The "IC25 is [OFFICIALLY] Off the Market" Thread - CONGRATULATIONS!


Gone but never forgotten.
So, after an exciting weekend consisting of another overwhelmingly great rock show by my band and a relaxing Saturday, I was in attendance yesterday as the IC25 exchanged vows with his beautiful bride in Hillsdale, New Jersey. October 11th is now a day of importance... It's the day one of my best friends married his lifelong love and partner.

I couldn't be happier for him. In the years that I've been friends with him, I had never seen him so relaxed and overwhelmed with fun and joy in the way that he was yesterday during his wedding and his unbelievable reception. I had a blast, took some memorable pictures and video, and it's a day I'll not soon forget.

Everyone, please take a minute to congratulate and give appreciation to IC25 as he takes his first steps into his new life with his beautiful bride.
It'll take a while to get some pics up... there are SOOO many of them. And some great video of him and his wife taking their vows in church, some action at the reception involving fire, and an interesting dance with his best man. Of course, I can't post anything without his approval :)

(Gotta show the guy SOME respect, ya know??)
We're celebrating the fact I can't go after him anymore?? Not that I could anyway, but still.

Only joking hon, I'm happy for you both :) xo
It'll take a while to get some pics up... there are SOOO many of them. And some great video of him and his wife taking their vows in church, some action at the reception involving fire, and an interesting dance with his best man. Of course, I can't post anything without his approval :)

(Gotta show the guy SOME respect, ya know??)

I trust your judgement.

I've had the greatest weekend ever. Saturday @ the rehearsal was stressful, but the day couldn't have come together any better. LOADS of pics will be up in the next week or so. I didn't take any reception picw with my camera - I had the professional photog do that.

D-Man was a blast. I never knew that in addition to being a fantastic musicial and all around intelligent guy, he's also a hell of a photographer. Maybe you can ask him about how I kicked him while doing a mid-air split...
Maybe you can ask him about how I kicked him while doing a mid-air split...

HAHAHAHAAHAH Now for the record, I didn't think you were gonna do the split... I assumed it was just a typical, shoot-from-the-hip type of jump. You added the split... and you almost killed the both of us.

Did it look awful? Yes. Was it worth it?? Oh fucking HELL YES. :lmao:
The DARE dance is the greatest dance, like, ever. You loved it, and you know it.

I must admit, I almost peed myself when you guys started going at it. However, I wouldn't consider it a dance... more like... an over-exaggerated gesture...

Either way, that shit's going on YouTube once I get the chance.

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