The Butcher Shop

It's been a New Year for a over a day now, but there's still a piece of 2015 hanging out there for me so I'm going to get this out of the back of my head while I'm inspired to do so:

Earlier in this thread, just a few days ago, I went pretty hard after fellow poster and long-time member NSL. I don't know his reputation and have never really interacted with him, but the font of his username suggests he's done well for himself here and has moved on to, I hope, bigger and better things online and off. He said something in another thread that I found "silly," and when I said as much he rightfully defended his position. He misconstrued one word, so being me I brought the discussion here and immediately used a slur that I shouldn't have. I also made accusations that were rude and untrue; not very seriously, mind you, but still with malice aforethought. I don't mind engaging in exchanges of any sort, non of this is that serious, but even when hurling insults I expect more wit from myself than I showed.

NSL, I sincerely apologize and am on my way to PM you a personal apology. Thank you for letting bygones be bygones and helping me and Kapu out with his WZCW avatar. It was more grace than I deserved.
Shit, guys, I'm honoured, but I'm already in the cult of Dixie.

But give it a month or two and it probably won't be around anymore... ;)
By the way, the update of your Additional Information is Awesome like you! :p

You are the Prime Minister :worship:

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