The GrandDaddy of them All!


Pre-Show Stalwart
[NOTE]: If this thread has been done before I am sorry and understand if it deleted!

So far we have seen WrestleMania 20 - 26. And I always bring up this question with my friend and ask him, "What is your favorite WrestleMania between these seven?" And he always says, "WrestleMania XX". The event did have some memorable moments from the what is considered THE WORST MATCH EVER between Brock Lesnar and Goldberg, the Triple Threat Match for the World HeavyWeight Championship, the last time we would ever see The Rock at WrestleMania and so much more. My favorite WrestleMania between XX and XXVI I would have to say is WrestleMania XXIV was my favorite.

1. WrestleMania XXIV
WrestleMania XXIV Headlined Edge vs Undertaker, Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena, Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels, Floyd "Money" Mayweather vs Big Show, and the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. This PPV was the first WrestleMania in my opinion that actually felt like a WrestleMania in a long time. The sight and atmosphere was just amazing with the roofless stadium, the lights and pyrotechnics were amazing! And most of the matches on the card kept me entertained through the whole show from the first match to the Main Event.

2. WrestleMania XXIII
WrestleMania XXIII simply because I went there. Batista vs Undetaker was awesome! Shawn Michaels vs John Cena was awesome! And the Money in the Bank was great as well with the Jeff Hardy dive, and the famous Battle of the Billionaires Match was great. The energy in the building could be felt and the show had me on my feet the whole time. People say it's one of the worst in a while or they didn't get anything out of it, but it was really one of the best in my opinion you would have to be there to completely understand. There was a special feeling in the air and it is something I will never forget.

3. WrestleMania XXII
This event displayed John Cena vs Triple H, Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio, Edge vs Mick Foley, and Vince McMahon vs Shawn Michaels. This event actually displayed a lot of stipulations; Casket Match, Hardcore Match, No Holds Barred Match, and Ladder Match. Pretty much every match mentioned in this Thread is what made WrestleMania XXII special, but Edge vs Mick Foley stole the show with what is explained at the most Hardcore Match in History!

4. WrestleMania XXVI
I recently saw this on DVD and I have to say it was pretty much a solid card. People have said the Ladder Matches at the past two (XXV and XXVI) were bad, but I really liked both of them including this one. This event displayed Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels II, John Cena vs Batista, Chris Jericho vs Edge, and Vince McMahon vs Bret Hart. This event is known as the retirement match of Shawn Michaels and is most remembered for his second attempt at challenging the streak.

5. WrestleMania XXV
This WrestleMania featured; the what is considered the greatest WrestleMania Match in history with Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, John Cena vs Edge vs The Big Show, Hardy vs Hardy, The Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and Randy Orton vs Triple H. This WrestleMania is most remembered for Shawn Michaels challenging the streak which some people say this match saved WrestleMania. It was a AMAZING! Match and will no doubt be remembered as one of the greatest WrestleMania Matches!

6. WrestleMania XX
This WrestleMania featured; Chris Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guererro vs Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg, and Undertaker vs Kane. Most people remember this WrestleMania for Chris Benoit winning the World HeavyWeight Championship and the amazing Triple Threat Match also for the celebration at the end with Eddie Guererro and Chris Benoit.

WrestleMania XXI
This by far has to be the worst WrestleMania between XX and XXVI. This card featured Triple H vs Batista, John Cena vs JBL, Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels, and Randy Orton vs Undertaker. This PPV saw two stars born in John Cena and Batista and is also remembered for the classic match between Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle and the birth of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

So how would you rank the WrestleMania from XX - XXVI? Which one was your favorite?
WrestleMania 24 at number 1 realy realy.IMO it sucked.but heres my list.

WM 23-I agree it was great.All matches were so exciting.

WM 25-The undertaker HBK match was my favorite match of all time but the main event was a disappointment between orton and trips

WM 21-How was it bad?

WM 22-some decent matches not a good main event but i liked Trips and cena match

WM 24-simply not wrestlemania material enough said

WM 20-same as 24

26 last
20 - More memorible matches and really hyped, my favorite.
21 - Kind of a gone to hollywood, nothing stands out apart from Cena/Batista becoming the champions and Kurt Angle/Shawn Michaels, very average show IMO.
22 - People love this show but I think it's over clutered it could done with a better lay out.
23 - A pretty good show from what I can remember it's been a while since I've watched it, the matches seemed evened out and top quality.
24 - IMO one of the better Mania's of the 20s, filled with quality matches and Flairs WWE retirement, basically the show revolved around that.
25 - Hyped and didn't deliver, HBK/Undertaker equals one match card.
26 - I marked out for some of the card but overall I didn't think it was great but leaps and bounds better then 25.
Here goes my list.
WM 25= Boy was that a great wrestlemania with one heck of a match on it all others were good too.
WM 24= Was friggin awesome in my opinion had a great all round card nothing wrong with it.
WM 23= Every single match was really exciting
WM 21= Also another aweome line up here.
WM 22= Was average
WM 20=Suckish.
WM 23 - Was the best. Awesome individual matches and McMahon vs. Trump was actually OK.
WM 24 - Very close second.
WM 22 - Some great matches in this one
WM 20 - Prolly should be #1 but Brock vs. Goldberg made me want to punch babies.
WM 25/26 -Both were overhyped and underachieving. Undertaker vs. Michaels I and II were incredible and told a great story...but the rest was blah...and McMahon vs. Hart was the worst thing I've seen on Wrestlemania...for real.
WM 21 - I didnt like John Cena vs. JBL or Batista vs. HHH so thats why i have this as the worst. The rest of the matches were pretty good.
1. WrestleMania 20. This is my all-time favourite PPV. I just loved the whole "Where it all begins again" deal, and I feel the card top to bottom was superb, with every match (bar Goldberg/Lesnar) delivering completely

2. WrestleMania 22. This event had my favourite MITB match ever and I thoroughly enjoyed the triple threat (though was pissed at Rey winning but whatever, it was a strong match), the main event was essentially Triple H making Cena look ******ed for 20 minutes but it was a fairly good match considering and probably should have been the last match on the card given the hype.

3. WrestleMania 24. For two main reasons. Taker/Edge was awesome and I loved the HBK vs Flair match. The WWE title Triple Threat I thought was pretty good.

4. WrestleMania 26. Not awesome by any means. I loved the Triple Threat with Orton and Legacy, I though the HBK/Taker rematch was great, while not quite as good as the previous effort. Edge and Jericho was pathetic. Crap finish.

5. WrestleMania 21. I liked the Triple H/Batista match. Angle and Michaels was very good. I hated the rest of this event though. I didn't like the way JBL's epic title run ended.

6. WrestleMania 23. A lot of people love this event. I hate it. The only highlight for me was the Taker vs Batista match. That was pretty epic.

7. WresteMania 25. Now for a contradiction of sorts. This event had possibly the greatest match in WrestleMania history in HBK/Taker. It'd be hard to argue. The rest of the 25th WrestleMania (a big deal apparently as they didn't shut up about it for months on end leading in) was unforgiably fucking pathetic. For one, the unification of the tag titles wasn't even on the main card! Just stupid. Hardy vs Hardy got nowhere near enough time. I didn't like the MITB match that year (though I like that Punk won it again), the World title Triple Threat match was boring as hell and the Orton vs Triple H match was one of the biggest letdowns I've ever endured as a wrestling fan. Piss poor show across the bored (almost). One match doesn't make a WrestleMania
I'm not sure which is my favorite but i can tell you that wrestlemania 23 was the worst

20: home to one of my favorite matches, maybe my favorite match, the main event triple threat (chris benoit vs hhh vs shawn micheals). kurt angle vs eddie was also great

21: was actually all really good except for the wwe championship and the whc match.

22: all the matches were great, i kinda feel this ppv was underrated but thats just me. favorite match was edge vs mcfoley. randy orton vs angle vs rey mesterio was really entertaining but was a little too short

23: the only matches i liked were mitb and batista vs cena, the rest of the ppv did impress me, one of my least favorite wrestlemanias

24: mitb and flair vs micheals were phenomenal! best mitb match IMO. taker vs edge was also really good. the rest of the ppv was pretty good

25: great build up, meh matches. mitb had some pretty sick spots and taker vs hbk was amazing. the rest of the ppv, unenjoyable for me

26: very very entertaining! the world title matches and taker vs micheals were some of the best matches ive seen in a while. the first half of the ppv was kinda slow but there was some good stuff. the mitb, compared to the others was a little disapointing but was still overall an entertaining match. also hhh vs sheamus started pretty slow but the end picked up a lot and it felt like a really good match
My list would look like it is in order but anyway

1. WrestleMania 20 It was a wrestlemania Ill never forget, I was entertained for the whole show. Lesnar Goldberg sucked, I think it was done intentionally in a way that shows WWE doesn't need them cause no one can say Lesnar vs a good wrestler would be amazing and goldberg is at least good. Eddie Guerrero winning was amazing (even though hated the foot thing), chris benoit at that day was well deserved, John Cena Fuing Big Show still isn't erased (yeh I was a fan of John cena when he had US title)

2. WrestleMania 22 I loved this show alot. But hated seeing Rey win which ruined everything for me to make it the perfect show. Edge Mick was the most brutal match in WWE since 2003 maybe. And Vince Shawn was very entertaining and it was the day Shawn is really the "Show Stoppa", because he made me remember a match with vince!

Now comes the ones that I didn't like to its fullest

3. WrestleMania 26. HBK vs Taker 2.0 was by far the best match in WWE for at least 2 years, y? Because Im not the biggest fan of these two, What if I was? I liked Orton and Legacy triple threat, well because I'm a big fan of heel orton. Edge vs Jericho was good, loved that Jericho wasn't humiliated and won and that at last someone lost after winning the rumble (but still feel sorry for edge though).

4. WrestleMania 24, Taker vs Edge, Flair vs Shawn two amazing matches, and MITB was entertaining, very good PPV but I would expect more from Wrestle Fucking Mania. Floyd vs Big show made no sense to me.

5. WrestleMania 21 I loved Angle vs Shawn and Taker vs Orton. I remember taker vs orton was orton's 2nd best match till that time after the one vs Foley. Other than that there were stuff that needed to happen that I hated which where John Cena and Batista taking over, cause I didn't find two great wrestlers get beaten so bad (HHH and JBL)

6. WresteMania 25, the only good yet was amazing match, taker vs Shawn. I still can't forget that Orton vs HHH storyline made me remember Attitude era, but the match was horrible, (even though at backlash it was better), still very horrible for a WM main event

7. WrestleMania 23, this show was the worst, I can't even remember much other than the best match was the first MITB. And also Steve Austin stunning the hell out of lashley was good. But other than that everything sucked so bad.
Iv'e only seen Wrestlemania 24 through 26. And from those my personal favorites (in order) are like this:

1. Wrestlemania 24
2. Wrestlemania 26
3. Wrestlemania 25

In my opinion, Mania 25 sucked. All the matches except for two were atleast decent, but only one of them was Wrestlemania quality and that was Undertaker vs. Shawn Micheals.

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