The Failure that is CM Punk

i believe that CM Punk title run came too early considering the way he had been booked up until the time he was champion. he was booked horribly! if he was booked strong since he won MITB, it would've made sense to put the strap on him.
so with the way things have turned out, i dont think there was any other choice but to have Punk cash it in to keep the title on Raw.
if you have a look at Punk now, he's feuding with Priceless, not exactly main eventing, but he will be back into the spotlight in the future.

just a thought.
I think that WWE know they messed up his title reign, but I don't think he failed. I'm sure they've got plenty of faith in him to put him in what looks like a big set of matches with Randy Orton.

The future's bright.
I dont think CM Punk realy failed as champion. I just dont think he was given a fair chance to succeed. To my knowledge he held the title for three months and he only had 2 succesful title defenses by pinfall. Both was over JBL. Lets face it. getting a win over JBL isnt going to make you look like a legit champion. If WWE would have let him get a win over lets say Batista or Kane , He would have gotten more over as a world champion.

I agree with this guy. He wasn't involved in a high profile type of way that the champion should be. Fueding with JBL isn't high profile enough, and it wasn't even the main part of RAW. He needed a bigger fued, a bigger win. Winning over JBL is going to give you momentum, but not a lot. After that he needed another big win for people to take him seriously but he didn't get that.

People won't really remember his title reign properly, he "lost" the title in a weird sort of way, and while Jericho is a good champion the WWE should have kept the belt on Punk. Why? Look at the ratings. RAW was getting 3.5s with Punk as champion, now they're averaging 3.1/3.2.

The figures speak for themselves.
Cm punks title reign did what it was suppose to do build punk up and have it be a transitional run. Slyfox needs to realize is that his title reign was never suppose to be long in the first place.
What I DID realize is that CM Punk failed in his title reign. The WWE doesn't give title reigns to see ratings drop like they have done TWICE in CM Punks reigns. They give their Raw title to someone who can draw.

Obviously, CM Punk didn't.

Think about it like this jeff hardy didn't have this incident how long of a reign do u think he would of have compared to punk?
Think about it like this.

Who gives a fuck?

If the WWE didn't think Punk was ready, they wouldn't have had him cash it in until later this year, like they did with Edge back in 05/06. They thought Punk could run with the title, and he dropped the ball.

Jeff Hardy screwing up has nothing to do with the fact that Punk failed.

The fact is from start to finish cm punk reign has been unpredicable and that is what makes wrestling exciting.
Not according to the ratings, which dropped while he was champion.

punk wqas throwed into the position last minute and I don't think creative had any long term goal with punk being champion

They gave Punk the title run because they thought he'd have a chance to be a good champion, and he failed miserably. Quit making miserable excuses for Punk's failure as a wrestler.

A lot of times its better for a face to chase the title than to actually win it
Who came up with this nonsense? I read it every where, and it's such bullshit.

EVERY great title run that the WWE has EVER had came with the face as champion. Hogan, Hart, Austin, Cena...all the great title runs were faces. This nonsense that a heel is a better champion is a bullshit leftover from a time long past.

Faces are what draw. Good defeating Evil is what makes people buy. Jesus Christ I can't STAND when people say that.

I think people are being over critical of punk cut the man a break
No more than they ever were of Triple H or JBL or Batista or John Cena. In fact, where was the IWC saying to cut John Cena a break?

But, this is different right? Because CM Punk comes from Ring of Honor, so he's a "REAL" wrestler, right?
What interesting storyline are you talking about? when CM Punk became the WHC he was given a stupid storyline that he needed to prove himself ot other people and wrestled against wrestlers that absolutely were not compatible with punks ring work.
Uh, that's an interesting storyline. It's creative, unique, and original. It's a story that worked for Rocky Balboa.

As far as "not compatible", that's Punk's fault, not the WWE. Your champion has to be able to wrestle ANYONE. Don't believe me? Read Bret Hart's book. This nonsense that other guys weren't compatible, and that we should blame WWE for that, is stupidity as it's finest. I see that line all the time, and it's ridiculous. Furthermore, it just proves how bad CM Punk still is in the ring. I mean, is Punk any smaller than Rey? HBK? No. The difference? Those guys are good workers? Did Punk have any more different of a variety than John Cena? No. The difference? John Cena is a good worker.

CM Punk is a 1 trick pony.

In what catagory do you find something lackluster? Punk's promo wasnt exactly like a cena promo but it was good enough.The reason you may find that his matches were lackluster is because he was paired up with uncompatible wrestlers that could work with punks.So let me get this straight Punk had to work with a washed up heel and a guy who's gimmick is to dominate and you find that punk's fault? you check back old episodes.
And those are the same workers John Cena, HBK, and Rey Mysterio have had to work with, and it never seemed to slow them down.

Quit making fucking excuses for Punk's pitiful work.

Yeah right :rolleyes:
Two words. John Cena.

I rest my case.

You cant compare cena with punk because 1, They have very different gimmicks and 2, Cena has a different in ring style than punk.

Who is talking about that? We're talking about taking bad booking and making it work. In-ring style and gimmick have nothing to do with it.

Just because he didnt succeed as a WHC doesnt mean that he cant prove himself in the future.
Who said otherwise?

But, it doesn't change the fact he proved he wasn't good enough to be champion, and it doesn't change the fact he was a failure.

Of course not. He wasnt meant to be.

Yes he was. ALL World Champions are supposed to be legitimate. And if Punk had an ounce of ability to make people care about him, then his storyline would have worked beautifully. But, he didn't, so it didn't.

Thats you're opinion and not of the other viewers.And yes he did something of value he made raw fresh and new.But you cant blame creative's developements just on ONE wrestler
No, it's the opinion of the million viewers who were tuning into Raw during and after the Draft, just to go away in only a few weeks time when Punk was champion.

To answer you're question i believe he is going to bounce back because he doesnt have to deal with terrible workers.[/QUOTE]

People won't really remember his title reign properly, he "lost" the title in a weird sort of way, and while Jericho is a good champion the WWE should have kept the belt on Punk. Why? Look at the ratings. RAW was getting 3.5s with Punk as champion, now they're averaging 3.1/3.2.

The figures speak for themselves.
You are so right, they absolutely do.

The normal 2 hour slot for Raw on Draft night drew a 3.7. The next Monday (when Punk won) drew a 3.5.

The last Monday before Punk dropped the belt drew a 2.9 rating. The week before? A 2.8 Two weeks before that? A 3.1.

You are absolutely right. The numbers speak for themselves. 3.7 before Punk, 2.8 after.

I rest my case.
I agree, CM Punk's reign as World Champion was a failure. But, its ingnorant to think CM Punk was the sole factor. There were other contributions as well. CM Punks title reign was a failure because the main stream audience didn't jump his bandwaggon as quickly as WWE wanted. That doesn't mean Cm Punk was the cause, it was because they (The WWE) pushed him too fast and was a main event level champion in one night. They didn't build him properly as he should've been. Good, selling champions in the buisness are built slowly from the ground up, and not given the main event spot in one night. The Raw fans didn't get exposed to him enough, and the underdog storyline surely didn't help either. Fluke wins don't tend to set well with the fans. WWE was stupid in thinking that Punk at this level, was capable of maintaining the large RAW fan base. Thus, ratings decreased and the reign can rightfully be called a failure.

His failure was because of the WWE, not the booking team nor CM Punk, WWE as a whole. He shouldn't have been World Champion, it wasn't the time nor place. That was WWE's fault, not CM Punks. WWE hopefully didn't think that CM Punk would all of a sudden gain a large fan base at once and sell the most tickets. It all reflects back to WWE. If your looking at the bigger picture, the title reign is nailed down to WWE and they should be held accountable.
=\ i personally enjoyed his reign, thats the mark in me...i guess...but from a professional look at his reign...he failed...he didnt live up to his in-ring phycology..they gave him an interesting gimmick, and he failed at it...they gave him plenty of mic time...and he never once showed any fire...if youve ever watched ric flair (the master of the mic imo and many others too) all you saw was fire/flamboyance....punk has the in-ring skills to be an AJ Styles (imo) the only thing wwe did wrong, to punk, is not let him use the pepsi plunge other than that, they gave him the royal treatment, and all honesty, punk has no charisma...i dont think he makes a good face...they should run him as a heel, and then, fire him if he fails at that too..hes got the heel look anyways... and when the time comes, and hes matured on the mic a little, give him another face run, that simple
CM Punk was one of the worse heavyweight champions to hold two separate world titles that there has been in quite some time. When he held the ECW title, it was looked at as being more of a punishment to John Morrison than a well deserved credit to Punk. And only lord knows why he was allowed to be the winner of the MITB. Perhaps it was because the other choices were too predictable and would have deserved it more and they wanted to leave us saying "WTF" in the end. I can give them credit for making me say that statement, but it lead to nothing more than a debacle when Punk became the World Champion. I mean it had to be the first time that I had ever cheered for JBL to win a match that he was being carried in.

I think that CM Punk is doomed to be an indy legend/big time second tier star. He's cleary now what the fans want in a champion. he doesn't seem credible is almost as unsellable as Satino as the IC champion. I mean I could see if Punk were a heel champ and had a stable or a couple of lackeys or a great manager to back him up, then he would be believable. But a scrawny, sloppy kid who is too goody goody to be true? I mean come on, the only thing that the guy did that could even remotely be considered immoral was how he cashed in the MITB. And that's the purpose of the MITB anyways.

The GTS isn't even close to being a sellable finisher as the only people who seem to make it believable were ECW wrestlers. Since he has been on RAW, he's failed to garner a credible resume of victories. The one match where he would have solidified himself somewhat ended with him being pinned by JBL after being made to look completely weak by Jericho. He's just not booked as a strong champion. And it lies in his finisher. The Anaconda Vice was credible. I mean mostly any small man can take down 90% of big men with the right submission finisher. But lifting up anybody of any size and believing that you can get them to come crashing down on both their feet and your knee? Not buying it.

I like Punk and all. I think he's young, energetic and a real commodity. But as a champ, he's crap. People cheer for his opponents more than they do him, when he has the title. You want him to be more? Give him more. Give him underlings. Give him a following. DO for him what you did for Jericho, and give him to tools to seem cutthroat. Otherwise, it's a waste of time to put anything more than a secondary or tag title on him. Plain and simple.
Punk is a very good wrestler, the problem is that the gimmick he had when he became the world champion was boring. He played the "underdog" because he doesn't look like what a heavyweight champion should in the eyes of the WWE. The problem is the the WWE doesn't use him right. He is an amazing heel and he can pull off a promo better than most of the big heels in WWE right now. If you don't believe me then go watch youtube there are tons of shoots and such of him as a heel that are amazing.

Punk doesn't lack talent in the least, what I think he really lacks is his ability to kiss ass to get whatever he wants. He works hard and he is being held back. Honestly I think he has too much talent for the WWE, a company that seems to be hell bent on keeping their wrestlers limited. Punk has a lot more to offer than what you see in the WWE both in ring and out of the ring. Creative just needs to do something smart, although giving him the tag team championships was a great idea. They need to smarten up and make him heel because the WWE fans haven't really gotten to see that great CM Punk that is "straight edge and better than you".
I will start by saying CM Punk is not a failure. Was it his fault he "dropped the ball "during his title reign? Was it his fault the creative team rather then Punk himself "dropped the ball"? I'd say no to both questions simply because it was the way his matches were booked and written. I do agree with the OP on the fact his promos and some of his matches were very, very poor but what could've you expected from a guy in his first title reign? I thought he done well enough and "held the fort" suitably enough.

Of course all the Punk fans will turn around and say "it was poor booking" simply because its true. WWE made him look weak by the way he actually won the championship belt in the first place. CM Punk is a great worker just like Cena and your proof about Cena being a great worker does'nt wash with me. Any wrestler can make a bad situation come good. Once again bad booking was a problem in CM Punk's case.

Former wrestling promotions don't really come into this arguement because we're talking about what Punk is like now, or rather was like as a champion in the WWE.

Once again his title reign was'nt a complete failure, he had good times and bad times.

I think Punk is a decent talent to have in the company, the problem is that he was booked in the main event scene when he shouldn't really have been.

In my opinion his level is at or around mid/upper mid card. I think the level he is being booked at now is about right, teaming with Kingston and fueding with Priceless.

He's good in the ring, decent on the mike and over enough with the crowd. People do care about him and there are weaker people we could be watching.

Not everyone is going to blow us all away and change the face of wrestling, some guys are just going to be a part of the show, like CM Punk is.
it wasnt the way punk was booked, hes a great wrestler but hes better for hardcore or tna just becuase hes got this toughness and crazyness about him that makes him perfect for hardcore wrestling. The reason I brought up hardcore is because its rare that a wrestler meant for hardcore can work good in the main event situation, you got your foley's and funk's but thats about it when you think about markee hardcore main eventers. I would restart the hardcore title becuase right now kane, jbl, guys like chuck p., deuce, and others can fued with punk giving raw a fun legitimate title that changes hands allot. Punk is not a main eventer, the closest wrestler that I can compare him to currently is brian kendrick or the mcmg's and brian pillman is the ledgend that he reminds me the most of,
I think that he was rushed into it and that was the whole problem. I don't think he was ready for that an it showed. He had heat on him a while ago for sloppy performances, and botched moves, and so on, and I think he should have stayed around ECW for a while longer and kept in that picture. Imagine right now him and Matt Hardy feuding for the title. That would be totally cool. The Money in the Bank was an act of God as far as I can tell because I thought it was all Jericho, Morrison, and Benjamin in that match, and I thought one of them were going to win it and should have. I don't like the hardcore /straight-edge character thing either. I think this guy should be a heel. I could see him getting all dark and emo on us no problem. I haven't been impressed with anything I've seen from him either. The GTS is a good name for a finisher, I like that, but pulling it off has obviously been a task for him and I haven't seen it done well for a while if at all. I don't care for the name either, why would you want to be called Punk. that's a prison bitch by definition. And the C.M. stands for Cookie Monster as it was a childhood nickname or something. So you come out with Cookie Monster Prison Bitch, hm mm, that's all I can say about that one. I am a real picky person when it comes to wrestlers though, I don't even like half the roster on any of the brands and that's being generous. I'm not a hater or something, but I feel the roster lacks talent in a lot of areas. I'd like to see him dethrone Santino for the I.C. and work there for a while with some legit competition, then go for some big gold. I don't think he was ready and they just put him up there for either P.R. reasons or to cash in on his rise to popularity. Either way it was a bogus run, and it never looked good to me to see him as champ, in fact I thought it made the whole brand look weak. Here was a guy I would put Shawn Michaels over any day but he's the champ. I would put Randy Orton, Batista, JBL, Jericho, all of them over him, even Kane, but he was champ? I guess the sun does shine on a dog's ass once in a blue moon.
I will start by saying CM Punk is not a failure. Was it his fault he "dropped the ball "during his title reign? Was it his fault the creative team rather then Punk himself "dropped the ball"? I'd say no to both questions simply because it was the way his matches were booked and written. I do agree with the OP on the fact his promos and some of his matches were very, very poor but what could've you expected from a guy in his first title reign? I thought he done well enough and "held the fort" suitably enough.

Of course all the Punk fans will turn around and say "it was poor booking" simply because its true. WWE made him look weak by the way he actually won the championship belt in the first place. CM Punk is a great worker just like Cena and your proof about Cena being a great worker does'nt wash with me. Any wrestler can make a bad situation come good. Once again bad booking was a problem in CM Punk's case.

Former wrestling promotions don't really come into this arguement because we're talking about what Punk is like now, or rather was like as a champion in the WWE.

Once again his title reign was'nt a complete failure, he had good times and bad times.


If creative spent a fraction of the time making others look good instead of being up Hunter Hearst McMahon's ass a lot more young guys would be over. But that won't happen because HHM would never allow that to happen. But at least he is on Smackdown and not ruining Monday nights on RAW.

Punk was made to look bad the day he won the title. I do agree that he probably wasn't ready but what is the point of not getting behind the guy you give the belt to? You have to build storylines that make the guy look good not like a second tier champion.

BTW it was nice to see HHM and HBK win another match when they should be helping elevate the younger guys. But we all know Hunter doesn't play that way...:icon_rolleyes:
If creative spent a fraction of the time making others look good instead of being up Hunter Hearst McMahon's ass a lot more young guys would be over. But that won't happen because HHM would never allow that to happen. But at least he is on Smackdown and not ruining Monday nights on RAW.

Punk was made to look bad the day he won the title. I do agree that he probably wasn't ready but what is the point of not getting behind the guy you give the belt to? You have to build storylines that make the guy look good not like a second tier champion.

BTW it was nice to see HHM and HBK win another match when they should be helping elevate the younger guys. But we all know Hunter doesn't play that way...

Are you on drugs son???? You been hitting the pipe???? Rolling the glass???? Twisting the foil???? Visiting the poop monster???? I think maybe. Your response is that of a typical Triple H HHHATER and someone high as hell off of some heavy shit!!!

To say that creative gave no time to punk, or gives little to no time for other talent is horribly mistaken and is an uneducated opinion. As SlyFox and others pointed out earlier punk was given a great storyline the whole time he fucked it all up though. As for anyone else on the roster, there are plenty of people getting plenty of good storylines and creative is doing just fine with the younger talent. It takes time and they have to serve it. Look at Kofi Kingston, he hasn't been around very long, a few months, and already he's got the Intercontinental Championship, and is a Tag Team Champion with none other than....C.M. Punk, a former world champion. They shot Kofi up there like the fuckin' Apollo mission alright. And take a look at Evan Bourne, he's moving up there pretty quick as well. Then you've got Priceless as the former tag champs, Cryme Tyme being kept in the tag team ranks with Miz and Morrison, and The Brian Kendrick getting a push.

I guess that's all Triple H holding them down right??? What about him and his feud with Jeff Hardy??? Even though he has won decisively against him, all he talks about is how good Jeff Hardy is, and how it's only a matter of time until Jeff Hardy becomes champ. How about how he makes Jeff Hardy look like a suicide man on a mission with balls the size of grapefruits in every match they have? Or the fact that he has lost to Jeff Hardy before? All of it is leading up to him getting the title eventually, but that's just Triple H holding him back again, there's no future plan at all(sarcasm). As another point for you, Smackdown has been doing better since Triple H has been their beating Raw in the ratings so, so much for him ruining anything.

You said that they made Punk look bad the second he got the title but didn't bother to explain how. Was it because they gave him top caliber opponents??? Was it because of the storyline they gave him to legitimize his reign by beating naysayers??? What was it ??? Giving him clean wins???? How did they make him look bad??? If anything he made himself look bad. As stated earlier by clearer minds, he had great workers to work with, a great storyline, great booking, and fan support, so anything that went wrong was his fault.

Rather than admit that or try to explain anything regarding the claims you made what do you do??? You blame the least responsible person in the matter, Triple H. You go on to talk about Shawn and Triple H getting wins they shouldn't get??? How is that??? Those are two of the biggest guys in the company, to be in the ring with them is a privilege, just being in there with them is putting someone over. That's showing that to some degree that person is on their level. You act like these guys just started in the business and have just had their asses kissed repeatedly for no reason, like neither of them has been in the company for over 10 years, helped pull the company out of the MNW's, been credible competition at any time, or put other guys over. To my recollection Triple H put John Cena over remember??? He lost at Wrestlemania to him, then put him over in the Royal Rumble after dominating it. Then I remember him putting Batista over in 3 HIAC's, Chris Benoit, basically Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, and The Rock. Not to Mention the countless people Shawn Michaels has as well. Shawn Michaels is going to go down as arguably the greatest of all time, and Triple H is on pace to break Ric Flairs 16 time world champion record, They don't have to put anyone over they don't want to. Neither does Flair, or Hogan, or The Rock, Or Stone Cold, or The Undertaker. Those guys are big enough they could win all they want by pure will, but they understand that it is better for business for them to elevate other people as well. It really irritates me when people make those kind of claims. Know your shit next time you open your mouth.
CM punk has no awareness of ring psycology, or of storytelling. He tries to reley on spots but these are largely unimpressive and look largely fake. The guy is typical of an indy wrestler refusing to change, you would have through by now that he would have picked up how to wrestle properly with the finest trainers in WWE training him, but no. He still wrestles like he did when he debuted, its fine in the lower card where your not expected to draw, but move him up the card and not only can he not draw, he can't cut a promo, he can't wrestle consistantly, and he can't storytell which means the guy is basically useless. HIs lifestyle maybe comendable but his in-ring abilty is awful and along with that other annoying overated indivdual Kennedy is one of the most slowest developing wrestlers I have ever seen. These 2 actualy look like they are going backwards and getting worse, not getting better.
CM punk has no awareness of ring psycology, or of storytelling. He tries to reley on spots but these are largely unimpressive and look largely fake. The guy is typical of an indy wrestler refusing to change, you would have through by now that he would have picked up how to wrestle properly with the finest trainers in WWE training him, but no. He still wrestles like he did when he debuted, its fine in the lower card where your not expected to draw, but move him up the card and not only can he not draw, he can't cut a promo, he can't wrestle consistantly, and he can't storytell which means the guy is basically useless. HIs lifestyle maybe comendable but his in-ring abilty is awful and along with that other annoying overated indivdual Kennedy is one of the most slowest developing wrestlers I have ever seen. These 2 actualy look like they are going backwards and getting worse, not getting better.

Are you kidding me?

Not only is it laughable that you believe it is CM Punk's active decision to wrestle like that, but also that you are saying he has refused to change. His wrestling is not very similar to his indie wrestling. Simple as that. As far as the crap about refusing to take advice from WWE trainers, of course he has. He follows the WWE formula perfectly. He has a style that sets him apart and has clearly defined signature moves, each of which gets him pops. The martial arts kicks, the corner knee, springboard clothesline, the bulldog, and the GTS - his very own "5 Moves of Doom".

I would understand perfectly if you just say you don't like his style, because it annoys me as well. It is a indie-puro-hybrid moveset which to me comes off very generic, but only because i watch a fair bit of indie wrestling to have seen it many places before. But at least i am aware that there is reasoning behind it, that it follows the WWE formula, and that it was a direction chosen for him. If you are going to complain about something complain about it properly.

It is quite weird he is being called a failure. He won MITB, he won the World Title, he won the Tag Titles, and he is about to feud over the Intercontinental Title with William Regal. In what world does that mean "failure"? Sure, his push was slowed down and WWE sort of comped out on him with the World Title, but he still has a career, he is still on TV every week, and he still looks strong.

As i have said before, he is being groomed as the next Jericho. Someone who can help carry a strengthening midcard while being able to slot into the uppercard/main event when called upon.
Are you kidding me?

Not only is it laughable that you believe it is CM Punk's active decision to wrestle like that, but also that you are saying he has refused to change. His wrestling is not very similar to his indie wrestling. Simple as that. As far as the crap about refusing to take advice from WWE trainers, of course he has. He follows the WWE formula perfectly. He has a style that sets him apart and has clearly defined signature moves, each of which gets him pops. The martial arts kicks, the corner knee, springboard clothesline, the bulldog, and the GTS - his very own "5 Moves of Doom".

I would understand perfectly if you just say you don't like his style, because it annoys me as well. It is a indie-puro-hybrid moveset which to me comes off very generic, but only because i watch a fair bit of indie wrestling to have seen it many places before. But at least i am aware that there is reasoning behind it, that it follows the WWE formula, and that it was a direction chosen for him. If you are going to complain about something complain about it properly.

It is quite weird he is being called a failure. He won MITB, he won the World Title, he won the Tag Titles, and he is about to feud over the Intercontinental Title with William Regal. In what world does that mean "failure"? Sure, his push was slowed down and WWE sort of comped out on him with the World Title, but he still has a career, he is still on TV every week, and he still looks strong.

As i have said before, he is being groomed as the next Jericho. Someone who can help carry a strengthening midcard while being able to slot into the uppercard/main event when called upon.

What has his moveset got to do with anything? If he had the stunner, rock bottom, pedigree, sweet chin music, and anklelock in his moveset would that make him a good wrestler? no.

Sucessful? Is that why Raw's rating dropped by .5 with him as champion, or why he got zero reaction after the suprise of his win wore off. The guy is a joke- he didnt make a crediable ECW champion, and WWE gave him a chance like all the ICW fanboys were moaning about and he failed spectacularly. All this and having 2 of the worst ppv matches of 2008 v jbl and v batista. The guy obviously hasnt learnt anything because he can't keep the crowd interested during his matches, and I'm not talking when he's facing jobbers even in the main event of a PPV people lose interest and thats not right.
You are clearly death. Punk got clearly good reactions out there worthy of any uppercard wrestler. Sure, ratings went down, but that means very little these days when interest in wrestling is so low, of course they are going to drop when someone who has been wrestling on the C-show all his WWE career and had been on RAW for, what? A month? And remember, ratings went up by .5 when Cena became champion, which by your logic also makes Jericho a failure as champion. But of course, as i said, very few could carry the world title without proper build up, so calling him a failure for that is ludicrous when, once again, he is still on TV every week and is booked strongly.

And yes, moveset does come into it. As i said, each of those 5 moves gets him a pop. They clearly work in getting his style over. Which it did, listening is your best option.

EDIT: Oh, and by your language, "zero reaction" and "the guy is a joke", you are clearly taking a dislike to him out of spite.
Let's face it. The guy is a failure. The WWE gave him a World title in exciting fashion, and he dropped the ball. The WWE gave him a very interesting story, and he dropped the ball. His promos were lackluster, and his matches were cookie-cutter and boring.

I dont think he was a failure, he had some good matches and was a fan favourite so he was never totally horrible. I know he had some bad matches and some of his promos were kinda lacking but he was never a complete failure.

Now, of course, all the Punk fans are going to jump in and blame the WWE for his booking and what all, but it's a load of crap and everyone knows it. A good worker can take bad booking and run with it. See John Cena as proof of that, and the way he took poor booking and turned himself into a goldmine, not once but twice. So, don't give me this bad booking nonsense.

Punk's short title reign was made up of Punk winning by disqualification week in week out so surely the booking is at least partly to blame?

I'm not the biggest punk fan but there is no way it is his fault, in my opinion.

Let's face it IWC. Punk was a failure. He wasn't ready for the main-event in any capacity. He wasn't a legitimate champion, and wasn't an entertaining champion. He did nothing of value, and nothing of note.

Now majority this I agree with. Punk was not ready in any capacity to become a major champion. He had only just moved to Raw from the breeding grounds of WWE, ECW and he didnt have anywhere near as much experience as he should have had.

His title reign was a failure. The question is, will he be able to bounce back from it, a la Randy Orton, or will he fall to the wayside like Rob Van Dam? I want to read your thoughts.

You saying his reign was a failure is your opinion. I think it was bad but I dont think it was so bad that it was a failure. Following his loss for the belt he has held Tag Team gold and is now competing for the IC championship, yes?

Punk holding the title should help build up the titles image again, hopefully.
You are clearly death. Punk got clearly good reactions out there worthy of any uppercard wrestler. Sure, ratings went down, but that means very little these days when interest in wrestling is so low, of course they are going to drop when someone who has been wrestling on the C-show all his WWE career and had been on RAW for, what? A month? And remember, ratings went up by .5 when Cena became champion, which by your logic also makes Jericho a failure as champion. But of course, as i said, very few could carry the world title without proper build up, so calling him a failure for that is ludicrous when, once again, he is still on TV every week and is booked strongly.

And yes, moveset does come into it. As i said, each of those 5 moves gets him a pop. They clearly work in getting his style over. Which it did, listening is your best option.

EDIT: Oh, and by your language, "zero reaction" and "the guy is a joke", you are clearly taking a dislike to him out of spite.

Please watch his matches as world champion against JBL and Batista again. You can't seriously suggest that 1) The reaction/interest from the fans was anything like a world champion should attract and 2) That the matches were not anything more than lackluster lower card standard rubbish at best.

And how can he not be considered a failure as champion? He lost viewers, wasnt entertaining and performed poorly both in the ring and on the mic. I also don't understand how going from been given the oppotunity of running with a world title agasinst the company's top heel in a fashion that was exciting, to working the lower mid-card and winning a meaningless title, and now chasing another meaningless title be considered not to be a failure. The WWE lost so much confidence in him that he wasn't even given a rematch for the title on PPV, a luxury even the worst champions are usualy afforded.
Please watch his matches as world champion against JBL and Batista again. You can't seriously suggest that 1) The reaction/interest from the fans was anything like a world champion should attract and 2) That the matches were not anything more than lackluster lower card standard rubbish at best.

And how can he not be considered a failure as champion? He lost viewers, wasnt entertaining and performed poorly both in the ring and on the mic. I also don't understand how going from been given the oppotunity of running with a world title agasinst the company's top heel in a fashion that was exciting, to working the lower mid-card and winning a meaningless title, and now chasing another meaningless title be considered not to be a failure. The WWE lost so much confidence in him that he wasn't even given a rematch for the title on PPV, a luxury even the worst champions are usualy afforded.

He got over with the fans and I enjoyed watching him, he was something new and a welcome break to the seeing Edge or Triple H holding the title. That alone makes me glad he was the champion and his reign seem not so bad.

I admit his reign was bad but it was not as bad as it is made out to be.
CM Punk a failure? Hardly. The guy had RAW ratings as high as they have been in a long time while he was champion, surely that means something? Even with an accomplished wrestler like Jericho as champion, even he couldn't get the same ratings as Punk did. Let's face it, the WWE wants to get the highest rating possible, and since Jericho, nor Batista has compared to as high as Punk got it this year, I rest my case.
CM Punk a failure? Hardly. The guy had RAW ratings as high as they have been in a long time while he was champion, surely that means something? Even with an accomplished wrestler like Jericho as champion, even he couldn't get the same ratings as Punk did. Let's face it, the WWE wants to get the highest rating possible, and since Jericho, nor Batista has compared to as high as Punk got it this year, I rest my case.

Your talking about during the Anarchy days of RAW, that was fairly interesting, other than JBL in title picture, but once things got back down to order, the suprise of his Reign wore of, Punk was nothing but another indy wrestler, failing to do his job...He didnt even react mad when losing his title, he beat up dibiase, and was like "oh well, im good now" ....his RM with jericho SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED and that sure as heck, wasnt jericho's fualt.. you also forget, while they were as high as ever (due to anarchy as said) they were lower than they ever were in a DECADE...2.7? :wtf: and that WAS punk's fualt, once jericho got the strap everyone was excited, and jericho, put on one heck of a show by any means neccaccarry during his reign, and is still doing great.
Your talking about during the Anarchy days of RAW, that was fairly interesting, other than JBL in title picture, but once things got back down to order, the suprise of his Reign wore of, Punk was nothing but another indy wrestler, failing to do his job...He didnt even react mad when losing his title, he beat up dibiase, and was like "oh well, im good now" ....his RM with jericho SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED and that sure as heck, wasnt jericho's fualt.. you also forget, while they were as high as ever (due to anarchy as said) they were lower than they ever were in a DECADE...2.7? :wtf: and that WAS punk's fualt, once jericho got the strap everyone was excited, and jericho, put on one heck of a show by any means neccaccarry during his reign, and is still doing great.

While you can argue that during that time, RAW was in a slump, and true, it wouldn't really take much to improve it, but Punk took that 2.7 rating and turned into a 3.4 or 3.5 if my memory serves me right, and that's a huge rise just for one person. You could argue that it was just for the mere shock, but those ratings continued over the weeks.. while not as 3.5, around 3.3 which is still strong.

Jericho did a fantastic job as champion, great matches & a great evolvement of his character, but his reign wasn't as exciting as Punk's. Every time Punk put the title on the line, fans expected him to lose, yet the thrill of him winning was excitement to them, and they were more into his reign as champion than Jericho's. Look at the fans during the matches, during Punk's matches they'd scream 'CM PUNK!' time after time, yet for Jericho, even though he was a heel, they wern't into the match as much.
While you can argue that during that time, RAW was in a slump, and true, it wouldn't really take much to improve it, but Punk took that 2.7 rating and turned into a 3.4 or 3.5 if my memory serves me right, and that's a huge rise just for one person. You could argue that it was just for the mere shock, but those ratings continued over the weeks.. while not as 3.5, around 3.3 which is still strong.

Jericho did a fantastic job as champion, great matches & a great evolvement of his character, but his reign wasn't as exciting as Punk's. Every time Punk put the title on the line, fans expected him to lose, yet the thrill of him winning was excitement to them, and they were more into his reign as champion than Jericho's. Look at the fans during the matches, during Punk's matches they'd scream 'CM PUNK!' time after time, yet for Jericho, even though he was a heel, they wern't into the match as much.

Thats not true...Raw had the 3.4 for Punk the week after he cashed in, 3-4 weeks later, he got
the 2.7. The croud was no where near into the match as you said he was. I was quite bored during ALL his matches, and so was the croud. While he was defending it with JBL its still no excuse, JBL gets heat, and gets it good. Every wrestler knows that when facing JBL you go your hardest, just let him carry the mic, you carry the wrestling skill. Thats why JBL was one of the longest reigning champions in recent history. People carried his wrestling, while he carried the mic. Punk failed to put on a good show while fueding with him, and ratings, showed from it. Once again, the 2.7.

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