A new "Corporation" faction?

It should be Vince, Shane, Orton (champ), Kennedy and a random tag team. They can feud with the top faces like Jeff Hardy, Cena, Triple H, Jericho and HBK. I'd still love to see Jericho go heel sooner or later. I believe it would make RAW more interesting though.
I'd love to see some more stables, even if its just made up of the 4-man method (main event, midcarder, and a tag team). For instance, the "Rated Rmy" would need a midcarder to go with Edge, Ryder, and Hawkins. They could make a stable out of "The In Crowd", having Morrison as the main event guy, Miz as the midcarder, Kenny Dykstra and someone else as a tag team. The Corporation, I think that would have to consist of Randy Orton and JBL in some fashion, but idk who else could fit there. DX only has two members, so maybe throw in Punk and someone else? They could do one for "Team Extreme" with Jeff, Matt, Moore, London and Kendrick so they're a team of high-fliers and risk takers.

The only problem is that there are a lot of guys that don't fit in any category. Cena, Jericho, Batista, Kennedy...these guys would be lost in the shuffle. That's why they can't do a "gang war" like they used to have. Still, though, I wouldn't mind seeing like 5 solid stables like I mentioned above...maybe one with MVP, Benjamin, Burke, and Killings, that'd be a good one as well.

Ah, I keep getting sidetracked. All of this was basically to say that I wouldn't mind a Corporation stable again, but that's only if they're given the right members and there are other stables in the mix as well. I'd like to see a massive gang war again, but under the right circumstances. For one, I wouldn't want to see supplemental talent to just fill in the blanks (Savio Vega's group, everyone outside of Crush for D.O.A., most of the Oddities, etc) and I wouldn't want to see some people get buried (like Kennedy or Jericho).
I don't see why London and Kendrick get so much run. First of all, they have no business being in any storyline with HHH. Last time they got close to him on TV, he pedigreed them and the crowd went wild. Secondly, the jump around and do flippy shit, but their matches lack any kind of psychology, and London is terrible at playing Ricky Morton. I hate their stupid act. IMO, they should serve as nothing but jobbers, you know, like they do now.

Secondly, new factions could lead to the end of the brand split. If McMahon has a group there is no reason why they wouldn't run roughshod over every show. Then the face team stays chasing. Wrestling is always better with a face chasing a heel. Goldberg beating Hogan anyone? Rock over HHH? I think heels should dominate the belt and factions seem to be the way to do this, like the Horsemen. Everytime Flair got in trouble, Arn Anderson would interfere.

Third, I would keep Hardy out of it. There doesn't need to be an nWo feel to it, where if you weren't aligned, you were nothing. A heel faction is always more effective than a face faction. Factions cheat together.

If yu do have a face faction, they have to be antagonists, as opposed to protagonists. They need to be pulling DX or Stone Cold tyle stunts. Anti-heroes if you will. So bad-ass at being bad, that people love them. This is another reason why Jeff Hardy (I am a huge fan of his, btw.) shouldn't be involved. HHH mooning VKM and asking for titties is way more believable than Jeff Hardy doing the same. When Jeff's program crosses over with the face factions, they can team, almost as if he is an honorary member.

That being said, and with the current state of affairs,


Orton as champ
Edge as the guy who lost his belt because of the end of the brandsplit.

(This leads to a turn and feud.)
(The muscle)

Shane McMahon, the mouthpiece.
Morrison and Miz (They know where to position themselves to keep their belts.)
and finally, Wildcat Chris Harris as the new guy, as long as they make him a total badass.

The face group, which would have to be DX


leading to a turn after HHH wins the fatal fourway Orton, Edge, HHH, HBK match.

Shannon Moore and Wang because of their talent (as opposed to being fruity little gymnasts like London and Kendrick, and Moore's ability to Ricky Morton) and because HHH can make so many MooreWang jokes.

Jericho because the battle would spend a lot of time on the mic. He can hold down the IC level matches until he wins MiTB. He can win the title, HHH could demand that Jericho hand it over, Y2J leaves, everyone follows, except HHH, who joins McMahon, causing Orton to turn.

Finally the Big Show. They're gonna need muscle.

Now you have several built in storylines, turns, and title changes. That could cover 60% of TV for two years. Intermittently, Cena and Hardy can be involved in tag matches, even with title runs. In order for this to happen the factions would have to become bigger than the title during these times, i.e. Survivor Series. Kennedy can fight the DX guys on the IC level for a time, then later join the main event scene.

The story line builds up to a point where Jeff Hardy gets involved, as champ, in a three way match with Edge and RKO. McMahon can call the plays to get the belt back on Randy. At the end, Edge spears Randy, pins him and wins the title. Now a face Edge fueds with a heel HHH for the title. Orton and Jericho can feud. At the very least, Shane will try to kill himself to kcik his dad in the face, that is always bad ass. They would also have to "demote" Taker, Kane, and Batista to midcard status for some time, and then boom, they can invade and integrate into one of the groups, Kane and Batista to the heel side, and Taker with the faces.

I can do that drunk and tired, and the WWE can't have that many storylines, with a staff and preparation. They can five hours of television, which is more than enough to shill PPV's and used those 20 guys for 60-75% of the time, and use about 20 minutes of every show to build a cruiser division and new talent. The secret is blowing it up before it turns into "wolfpack was really black and white teh whole time, fuck you Sting."
I think it would be a great idea to have more stables in wwe. I think the last big dominate stable in wwe was evolution, and that was about three or four years ago. Id like to see smackdown! and RAW both form a stable and battle it out. possibly building up to a survivor series main event. A group like the corporation like said earlier and also Taker and Kane teaming up and having some other guys join them and starting a new ministry of darkness. Also with this all of the Champions will look more dominate with people watching there backs.

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