The Corporation 2.0


King Of The Ring
The Corporation were a stable during the attitude era. It was essentially a group that Vince created to maintain control whose main feuds were with Austin, DX and Mankind.

With Vince claiming that he doesn't want either Cena or Bryan as the WWE champion it seems that the chosen one is Randy Orton. It got me thinking that he could be the focal point of a 2013 version of The Corporation. He can definitely pull of wearing a suit and could act like the corporate champion Vince desires. McMahon's motives would be similar: control of the company and keeping down Cena/Bryan (like he did with Austin).

As for other members, Swagger, Cesaro and Ryback were all involved in a gauntlet match with Daniel Bryan. For me, they would be the perfect choices to work under Vince, Orton and perhaps Vickie. Swagger and Cesaro, in my eyes, are very similar to Ken Shamrock and Big Bossman: intimidating, dependable mid carders that are never going to be stars. This would also give Ryback a program at the top of the card, keeping his momentum.

Yes, there are other heel stables but there is space for them all in 5 hours of television. There is also the possibility that The Shield could also be added as auxiliary members. While it could just be a rehash of an old storyline from the 90's; it would involve different wrestlers, in a different era and somewhat with a new audience.

A stable led by Vince with Orton as the WWE champion; Swagger, Cesaro and Ryback would be a good start. Maybe, Sandow, Barrett and The Shield as potential long-term additions. They could feud with the likes of HHH, Taker, Kane, Cena, Bryan, CM Punk and The Rock. Orton v The Rock at WM30 is something that I could become excited about.

Would a new Corporation work? What members would you include and whom would they feud with?
Yeah I thought of this the other day. I figured have Vinny Mac say he only wants people with the right look and image for the company etc and have Orton the leader with other guys surrounding him who have a good look also that Vince normally would push. However, I think this would be overkill as we already have The Shield and The Wyatt's. So at the moment, until one of the groups is done, just have Vince be Randy's manager
Actually, this would be great to turn the SHIELD face as they are the "Hounds of Justice" and the Corporation would not be in favor of Justice. With the Shield backing D-Bry or Cena or whoever against C2.0, it would make things interesting, though it would take the top heel tag team out and make them into the top face tag team.
I think the gimmick change for Orton would be the key. A lot of things could be accomplished at one time. Orton switching things up, his rise back to the "top" of the corp, getting a couple other people (that are missing something) over, a storyline that would be interesting (even though somewhat rehashed), and having a REAL authority figure at the forefront of a stable.

I am sure a million other ideas can be worked into it. But those are some things that can immediately take place if an angle like this were to be presented. Who knows how it would work out? I am all in favor of the attempt at it though.
I'm not too concerned about this being a rehash of a 90's storyline. With Wrestlemania 30 coming up and Degeneration X going into the hall of fame, I expect a lot of watered down Attitude Era rehash leading up to April.

This is probably the best thing they can do to make this McMahon/Helmsley feud last until Wrestlemania. I agree that for this to work, the shield would have to become faces (or at least tweeners) I would have the Shield be exposed to be working for McMahon's corporation, only to go rogue immediately thereafter by powerbombing Vince or one of his minions.

It wouldn't be hard to smoothly transition Zeb Coulter's real Americans gimmick into a role in the corporation. Zeb and Swagger could use the fresh gimmick tweak, but it will once again be another pre-mature character change for Cesaro who creative clearly doesn't know how to handle. Hopefully this time he'll get over. Ryback is also another excellent choice. I believe his promo work has improved of late, and if he can win in this role, it will make him relevant once again.

I also think this is the perfect way to turn Randy Orton heel, because it has to happen sometime, and I'd prefer this to his old heel gimmick.

They could add more members as needed, but they shouldn't go too nuts, this storyline only has to go to wrestlemania. It would put Bryan, Cena, HHH, the Shield and whatever other faces WWE deems relevant. in a good position for the next 8 months.
I was originally thinking a Corporation stable with The Shield in it would be so awesome but i reckon its even better if The Shield became tweeners against them. My Corporation Stable would include:

Randy Orton (WWE Champ)
Big E Langston
Damien Sandow
The Bella Twins or Eva Marie
Like I said in a different post I think the new corporation would have the shield in it and the Wyatt's would be turning face because they are the tweeners.
I think this is just what Orton needs to become interesting again. If they created an en entire Corporation stable again, the perfect ones for it would be those who can't cut a promo to save their life and are going nowhere at the moment.

Main eventer - Orton
Muscle - Ryback
Mid-carder - Barrett or Kofi
Tag Team - Prime Time Players or Gabriel & Bourne
There is no reason why you couldn't include heyman.

It's no secret that he doesn't get on with the bosses daughter, and Vince will do anything to protect and help Vince. It would set up HHH v Brock wrestle mania rematch too
I think a Corporation 2.0 would be great, and the guys OP named are perfect. Cesaro is a future champion, and is over with the We the People gimmick so he can get over with anything. Ryback as been on the cusp an would be be perfect muscle for a main event stable. Swagger is a former world champion and world class athlete, and obviously Orton is the centerpiece.

As for the other stables, The Shield should stay far away from te Corporation. They are perfect where they are and as "tweeners". They could bring justice to both sides of this conflict as they see fit, as they've had issues with Orton, Ryback, DB and Cena, so it would make sense if they were outside this.

The Wyatt's, I believe, will eventually become faces. They were incredibly over in NXT and if they were to "convert" Kane, and fight "bad guys" they will have no issue getting over in WWE. Bray has so much charisma and is excellent at the gimmick, it's hard not to like him. And in my opinion, because of The Undertaker and Kane's success that a gimmick even remotely similar (which this is) will be cheered and respected

I wouldn't mind seeing Heyman, Axel and Brock involved instead We the People. It could be a three man group; Orton, Axel and Ryback with Brock as a destructive reserve.
There is no way that HHH will go one-on-one with Lesnar. That has been done and they will move on. If we are looking at Mania then HHH could easily face Ryback who would be part of the Corporation. Put them in a street fight and have Ryback win. Ryback would get that big Mania win and some momentum as a singles star.
I think this would be a good idea, it would cement Randy's heel turn and give him a character refresh, it would give some guys who are directionless a real focus, and it sets up potential surrogates to face Triple H at Mania in the rumoured match for control of the company.

Randy Orton
Antonio Cesaro
Wade Barrett
Drew McIntyre
Curtis Axel
It would make a lot more sense for the WWE to have Orton become "Vince's Guy", and have him move into a feud with Daniel Bryan. Bryan would also most likely become "HHH's Guy" (at least eventually), since he's almost that right now anyway. This opens the possibility for Bryan to chase Orton for the title for a few months, eventually winning the strap. HHH could then either have a match with Orton, or possibly even with Vince for control of the WWE (like everyone seems to see coming).

As it's been discussed, I don't think the WWE needs a new Corporate stable. Just getting Orton to put on a suit, and have Vince ringside for his matches will be enough. Besides, there needs to be more to the conflict between HHH & Vince (and to a lesser extent, Stephanie). If Vince creates "The Corporation 2.0", where does that leave HHH? He's a Corporate guy too. I think it would add too much confusion, and this could end up being another nWo Hogan vs. nWo Wolfpac; ie: Vince's "Evil Corporation" vs. HHH's "Face Corporation".

Since Vince is getting involved with the WWE Title picture, it seems logical that this will eventually lead to HHH vs. Vince for ultimate control of the company (kayfabe, obviously. Vince won't stop showing up to WWE's offices until he's cold & in the ground. Even then, I wouldn't put it past Vince to crawl out of the ground and return to a Monday afternoon meeting as a zombie). Adding a Corporate stable to this potential storyline will just add too much confusion. Vince only needs one "Corporate Guy", and it looks like Stephanie is first going to try to convince Vince that Daniel Bryan can be that guy (as was eluded to on last week's Raw). Vince might give Bryan a shot at it, but it will obviously fail. Orton will cash in after a grueling match between Cena & Bryan at SS, with Bryan coming out on top. It will be then that Orton cashes in (as we've seen time and time again), and we'll see Orton the next night on Raw as Vince's "Corporate Guy". Adding more wrestlers to this equation isn't necessary, Orton will fill that role nicely by himself.
@Johnny Savage

While I agree that Orton as "The Corporate Guy" is all that's necessary, I feel like a stable would make for better TV and elevate more guys. After thinking about it, the Primetime Players would be great alongside Ryback and Orton.

With The Shield splitting the crowd and the Wyatt's either set to do the same or be full fledged faces, a true heel main event stable should fit right in.
It will be then that Orton cashes in (as we've seen time and time again), and we'll see Orton the next night on Raw as Vince's "Corporate Guy". Adding more wrestlers to this equation isn't necessary, Orton will fill that role nicely by himself.

Adding more wrestles just makes simple wrestling sense. The heel champion needs the help of others to win and to do his bidding. Vince is all-poweful; he is in charge so he will be able to manipulate those around him. Hence why Swagger, Cesaro and Ryback would be perfect. They are doing nothing anyway so align them with Orton ensures he gets heat and gives these guys something meaningful to do.

It also means that when the face inevitably wins, be it Cena or Bryan, it is more of a feel good moment. If Bryan beats Orton it is good but if he beats Orton after months of beat downs and several interferences it is incredible.
I think this would be a very interesting storyline. It looks like Vince is going to turn heel with Orton at SummerSlam, so this could be the start of The Corporation 2.0.

I'd like to see either Heyman or Colter in the stable. Both are managers of solid guys, so Vince could have Heyman or Colter to join him, then their wrestlers join the stable also. I think Heyman would make sense, because however much Vince dislikes him, Vince is desperate to keep control and he knows Heyman is the man. This will make the fans know how desperate Vince is.

Orton will obviously be the main wrestler of the stable. But I think Show or Ryback should be used as the big guy. The tag team can be Swagger and Cesaro, then Colter can also be in the stable. Then the guy for the future should be Barrett who can also go the IC/US Title.

The Shield is also a possibility for the stable as they've been mentioned in the McMahon storyline already. This would also give The Shield something new to do.
It's funny to find such a large group of people with such little knowledge about what would or wouldn't work in wrestling. This Corporation 2.0 thing is terrible, not to mention the name is so web 1.0 it's nauseating. It's clear that everyone wants Antonio Cesaro to be the new Big Boss Man in the Corporation, and that's just not happening. Antonio Cesaro is no Big Boss Man. Big Boss Man was a real man from Cobb County, GA who could put together art inside the squared circle. Antonio Cesaro is a Swede. I rest my case.
I like the idea of having the Corporation return. With Vince McMahon at the helm, I would think he would try and get the best possible choices to reform his stable. My picks for the new Corporation would be:

WWE Champion, John Cena
World Champion, Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez)
Intercontinental Champion, Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman)
United States Champion, Dean Ambrose
Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, The Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns)
Divas Champion, AJ Lee (w/ Big E. Langston)

The Storylines are endless because this version of the Corporation covers all Divisions across the board.

Being that this is a VKM stable, I would have it so that whenever a Champion loses his respective Title, Vince and the Corporation perform their “Employee Review”, which means the former Champ gets his @$$ beat and kicked out of group. I’d also like to see Vince and Company try and recruit the new Champion.

For example, if Alberto Del Rio loses to Christian, the team beats up Del Rio and invites Christian to join the most Elite Collection of WWE SuperStars today. Then if Damien Sandow were to cash in on Christian, Christian would be kicked out and Sandow would be invited to join.
Corporation 2.0 is almost as good of a name as EV2.0, in which it isn't. Sorry. :( The whole 2.0 thing is stupid, the creative team are suppose to be the best writers on television they should be able to come up with something more clever than just taking a name used in the past and sticking a 2 at the end of it.

I do see something going with Vince and Triple H guys at a pay-per-view, possibly Survivor Series, where every match is a Vince vs. Triple H match, but calling the Vince team the corporation 2.0 is kinda blah. I think a lot of this storyline is involving real life scenarios between them. It has always been known Vince likes tall, dark, and muscular. And Triple H likes the indy guys, the leaders of the WWE have their guys and I think that's what the feud is going to focus on more than a corporate type thing.
Yeah, Vince seems to have slipped back into that old persona we haven't really seen since 2006 / 2007 time. I like this, but another heel stable? Perhaps it wouldn't go down well with some, but I am open to it.

A Corporation 2.0 is excellent, and many have been longing for this. Randy Orton should be the top guy. He has the ability to be a top heel by himself, so with Vince and a suit, he would be hated just that bit more. He would be a legit top guy, similar to how The Rock was. He was never number one while Stone Cold was around, similar to Orton with Cena and Punk. As for the rest, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro should jump ship like others have said, Wade Barrett would be an interesting addition, and Ryback seems to be a muscle choice as well. I think you shouldn't stop there. A huge stable could be awesome, with other guys like Drew McIntyre.

This works well as it builds stars up. Anyone willing to work for Vince McMahon is asking for some, and he will give it just to be happy. Feuding with guys like John Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus and more allows to build others quickly, while other guys don't associate themselves with the story. Plus, if the Corporation is there, pratically anyone not in the Corporation is against, so it could lead to a massive pay off.

The Shield could turn face here, as justice and the Corporation don't mix. Plus, I here the Wyatt Family are turning face, and with their gimmick and ability, it will be easy to get over with the crowd, meaning there aren't three heel stables at once.

And of course, Triple H being on the opposite end could lead to some sort of massive division in the WWE, and a huge feud. This doesn't have to be a three month thing, if it works, it could be a long-term thing, and I like the sound of it already.
Great question. A modern-day corporation would be cool. I would keep Cesaro & Swagger and include Wade Barrett instead of Ryback. If this was to include divas, I'd say AJ. If there was a tag team, I'd want to bring up Kassius Ohno & Leo Kruger to fill out the rest of the new corporation
Who would they feud with? Well the current tag teams Shield, Wyatts, PTP, Usos, Gabriel/Kidd

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