A new "Corporation" faction?

^^ Yes I agree, Im sick of Vince. Hes constantly in the top angle where he is against a top face, and its soooo played out and predictable.

I love factions, theyre a great way to get guys over, and it would give some guys who dont get a lot of TV time, more meaning on the roster other than just wrestling random 5 min matches here and there.

though the problem is there needs to be more going on than just the two top factions feuding, and the people listed take up most of the raw roster. Its time to end the brand split, so you can have even more names to possibly add and make things interesting.

The feuds are getting done over and over, especiallyo n SMackdown, how many times can you see Batista vs someone else in the WHC title match. its ridiculous, but if he's on Raw, you could havehim potentially feud with a lot of new faces instead of facing Khali or Mark henry for the 500th time
it will be good 4 raw rite now cuz of the lack of stables but it should only be
coach cuz he always follow vince so he will be in by defult
kennedy if they eva make him 2 be vince son after all

that's it ...wat's up wit all these other names cade n murdoch a new dx stop dreamin cuz it's never gonna happen
Cody Rhodes should def be included in any upcoming heel group.That would give his charactor a nice boost.Like what happened with Orton and evolution.
It could work, but I think somehow making it a face stable rather than heel would be better. Vince being the face on a regular basis could be a refreshing change of pace.
I think they should keep Orton and Umaga together in some way, I hate that Vince always have to be involved though, all the McMahons are like that though, when Y2J was undisputed champ years again they put him with Stephanie, The Rock first became champ they put him with Vince maybe that is to draw those guys more heat I don't know
Would love to see a new Corporation, I think having McMahon make every superstar pay tribute to Orton is a way to make the fans think that Vince is "pro Orton".

If Vince wants to make Orton the new “Corporate Champ” what better time then now?? Ratings are horrible and Vince desperately wants to bring back the “flavor” of the Attitude Era. If Vince plays his cards right he could have had an ongoing feud with HHH and Orton, instead he decides to bring back HBK way too early and make HHH look stupid.

Why would HHH co exist with HBK if HHH only wants the WWE title?? I mean storyline wise you would think the next feud would be HHH vs. HBK for the right to fight Orton and we all know that feud is played out big time!!

So why bring HBK in to fight Orton??? What to back up HHH??? I though the cerebral assassin was a tough S.O.B.??? He can’t take the punishment??? He needs help from his buddy???

I guess I just want to see WWE make new superstars and stop promoting the old storylines from the Attitude era.

If there is to be a Corporation it has to involve Orton, Vince, Regal, Shane, Kennedy, and maybe even Lashley…that would be great to see a heel Bobby Lashley helping out Vince so that he can get back into the title picture some how. That would be an easy way to turn Vince on Orton and make him face sometime.
I would love to see a new Corporation. But I think alot of you are putting way to many names in the mix. I think itd be nice to keep it kinda simple.

Regarding a D-Xtension

Hardy (He needs a reinvention)

and then you can take your pick from Benjamin, London, Kendrick, Rhodes, Helms (hell yeah) or Dykstra. Plus 1 big guy, and no, i dont mean Khali.
Regarding a D-Xtension

Hardy (He needs a reinvention)

and then you can take your pick from Benjamin, London, Kendrick, Rhodes, Helms (hell yeah) or Dykstra. Plus 1 big guy, and no, i dont mean Khali.

he has the right idea, i think factions are good for guys who are not over maybe putting ortan with shelton and hass like they did with angle would give them some major heat, keep ortan as a monster heel who wins by the string of his teeth this way he stays with wgtt and they help him win matches and in some ways sub for him, that way the crowd will despise the group equally, you want to push heels you might as well do it the right way, plus wgtt get a mouth piece
Stables for the most part are only good for people that have nothing to do or aren't over in any way (except the one guy at the top). Edge has his own stable now with two guys that would be buried outside of being the Edgeheads. Since this isn't the gang war period (which was really awesome when you had DX, Nation of Domination, Ministry, Corporation, DOA, Savio Vega's group, Oddities, Jackal's group, etc...outside of the filler members lol) we can't have too many like the NOD cause most of the people are starting to fit in their own roles. For instance, we couldn't add Matt and Jeff Hardy, London and Kendrick, and CM Punk to DX because it would be useless.

I think a much more beneficial group wouldn't be another Corporation, but be some sort of pairings for people that, in a way, need to be a part of something in order to mean something. Poor wording, I know, lol, but for example...

The Miz + Kenny Dykstra = Morrison is too good for this team. Dykstra and Miz are on the same level. They'd probably click very well and they'd be one hell of a solid tag team of a-holes. Maybe even give these guys a third one, like Mike Knox, for the strongman of their group.

Chuck Palumbo + Chris Harris = Palumbo is going nowhere as a singles competitor, Harris shouldn't start off too strong, so put them in a tag team and (like Miz/Dykstra) use them for the midcard titles as well. Its not that hard to do double duty.

Funaki + Super Crazy = Both are just jobbers, both are ridiculous, both are foreign...just team them up lol. They can still job, but now they can also job to tag teams lol.

Hardcore Holly + Val Venis = Both are solid, but pretty much glorified jobbers, so team them together as well. They'd be good enough to be included in tag team title challenges, but never good enough to win.

Worthy to note, though, not to make any of these guys related lol. I wouldn't want to see Chris Harris debut as "Chris Palumbo, Chuck's brother" or anything. Just debut him as Chuck's friend who is going to help him kick some ass (as if Palumbo could do such).
In today's Climate in WWE, there is less of a need for stables due to the brand extension. IMO Evolution came about to give each respective member a push. It put flair back in the limelight, solidified HHH as the number 1 heel in the company and gave Orton and Batista a huge push into the main event picture, seeing as they both won the World title on leaving the Stable. Edge's stable was just waiting to happen, seeing as Edge has been craving for one. What I noticed this week on Smackdown, drew parallels with the corporation. Having the 2 most powerful people on the brand present while the mouthpiece and leader of the group is cutting a promo and the cronies are behind nodding in the background. Has Chavo joined edge's stable? Could anyone shed some light on this?
I don't know if I want to seen Vince involved but now IMO Orton winning and Mania takes him to that next level, it would be a great move to give him his own stable, yes he is not the best on the mic and as far as charisma is concerned he lacks in that department but I think having a stable can kinda cover up that weakness a little

but you want young guys around him like that tag team with Edge those are young guys, you could add like Kenny Dykstra, Elija Burke would be perfect, Orton and Umaga that would also be a great fit they have worked together so many times in the past, you want fans to take Cody Rhodes serious you make him turn on his dad or on Hardcore Holly that would turn him into a serious player and a big time heel as well, right now he has talent in the ring but he kinda get lost in the middle and he don't get much of a reaction from the crowd, Miz and Morrison with Orton would be awesome as well that is a good idea I think

but after Mania like Orton or not I think by letting him win and getting the clean pin, you have to take him serious now as probably the top YOUNG heel in the WWE right
I LOVE THE IDEA!!! Feuds never got stale at all...however...u kinda got tired of seein the same guys fight the same guys every week....but there was always a good feud or 2 in there. But for this to work..there needs to be more of a D-X....HHH and HBK i mean yea great...but d-x didnt pick up until there was x-pac, billy gunn, and dogg...id like to see kennedy go to the d-x side. hes amazing on the mic and can pull good laughs even as a heel which is rare these days. and his in ring talent isnt stale either. However NO JEFF HARDY!!! Hes to radical to do things with a group. Yea the Hardy's were great but he is SOOOOOO much better solo.
I think Orton is over enough that he doesn’t need a stable. I can’t see how it would benefit him at this point in his career. However, he hasn’t been around long enough for me to buy him as the "leader" of a stable, maybe in a few years just not at this moment. He needs to focus on doing his own thing.

The only way I can see a new McMahon inspired “Corporation” type stable working out is if it is headed by Mr. Kennedy, which of course is dependent on whether it comes out he is Vince’s son in the long run. JBL with his business savvy and experience would make a nice addition; plus he is the one that revealed the truth behind the ‘bastard son’ farce. Snitsky could be the enforcer/punisher since he’s not doing anything right now (and Umaga may be moving to Smackdown in the upcoming draft). Santino needs a new direction - to move beyond the whole Maria-Playboy angle; naturally he can play the part of the stooge. Lastly, GM Regal would be the group’s ally/puppet, as he is Vince’s right-hand man and would do anything for Vince’s son and his cohorts.

Now to play Devil’s Advocate…I see Kennedy becoming more of the loner, anti-authority, Austin-esque character who doesn’t play well with others. For that reason, I don’t see him as a “stable” guy. Of course, they could always use that side of his character in time to turn him face and go to war with Vince.

Has Chavo joined edge's stable? Could anyone shed some light on this?

To answer your question, Chavo became a “member” of Edge’s stable in January when Edge helped Chavo defeat Punk to become the ECW champion.
How bout this:

lets say hypothetically, that theres a triple threat rematch from wrestlemania with orton, cena and HHH. now we all know HHH has said a million times that his life depends on winning the title and everything right? so lets say he turns to the one guy we'd never expect him to go to, vince mcmahon, to make that happen.

now how would that work out you ask? Backlash, Main Event, Mr. Kennedy runs in and Mic Checks Cena, HHH pins Cena, HHH new champ. Why Kennedy? Because Kennedy is finally revealed as Vince McMahons son after all. next night on raw, kennedy gets an intercontinental title shot against jericho, HHH runs down to interfere and help kennedy win but cena comes down to the ring and takes HHH out of the ecuation. Jerichos gonna retain right? Wrong. The ref gets knocked out and "Wildcat" Chris Harris makes his debut coming into the ring from the stands, finishes off jericho with a chair, kennedy wins the IC Title. Now you've got both raw champions aligned with vince.

fastforward to regal being vinces right hand puppet, snistky being added to the new corporation and then lance cade betraying trevor murdoch in favor of teaming with chris harris and that new team winning the tag gold. now the corporation is large, in charge and owns every title. you could also add santino in their to be snitskys manager and mouthpiece after vince mcmahon personally asks him to turn santino into a monster.

now the new corporation looks like this
Vince McMahon
HHH (WWE Champ)
Mr. Kennedy (IC Champ)
Lance Cade/Chris Harris (Tag Champs)
Snitsky w/ his manager Santino Marella
and GM William Regal

everyone involved in this scenario benefits tremendously and not only that, but you'd have fresh new rivalries all over. maybe even at survivor series you could have wwe vs the new corporation: HHH, Kennedy, Harris, Cade and Snitsky Vs HBK, Jericho, Jeff Hardy (He'll be back by then) Cena and at the last minute when the wwe team cant find a 5th man, Orton steps up and surprises everyone by temporarily helping the faces.

this corporation would remain like this up until royal rumble of course, where kennedy would win and eventually turn face and beat HHH for the title at Mania 25, thus launching kennedy into superstardom, which would be awesome.

what do u guys think?
I really think that a stable is what WWE needs right now to get some new feuds started and to get some rising stars to rise up more. I thought a new Corporation was starting back around No Mercy, but I was wrong. The way I see it happening is through individual alliances coming together to form the Corporation because of connections. For instance, Vince looks at Orton as the model champ or maybe even the new corporate champ so thus there is an alliance to make sure Orton stays champ. Regal being the GM hires some protection to ensure that Vince's wishes are met and so hires a big monster like Umaga or Snitsky to help make sure that Orton stays champ. Because of the connection between the four, a new Corporation has formed.
So, we have:
Umaga (or Snitsky)
Due to the success of Orton, a few other guys want to invest in what shall be known as Vince McMahon Insurance, or the assurance of gold around their waists. Mr. Kennedy seeks membership as he wants that IC Title. I would stick a tag team in here but due to the lack of teams, this is not really possible unless I make a face team heel and so Paul London and Brian Kendrick, out of jealousy and bitterness towards the reigning tag champs get some of Vince's Insurance to get those tag titles. A couple of other stars want to get that kick their career needs so look to Vince as he makes all things possible. Santino Marella and Cody Rhodes.
Our Final List:
Umaga (or Snitsky)
Mr. Kennedy
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Santino Marella
Cody Rhodes
It gets its start on Raw, but after a while would become cross-promotional so as to really dominate the WWE. On Smackdown, I see Edge, MVP, the Edgeheads, and Gregory Helms joining. On ECW, I see Armando being a Vince lackey and Elijah Burke, John Morrison, and Matt Striker joining.
A massive new Corporation for a new era.
Great thread!

Maybe factions is what the WWE needs to spice up RAW and eventually Smackdown/ECW.

Heres how I would do it:

Corporation Faction

Vince McMahon- Playing himself.

Diva/Valet- Mickie James

Leader/WWE Champ- Randy Orton- RAW's top heel at the moment.

Second in Command/IC Champ- Mr.Kennedy- After not winning MITB I ask myself- where now for Mr.Kennedy?? Also if he is revealed as Vince's son then he's have to be in there anyway. He could use the faction for a future face turn.

Monster- Umaga- Best man for the job.

Tag Team- WGTT Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas

William Regal & Coach- The "Stooges"

Good Guys

Shane McMahon- Would return to try and take down the Corporation.

Diva/Valet- Maria

Leader- HHH- Most obvious choice in my opinion.

Second in Command- Shawn Michaels- For the DX vaule/appeal mostly.

Jeff Hardy- Its going to take some time to get him back near the Main-Event so when he return this storyline could be as good as any for him to get back near the Main Event

Tag Team- Cryme Tyme- Comedy gold!
^^^^This is not a horrible idea, but you have something wrong, it would be Beth Phoenix as the valet on Vinces squad, with Mickie on Shanes, Maria's little push is going to be over soon as all Playboy girls push end after Wrestlemania! They wouldn't just forget about the Woman's Title and there is no way Maria is taking that off of Beth, hell Melina has a better chance getting in this that Maria, that would be the only change required when it comes to your idea: Beth to Vinces side, Mickie to Shane's.

Now I dont think this will ever happen because they have already done the whole Vince vs. Shane thing, maybe Vince would have a faction and a guy like HHH or Cena would try to bring it down, but that is about the extent of it. I dont think this faction thing is needed right now though, WWE looks to be going in the right direction after Mania, so dont get your hopes up for any factions to be forming anytime soon.
Id rather Orton be in a stable with Cody Rhodes, Harry Smith, and Carlito, based on 2nd and 3rd generation superstars. Orton would be the leader of course, Carlito would be the future star, Cody and Harry could be a tag team that would probibly get them way more over then right now. This stable would be a very cocky heel team and they would play off that they all grew up in wrestling and that makes them better then everyone else.
jasu, thats a great idea. that would work great, and hopefully they wont be jobbed out like the edgeheads have been. i think that straight_edge_mystic has a great idea to - a few posts above.

the 'corporation' taking over the entire WWE would be class, with them ruling for a long time, and then a resurgent WWE team would take them down, kinda similar to the alliance angle but much better.

just a thought.
A good stable in my opinion has a minimum number of 3 and a maximum number of 5 people in it because beyond that it gets overcrowded and wrestlers are bound to get lost in the shuffle (like when the NWO went into double figures members wise,it was better with the original three or at the very least with Syxx and The Giant added)

This is how my Corporation would look

Non-Wrestling Leader - Vince McMahon (the authority and main heat for the group)

Non-Wrestling 2nd In Command - Shane McMahon (also regular manager/interference runner for the stable)

Wrestling Leader - Mr. Kennedy (new corporate attire when out of the ring,pushed like The Rock was as corporation leader,a lot of parallels between them)

Member - Chris Parks (if he left TNA than the former Abyss would make a good enforcer for a Corporation stable in my opinion plus give him corporate attire)

Member - Cody Rhodes (the kid has potential and his shortcomings could be hidden in the stable as part of a tag team with the experienced Parks and on the mic by Vince and Kennedy)
Id rather Orton be in a stable with Cody Rhodes, Harry Smith, and Carlito, based on 2nd and 3rd generation superstars. Orton would be the leader of course, Carlito would be the future star, Cody and Harry could be a tag team that would probibly get them way more over then right now. This stable would be a very cocky heel team and they would play off that they all grew up in wrestling and that makes them better then everyone else.

That REALLY is a great idea.
But also they should add Nattie Neidhart as the 'diva' on the team, since she's Jim Neidharts daughter, and they could collectively call themselves "the Next Generation" or The New Generation." I dont know if any of those names have been used before, but it would be very fitting for them.
I like these ideas...I would have to go this route, though:

Leader: Vince

1st in command: Mr. Kennedy (after being revealed to be Vince's real illegitimate son)

2nd in command: Carlito (I think being involved in something like this would give him the motivation to become the megastar I think he has the potential to become)

Tag Team: Chris Harris and Chuck Palumbo with Santino as manager (I just have the feeling that if he makes the transition to manager, anything he touches will turn to gold)

Enforcer: I think if WWE would've hung on to Matt Morgan, he would be perfect as the enforcer. Instead you could use DH Smith, Mike Knox or Snitsky.

You could throw in a good guy stable with Shane as the leader, being jealous over Vince spending all of his time with Mr. Kennedy or something to that effect.
Every great faction eventually has its power struggle. (Nash and Hogan in the NWO, Faarooq and The Rock in The Nation, Flair and a number of of guys in the Horsemen, etc, etc).

That said, I think the obvious choice to lead a new faction would be Orton with Kennedy being the one who becomes popular and seen as a threat and eventually leaves/gets kicked out and feuds with the group.
The idea is great. Orton as the big heel alongside Vince. Kennedy as Vince's son , Vince constantly having to make choices between Orton and Vince. Umaga as the enforcer. Carlito as the mic man and the bloke who gets all of the major heat. Perhaps so love interest for Orton / Kennedy , to add some extra spice. And a tag team aswell , Cade and Murdoch makes sense.

As for the rival faction , I'm not sure another DX would help. I think it'd be best led by Cena , to rival Orton. Maybe with Shane onside (I always liked the Vince/Shane rivalries) , CM Punk as the other main guy. Kane as their big man. Cena could work the mic , and the tag team Londrick or Cryme Tyme.

Its always made sense to me that the opposition has the same number / elements to match eachother. I suppose it wouldn't be 100% necessary , but would make sense for the separate battles.

Can't see it happening though.

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