The John Morrison Fan Club - The Palace of Wisdom

oh i know what ur talkin bout i had originally put that bc he had the 500th post and then t said i had it so i took it off and then it said i didnt and i didnt fix it again...sorry bout the f bomb though
Since the ball-washer buried these with his rampant digit posting...back to the important stuff...

I have a couple surprises for everyone....


Morrison and myself


Morrison's sig



Dedicated by the Shaman of Sexy himself to his fanclub...

Enjoy, brethren.
Seriously, to go ahead and post to make sure he got #500... who gives a shit?

He needs to be booted, especially after his embarrassing posts in the SD Curse thread.

Funny u would say that considering i put more work into this thread than anyone else...except maybe monkey and santino 48/7 you got a lot of nerve but that makes sense considering your a james storm fan you probably enjoyeed brokeback mountain didn't you john morrison would never let you hang out in the palace of wisdom...sorry bout yo dam luck boy
Funny u would say that considering i put more work into this thread than anyone else...except maybe monkey and santino 48/7 you got a lot of nerve but that makes sense considering your a james storm fan you probably enjoyeed brokeback mountain didn't you john morrison would never let you hang out in the palace of wisdom...sorry bout yo dam luck boy

In a way, James Storm is the John Morrison of TNA. He was part of a successful tag team, and was the better half of his team. Their partners have become jokes. Mercury with his drug abuse, and Chris Harris just is one as a whole. James Storm has also become a great character, as has Morrison, and both should be in higher positions than they currently are on the card.

And in the end, it doesn't matter if you're putting work in the thread. You're singlehandedly making the JMFC look like a bushleague fan club with your awful posting.

And Morrison has a very firm grasp of the English language... he even created his own variation of the haiku, the Moku! I think our patron saint would be disgusted that your rant against me wasn't even a sentence and was a complete assault of the English language.
Funny u would say that considering i put more work into this thread than anyone else...
Work? seriously dud its a fan club. posting aint hard and it aint work.
except maybe monkey and santino 48/7
well thats becouse ones a fucking awesome poster and the other is a strong up and comer.
you got a lot of nerve
I agree. your posts need to be deleted. nobody wants to read post after post of crap.
but that makes sense considering your a james storm fan
He can like whoever the fuck he wants. it dont mean shit. I myself am rather partial to Hornswoggle.
you probably enjoyeed brokeback mountain didn't you
:wtf:? does that have to do with anything.
john morrison would never let you hang out in the palace of wisdom...
Pete is in a way better league then you. it goes from the bottom up.. fleas, You, Horse shit, 200 other annoying things 500 good things then pete.
sorry bout yo dam luck boy
He is way luckier then you. more red rep coming your was asap.
In a way, James Storm is the John Morrison of TNA. He was part of a successful tag team, and was the better half of his team. Their partners have become jokes. Mercury with his drug abuse, and Chris Harris just is one as a whole. James Storm has also become a great character, as has Morrison, and both should be in higher positions than they currently are on the card.

And in the end, it doesn't matter if you're putting work in the thread. You're singlehandedly making the JMFC look like a bushleague fan club with your awful posting.

And Morrison has a very firm grasp of the English language... he even created his own variation of the haiku, the Moku! I think our patron saint would be disgusted that your rant against me wasn't even a sentence and was a complete assault of the English language.

Touche my friend touche i've lost 14 rep points so i've learned my lesson but I'd appreciate a little more support from the fan club if you guys wanna help more then thats fine but I feel as though I carry the load myself I stay up way too late and start to say ridiculous things sometimes funny sometimes apologies fellow MOFO's

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