The Legacy Of "El Muerto Parao"


Lord And Master
Staff member
"El Muerto Parao" means "The Standing Dead Guy". See this man died in the fall of '08. He always mentioned how he would like to be watched at his funeral standing up. In the time honored tradition of granting dying wishes this one became reality and a staple to Puertorican pop culture. This man was the talk of the town for months. Even inspiring songs. Now we have a follow up. Somebody seemingly upped the ante. Now we have a guy who worked as a delivery boy on his bike. He had great passion for his bike. He said if he died, he wanted to be on the motorcycle. Unfortunately he died at an early age. Last weekend this man's funeral was set up. And attended it on a motorcycle.
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In the beginning of the video "El Muerto Parao" is presented and then the one on the motorcycle is shown. In that show, the hosts discuss that the family of the young man feel embarrassed by this. Here's why I made the thread. Should they be embarrassed? Shown the family of "El Muerto Parao" be embarrassed? These two have started a crazy that to me seems like a art form of sorts. To leave one last impression on the world. These two have certainly accomplished it. Or maybe its just them being dumb. I' going with the former. As ridiculous as it seems, they've turned a time of grievance into almost something of an accomplishment. What are your thoughts on these bizarre cases? Has "El Muerto Parao" left us with a new form of expression? Or is this just teens being dumb and actually getting away with it?
Well, he definitely left this world with a new interpretation on the traditional funeral and grieving process. I think it's hard to say whether any one should be embarrassed by anything, it's hard to argue. I can definitely understand their embarrassment, it has gained notoriety (it seems?) by others, some of which I will have the same opinion as your last line, that it is a dumb idea that this person has got away with.

As for your comments that they turned a funeral in to an accomplishment of some sort, that is an interesting point. It's well known that attending a funeral is a part of the grieving process, and there have been studies to research whether seeing the body (closed or open casket) affects that process, either by aiding or inhibiting it. At the very least I would interesting in reading a study that examines this form of funeral and it affects the grieving process. My own speculation at this point would be that it inhibits those who are embarrassed, and aids those who are proud and happy to see their loved ones in a state they enjoyed.

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