The first John Morrison DVD


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So i was looking on this morning and i noticed that under the card on the Bragging Rights page it says submit questions to John Morrison and his first DVD comes out next February.I myself mark out over John Morrison all the time but i think that it is a little too early for him to have his own DVD.The two questions i ask are do you think that it will feature Johnny Nitro matches? And do you think its too early for him to get his own DVD?
I agree with you, I definitely think it's too early. He hasn't really done anything big in his career yet. Unless you count the ECW title, but yea that's not that great of an achievement considering Chavo Guerrero is a former ECW champion. But, yea it's way too early, and I do think they'll have Nitro matches on there. They'll show how he got started in MNM, all the way to completely changing his gimmick to John Morrison. But, too early.
It is too early, but I see it as a positive.

it shows WWE is behind JOMO. It might lead to his first World Title sometime in December or January.

It will be a great push for him. I'm actually excited about the DVD. It will show how he started in Tough Enough and how got to where he is now.

If it leads to a World Title reign, or a RR win, then it might not be too soon. If leads to nothing, then it is too soon for a DVD.
I agree that it is a little bit too early to make a DVD for John Morrison because he isn’t that “big” yet. He does have enough material to make a DVD out for him, but are fans really going to buy it if he hasn’t done many or any major things at all. I would have waited a little more time, maybe until he got his first world title or he had his first major feud for a world title.

As far as what it will feature, I’m sure they’ll include things from when he first started up until now. There would be no point to only focus on one part of his career so far since like I said, he hasn’t done many major things so far so.
Its way to early to make a john Morrison dvd I like him and im fan but really there not much to talk about yet sure they can talk about mnm miz and Morrison ecw ic tag reigns but they need more.

But he needs more quality matches on it.

I will still get the dvd to support him but my opinion way to early to make one.
I agree that it's far too early for him to have his own DVD. However, with Tough Enough, Bischoff's assistant, MNM, ECW Champ, and Miz & Morrison, it has a lot of footage to go on.

Also makes me wonder if they're going to include his ECW title match against Punk. You know, the one that Benoit was supposed to be a part of.
It's way too fucking early. Im a huge fan, but think right now thst he needs to hone his skills, just a little bit more. Once, and IF he becomes world champion, then they should make a dvd on him. But if he stays in the mid card all his life, then they need to wait until after his career, because like Dusty Rhodes, and Curt Hennig, he will only be as good as the midcard he is in. But if he makes it to the Top, then hell yeah make a dvd on him. I would love it, but not right now.
I agree that it's far too early for him to have his own DVD. However, with Tough Enough, Bischoff's assistant, MNM, ECW Champ, and Miz & Morrison, it has a lot of footage to go on.

Also makes me wonder if they're going to include his ECW title match against Punk. You know, the one that Benoit was supposed to be a part of.

Yeah they probably will show that but they will edit out the Benoit chants or if Vince is a man of his word he would keep the chants in the history books.
Yeah this is far, far too early. Especially when we STILL don't have a fucking Chris Jericho DVD. Seriously, they have time to put together Kane DVD sets and now John Morrison, but not Jericho, one of the best wrestlers of the last decade? Pretty damn ridiculous to me.

I'm sure it will have some good matches on it, but still...I want my fucking Jericho DVD before we start giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry their own DVD set.
Yeah this is far, far too early. Especially when we STILL don't have a fucking Chris Jericho DVD. Seriously, they have time to put together Kane DVD sets and now John Morrison, but not Jericho, one of the best wrestlers of the last decade? Pretty damn ridiculous to me.

I'm sure it will have some good matches on it, but still...I want my fucking Jericho DVD before we start giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry their own DVD set.

I been waiting for this dvd since Chris Jericho beat The Rock and Stone cold on the same night.

Also sad they don't got a Ricky steamboat or even Jimmy snuka dvd.
Are you serious? A John Morrision dvd? WAY too early. They should probably wait until he does, I don't know, something significant. Don't get me wrong. I like the guy. He looks to have a bright future. It's just way too soon for him to have his own dvd. How about Owen Hart or Ted Dibiase Sr.? Or like X said Chris Jericho. How about Andre the Giant? Not that crappy one with like five matches, but a real biography. I can think of plenty of dvds I'd rather see than this. Again I like Morrison. It's just too soon.
Yeah this is far, far too early. Especially when we STILL don't have a fucking Chris Jericho DVD. Seriously, they have time to put together Kane DVD sets and now John Morrison, but not Jericho, one of the best wrestlers of the last decade? Pretty damn ridiculous to me.

I'm sure it will have some good matches on it, but still...I want my fucking Jericho DVD before we start giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry their own DVD set.

Damn X...I was gonna rep you for that, but it wouldn't let me...Jericho has been loooong overdue for a DVD. He can make a DVD alone off of his matches in ECW and WCW, before he even stepped foot in the WWE. Goddamnit.

Anyway, before I rant all week on that one, I think it is a little too early for a Morrison DVD. However, yes, it does show a lot of faith on the part of the WWE to be giving him one. He is very over right now and they might be going the John Cena route on this one. He got a fucking DVD before he was ever the champ...he has two fucking worthless DVDs now. Fuck.
Im a John Morrison mark/fan, but its way too early yet, once he's been in the Main Event for sometime...then giveh im a DVD because at that point he will have had more big feuds and world title reigns. This is a silly decision by WWE.
Yeah this is far, far too early. Especially when we STILL don't have a fucking Chris Jericho DVD. Seriously, they have time to put together Kane DVD sets and now John Morrison, but not Jericho, one of the best wrestlers of the last decade? Pretty damn ridiculous to me.

I'm sure it will have some good matches on it, but still...I want my fucking Jericho DVD before we start giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry their own DVD set.

I too want a Jericho DVD as well as the Jeff Hardy one. I think the idea is he's been around awhile and as ppl have said their's a lot that can go on there, MNM, IC stuff, ECW title, Miz and Morrison, whether they'll all be A-list matches are debatable
The best thing about this is it establishes Morrison's ascension in the WWE's eyes. When they made a forum to let fans address questions for Morrison's DVD, 9 out of every 10 were fucking ridiculous. I hope it is inclusive of his complete workout regime and diet. The man looks phenomenal.
It's way too early to make a dvd for John Morrison. Sure he's had quite a nice career so far but nothing that would be deemed dvd. Like he's done a lot that can be worthy of a dvd but he hasn't had that defining moment yet that could headline the dvd.
Morrison's one of my favorite wrestlers, but as others have said, it's WAY to early. The guy hasn't even won a world title yet, which in my opinion should be a prerequisite to getting your own dvd. If Morrison's getting one already, the Kofi Kingston three-disc set must be in the works as well.

As far as the matches, I imagine some MNM tag title wins, his ECW title win, his ladder match against Jeff Hardy for the IC title, and a majority of the matches he's had this year. Hopefully it'll include some Dirt Sheet episodes; he was hilarious in those.

Yeah this is far, far too early. Especially when we STILL don't have a fucking Chris Jericho DVD. Seriously, they have time to put together Kane DVD sets and now John Morrison, but not Jericho, one of the best wrestlers of the last decade? Pretty damn ridiculous to me.

Face it dude, the Jericho dvd is the Shenmue 3 of wrestling dvds; it's never gonna come. :disappointed:
Once he has a couple of career defining moments then that can warrant a DVD to come out, but one oft he things they should include on it is...the confrontation between John Morrison this past week on SmackDown as well as their match, in my opinion that confrontation was an example of how JoMo is going to be once he hits the main event.
Too early. If i were him, I'd almost be embarrassed to have a DVD come out before I win a world title. Then again, I'm not him and I don't have his money or his abs... :disappointed:

As far as a Jericho DVD, I think that he has so many more good matches to come in the next five years or so, I'd almost want to do his DVDs like his books (or at least when I remember hearing about them)... Have the first DVD set contain matches from ECW, WCW, etc. Later, do a second set containing WWF/E matches. Hell, I'm sure that he could fill a third set eventually, starting with his recent comeback. ...or am I just being greedy?
If its released in February "John Morrison: A life in the midcard" really it doesn't sound all to appealing to me.

Wait two years or so whenever he wins his first world title. Then capitalize on his title win and release a new DVD detailing his rise to the top. Unless he wins a world title by December I don't see the point.

Just My Opinion
I wouldn't want a John Morrison DVD yet. While he has done a lot in his short span of time in the WWE he hasn't done anything huge yet. I am hoping that around December they start pushing him to the main event. All he needs to really get going is more mic time. He is the most charismatic guy on the mic right now and if he could cut more promos he would connect well with the fans.

Anyways...back on to topic. The guy has one numerous championships....but mostly tag team and mid card gold. Even if he is meant to never capture the top belts he has never had any note-worthy non title feuds. I think they should wait a few more years before giving him a DVD.

Also to Xfear....I agree..where the hell is the Chris Jericho DVD? The man has done so much for the industry.
Somewhat on topic, the "we want benoit" chants were still in the Vengeance 2007 ppv dvd, so I doubt they'd edit them out now.

I'd probably buy this set if it has 2 out of these 3 things.

1) Good amount of his ecw fued with punk.

2) Interview/biography type set up on one disc, maybe including Tough Enough in there.

3) Not have every match be a god damn PPV match. I know I know, the PPV matches tend to be head and shoulders above Televised matches, however, I personally have the ppv dvds from 2005-now and most of 03 and 04. Jomo had some good matches that weren't on PPV.
It is way to early for his DVD to be made. I say they should wait another year and see if he becomes world champ before they make a DVD. They should put their minds on a Randy Orton DVD. However, It will be made so the answer to your question, Yes they will include Johnny Nitro matches on it. The WWE isnt keeping it a secret that Morrison used to be Nitro. Hell, they even said it when John Morrison debuted on ECW. Im sure they will have his debut as Nitro and his debut as Morrison on the DVD. All in all, it is way to early for his DVD.

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