The Guy Hall Beat Up Last Night

sorry but in this day and age you can not tell the fans to shut up during a show. that's disrespectful. How much are you guys willing to bet they're gonna edit out all the chants now.

Yup. Vince never told the crowd to "behave" when they were chanting for Matt or insulting Edge. Why should Hogan tell the crows to cool down because they didn't like how 1 lousy match was booked.
Doug, the one the OP linked in his first post.

I agree with the D-Man, nothing more annoying than this kind of audience.
D-man, take a look at the 14th page, he re-posted ;)
Here's what that humanoid had to say. I'm honestly at a loss of words besides the fact that this guy needs a major fucking reality check:

As I told a friend at the taping last night, it's like watching your child get raped and murdered in front of you with all of the rapist's friends and supporters cheering him on. What do you expect us to do? Be happy that the rape and murder will get good press and high ratings? Start cheering for it because it's good for business? Fuck that.
I'll check it, Ender.

Unfortunately, I had to issue a Warning to one of the repliers. Even though his reply was well thought out and agreed with my thoughts, he called the OP a "******" which is considered a prejudiced remark.
Wow. That was stupid. I was agreeing with him about how being told to shut up during the PPV was wrong, but now he's just being a bitch. Oh, great. And I defended him in my show thread too. Thanks you idiot.
I'll check it, Ender.

Unfortunately, I had to issue a Warning to one of the repliers. Even though his reply was well thought out and agreed with my thoughts, he called the OP a "******" which is considered a prejudiced remark.

You may wanna check it more carefully. That thread is stuffed with those terms. Hell, I believe I even called one an idiot for thinking the 6 sided ring was a joke and misinterpreting my words. I did apologize to him for it.
Idiot is not NEARLY as offensive as "******."

It's not that posters cannot call others offensive words... it's that they cannot call they prejudiced words that single out one particular group or type of people.
That post on page 14... :lmao:

In totally unrelated news, Take On Me is the best music video ever.
You're on page 15 D-man.
I think he referred to the first post on the page 14. The re-post of the OP.
Holy shit, I hadn't read all that until just now. Dexter and pope going at it was epic and D-Man you are the man.
I can tell. It was to say the least, great reading. And the kicker is I agree so that makes it even better.
I repped D-Man just for that great bar story.

The Crucial Crew, or "The CC", should pick up Bischoff's book to understand how little he thinks of smarks.
I'm still in between on this. Yeah, those guys are tools for trying to get attention, but it is wrong for the production people to tell them to be quiet.
Only an idiot would think this was real and Hall would start attacking people in the audience.

Why is this in the Bar Room again?
Doc, are you referring to MY post? What post on page 14?

The very first post on page 14 if you view ten posts per page. That underworlder guy posted it. The one about watching your child raped and murdered. It's just so sad it's funny.

It's also completely wrong.
Fans should be told to shut the fuck up when they are being ********s, it's like that ECW thingummy where the Main Event was Big Show vs Batista, all the fans were chanting "change the channel" "boring" etc. Even Tazz pointed out that the match in fact wasnt boring, I thought it was pretty damn good. Ruined by a bunch of ***** though.

See, a company is reflected by its fanbase, so if the fans start turning their backs on what was actually quite a good match, start shouting obcenities and are just generally being *****, then as funny as I may find it, the company has it's rights to tell them to shut up. I mean you pay to go into a nightclub, doesnt mean you can start abusing the staff and go round punching customers, believe me I know.
I wish I could jump in there, but Dexter and D-Man and everyone are doing it better than me.

That thread is simply an amazing read. I think it should be inducted into the Thread Hall of Fame.
Actully, it should be merged with my "Crowds Ruining the Show" Thread in the Gen. Wrestling Discussion Section. As a matter of fact, I may move it soon.
Haha. I think you might get in some trouble for that. It doesn't fit all that well, in my opinion, since while it's a similar topic it isn't quite the same. For you to do that would be like the time Lee moved a Kofi thread to the trash, saying "you can discuss this in the other kofi thread", when the "other kofi thread" was about something COMPLETELY different.
Doc, you don't know what you're talking about.

My thread is a generic thread about the possibility of crowds ruining the show at ALL wrestling events... this includes TNA... which includes that thread.
Oh, OK, I see.

Still, I think it should be kept separate, for some reason. Your thread is a general discussion of every crowd, while that one is specific to TNA...?

Something like that.

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