Christian Battlez - Actually one of the nicest guys here. He has a shit load on his plate right now, so, he gets a pass from me for being an ass to others sometimes. I will always come to this man's defense.
JKO - I have no clue why people don't like JKO.
The Lariat - Good people. He really wants to contribute to the forums by being a member of staff...with that in mind, his occasional attitude is excusable.
FalKon -
...good non spam poster, but this man doesn't have a funny bone in his body.
Milkyway! - Always wants to improve himself...can be a bit thick-headed sometimes, but still good people.
Lord Sidious - I don't read much WWE posts, and we've always been cool, but Coco sure as hell seems to not like him.
FTS - He said we butted heads once or twice and that we had a grudge, but, I honestly have no clue what he's talking about. I've almost gotten into a flame war with everyone, but, I forget about that shit the next day, or laugh it off when I realize how petty it is. Thus, I've never had any desire to pimp slap him.
Afro-Ameri-Spawn - I think this guy's great. There's something wrong with the rest of you.
Marty2Hotty - Just a delusion fanboy...nothing more, nothing less.
TheOneBigWill - Yes, he aggravated me with his half-truths in the WZ Tourny, but, no one has done more for me at WZ. I won't bite the hand that fed me.
Becker - A close way in hell I'm voting for him.
48.7 - Smart kid, and a homey, but, he can annoying as shit sometimes. I'm not voting for him, though.
Coco The Monkey - I like him...others do not. I'm not voting for him, but, he's my predicted winner for this award.
ellisman7 - This guy had some serious mental issues. I'm not going to make light of them here.
DEADMANSNUMBA1FAN - He had good intentions and a good heart, but, there has never been a more annoying poster in my time here at WZ. I would vote for him, but FalKon begged me to vote for him