The Cage

The Brain

King Of The Ring
It’s been less than 48 hours since the creation of The Cage and it’s already turning into the place to be. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t get it. Reading through some of the posts in there it seems like the collective IQ of the forum dropped significantly overnight. It reminds me of a bunch of twelve year olds being left home alone for the first time and looking to get in some trouble for no other reason than they can.

If you enjoy The Cage, that’s fine. To each his own. I just don’t see its appeal. Maybe it’s just popular because it’s new and the novelty will soon wear off. What do you think? Do you like The Cage? Do you think it’s simply the flavor of the month? I don’t want to judge you because you like The Cage and I don’t. If you like it, let me know what’s so good about it.
I have to admit right now it seems more like how you described it to be honest, or people arguing, yesterday I have to admit I haven't laughed so hard on this forum ever, or in years in general, the Cage lost it's momentum rather quickly.
At first, it wasnt bad. I mean, some of the things being said were bad, but it was still fun to be there. Now it just seems like everyone is taking advantage of it. Its like when you cant do something for some reason, and then when you can finally do it again, you do it way to much. Everyone is overdoing it.
Bar Room>Cage

It's just alot of hot air in there.I'm here to talk about life and wrestling like a mature adult.Once you hit the cage it's just a bunch of ******ed threads about race and other easily controversial garbage
I think they both have a place. Cage is where people can call each other out, make offensive jokes, flame, and have discussions on porn and controversial things, and the Not Bar Room can be a place for lighter and more family-friendly threads.

Or something.
I dunno..maybe it'll grow on me.Hell this forum itself took awhile to get used to so I'll give it time and see what happens
Its just a place where you can act as stupid as you want. Like High School. I never see anything entertaining in flaming. Unless you point out how lousy my country is. Truth is funnier than fiction.
why was the cage made? and why was it password protected? i don't really get the difference between it and the bar room, but oh well..
man, the Bar Room is quickly turning into the place for n00bs, I mean, the cage is where all the shit happens
why was the cage made? and why was it password protected? i don't really get the difference between it and the bar room, but oh well..
It's password protected because t's your choice if you want to go in. If you don't enter the password you can't see what's going on in there at all. so there is no complaints.
The Cage rules. It'll be just like The Bar Room in about two weeks, except when people flame each other, they'll be able to call each other c***smokers.

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