Either that, or he truly is Bat Shit Crazy.
I don't know if this is true or not, so don't bite my head off if it's wrong, but from what I had read, the reason why Warrior turned it down wasn't because of pride, it was because he wanted more than the $5000 appearance fee that WWE gives to most of the inductees for the Hall of Fame.

Either that, or he truly is Bat Shit Crazy.

That actually wouldn't surprise me, considering his history of pay disputes with Vince.

In all honesty though, maybe there is a bit of pride behind this situation. Remember the Ultimate Warrior DVD WWE put out a while back? Would you want to come back after being treated that way?

I'm not saying Warrior isn't batshit crazy, because he definitely is. I'm just saying there may be a logical explanation behind this. Besides money, of course.
Who gives a shit about the ULTIMATE WARRIOR. i mean the guy is fuckin nutz he changed his name to Warrior because he wanted to own the rights to it. The man can't wrestle to save his life, people talk about Hulk Hogan's and John Cena's 5 moves of doom. The Warrior has only 2 because he matches were sooooo fuckin short. His damn entrance was longer, if i were the fans back then and paid to see him i would either get too things. 1. a short ass match which would have pissed me off or 2. i would have got a decent long match about 10 minutes but it would have been a cluster fuck. I'm surpised his name was brought up by Vince for the bullshit he did at summerslam. There are countless other who deserve this honor, and one of them is the Warrior
Pride? The same Ultimate Warrior that was so full of himself he legally changed his name to Warrior? The same guy that insulted every wrestling fan ever with that abomination that was supposed to his rematch with Hogan, but in WCW? That Ultimate Warrior? What pride can he possibly still have?

The Ultimate Warrior could have been one of the biggest wrestling stars of all time. But, he let his enormous ego fuck it all up. The fact that Vince McMahon was willing to look past all of that, and still recognize him, makes the idiot formerly known as Jim Hellwig a moron on a grand scale.

A much better example to prove your point would have been Bruno Sammartino.
I don't know if this is true or not, so don't bite my head off if it's wrong, but from what I had read, the reason why Warrior turned it down wasn't because of pride, it was because he wanted more than the $5000 appearance fee that WWE gives to most of the inductees for the Hall of Fame.

Either that, or he truly is Bat Shit Crazy.

as the poster above me wrote, doesn't that FURTHER the point that the man is crazy? He wants more money to appear at an event that's honoring him? And they were going to center the friggin ceremoney around him. That's enough to have "pride" in to begin with.

If what you're saying is true, this only shows what two of the posters above me said to be true. The man really is crazy, maybe even moreso then we thought. Being inducted into the Hall of Fame in the sport you were apart of is the most prestigious and pride filled honor one could ask for. Many an athlete, wrestlers included, break down and cry during their acceptance. Why? Because a little lightbulb goes off in their head of what theyve accomplished, and how honored they are. Vince is willing to mend fences with him, for once showing class, and the man turns it down because he allegedly wants more money. He's friggin nuts.
Likely has nothing to do with Warrior having pride, and more to do with him being bat shit crazy. He is so fucking full of himself and living on an entirely different universe than the rest of us, he thinks he is above it.

No shit man. He actually had his name legally changed to WARRIOR. He's like the psycho, roided up McLovin of the wrestling world. But you can't really deny that the fact he lost his case against them recently could have damaged his ego enough to where whatever pride he did have left told him it would have been dumb to essentially take the "5000 dollars off coupon" the hall of fame would give him, due to the fact that he now has to compensate the WWE for their legal fees.

So yes, him turning down the HOF nod was a little about pride, but mostly due to his undeniable insanity.
I like Warrior , I like every wrestler besides Rinkle Flair but what exactly are you saying, that Warrior keeps his pride because he does not want any money?

I agree with JJohns with that statement he made about Warrior wanting more money, Warrior wants money and he basically thinks he is the greatest wrestler to ever hit the WWE ring , therefore the regular appearance fee won't do for him.

I think Warrior lost his pride when the kids that grew up watching him turned older and realized that his interviews made no sense and that he can't wrestle for crap. He also lost his pride when he started talking about Hulk Hogan because he didn't say Hulk Hogan he said HO KOGANNNNNNN.

Anyways, he may or may not be crazy but he certainly has not gained pride by declining an offer that he is lucky to have even gotten with all his no shows and crappy attitude towards other wrestlers backstage.

Also he changed his name legally to Warrior, now that shows his pride doesn't it a grown man calling himself Warrior. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Warrior how is your son Bob Warrior doing today. Today our guests are The Warriors. He probably named his other son or daughter Ultimate just to keep the name.
Likely has nothing to do with Warrior having pride, and more to do with him being bat shit crazy. He is so fucking full of himself and living on an entirely different universe than the rest of us, he thinks he is above it. I bet he stole some little girl's lemonade stand and thumb tacked his picture up on the front side of it, and says its "The Ultimate Hall Of Fame". Ultimate Warrior is a TERRIBLE example to use for a thread like this :lmao:


Once again, this.

The Warrior may have "pride," as you say, but it's batshit crazy pride.

This wasn't Bret Hart saying "No, I don't need your money. If you wanted me to stick around and help you beat a rival company, you shouldn't have fucked me over." That's pride. A vendetta, sure. But still. Pride.

This is Warrior saying "RAWR, WARRIOR. ME AWESOME."

Have you heard his old promos? Bitch was fucking insane back then. Let alone now. He, as Norcal said, probably thinks he's too good to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Though, really, bitch was the top face of the company for years. How he's any better than us I'll never know.

If you want to talk about pride, talk about RVD. He could currently be getting paid a lot of fucking money to wrestle for the WWE. But no, he'd rather not kill himself. That's pride. What Warrior is doing is being fucking crazy.
Well, I'm not certain whether it's a pride or obstinacy issue where this is concerned. I've seen some of his promos, so I'd be perfectly happy to believe that the Ultimate Warrior is either a complete and utter screwball that needs to be put into a straight jacket and spend his days in a padded room...or perhaps the greatest promo performer of his day. I think that if he wanted a spot in the Hall of Fame he should be given it. It is, after all, a hall of fame and like him or hate him, nearly everybody knows him.

Well, there is one benefit to this revelation about Warrior refusing the induction: at least those who say that the WWE isn't giving him his deserved spot no longer have a leg to stand on. They tried to give him his spot and he refused. Done and done, it's his own fault and he can go off and live in a cave somewhere.
The man's next good life decision will be his first. Not to beat the dead horse here but the man has a pretty solid record of unstable behavior. Pride most likely is not an issue here. The man's number one priority is making money. Money is the reason he changed his name to Warrior to protect himself from WWE copyright claims and still make money off the ultimate warrior name.

Talk to me Hogan, talk to me like the God you speak of.
What pride? It's not a pride, it's a grudge. That guy had hold grudge on vince since long time. That's why he said no. Guys like hitman had even bigger issues with vince, but they came around, that doesn't mean hitman has no pride. And last thing, this hall of fame is for those who have paved the ways for young wrestlers. Hall of fame is way to tell them that we recognise and appreciate their efforts. WWE asked him, he said no and that's it. That really doesn't make hima hero or something. With that being said i respect worrior for what he has done and im also not a devil's advocate here.
Ah fuck the Ultimate Warrior, I'm sick of hearing about the guy really. I've read posts about people pissing and moaning about the Warrior not being in the HOF for almost a full year. One good thing about this is now all those people can finally shut the frig up about it.

Vince McMahon has an ego large enough to require its own orbit, so I have to applaud him for pushing aside any past, personal animosity he's had with Warrior and ask him to be part of the HOF. Now, if Warrior just isn't interested, that's fine. No one can't say that the offer hasn't been put to the guy. But if he's not interested in being part of the HOF because he considers the payoff to be too low, then I personally don't think he deseerves a spot anyway.

Now, like I said, IF that's the reason. IF money is the primary factor for the Warrior to turn it down, then piss on him. Here's a chance for him to be honored, for fans to have a chance of seeing him again and to be recognized for contributions he's made. If he's not interested, piss on him and move on.
Likely has nothing to do with Warrior having pride, and more to do with him being bat shit crazy.

Good point, because people often confuse "pride" with "obstinacy." As sick as people got of the Bret Hart-Vince McMahon grudge, the one Warrior is holding goes back just as far.

One of the earlier posters made reference to people whom Vince has walked all over. Did that happen with Hellwig? I still wonder, but it seems apparent that he walked out on the company a couple of times and could never be counted on to fulfill the terms of what he was being paid to do.

One of the few things WCW did right was to throw Warrior into the main event mix immediately after hiring him, knowing he would probably walk out after a short time.....and that's just what happened.

You can criticize Vince all you want for things he's done in the past, but there's no doubt he thrust Warrior to the absolute top of the wrestling world, despite his limited wrestling ability and unreliability. I'll bet there are tons of wrestlers who wish they had the push he received.

Someone else mentioned that Warrior wanted more than the $5000 Hall of Fame fee. If so, he's an even bigger fool than we thought. Exposure on a national stage can lead to other business opportunities. You'd better believe the people who guest host RAW know this. For example, Jesse Ventura agreed to host and it was no coincidence that the appearance coincided with the release of his book.

So, Jim Hellwig has kept himself in exile from his profession during what would have been his prime earning years. Vince has extended the offer; now let it rest. Let him hang out with Papa Shango; we know what happens to Warrior when he does that.

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