The Lei'D Tapa Gut Check Choice Was BS

Once. She didn't have a contract on Tough Enough. Whe was cut from developmental allegedly because of backstage issues. Supposedly WWE thought she was ready for the big shows but politics got involved.

I probably should have put quotes around "released." Obviously, Tough Enough isn't a technical release since she never had an actual comment. I kind of figured people would just understand my point without nitpicking at my words but I forgot that we're on Wrestlezone.

They should also be properties that TNA looks for in the KO division. Velez talks better, wrestles better and was the fan's choice. I don't get the decision to pick Tapa at all.

I totally agree about Velez being suitable for the TNA KO's division. Once again, while I'm disappointed that Velez didn't make it, we have to consider outside factors as being reasons why she didn't.

Pretty sure KJ's talking about Tapa being the green one.

I totally missed that... my bad. In that case, I completely agree with Tapa being green. I thought she was sloppy but that comes with being inexperienced. The mere fact that she did as well as she did with only two years experience is actually impressive. Especially since the Barbarian is her uncle. Man, he really sucked... she's already leaps and bounds ahead of him.
I wasn't overly impressed with Tapa. She wasn't horrible but I didn't find her particularly good either. She does have a unique presence and look among women in wrestling, far different than what we're used to.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this in the long run. After their match last week, a lot of the conversation regarding Ivelisse Valez seemed to revolve more about how hot she looked than anything else. That's not to say that a lot of other posters didn't talk about her in-ring ability as well, but a lot of what I read seemed to be more focused on her looks.

I think Ivelisse was the better of the two inside the ring and her look is more traditional but, frankly, I dug Tapa's look much more. After all, just about every woman in TNA or WWE looks more like a Playboy centerfold or lap dancer than anything else. Ivelisse has that same sort of look.

That being said, I doubt Tapa's look would bring in more money because, let's face it, a huge part of the appeal of women's wrestling is sexual attraction. Men like to watch beautiful women wearing skin tight and/or skimpy outfits inside the ring. While having women who can wrestle is a great plus, sex appeal is the primary draw to women's wrestling among most fans, who happen to be men.

In the long run, if there's any money to be made, I think Ivelisse Valez would make significantly more than Tapa.
I'm getting right sick of everyone defending this shit by offering that she has a different look.

You know who has a different look? Tamina

Is that helping her get over? 'Nam Bit.

Essentially, what you're getting is Tamina, without the good work. Stop throwing out the Awesome Kong name; Kong went to Japan for years to hone her craft. Tapa is getting a job because Barbarian is calling in a favor to his boy Hogan, and nothing more.

Come off this "different look" crap. Trish Stratus is the most generic looking of pinup blondes in the world, and is the most over woman in the history of wrestling
So here's the thing that I haven't seen so I'm going to go ahead and bring it up. The one thing Tapa has going for her is her unique size and look right? Unfortunately, she's already showed quite a bit of emotion, thus taking the way the one tried and true method of making money off of uniquely sized competitors. Therein lies the problem with Gutcheck and with NXT when WWE did it on TV. Instead of getting that initial "wow" reaction when debuting a large superstar, you humanize them right away and put them in a position to make no money. Now they are like everyone else which isn't at all a good idea.

I saw both these women and thought both could be useful in the Knockouts division considering that thing is about as played as an XBox 360 in a college dormitory. Thing is, I think Ivelisse is someone you can debut on a Gutcheck challenge whereas Tapa you shouldn't.................unless you did it differently. Now, had they debuted Tapa as a borderline soulless competitor with very little backstory and she came in and beat someone in a squash, you'd come away with that "wow" feeling. Then, take that to the Gutcheck judges and let her scare them rather than cry and intimidate them into saying yes and you have something to work with. Now, you have nothing because she's a loser who cries but is big. The big thing is negligible. I mean really, here's 2 years worth of storylines. Big chick debuts and starts killing people. After a few month, she engages in a feud with the champion and wins the title. Her reign lasts for a while and she is still dominant until a new underdog who is built up beats her somehow. She fails to get her revenge and then you start a new storyline where heel divas make fun of her size and look in the lockerroom. This prompts her to then become a bit human, turn babyface and kick their asses. You just got about 2 years worth of story there and something that can actually make money. To me, there's nothing to be made now.

Granted, this is women's wrestling and not a ton of money is to be made there anyway, but with the current state of the men's roster and the Aces and Grates dominating time, a good female storyline could satiate some people.

Still, this just wasn't played out right for anybody and the bottom line is that less money is to be made as a result. That's something TNA is going to have to live with though.
There's no such thing as "Gut Check". They are not making real decisions based on the one "Gut Check" match and repetitive "this is my dream/I come from nothing" promos. Who among us really knows why the decision was made to keep Tapa and not Velez (maybe Bischoff wanted to change her name to Velesbian) but I'm sure their match on Impact had little to nothing to do with it.

I imagine that TNA intended on keeping both women but something came up after the match. Otherwise it makes no sense to have Velez win that match (maybe WWE saw her match and decided they wanted her back). But this is TNA so who knows?

Velez probably would have fit in nicely with the KOs but I'm not going to pretend to care about Velez or the KO's enough to overreact and assume TNA is making the worst decision ever made since I overreacted about David Arquette winning the World Title.
Velez was the right choice, but she will be back. Too hot and too talented to not be.

Tapei on the other hand is motherfucking enormous, and has the lineage that companies like (with good reason). You dont want to allow elsewere a chance to pluck someone who looks so unique, especially when chances are we see Velez somewere down the road.
I haven't seen the show yet but as soon as I saw this bit of news I immediately figured they are going to put Ivelisse in Aces & Eights

Yes, I really hope they do that. Aces could do with a female representative that is not a hooker :lmao:

I think both have a place on the roster. Strong hate for Tapa here but I didn't ind her, think she is more unique than Valez(sp) although obviously not as talented.
I was thinking Velez doesn't fit in with Aces/Eights. they don't seem like the type of group to have a female wrestler. they have had some hookers, so having a female wrestler doesn't seem like something I would expect.

I was wondering if Velez gets involved in something like Joey Ryan did.

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