The "Everybody Makes A Big Deal About Kevin Nash's Theme" Thread (Discuss nWo here)

Do you want a nWo return?

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How would this make ANY sense at all?

So, CM Punk lost his WWE champion and then had Kevin Nash come in and powerbomb him. He chose to do that? He knew nothing about John Lauranitis dealing with Kevin Nash and then rehiring him to a contract.. so you're saying CM Punk somehow convinced Lauranitis to sign Nash? And this week CM Punk willingly took ANOTHER powerbomb on RAW. For what? None of that makes any sense with a reincarnation of the NWO.

People need to THINK. Please. Everyone's so easily led. There's not going to be a new NWO, and CM Punk certainly isn't going to be the mastermind behind it. And if somehow that happened then it would be HORRIBLE writing and WWE would be as bad as TNA in doing so.

I'd say Miz is behind Nash and the conspiracy, though.
What are the chances we see Vince return with Batista? Seems like the whole MMA thing didn't work out to well. I think Batista would be a perfect fit with Nash and a few others.
Holy shit, first punk and now Cena? Are you all insane? The NWO will not come back to the WWE, and even if it did Cena would never be the leader. Like i said in the Punk thread, Cena is an "Outsider" (no pun intended) to the whole NWO concept, so why in the hell would he be the leader of this version of the NWO when there are two original members left ( Kevin Nash and Big -Show)? Look WCW tried it in 2000 with Bret Hart as leader and it failed, but at least you had Nash and Hall as members. Now in 2011, the only original members left are Big-Show and Nash and WWE already tried that in 2002 and it failed. So in closing, no the NWO isn't coming back not with Punk as leader and certainely not with Cena as leader.
The NWO has been dead longer than WCW has been dead. It can never be rehashed. There is no place for the NWO in pro wrestling today. The group is dead, rehashing it wont bring it back to life. Let it stay dead.
Oh God NO...There is no need to bring back the nWo. Has everyone forgotten that Vince HATES successful gimmicks he didn't create? He will not bring back the nWo, nor will he align CM Punk with Nash. Punk has already headed 2 stables that have failed miserably, he functions much better alone. He may have one guy to watch his back, but I sincerely doubt it. Plus, the majority of the fan base is kids nowadays, and how many of the adult fans were even watching back in 2004 when the nWo limped back into the picture thanks to Eric Bischoff. Yes, Vince "brought them in" as poison, but let's face it, if not for Bischoff on Raw, we would've never seen those Black and White t-shirts again.

And another thing, the nWo theme music is just that, theme music. As few people as there are who remember the nWo, even less remember Diesel. They needed to give Nash an entrance theme, and this one was the best one available. What were they gonna do, re-use the truck starting up and the deep south blues riff? Come on...

(God Damn but i loved that entrance at the Rumble though. But myself and people like me, we're the exception rather than the rule. You must realize that, right?)
So in one match, you manage to turn 2 top faces (I still consider Punk a face) heels and leave RAW without a top face? Who will take the job?

Please don't say Morrison. It's bad enough that he gets as much air time as he does now. He will fail miserably as the top guy.
no No NO!!! First and foremost, enough threads about the nWo and who's gonna be the leader. IF...biiiiiiiiigggg IF..the nWo re-forms, Nash is the only leader there couldbe, along with HHH playing the sort of Bischoff executive role. However, the entire point is moot, the nWo WILL NOT RE-FORM!
IF WWE are bringing back the nWo, then Cena would be my pick to lead the faction. It would be a huge swerve, maybe up there with when Hogan joined them back in WCW?
A Cena heel turn would be the biggest storyline since the Invasion angle back in 2001.

Punk leading another stable just doesnt feed my apetite. He's had 2 cracks at it now and both failed.
I was hype when nwo came back but disappointed in the end. the whole getting the band back together was worthless. now an nwo return would be the tarnishing of greatness, but apparently that's what people want to do. whether it's warrior on hogan some journalist on flair or wwe and classic wcw creative, it would tarnish what once was. I will always be a fan of the kilq amd now. the last nwo like angle almost worked with the nexus, they just didn't have anybody in a higher power to guide them so it failed on screen. using a takeover concept is the key, not the nwo. having someone known change the wrestling world is the key. but it can't be Cena, people want and expect that. not sting cause I can't dream anymore. it has to be a TNA star coming over, someone with crowd one. sure Joe is gonna kill u. but Joe is gonna kill himself if he don't get on a better diet. but here it goes
Joe is the hall
Nash is himself since he is already there,, but soon booted in classic fashion for being irrelevant
beer money makes the transition
and the wwe traitor is.....the undertaker
wwe has been putting everyone and everything in the takers way to end the streak, Shawn michaels and then HHH(bosses son in law). he is is pissed that the company shows him such disrespect and have allowed people like Cena and punk and orton take over the company profile. that is the twist...the new taker haircut humanizes him and the last ride is the nail in the coffin for wwe. he meets Cena for wwe title at rumble. then HHH meets undertaker..undertaker wins decisively this time and leaves with www title in hand.
there classic promotion diss that nwo was allabout and the shocker no one expected. beer money isn't really needed but they are a face in another promotion that people would know. the main the about nwo was it was NEW. it's old now, so the question is, when u keep the concept what name do u give it? since it's lead by taker. I call them. revelation!
Why is everyone suddenly convinced the nWo is returning in any fashion? Outside of Nash using the nWo's theme (his most well-known and ubiquitous theme), I see no connection. Vince bringing in the nWo to destroy his own company already happened, scene-for-scene, in 2002. Why would they do it again?
Didnt Vince try and do the whole nWo thing back in 2002? He brought back Nash, Hall and Hogan to take power from Flair. The original group was pretty awesome. But then Hogan left and X-Pac, HBK, Show etc got involved and it just got really silly.

If Vince does return as the leader of the nWo I would love to see him recruit the following:

Kevin Nash - an nWo without Nash is like eating toast without butter.

John Cena - I wanna see a heel Cena. Biggest turn since Hogan joined nWo.

Skip Sheffield - Bring him back if injuries sorted. Could learn so much working with the 2 names above. Would be a great enforcer. Maybe an IC run.

John Morrison - Like Sheffield, could learn alot in terms of promo/delivery from Cena and Nash. He sucks as a face. He has the swagger to pull off a heel.

Tyson Kidd - I really like this guy. Its a shame he struggles on the stick. Tag him with Morrison and make the tag belts relevant again.
I think you've got something on the CM punk leading NWO thing, one thing for sure i do totally agree with is someone is about to backstab someone. Whether its Kevin Nash and Triple H band together to screw CM Punk or whether its Kevin Nash and CM Punk screwing Triple H i dont know but i do see an NWO coming back. WHo's leading it i think youll be surprised because i feel its someone that we dont see right now. Like maybe Vince Mcmahon or maybe even Stephanie?? Maybe an old member returning?? Who knows but i cant wait to find out WWE is exciting again.
nash was most knowen for the wolfpac music not nWo. i think its perfect vince wants his company back so he injects it with his version of the nwo. i can see punk joining maybe but cena no way i think it will be vince erics role,nash, batista, and a couple others..
Wow...ANOTHER nWo thread...for the last time, the nWo will never, ehever return!!

1. Vince hates everything that he himself didn't either create or facilitate
2. WE fondly remember the nWo, but does the average Mark in the crowd? No. No fan under the age of about 16-18 remembers the nWo the way we do. Who is the main focus of the WWE? Fans under 18!!! KIDS!!!

In conclusion...STOP IT!!!!
We be cool but i wouldn't say as leader if you look at the original Hogan,Nash,Hall at the start they where equal .

nWo would be all good if only Nash the only one brought in No Hall or no Useless waste of space Xpac . But how big would you make it??

So lets have a try

Punk- Leader
Nash- Enforcer
Air Boom - Tag ( Keep hinting about a new Era of Tag Team Wrestling)
colt cabana- Mid card if brought in . If not Ryder or A-Rod
Kelly Kelly- Diva not needed but be nice even know i think AJ i better

They would need a mouth piece Punk & Nash are both good on the mic.

At the moment it wouldnt make sense but HHH in with this group could work as the new COO wants to bring a new fresh vibe in to WWE then have Stepth behind the Nash stuff wanting WWE to stay how her Dad built it and didn't want CM Punk as the top dog.
I think now that Triple H is obviously playing a significant role in the booking process [not that he wasn't for a while], I think he understands what the wrestling world needs is something fresh. The nWo is the very antithesis of this. Will we see some other stable? Maybe. Hopefully not. C.M. Punk is finally in an awesome spot and having him lead a new version of the nWo will more than likely ruin it. Maybe somewhere down the line it would be ok.

I'm starting to think more and more that this will end up playing out as Nash [as a heel] doing all of this to steal back some of his lost spotlight that Triple H stole from riding on his coattails back in the day. I'm not opposed to the idea of having separate entities, ie- Triple H, C.M. Punk, Nash, Cena, etc. All having their own agendas and trying to improve the business in their own way that leads to interchanging feuds. Something along those lines makes more sense to me anyway.
I think new faction would be cool, but there isn't a need to have to call it the NWO. Evolution wasn't called the Four Horseman, but it still worked.

I'm all for a new group. But like Sub said, most of today's audience was too young to remember the GOOD NWO.

Make it happen, but come up with a much more clever name than The Corre and Nexxus.
Didn't Goldberg mention he was returning to wrestling (but not for the WWE)? Have him return with Nash and have a an old school feel to it. Yes, the younger generation may not remember the NWO like we do, but they would remember this version of the NWO like we did the original. The Four Horsemen were recycled for like 20 years remember!
How does a feud with HHH help Punk? Excuse me but is that really a serious question?

CM Punk may be the hottest star in the WWE currently but he is by no means an established superstar at par with guys like Cena or Orton. Punk has had a good two months but if he stepped aside from the main event tommorow, absolutely nothing would be affected. The ratings would be the same, the PPV buyrates would be the same and smarks would bitch, like they always have.

A feud with Triple H could be for Punk what a feud with Bret Hart was for Austin. Austin, as you might remember, was the hottest star in the WWE after his Austin 3:16 promo but he did not really become a star till he feuded with Bret.

I would not like to see a Punk led nWo. That is because Punk is a character that works better as a loner than in a group. He is better when the whole world is against his ways and he is a guy who is telling the system to stuff it. I would not really be averse to the idea of Punk against a heel stable but there is no need for Punk to be in the lead when it comes to a numbers game. It also destroys the babyface character that he has been hinting at.
Just what if...Vince and The Rock are behind this....It comes out that Rock is the new "Hollywood" of the nWo...He's the Leader and Vince is the Bischoff of the nWo...Bring in Nash..Big show...and Batista. Then you would have the Rock and Cena storyline till wrestlemania and HHH and Vince power struggle storyline leading into wrestlemania. Just had a thought. nWo 4 life
Considering that they mentioned the possibility of an nWo return on, I think it's a pretty safe bet that it WON'T happen.

I get a strong feeling that WWE really isn't interested in starting or bringing back any factions at the moment, considering how poorly the whole Nexus thing turned out

However, it's fun to speculate so I, for one, don't mind these kinds of threads even if there's "no way it'll EVER HAPPEN!" So what? Go read a different thread and let people have their fun.
Considering that they mentioned the possibility of an nWo return on, I think it's a pretty safe bet that it WON'T happen.

I get a strong feeling that WWE really isn't interested in starting or bringing back any factions at the moment, considering how poorly the whole Nexus thing turned out

However, it's fun to speculate so I, for one, don't mind these kinds of threads even if there's "no way it'll EVER HAPPEN!" So what? Go read a different thread and let people have their fun.

That was creative's fault. They had good heat for a few weeks after their initial debut, but the guys in the back destroyed it.

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