The Butcher Shop

Nate, buddy, you know I stated my frustrations so many times before I left. I took my problems with WWE's 2015 and dumped them all out in my Bovine University post. NXT provided solace, but it didn't forgive the main roster. Lucha Underground was really good. The wrestling was top-notch, and the presentation was definitely a breath of fresh air. I fell off the indies and Japan. Out of the ring news was a constant bummer and that affected my perception of the whole of wrestling negatively for sure. 2015 wasn't a banner year.

Watching Raw highlights via YouTube last summer when my work schedule was ******ed actually lightened my attitude toward them, and while LD'ing it here again has been fun, it's too long. I'm addicted regardless. WWE didn't get my money last year, but hopefully they'll rebound and I won't have to tell people I spend my Monday nights getting dialysis anymore.
You posted this at 8:03am

It's also 10:37am on saturday where I am. The future is weird and fantastical. People are enjoying this new fad called "giving up your new years resolutions and returning to your normal lives" and I don't know whether to go with the flow or improve myself as a human being.
It's also 10:37am on saturday where I am. The future is weird and fantastical. People are enjoying this new fad called "giving up your new years resolutions and returning to your normal lives" and I don't know whether to go with the flow or improve myself as a human being.

You have this gift too!?

What have I done wrong, Kapu? Why do you deny your most ardent believer?

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