While I'm no FTS...or a mod...I think that the Cigar Lounge Newsletter deserves a resurrection of kinds. And I think I'm just the one to do so.
Congress Shoots Down A Law to Pay for Healthcare of 9/11 First Responders (Read, Heroes)
Republicans voted down a measure that was fully paid for by closing a tax loophole that allowed businesses to avoid taxes on their income by holding offshore bank accounts.
Republicans? "I'm sure those heroes went into those buildings that day to save American lives, not raise taxes."
Julian Assange, Pissing Off the Pentagon and Hiding in Sweden
Wikileaks. Hundred Thousand leaked Afghani war documents. My entry into the NXT NWS Moderator competition.
Should Julian Assange be held up as a hero, or condemned as a criminal? Stake your claim.
Americans Charitable? Ha. Laughable.
Coco's foray into the Lounge. He argues the American idea of religion is what drives our charity. I'm going to claim that Americans aren't as charitable as his survey suggests, if I can, and make the further argument that America isn't as religious as we would like to believe.
But what do you think?
"Bullying on the Internet"
While I don't know why the title is in quotation marks, or why WWEFAN was bant, this thread still holds a place in contemporary culture.
Remember when you, as the quintessential bitch ass of high school, were followed around all day? Followed around by laughter, taunts, boos, the whole works? And your only refuge was home?
Consider a time when that hatred follows you home. You can't get away from it.
Now post. Go ahead. If you can see the keyboard through your flowing tears.
Lucifer and His Choices
This is an interesting one by Ferb. I'm going to go in and fuck some shit up, but still. Interesting one by Ferbs.
IDR has another God thread
It seems to me that every time I come back here, there is a new IDR God thread. It's cool, he asks some interesting questions. This one in particular, can Morality exist without God, confuses me in particular. Not that his thread is confusing, but rather that my own preconceived notions are being twisted and molded by myself. I have to work them out before I post.
Tenta asks a question.
The question? Are we a culture based upon on agitation? Is our attention only grabbed by someone being pissed at someone else?
Read the thread, and give your own input.
Another Bant Fellow asks about Affirmative Action
I dunno why all of these guys are being banned, but this one asks a question about Affirmative Actions. Why do you stand?
Proposition 8 was overturned
And Tdiggleton is pissed. He posts his opinion a few posts in. I might attempt a rebuttal later, but Raw is on. Bourne is getting his ass beat by Miz. I'm afraid he might win, but it's whatevs. Pretty good match so far.
That's all for now. Thanks for getting this far. It's a rather long thread for the GSD. Now that you're done reading this, how about going and posting in the threads? I'm sure it'd be fun. I'm sure.
Congress Shoots Down A Law to Pay for Healthcare of 9/11 First Responders (Read, Heroes)
Republicans voted down a measure that was fully paid for by closing a tax loophole that allowed businesses to avoid taxes on their income by holding offshore bank accounts.
Republicans? "I'm sure those heroes went into those buildings that day to save American lives, not raise taxes."
Julian Assange, Pissing Off the Pentagon and Hiding in Sweden
Wikileaks. Hundred Thousand leaked Afghani war documents. My entry into the NXT NWS Moderator competition.
Should Julian Assange be held up as a hero, or condemned as a criminal? Stake your claim.
Americans Charitable? Ha. Laughable.
Coco's foray into the Lounge. He argues the American idea of religion is what drives our charity. I'm going to claim that Americans aren't as charitable as his survey suggests, if I can, and make the further argument that America isn't as religious as we would like to believe.
But what do you think?
"Bullying on the Internet"
While I don't know why the title is in quotation marks, or why WWEFAN was bant, this thread still holds a place in contemporary culture.
Remember when you, as the quintessential bitch ass of high school, were followed around all day? Followed around by laughter, taunts, boos, the whole works? And your only refuge was home?
Consider a time when that hatred follows you home. You can't get away from it.
Now post. Go ahead. If you can see the keyboard through your flowing tears.
Lucifer and His Choices
This is an interesting one by Ferb. I'm going to go in and fuck some shit up, but still. Interesting one by Ferbs.
IDR has another God thread
It seems to me that every time I come back here, there is a new IDR God thread. It's cool, he asks some interesting questions. This one in particular, can Morality exist without God, confuses me in particular. Not that his thread is confusing, but rather that my own preconceived notions are being twisted and molded by myself. I have to work them out before I post.
Tenta asks a question.
The question? Are we a culture based upon on agitation? Is our attention only grabbed by someone being pissed at someone else?
Read the thread, and give your own input.
Another Bant Fellow asks about Affirmative Action
I dunno why all of these guys are being banned, but this one asks a question about Affirmative Actions. Why do you stand?
Proposition 8 was overturned
And Tdiggleton is pissed. He posts his opinion a few posts in. I might attempt a rebuttal later, but Raw is on. Bourne is getting his ass beat by Miz. I'm afraid he might win, but it's whatevs. Pretty good match so far.
That's all for now. Thanks for getting this far. It's a rather long thread for the GSD. Now that you're done reading this, how about going and posting in the threads? I'm sure it'd be fun. I'm sure.