Spidey Revivey
Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
My suspension of disbelief is pretty high; I can let my mind trick itself into thinking The Undertaker is a zombie with superpowers, that a small guy can defeat a big man in a legitimate fight. I can try and believe Kane has the powers of Hell at his disposal and that Sandow is a bona fide genius. That works out okay for a show built on entertainment. But there is one angle that makes absolutely no sense every single time they do it.
That angle is the "broke" angle.
WWE has probably seen its fair share of this angle. Hell I remember John "Bradshaw" Layfield running this with Shawn Michaels. And it was as believable then as it is now. Which is to say, not at all. How can we believe for one minute that a superstar of Big Show's caliber (let alone Shawn Michaels), who makes appearances on both shows on a frequent basis, has no money? How does that even happen? The Big Show may not be the biggest moneymaker in the business today, granted, but surely with how often he is around there's no way they could make him appear penniless.
I understand it's suppose to make for a better story. But this is about a guy who has been around with the company for a very long time. Even your average fan can figure out he is making money just by being there.
I think this is a ridiculous angle that has ran its course multiple times and doesn't really add anything to the show. A person being buried alive on a wrestling show is more believable than this.
Your thoughts?
That angle is the "broke" angle.
WWE has probably seen its fair share of this angle. Hell I remember John "Bradshaw" Layfield running this with Shawn Michaels. And it was as believable then as it is now. Which is to say, not at all. How can we believe for one minute that a superstar of Big Show's caliber (let alone Shawn Michaels), who makes appearances on both shows on a frequent basis, has no money? How does that even happen? The Big Show may not be the biggest moneymaker in the business today, granted, but surely with how often he is around there's no way they could make him appear penniless.
I understand it's suppose to make for a better story. But this is about a guy who has been around with the company for a very long time. Even your average fan can figure out he is making money just by being there.
I think this is a ridiculous angle that has ran its course multiple times and doesn't really add anything to the show. A person being buried alive on a wrestling show is more believable than this.
Your thoughts?