The Eve/Heel-Turn Angle

Eve is a terrible actor first and foremost. It was a bad backstage promo. Once she got out to the ring it got a little better, but still not good.

You all should know by now what Vince thinks of the divas. The whole thing was done to get the crowd behind Cena before he cut his big promo against the Rock. That was it.

Anything they do with Eve will be put on the backburner and rarely brought up (like when Melina turned heel). The only way it'll help her career out is if she gets a good partner to feud with Ryder.
I think WWE may have dropped the ball on this one. I was starting to think about Ryder vs. Kane at mania. That match doesn't do much for me but throw in some drama with Eve and it could have been something. I pictured Kane destroying Ryder throughout the match as a tearful Eve came to ringside begging Kane to stop. Kane would then turn his attention to Eve and she would need Ryder to collect the strength and courage to overcome the monster and rescue her. After an unlikely victory Ryder and Eve embrace and finally they are more than just friends. Could have been a nice moment.

I don't know Brian, this could turn out to be something very interesting.

I was confused at how RAW was starting with Eve and The Bellas, but as soon as Eve started talking about using Ryder and Cena, I was blown away. It was like Whoa :wtf:

First off, opening RAW with the Divas is bold in its own right, but Eve! She's been using these guys the whole time? Eve used Ryder to get all the attention on her, and she was gonna use Cena to get to the top even more. Pretty ingenious to be honest. Only bad part is she got caught and embarrassed on National TV by John Cena.

I like the potential of a Eve/Zack Ryder feud. I'm looking forward to her explanation when Ryder confronts her. There has to be more behind this heel turn. There's sides to this story that we don't even know yet.

Zack Ryder could team up with a Diva at WrestleMania to take on Eve and her partner, wait for it....KANE!

Think about it. What if Eve and Kane were in this whole thing all along? Just playing Ryder for a fool. It didn't work on Cena, but it worked on Ryder to perfection. He went from US Champion, to being put in a wheelchair, losing his girl, losing his best friend, and losing the US Title. Ryder is going to want TONS of revenge. I think this storyline could be GOLD, provided they don't mess it up.

Besides, Eve acted like a psycho. Sounds like she and Kane would be perfect for each other.
I really have no clue where Vince/HHH are going with this story. I thought the start of RAW was very weird last night with Eve talking to the Bella's saying that she was using Zack Ryder and John Cena.
I am now more confused than ever! When Zack Ryder comes back will it be like it never happened? Has all the stuff to do with Kane gone to her head and made her crazy? Really no idea but interested in where it is going

Actually, it won't be like nothing happened. Cole, and his penchant for tweeting, stated the following from Zack Ryder, "Broskis before hoeskis." I think she'll probably side with Kane now, as another poster stated earlier that it might be the start of Eve going psycho now.
So let me get this straight...

Kane and CCena have this feud in which Kane tries to get Cena to "embrace the hate" and tortures Eve and basically destroys Ryder...the whole point was to to change the audiences perception of Cena and what looked to be a slow heel turn...and IT WAS ALL TO TURN EVE HEEL? What sense does THAT make?

Look, I like Eve, I think she is great in the ring...but her "acting" is subpar. I dont see how she is going to pull off being a heel. Especially when she spent 5 minutes hysterically crying in the ring and had to be escorted to the back by officials.

The thing I dont get is that Eve IS one of the top Divas. It's not she is AJ or Katlyn who are trying to rise up in the Divas division. I dont understand the NEED to use Ryder to get to Cena and use him to get to the top? Why didn't she just gut through the middle man and go straight for Cena in the first place? They DO have history after all. The whole thing just makes no sense.

RAW has been solid lately...and then you start with this!? Start with Punk/Jericho, or start with Cena cutting a promo on Kane and then do his promo about Rock. Cena just completely glossed over the fact that he beat Kane after weeks of torture. Bad start to RAW.
I hope this angle goes somewhere, but I'm not holding my breath. Many of you I think are looking too far into this. It was simply a way for Cena to drop Eve so he could focus on The Rock and it worked wonders because people were behind Cena in the two segments he did. As long as Cena doesn't use the same insults constantly like he did with Lita to the point where they got boring I will love the fact that he insults a diva like Eve. It doesn't neccessarily turn out bad every time Cena insults a diva.
I suspect we will have some blow off to this where we see Zack finally give Eve the boot while she attempts to crawl back to him, this would make him look good...which is exactly why it wont happen.

This feud has been about making Zack Ryder look like the biggest dork ever, and they succeeded in that.

If we look beyond Zack vs Kane (which i assume is a WM match) then i can see Eve feuding with a Kharma champ who i expect will finally beat Beth at Mania.
The opening just got a massive 'meh' from me. The idea was interesting, but as others have said, where do the WWE go from here? Eve was turned heel and busted within a minute or so, then followed that up with 5 minutes or so of "Wait, John... let me explain *cry* Wait, John... I can explain... no, sshhhh, wait.... John".

I know one of D-Man's pet peeves is hating an angle before it really gets going, but having her go from smug, manipulative cow to whiny, crying bitch in the space of minutes hasn't done anything for me. Of course there is a chance she goes proper mental some weeks down the line and maybe embraces some of Kane's hate. (Lita Version 2 perraps?) As of right now, I'm as disinterested in Eve as ever.
I think Eve's heel turn was done to give Cena an out. Perhaps the original story was to make Cena a heel but Vince changed his mind for whatever reason. People went from hating Cena more than ever last week to siding with and chanting alongside him this week. That was a pretty quick turn-around, and now that the Kane angle is done, they can forget the "embrace the hate" storyline ever existed.
If anything else this segment made me laugh my ass off and like Cena a little more than he already did.

I doubt that this will keep going on and probably will get thrown in the shitter sooner rather than later but I'm fine with that. Eve had no business being in a storyline with Ryder or Cena and she is a shit actress at best (on par with most divas to be fair).

I think they are using this as a device to get Cena more over going into his match with The Rock and in a way weaving in parts of Cenas "thuganomics" gimmick into his current one.

For what its worth it got me a lot more interested in Cena for the upcoming weeks so if they do throw it in the shitter it did have a purpose.
I'm not really sure what to make of it at this time. It was unexpected and, to me, Eve did seem very comfortable in this role. She came off like a self centered, cold hearted bitch and it's just a complete 180 for her. There was enough to get me intrigued as to where this might lead.

For her reaction to Cena after being busted, it was a little over the top but it's nice to see that Eve has improved to the point where she can at least shed tears when she's crying. Her scheme to "use" Cena and Cena's subsequent rejection of her makes me wonder if she'll play some sort of role in his match against The Rock. This might just be me, but it seems like that Cena is somehow going to get screwed during his match against The Rock. Last week, the idea of Zack Ryder doing so in order to get some measure of revenge on Cena entered my head. With Cena rejecting Eve, however, the old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scored" suddenly springs to mind. Eve isn't getting what she wants and having her decide to cost Cena something that's very important to him, namely a victory over The Rock at one of the most heavily talked about wrestling matches in history, would be an ideal means of getting revenge.

I will say that I'm intrigued, but I'm going to have to see more and see which way this goes before I fully get on board.
All I could think about, was the "****" chants Stephanie used to get, and since a lot of Attitude era fans are coming back, she just might get a few of those(Hence John Cena trying to divert the word to "Hoeski"). Idk..this could go a number of ways. I don't really see the whole manipulator thing working out..she already got caught slippin. I don't really see the "hoeski" thing working, who would she work with??The Godfather??? What good is Zack Ryder to this angle now, nothing..Cena stole it. I just see her being fed to Kharma...end of story. Kharma needs to show dominance going into Mania if it indeed is going to be Phoenix/Kharma. Since Beth has been bulldozing the Divas division, most recently Tamina, Eve would be the logical choice for Kharma.
I'm pretty sure that this was mostly done to keep Cena as a face and not make him look like an asshole for kissing Ryder's "girl." It might end up interesting, but it pissed me off because the "Cena is a good guy" effect was too obvious.
Cena is done with the awkward love triangle. They rushed the whole thing last night because they want him out asap and start the WM build with The Rock. It was an easy way for Cena to rip Eve and actually get the crowd behind him for once.

Eve turns heel but it wont really amount to much.
"Oh hey, I'm heel now" - Eve Torres
"Oh hey, I'm still a Face" - John Cena

I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that WWE just chickened out on pushing Cena as a heel for WM. This turn on the moment on Monday was just too straight forward... and of course there's the anti-kayfabe angle of "WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN FRONT OF A CAMERAMAN STARING AT YOU WITH A BIG RED LIGHT ON?" But wrestling fans are supposed to be stupid in this regards.

This can't be about the divas division, I surely hope it's not, Eve needs to be playing with the boys as far as managing and controlling heels with weak morals. The divas division can't support another major heel right now.
Where the story is going is irrelevant. It's intended purpose was to be the catalyst for Cena to become more intense and get him some great reactions from a live crowd. Job well done as far as I'm concerned.

I highly doubt there will be a payoff to the heel Eve Torres story, there are just too many storylines to complete. Heel Eve Torres will be as much of a casualty as Funkasaurus has become. But that's okay - put them on TV every other week for a couple minutes at a time, keeping them fresh in the viewer's mind, and then go all out with the minor storylines post-Wrestlemania. Hell, they could just feed her to a returning Kharma and put her over. Honestly, I would like Eve Torres to take an angle similar to Trish Stratus when she was Vince McMahon's personal valet a few years back (with Johnny Ace playing the role of Vinnie Mac in this situation). Eve's acting was a bit over the top, but was thoroughly entertaining and something I wouldn't mind watching in the future.
I just don't get why they started the show with this heel turn. I could see her turning heel, but have her do a double-cross. There was no story telling behind this. It clearly was a last minute decision to make sure Cena goes to WM as a face. That's why they just had him do another shoot on Rocky.

This is what is wrong with the PG era. It has nothing to do with the vulgarity of the content, it's just they constantly are changing directions and plans at the last minute that completely ruins the whole story they were building up to. So much for Cena "embracing the hate." This now makes even less sense then us not ever finding out who the anonymous GM was.

As far as what to do with Eve. They should have her screw Cena over at WM and side with Zack turning him heel. Making it their master plan.
I liked the direction this went in, eve now has a character before she didnt have one...a woman who will do whatever it takes to get to the top...sounds familiar? Happens everyday in our own worlds, many women go for the man who has the money and who can give them a better lifestyle...however eve is admitting that she is doing this to further her career by association...never saw this done like this before, she did seem to have her own feelings wrapped up in it. Plus cena got a huge pop...the kane ryder eve feud to me gave cena a fresh look...and it benefitted kane and ryder as well.

ryder however is more at odds with cena but he can easilly be put with another diva, or get symathy from even the bellas.

eve does seem to genuinely want cena though...storyline or not... see seemed to blur the line between is this a storyline or should i take this personal...even one of the agents came out and told her not to take it personally...
I liked the direction this went in, eve now has a character before she didnt have one...a woman who will do whatever it takes to get to the top...sounds familiar? Happens everyday in our own worlds, many women go for the man who has the money and who can give them a better lifestyle...however eve is admitting that she is doing this to further her career by association...never saw this done like this before, she did seem to have her own feelings wrapped up in it. Plus cena got a huge pop...the kane ryder eve feud to me gave cena a fresh look...and it benefitted kane and ryder as well.

ryder however is more at odds with cena but he can easilly be put with another diva, or get symathy from even the bellas.

eve does seem to genuinely want cena though...storyline or not... see seemed to blur the line between is this a storyline or should i take this personal...even one of the agents came out and told her not to take it personally...

It's not turning her in to a self-centered "hoeski" that is the problem. It's a combination of doing at a time that doesn't make much sense and just doing it in the most ******ed of ways. They could've made a pretty good story out of it, but instead they shot their wad at the beginning of the show so Cena would look like the squeeky clean face that he always is. Totally erases him embracing the hate too.

Last night, Raw opened with Eve's foot being shoved in her mouth as she was caught in the act of using superstars such as John Cena and Zack Ryder in order to further her career in the WWE.

We've all heard for a while that the WWE was going to take a stab at Eve Torres heel-turn. However considering that she's been a major player in the recent angle involving Kane, Cena, and Ryder, we saw a major Divas angle open the Raw broadcast for the first time in... well... possibly EVER.

Being that Eve's turn is directly associated with the major players of the Raw Supershow, she's instantly been transformed into a heel not only on paper, but she seemed to really tug at the audiences emotional strings last night. For a long time, many other posters like myself felt that involving Divas with major male-players on Raw or Smackdown could do wonders for the division. Finally, the WWE is taking a stab at this.

Even though it's still in its infantile stages, do you think the WWE will continue to involve Eve with Ryder and Cena? Can this lead to more attention being put on the Divas division in the form of using the proven-successful main event card as a conduit for success? Or will the WWE follow their normal stride and toss everything into the shitter?

Let's discuss the angle here. And please, NO SPAMMING!

Eve has done a great job drawing heat. She had the best chance to shine. She turned on a baby face. That simply made her a heel. What I liked about the angle is the fans' reaction. Fans love Zack Ryder and Zack loved Eve but when she kissed John, the crowd erupted into boos. It was like a soap opera when a lover's heart is broken. The audience felt it with Zack Ryder and Eve was booed. This Monday she disclosed her plans of using John and Zack. This made her draw even more heat. When she came back to apologize John, she went far too much trying to make out with John again which only a desperate skank would do. That is what her character should be: A hoe who can do anything to get over. With an angle with two most over babyfaces, she has become the best Diva heel at this moment. Not by her work but the situation.

P.S:Eve played with Zack's emotion which means she played with the audience's reaction. More than the heat she drew, she made the audience cheer John. Amazing, ain't it? I was lmao when John said," I lost my broski for a hoeski".
I see Eve staying involved with Ryder for quite awhile, at least past Wrestlemania. I like her heel turn and I hope it runs along the lines of Lita's turn with Edge. Hopefully Hacksaw will come back every so often and yell "HOOOOOOE" haha. That still cracks me up.
Anyways, I'm glad she's a heel but it leaves a huge hole in the babyface department. I guess that will be made up by Layla (If she ever returns). In the meantime, whose she suppose to feud with?
I can't believe nobody has thought of it this way yet, there are 2 possible ways this could swing......

1. This whole Eve/Cena/Ryder thing picks back up after mania, Eve involves Kane and then it leads to a Cena and Ryder vs Kane fued.

2. This could all be in the workings for a cena turn, think about it......he was starting to "embrace the hate" and when eve dropped to the floor we all saw him looking sorry for her, all it takes is for Eve to carry on doing what she's doind and Cena to give in. Now personally i can see Eve being used to turn Cena heel and then build a fued with Ryder after mania. This could potentially push the love for ryder even further due to the betrayal of not only the girl he loved BUT his best friend too. After their fued finished (around summerslam) elevate cena back to a face where he can continue what he's been doing for the last few years.
Eve is doing a great job with this heel turn. I now want to see someone like Beth destroy her in a match. This could also be what she needs in order to take the next step in her career. They better make it matter though. Cena got the whole crowd against her on Raw and the Ryder fans legit hate her for what she has (kayfabe) done. They could make her into the next top heel diva. After all, Beth will need something to do after her likely Wrestlemania match against Kharma or Natalya. They could do the Beth/Eve feud again, only now it would be about more than just Eve crying about not being like Kelly and the others who can't wrestle.

I think she will be better off as a heel. She made few care about her as a face, she didn't stand out. Now that she's (kayfabe) shown her true colors as someone who will use the male stars to get herself further along in her own career, it could be a decent heel run due to the fans wanting to see her get what she deserves, which is exactly what heels are meant to do. She went from getting small face reactions to being boo'ed heavily. Smart move by WWE on turning her. Ryder and Kane are likely going to continue the angle without Cena and I'm sure Eve will play a part. She could always side with Kane as he tries to get Ryder to embrace the hate instead now that Cena is busy with The Rock for the next 40 days.
I thought that turn was poorly executed. For God's sake, I know doesn't exactly acknowledge cameras during these backstage skits, but essentially we had a cold open where one of the 3rd wheels of the Cena/Kane feud decided to blurt out her "secret" plan to gain success in the WWE by hooking up with John Cena. Emphasis on the "secret" part. I know it was done to keep everything for Cena under status quo and probably give poor old Zack something to do if they choose to but at the end of the day, Eve turned heel and got screwed because she was too stupid to notice the camera in front of her.
I really liked where they were going with Eve. As a women I really sometimes hate how they use the Divas in the WWE. It's always in skimpy, silly promos and matches. I mean you got a couple of stand out divas here and there like Tamina and Beth Phoenix, but the women's division hasn't been good for a longggg time. When I listened to Eve's promo I literally said "Oh shit" I definitely wasn't expecting that angle, but just like that, the WWE ruined it, by having Cena overhear Eve.

So my thing is, what does this do for Eve? This also makes me question the WWE, and the creative team. I really really hope they did not use Eve's heel turn to better Cena's image. It just seemed pretty ironic, all the heat this guy was getting and just like that because Eve wound up doing everyone dirty, Cena capitalized and the crowd was feeling him all of sudden? I think that is a punk ass move by Cena and the WWE, if they don't go anywhere with this Eve story and don't give her a push. That's really pathetic and sad, they used a women to better this guy's image. Backstage politics are a bitch.

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