The Butcher Shop

Simultaneously the best and worst drawing of a butcher ever. It looks like he's confused baseball gloves and a massive rose for steaks and ham.

I've been on the other side of the computer, living the life of Riley, thanks for asking. I didn't plan on not logging in for so long. I didn't take a break from watching wrestling or have any earth-shattering life events happen. Other than work and women trying to make me crazy, I've been fine. I lurked a few times, but like I said before I didn't have anything to say.

Figures there wouldn't be a lab they could use in the Tri-State area. It seems as if Murphy has the same power as Michael Jackson from the Moonwalker video game.


The show sounds pretty good. The zombie apocalypse craze probably peaked for me with the first Left 4 Dead game or that South Park episode about the homeless, so I could've seen an ad or something about the show that just didn't register with me.

That shrink character sounds more like a drug addict than a hippie, but I guess I'm splitting hairs.

That's whats up man. I can agree on women making men crazy lol.
My mind was blown. It's an old meme. You'll be old one day, too. Then nobody will get your memes and Simpsons references. Just wait.
I thought the same thing, Kap. Then 26 comes. Then 27. Then you hit 30, realize that there's no easy way out of this, and start looking for a woman who can cook and manage money.
Thanks Kapu! It's actually just 3 years as a member. I was only respected for like 6 months before everyone realized I was mentally challenged.

Then I left for a year. You know what, let's just not talk about me right now.

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