The Guy Hall Beat Up Last Night

I loathe that thread...It's stupid and pointless...But, there's discussion, so :shrug: I wont post in the thread, but I do have a comment to make:

I don't like the fact they turned their back on the action, but it's no worse then everyone referring to the Knockout matches as an "extended piss break". What's good for the goose, is good for the gander, right?
I loathe that thread...It's stupid and pointless...But, there's discussion, so :shrug: I wont post in the thread, but I do have a comment to make:

I don't like the fact they turned their back on the action, but it's no worse then everyone referring to the Knockout matches as an "extended piss break". What's good for the goose, is good for the gander, right?

That happened during the Genesis LD,, right? What a jackass that was. The Knockouts and the X Division always have top notch matches.

That (The "CC") thread belongs in the Hall Of Awesomeness for being completely stuffed in entertaining idiocy.
HAAHHAHA, I pwned all of those mother fuckers today. That was fun.

Man, I need my own thread...
NSL my friend, first off, I hope you don't mind me with all of the spam and mod stuff that I catch in your section.

Secondly, I always told you that I was a big advocate of TNA's growth. And a lot of those ass holes in your section need a reality check, so I'm giving it to them.

Plus, pwning people is fun :)

In return, you could help me out in my section LOL.
NSL my friend, first off, I hope you don't mind me with all of the spam and mod stuff that I catch in your section.

I appreciate it more than you know. Instead of spending 40 minutes cleaning it all up before posting, I can post as I go.

Secondly, I always told you that I was a big advocate of TNA's growth. And a lot of those ass holes in your section need a reality check, so I'm giving it to them.

All the "assholes that need a reality check" are fairly new. They all seemed to sign up once TNA called them "Castmembers". So...uh...Thanks, Hogan?

Plus, pwning people is fun :)

Just don't drive them away :(

In return, you could help me out in my section LOL.

Of course. I have off tomorrow, and plan on a posting spree.
While looking for a pic to give to Theo to use for a sig, I came across this:


The guy in the purple shirt, yellow tie...That's the guy who started that thread about the Crew, or whatever they are.

I need a pic of them with their backs to the ring, if anyone can find one.
So I searched "Crucial Crew" and "Wrestlezone", to see if I could find a pic, and there's nothing.


There are about 20 other forums advertising WZ, and the thread the guy made, blasting him, and laughing at what he said.

I think we owe this guy a thank you for the free advertising. No wonder all those people signed up to post there.

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