The "Everybody Makes A Big Deal About Kevin Nash's Theme" Thread (Discuss nWo here)

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as all of you noticed, nash came out to nWo music tonight, anyone think this could be a nWo comeback, or just a coincidence. I think it could be a good way to bring the nWo into the new generation, id make it so the angle ended up with HHH, nash and cm punk as the members.
Well they don't want to refer to him as Diesel so until they can create a new song for him the only other song they have for him is the NWO theme. I for one do not want a third or fourth run for the NWO that storyline will only kill any momentum the WWE has gotten over the summer.
It wasn't intended to signal a new nWo fraction. It's just meant to be entrance music. I think 50% of the audience (aka the kids) have never heard that theme before lol.

Based on some of the reports, Nash returning is a short term deal so new music may not be needed OR they're in the process of making it. Either way, don't read too much into it.

P.S. It was pretty awesome to hear that song again. That's still one of my favourite entrance themes. Hearing that brought back a lot of good memories.
I thought it was cool. I thought that that song was Hogans. Made me think of Hogan. Would have been Hella cool if he came out to the Wolfpac Nwo song. That song reminds me more of him. The beat could get the crowd movin and grovin.
If they did do nWo for the trillionth time, I see R-Truth and The Miz at least as a couple of members and possible add David Otunga and McGillicutty to the mix. I was hoping they used his music circa 2003 or his Diesel theme. So we might see the return of X-Pac maybe down the line.
I wouldn't be shocked if we didn't see Nash on WWE TV again. The point of bringing him back was for a match with punk. Now that's been scrapped and the WWE has a recent history of just dropping angles unresolved. Stupid, I know.
We can all hope for the idea of a new "nWo," but you'd need someone else besides Kevin Nash from the old crew. Scott Hall is out of the question at this point in time. Hogan is a definite no....

Although, it would be interesting for "The Big Show" to team up once again with Kevin Nash... If they could pull Buff Bagwell in!!....

oh we can only dream....
I really hope that they don't do that personally.

If there is something that is a constant in wrestling history is you can't keep going back to the well, even Hogan the biggest draw of all time only got a few months out of Hulkamania again before it got stale.

The wrestling business needs to keep evolving and keep moving forward, if you go backwards you are basically saying your product sucks so lets go back to something that worked 15 years ago.

Not only that the nWo isn't the nWo without Hogan and Hall, neither of those guys are going to the WWE so whats the point?

The nWo worked because it was 3 big names in wrestling basically taking over an organization. If they made a new stable, had HHH, Nash and Punk together then it would work but don't go back to the nWo, its old news and personally one thing I can't stand is when wrestling companies are so unoriginal they have to do stuff that worked years and years ago.

Besides, if they DO go this route I guarantee in 2 weeks every fan on this board will be complaining about it.
i love stables if they brought back the nwo id start watching wwe again. im a big fan of tna.
these days the wwe is just boring
lame idea to being back the nWo. it worked because the timing was right - both for the people involved and for where the industry was - but it's time has passed. and i say this as a fan of the nWo. bringing it back makes them seem desperate. want people to stop making comparisons the attitude era? then quit using angles from it today. we have had evolution, we have had legacy, do we really need the nWo with Nash again?
I'm a huge mark for nWo.. yes, every incarnation of it.. even the cheap versions TNA tries to do.. so anytime there's a chance of nWo coming back, I'm all for it.. i thought it'd be sweet if Triple H is behind bringing the nWo back.. maybe next week have X-Pac show up and blindside CM Punk or something.. and at Night of Champions have Nash and X-Pac once again show up and make Triple H turn heel telling the world that the nWo is back.. long shot i know.. but one can dream :)

and even if they did bring the nWo back, i wouldn't throw every jobber into the group like Miz or Otunga.. i would make it more of a Kliq stable.. Nash, X-Pac, Triple H.. hell bring back New Age Outlaws to join, since they were part of DX.. if HBK can be part of nWo, so can HHH :)

anyway.. it's just an entrance theme, when you think of Nash, you think nWo but i think it would have been cooler if he used the Wolfpac theme instead.. and whoever mentioned nWo theme being Hogan's.. no, it was for the whole group.. Hogan always used Voodoo Child.. unless you're talking about his TNA theme, which is just some sort of remix version..
i dont think its the return of the NWO its just enterance music for kevin nash (although i dont rember him using the NWO theme when he was fueding with triple h but i could be wrong) but bottom line no i dont think this is the return of NWO it wouldnt be good at all
if they do bring the nwo back,this will be the shocker,wait for it,wait for it,JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!!!!!THINK BOUT IT, CENA IS THE HOGAN OF THIS GEN. IT COULD HAPPEN
I would absolutely hate it if the NWO returned, new members or not. The NWO was a great faction in WCW but why bring it back? The faction obviously ran it's course and should've been kept as a one time thing with a few reunions here and there. Why bring the NWO back? To clutter up the storyline going in right now? To take away from some of the younger stars who obviously need a little more light then these guys do? Let's not forget Nash isn't stealing anyone's spotlight. Nash is there to help Triple H find his balls once again and kick the shit out of CM Punk. Nash isn't in a prominant role on Raw. This feud revolves mostly around Triple H and CM Punk and Nash is just there. The NWO would do nothing but get in the way of things and prevent this storyline from moving forward. Let's keep the faction thing on Thursday nights and leave Raw the way it is.
i think itd be awesome, have nash in a limited wrestling role/manager/bodyguard, original leader of nWo passing the name down to guys like cm punk or randy orton or something like that, definetly like to see migillicutty ( get him to use his real name), rhodes and dibiase in it, kindof following in thier fathers footsteps kindof thing, big show too, another wcw nWo member 4 life.
no the nwo is dead scott hall as too many problems outside of the ring hulk and eric are in tna waltmen is the only one i could see making a return thats it and it will be for the kliq
the nwo coming back would be awesome, but what if all this was a swerve to get pumk vs hhh, so nash betrays hhh, and joins forces with punk. punk used nash to get hhh in the ring. just a thought. and then nash and punk form the nwo
It's just his music. How long is he really gonna stick around anyway?

I could do without any major stables for a while. The loose ends of the Nexus angle and the Corre left a bad taste in my mouth. And for me, the nWo jumped the shark after Starcade 97, so I don't want to see yet another incarnation of the group nearly 14 years later.
When the music hit, I knew that Nash's ship had sunk, completely.

Then Nash was replaced with Triple H at NOC. his ship is below the ocean floor.

Nash couldn't keep up with Punk in a wrestling match, hell Nash can barely walk to the ring. Also did anyone notice he was wearing brown shoes, with a black shirt? Terrible.

The NWO died in WCW and nothing the WWE or TNA does can bring back that feeling of the original NWO ever.
HHH Nash and Punk would be the greatest stable since Evolution...perhaps even better if they did it right. Dont call it the NWO tho, that idea is played out. But if they all teamed up to take shit over, that would be sicckkkkkkk
nash is just using the song for the duration of his run. they have tried reviving the nwo havent they? its always crashed before. hopefully triple hhh knows better. i wonder how many times he will have a match? hopefully he has that match with the big show, him and hhh should have a match, hopefully x-pac returns somewhere along the line.
I think only way for this kind of an angle to work is finally turning John Cena a heel and revealing him the mastermind behind all of this. It would have the closest impact that WCW created in 1996. But even though swerve sounds really good I don't think it's that of a good idea. First of all even though IWC are bitching for a Cena heel turn they will rip this angle to shreds because of trying to copy an angle that is 15 years old. Also although John Cena is the biggest draw in wrestling today he is nowhere near the level of Hulk Hogan. The other reason and I think which is the biggest is there is no wrestler in WWE that can fill Cena's boots as top face while he's the top heel. Moreover when this kind of a swerve was done in 1996 shock effect was much more into play because in past it was rare to see a top face to turn to heel but today it's not something that shocking. So I think the closest impact they can do by nWo angle putting a huge swerve like that but I think that's not a very good idea at this moment. So if they really wanna put young wrestlers over by a stable it's name doesn't matter nWo would do no wonders to them more than Nexus. Because what makes stables so great are not their names it's the wrestlers that are put in. So I don't see any point of a nWo reunion angle.

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