One of the things I'm noticing in my brethren in the IWC is that... We like to bitch. A lot. We bitch, bitch here, and we bitch, bitch there. Here a bitch, there a bitch, everywhere a bitch, bitch.
Old McBitchtits had a farm, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch.
And one of the things we love to bitch about is when pushes get cut from underneath the legs of certain wrestlers. Man, do the pitchforks come out; I'm pretty sure when Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds at Wrestlemania, someone in Titan Towers was going to die. When Zack Ryder gets his push completely demolished, we take to the forums, our greatest weapon, to talk about how no one in WWE is allowed to get over without the WWE's backing. If it were up to the IWC, we'd give all these guys more time, and let them get over, and cut this bullshit of judging a guy too early, before they have a chance to get over.
.... That is, unless he's someone that doesn't fit the mold of what we want. Because the IWC, who has proven to have a shockingly horrible finger on the pulse of what the casual fan wants, knows that it just wants something different, we get to swim in the schadenfreude of when the IWC judges a talent, based on the merits of that talent doing absolutely nothing. When it's someone who's different, we bitch when the WWE's booking team pulls the rug out from under the talent. When it's a wrestler that looks like a jacked up Roidy McGoo, we call for the WWE to do the exact same thing.
Don't believe me? Oh, come with me to this thread of Big E Langston, and witness some of the joys of wisdom from the oh so patient IWC, after just three weeks of Big E doing nothing;
YES, WE CAN ALL CLEARLY TELL FROM THAT WHOLE... WHAT, ONE INTERVIEW! I'd really like for you to go back and showed me, when Brad Maddox was an unnamed official, that you thought he had it. And it would be one thing if I were calling out random names, though I do like Dr. Alas, no, as it turns out, we even see rash impatience from Our "Smarter" Posters
I went back to look at some of the older threads for men that have Big E Langston has been compared to most at this point, Mason Ryan, Ryback, and Ezekial Jackson. Of course, there's no comparisons at all to Brock Lesnar, because of course, we can already tell that the guy is going to be no good. So let's just stick with these three, all of which 99% of the IWC turned up their nose to immediately, sight unseen. Those threads went accordingly... IWC fans bitching that none of these men had "it", or that they didn't want to see another generic musclehead at the top of the WWE.
And of course, we can tell these guys were generic... I dunno, because they were. Granted, some of these guys did turn out generic, but that's really besides the point... If we, the IWC aren't prepared to give a guy a chance to get over in more than three weeks, why should we expect for the WWE to do the same?
So, please riddle me this, IWC. as a fellow member, I really must wonder; Where do you get off? How fair is it complain about pushes getting stunted in the WWE, when we do the same thing with certain guys? And isn't it completely unfair to pull the trigger on someone who hasn't even had a chance to do anything?
Old McBitchtits had a farm, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch.
And one of the things we love to bitch about is when pushes get cut from underneath the legs of certain wrestlers. Man, do the pitchforks come out; I'm pretty sure when Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds at Wrestlemania, someone in Titan Towers was going to die. When Zack Ryder gets his push completely demolished, we take to the forums, our greatest weapon, to talk about how no one in WWE is allowed to get over without the WWE's backing. If it were up to the IWC, we'd give all these guys more time, and let them get over, and cut this bullshit of judging a guy too early, before they have a chance to get over.
.... That is, unless he's someone that doesn't fit the mold of what we want. Because the IWC, who has proven to have a shockingly horrible finger on the pulse of what the casual fan wants, knows that it just wants something different, we get to swim in the schadenfreude of when the IWC judges a talent, based on the merits of that talent doing absolutely nothing. When it's someone who's different, we bitch when the WWE's booking team pulls the rug out from under the talent. When it's a wrestler that looks like a jacked up Roidy McGoo, we call for the WWE to do the exact same thing.
Don't believe me? Oh, come with me to this thread of Big E Langston, and witness some of the joys of wisdom from the oh so patient IWC, after just three weeks of Big E doing nothing;
IF/WHEN he does somehow go face..I think his face turn will be about as popular as Kahli's was. Kahli got pushed as a monster heel which I could see for Langston...then he got turned into a uselass sack of shit face, which I see for Langston unless they give him some sort of epic fued leading into his face turn.
Big E also seems to be deficient in the charisma department. Sure he's brand new, but sometimes it's easy to tell. Many have been raving over Brad Maddox, and for good reason. There is something about that kid that makes him watchable. He isn't the greatest actor or physical specimen, but he has something that draws you to him. Langston on the other hand doesn't inspire any emotions or lead one to think that he has "it." Granted he hasn't been given the kind of role that Maddox has, but based off of the role he has, I don't get the feeling he's capable of much more.
YES, WE CAN ALL CLEARLY TELL FROM THAT WHOLE... WHAT, ONE INTERVIEW! I'd really like for you to go back and showed me, when Brad Maddox was an unnamed official, that you thought he had it. And it would be one thing if I were calling out random names, though I do like Dr. Alas, no, as it turns out, we even see rash impatience from Our "Smarter" Posters
I went back to look at some of the older threads for men that have Big E Langston has been compared to most at this point, Mason Ryan, Ryback, and Ezekial Jackson. Of course, there's no comparisons at all to Brock Lesnar, because of course, we can already tell that the guy is going to be no good. So let's just stick with these three, all of which 99% of the IWC turned up their nose to immediately, sight unseen. Those threads went accordingly... IWC fans bitching that none of these men had "it", or that they didn't want to see another generic musclehead at the top of the WWE.
And of course, we can tell these guys were generic... I dunno, because they were. Granted, some of these guys did turn out generic, but that's really besides the point... If we, the IWC aren't prepared to give a guy a chance to get over in more than three weeks, why should we expect for the WWE to do the same?
So, please riddle me this, IWC. as a fellow member, I really must wonder; Where do you get off? How fair is it complain about pushes getting stunted in the WWE, when we do the same thing with certain guys? And isn't it completely unfair to pull the trigger on someone who hasn't even had a chance to do anything?