The Eve/Heel-Turn Angle

Maybe Eve will join up with Kane and they will rename her Eve-L. ;)

Maybe the injured Ryder will take on a managerial type role for another Diva in order to get some measure of revenge on Eve. But unless Cena (highly unlikely) and/or Ryder align themselves somehow with a woman I don't think this will lead to big things for Eve. She may get a few segments trying to make fake amends. Might be interesting to see Eve try to show support to The Rock and how he handles it.

But overall I don't expect much to come from it.
I didn't mind seeing Eve turn heel. The problem was it was done too quickly and at the wrong time.

This is true. It wreaked of short-term knee jerk booking and I agree with many others in this thread that it's purpose was to elevate Cena as a face. It had potential to be drawn out much further.

With that said, the audience clearly hates her now, so they need to capitalize on her massive heat and make her into the top heel diva. Let her keep trying to use men (and anyone else) also to further prove her heel credentials. Revealing she and Kane were working together would be a good start.
Awful actress, awful storyline, awful spray tan
But i'd still do her

Her involvement in this whole thing makes no sense, another classic WWE hotshot angle
Where the story is going is irrelevant. It's intended purpose was to be the catalyst for Cena to become more intense and get him some great reactions from a live crowd.

Quite possible. At first, I thought Eve's involvement was going to work to the benefit of Zack Ryder, but it seems he's now just "a pawn in her game" and might not figure any further in this angle. As pointed out above, Eve might not even be the focus of this face turn.....but we can hope, can't we? Seeing her cry real tears for the camera reminded me that there hasn't been a true character push for a diva since the days of Chyna and Lita. Essentially, the divas don't have individual character at all; they're window dressing, displayed in 30-second matches that leave much to be desired.

Frankly, if WWE was going to finally choose a woman to show some personality, I never guessed Eve would be the one. Her acting seemed too contrived and forced to be believable, but she did a good job on Monday and the crowd appeared to be responding to it. Let's give her a chance.

I think management's intentions are good this time. Whether the execution can measure up remains to be seen.
Whatever does happen with Eve she isn't gonna be apart of a main storyline anymore, or at least I wouldn't think so.

I still think that the whole thing Monday night was to make Cena more focused on the Rock and to get him a few more fans.

Whatever does happen with Eve it won't be apart of any main storyline but will probably involve Ryder in some way. It's possible she will align herself with Kane but that seems unlikely as Kane has seemed to revert back to his loner ways of the past. I just hope it doesn't take up too much TV time as I really have no interest in seeing Eve unless she has minimal to none clothes on at all times.
Quite possible. At first, I thought Eve's involvement was going to work to the benefit of Zack Ryder, but it seems he's now just "a pawn in her game" and might not figure any further in this angle. As pointed out above, Eve might not even be the focus of this face turn.....but we can hope, can't we? Seeing her cry real tears for the camera reminded me that there hasn't been a true character push for a diva since the days of Chyna and Lita. Essentially, the divas don't have individual character at all; they're window dressing, displayed in 30-second matches that leave much to be desired.

Frankly, if WWE was going to finally choose a woman to show some personality, I never guessed Eve would be the one. Her acting seemed too contrived and forced to be believable, but she did a good job on Monday and the crowd appeared to be responding to it. Let's give her a chance.

I think management's intentions are good this time. Whether the execution can measure up remains to be seen.

It's not too late for Ryder to benefit from Eve's heel turn. He can repel her advances like Cena did or choose to forgive her. I'm sure WWE will decide where to take this storyline based on whatever tweets / facebook posts Ryder gets.

I agree that the Divas need character development as well. Even a manipulative ho character that Eve recently played has more depth than anyone else in the Divas division (and a hell of a lot better than Natalya's farting gimmick).

It also raises the point - why not bring in more actresses to WWE? Wrestling ability can be taught but acting skills are more or less naturally occurring. But then again, that would involve getting better writers as well...
Once again, the WWE's got a brilliant idea and they're going to manage to screw this up. What a better way to turn Cena heel than to have Eve pretend to be Ryder's friend when all along, she was hooking up with Cena because of the 'money, fame, and looks'. She came off as someone who is very materialistic and a very believable bad girl.

But what do they do with it? Cena's got the Rock to deal with until WM, so where does Eve go to? Ryder, of course. That way, the story can be sat on the back burner and end up fizzling out. The timing of the whole thing's not very good at all. This should have been held off until after WM.

Yet, it still has potential to be a very good angle if they think the story through.

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