The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Cover of the Week

This week I'm thinking it's a tie, as I just simply can't decide which cover I like more


I'm pretty excited, found a torrent with all the Sonic comics going all the way back to 1993 up to June 2010. About 3.28 GB worth of comics. I originally had the very first Sonic comic (I was a kid, had no idea what it meant exactly collecting wise), and read them for quite awhile so it'll be a treat to reread some of those. I know I should purchase said comics, but I have absolutely zilch comic book stores around here.

Also just finished up Age of X. That was an interesting mini series to say the last. Very entertaining though and the outcome a little surprising.

Edit: Apparently there is a store in Bismarck that sells comics...but I know the place there and it's more of a hobby gaming (Warhammer, Magic the Gathering, etc.) store than it is comics, and the last time I was in there they had no comics what so ever...

Reedit: I stand corrected, checking their FB page shows they get comics in fairly regularly and plan to hand out 500 free comics on Saturday. Might have to swing by in the morning since I'll be up there (or Friday night for the hell of it) and check it out. I have a wedding to go to but I don't think it starts until the afternoon.
Reedit: I stand corrected, checking their FB page shows they get comics in fairly regularly and plan to hand out 500 free comics on Saturday. Might have to swing by in the morning since I'll be up there (or Friday night for the hell of it) and check it out. I have a wedding to go to but I don't think it starts until the afternoon.

Yeah Sat. is free comic book day, I made a post in this thread (I think last night) with a link to a page showing what all the free comics are gonna be, and with previews of all the free comics

I picked up Fear Itself #2, & Uncanny X-Force #'s 5 & 9, apparently they knew I was still looking for issue #5 so they found a copy they had laying in the back, that they "forgot" to put on the self, and held it for me, I love my comic shop:)

I plan on going back on Sat. picking up my free comic, and then prolly buying a new tpb or graphic novel, I really want to get some Hulk stuff, so there are a few Hulk arcs I'm looking at right now, and trying to decided which one I want to pick up, suggestions are welcomed if anyone has any?

EDIT: Ty, since you've read Age of X, if you want to provide a non-spam review of the story, I made a comic showcase thread for Age of X in the potluck section, if you were to post in that thread you might find some nice glistening green rep headed your way;)
Sure thing, want me to avoid spoilers if at all possible?

I don't care, but other may not want spoilers, I don't plan on reading the whole thing until they release it as a tpb, by then I'll have forgotten most of the details anyway, I'd just use spoiler tags just to be safe if you feel the need to post spoilers
Wow, every so often Chris Arrant, a writer for writes these amazing articles that focus on one comic book character & where new comic fans should start should they be interested in that particular character, several of these have been posted in this thread before, today he did one on perhaps one of the most popular hero's of the Marvel universe...Wolverine!!, I think everyone needs to read this, especially if they are new to comics

Wolverine: Where Do I Start?
Posted on May 5, 2011 in articles by Chris Arrant

Although Superman, Batman and Spider-Man might be have a long history in comics and film, Marvel’s mutant hero Wolverine has risen through the ranks to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with any heroes. Wolverine came about at a time where the idea of ‘anti-heroes’ were on a rise: heroes with a dark past who would be willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good. Whereas some heroes might be crime-fighters or crusaders, Logan’s adventures primarily come about after someone pisses him off or does something to one of his friends. Retribution.

Introduced as an agent for the Canadian government in Incredible Hulk, it wasn’t until his debut as an X-Men that his fame really started to congeal. Mysterious past + bezerker rage + an untraditional personality, and he was tailor-made for success. Wolverine expanded from the X-Men to his own solo series as well as numerous guest appearances in various series. Now he’s one of Marvel’s most popular, and most present, heroes, appearing in several X-Men series, his own series, miniseries, as well as members of two Avengers titles. But with all that, fans keep coming back fro more.

Finding the best place to start with Wolverine might be as shadowy as the mutant hero’s past once was, but iFanboy has dug through the longboxes and consulted the experts to find the choice stories to start with. Although some of the better Wolverine stories has yet to be collected in an easy way (such as Larry Hama’s), we’ve got a knock-down-drag-out 6 pack of stories to get your Logan fix on.

Wolverine: Although he first appeared in Incredible Hulk and rose to some fame as a member of X-Men, it wasn’t until Chris Claremont and Frank Miller’s 1982 miniseries Wolverine that Logan turned from team player into solo star. This solo series (Wolverine’s first) took the mutant into the heart of Japan after a woman and into a bed of ninja.

Wolverine: Get Mystique: Get Mystique is one part western, one part revenge story, and all parts cool. Jason Aaron is shaping up to be the the modern scribe for Wolverine’s adventures, and this first real storyarc capitalizes on Logan’s long past, his friends, enemies and his deadly relationship with Mystique.

Wolverine: Logan: Although an overlooked recent addition to Logan’s ouvre, this three-part series by Brian K. Vaughn and Eduardo Risso into the heart and soul of the man upon his first recollection of long-buried memories of his past. This is really a tour-de-force of two creators at the top of their game, giving Marvel’s mutant a real run into his past and present.

Wolverine: Not Dead Yet:
Wolverine goes against a enemy from his pre-hero past calld the White Ghost, and this enemy uses the very same metal that Logan has to attempt to kill the mutant. This story shows Logan’s loner spirit at his finest. Although out of print for years, this storyline by Warren Ellis and Leinil Yu has been on numerous top ten lists of Logan stories, and was thankfully brought back into print in 2009.

Wolverine: Old Man Logan: Wolverine’s past has been the mystery on everyone’s mind since his debut in 1974, but Mark Millar and Steve McNiven see what would happen in a future where Logan was a shadow of his former self. After being tricked into massacring all his X-men teammates and friends, Logan renounces his super-hero life to become a simple farmer. Meanwhile, all the world falls under the control of villains. Old Man Logan is the story of how a disillusioned man can turn himself around and save the world in the process.

Wolverine: Weapon X: Although Origin might be Wolverine’s true origin, it’s the Weapon X storyline by Barry Windsor-Smith that has increasingly defined the character over the years. This storyline showed how a secret enclave turned a simple mutant into a weapon that is one of the world’s biggest killers. Previous subjects were bred to be super soldiers, but Logan as Weapon X was bred to be an assassin. This story-arc has been referenced numerous times in comics as well as in both X-Men 2 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
New Green Lantern trailer...


OK, so I think I might finally really be getting excited to see this, 'bout time they release trailer that makes this movie look amazing, and not like a stupid fucking cartoon
The only thing that really excites me about the Green Lantern movie is seeing all the other Green Lanterns. One thing I loved about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and stuff is how all these different species coexist in the same place, and that's what I'm looking forward to about Green Lantern.

I need to get a gig that pays well so I can make a trip to the comic book store soon and pick up a ton of X-Force and X-Men comics.
I picked up the first five issues of Uncanny X-Force today in digital format. really looking forward to reading them, but the first issue seems to start off with some Deadpool so so far so good.
I have never read a whole lot of Deadpool, I think Marvel just has come a little overboard with the shear number of Deadpool books they decided to flood the market with, I have always found it a bit off putting when they do that with any character, especially the more smart-assish ones like Deadpool, however I love him as a part of the X-Force, especially after I read issue 5, it seems Remender has just given the guy more depth and knows just the right time to have Deadpool unleash one of his ever so witty comments, plus I like the Black & White Deadpool suit better than the Red & Black

Also new Marvel spotlight is up in the potluck section, for those who wish to check it out, link is in my sig as always
Picking up some Hulk trades, when I get there, leaving now, then afterwards I'mm heading straight to the theater to see THOR!!!!

it's like a Comic fanboy Christmas today:D
Whew! just got home from Free Comic Book Day, so much fucking fun, so many cool fucking people, and so many great fucking deals, I spent $32 and walked out with a new tpb, 5 comics (2 of which were the freebies) and GL heroclix thingy, Planet Red Hulk mini-poster, Venom shirt. Can't wait till next years Free Comic Book Day!!!
You justin I need some comic book knowledge from the best. I've always been a big fan of Robin, all three of them Grayson, Todd and Drake. Something about their stories and growing up with one of the top super heroes and seeing how they turn out is fascinating to me, especially how each one kind of has gone in a different route from the other. I was just wondering what series or arcs would you recommend for me?
You justin I need some comic book knowledge from the best. I've always been a big fan of Robin, all three of them Grayson, Todd and Drake.

There have now been 4 Robins, (Bruce's son, Damian, is currently taken up the Robin role)

Something about their stories and growing up with one of the top super heroes and seeing how they turn out is fascinating to me, especially how each one kind of has gone in a different route from the other. I was just wondering what series or arcs would you recommend for me?

I'm not a Robin expert at all, I'm sure someone else here would be able to help you better than I would, but if you're looking for a new monthly seires to check out, then you may want to start picking up the Red Robin series (Tim Drakes new superhero moniker) I'm sure you can also find some of those stories in trades as well, if they aren't available now, then they should be releasing them soon, other than that I would say the following are shit you may want to read if you haven't already

-A Death in the Family
-Battle For the Cowl
-Batman: Prodigal
-Batman: Contagion
-Robin (original mini-series, focuses on the training of Tim Drake)
-Robin II: Joker's Wild
-Robin III: Cry of Huntress

Hopefully that's enough to get you started and last you awhile, I don't really know how good any of those are, as I said I don't read a lot of Robin stuff so I'm not really the fore most expert on the second half of the dynamic duo

EDIT: It should be noted this list is very Tim drake heavy for the most part
I'd like to second Justin's advice of reading a Death in the Family. As well as the somewhat recently new comic Batman & Robin. It focuses on the new Robin and how he believe she should have been the one chosen as Batman. It's a very good contrast oc characters between Batman and Robin.

I beleive Lee is (Dick Grayson) Robin fan.
Colbert just did a Captain America edition of "Movies that are destroying America". I have yet to see it on you tube but its on many geek sites.
So yeah, read the FCBD issue of Locke & Key today, holy fuck it's awesome, I look forward to picking up & reading the tpbs as soon as I'm done with World War Hulk (which I started today as well, & love it so far)
That would be John Stewart, Have you seen what they've done him in the current arc?


Bottom right... the one in purple...
You are shitting me?

I love John Stewarts character though him during the Odyssey storyline was fantasti. In ithe failed to stop Xanshi being destroyed and Martian Manhunter got pissed, Stewart was suicidal and in the end didn't go through with it. He's also the second DC Superhero who was black (after teen titans mal duncan) and doesn't wear a mask as it's more humane that way.

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