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The Brian Kendrick's Future Partner

Big Daddy Fool

One Man Rock Band
On Raw, just now , The Brian Kendrick defeated Carlito in singles action. After his hand was raised, Kendrick got on the mike an announced he was looking for the partner that would help him be a tag team champion.

With all the emphasis he put on the during the promo i hope it was only because he refers to himself as [/I]the[/I] brian kendrick and not because the miz is the partner he is looking for. I want the miz to stay in singles action until he prooves he really cant hang there. I remember reading that the WWE signed Lance Hoyt. That might be a good fit for Kendrick and give him the Diesel to his Shawn Michaels that didnt work with Big Zeke.

So like the title says let the speculation begin
Hmm....I was gonna say Paul London...but...hmm...he left WWE. Maybe it's that Shamus guy, the irish guy who's in FCW I think?
Sheamus O'Shaunessy is a good bet as he is supposed to debut pretty soon but it's a wild bet as any bet will be right now.

MVP, Kennedy and all main eventers should be exempt from speculation as their singles career should be the focus (MVP challenging above his weight shows great intent and Kennedy is long overdue a main event/ upper mid card push)

As for the Miz, I hope he does stay solo but he is the only Tag Teamer that was seperated during the draft. I hope it doesn't happen though.

One idea, used once before with the creation of Priceless, would be that Primo or Carlito (less likely) could turn on the other and join The Brian Kendrick. Although I want that to happen, I don't want it to happen in this manner. I want them to turn on each other and then focus on a singles rivalry rather than one of them enter the Tag Titles thing straight away.

The way I see this panning out is TBK tagging with different partners for a few weeks, perhaps on an open invitation and losing. Eventually, most likely on PPV, Hornswoggle will appear and they'll win. Reason for Hornswoggle, other than random cameos, to actually be on Raw and it'll provide the comic relief for when the Santina storyline ends (anytime now)

The only other two possibilities are Matt Hardy and Sim Snuka. I can't see Matt stepping backwards anytime soon and, contrastly, I can't see Snuka stepping forward anytime soon.
I could see Festus taking the role... Kendrick starts dressing Festus in the crazy attire like he wears and keeps him around as a body guard... even carrying a bell around backstage and sending him into the colons' locker room then ringing the bell to set off an interesting attack
I like the Lance Hoyt Idea. He's a big guy, that could compliment Zeke, and would be believable enough to beat the Colons. Snuka's a good guess too, they have similar styles, but Hoyt might be better.
I hope to god it's not Miz, for a multitude of reasons....but mainly I just don't think he should be anywhere near WWE.

However, if we're making the HBK/TBK comparisons, I can see Hoyt becoming Kendrick's partner. I never really liked Hoyt as a wrestler, but I think he'd do well in a Tomko role.

As for O'Shaunessy, I haven't seen much of his work, but he does have a good build to him, and a bit of an imposing look.

Hopefully, whoever Kendrick picks is not a complete letdown, and actually gives Kendrick something to do.
Sim Snuka, the Miz, Festus, Jamie Nobel, Goldust, and Jim Duggan are the only guys not doing anything right now on Raw. It's obviously not going to be Hacksaw Jim or Goldust. I don't think they would put Kendrick with Festus at all.... I'm not sure what their plan is for Sim Snuka, but they might keep him around to fight back Legacy at some point... get his revenge for them punting him in the skull. Maybe Jamie Nobel? I don't see them being a good match though. I think the Miz is the "logical" choice, however aweful I can see it becoming. Honestly, I don't think Raw is the place for the Tag Team Division right now. Unless Priceless gets the belts, which I guess isn't going to happen, with this whole Kendrick non-sense. I guess we shall have to wait and see.
i would say DH Smith but they seem intent on putting the new Hart Foundation together.
Kofi Kingston could be intreasting but i will say no to that happening
i say it is a FCW guy or Miz
Here's what will happen. Next week's Raw will be The Colons taking on TBK and his mystery partner. The first hour of Raw will have a few clips of TBK unsuccesfully asking Kane and Festus to be his partner. Hour one main event, the Colons come out, then TBK who declares he has found a partner. Hit Goldust's music. No Goldust. Titantron shows Goldust layed out in the back mysteriously. Now hit Santina's music. "She" claims she has come to save her new man. Michael Cole will make some lame joke about TBK trading one cross dresser for another.

Few minutes into the match, Colons are in control. Carlito goes to spit and apple on TBK until he is flashed by Santina. He chokes on the apple and TBK hits "the brian kendrick" on Carlito for the win.

New Champions: TBK and Santina

It was either this or TBK taking the Colons on himself, Carlito chokes on his apple and passes out. Brie Bella comes to his rescue and is over him checking on him. She puts her hand on his stomach and the referee counts the 1, 2, 3. New Champs: TBK and Brie Bella
I believe it'll be Tomko. Have there not been rumors the WWE is interested in bringing Tomko back and hoping to find a place for him? I think it'll either be Tomko or Hoyte (if he did sign with the WWE) whose brought in to be with Kendrick. They would both complement him as a wrestler.
my picks would be from fwc: drew macintyre, sheamus o'shaunessy, low ki/kaval, eric escobar or lance hoyte.

i dont think it will be a current wwe star as this is a great chance to bring someone up from fcw and give them something meaningful to do.

it seems to much like cody/ted/hardcore right now but its ok, the wwe are reported to be bringing in new stars but only when they can be put in a meaningful programme and not just thrown in and fight random wrestlers every week
I don't see how they can bring someone from development into this programme. If they have all this "who is it?" speculation, and it is someone 90% of the crowd haven't heard of, it will be a massive flop. It is like when Ted said he had a mystery partner and everyone said it will be DH Smith. That would have bombed cos no one would have known who he was. You can't have a randomer brought in like this, it would have to be a little shocking to work properly.

I hope it is not the Miz. He is doing okay with his singles stuff. Obviuosly he won't get a proper victory over Cena but just being involved in him raises his profile. He can easily join the flourishing US title division.

Whoever it is, their initial reaction, I think, will be what determines whether that person and TBK actually get the belts. If it's a dud, Carlito and Primo will pick up a victory on RAW and promptly end it.
Which I am 99.9% sure that this will not happen but, down in Puerto Rico working for Carlito and Primo's wrestling company WWC is the cousin of Carlito and Primo his name is Orlando Colon. I have seen a few of his matches on you tube and he can work a match just as good as most WWE mid-carders it would be great to have him come in as a mask wrestler and after TBK and He win the titles reveal himself to his cousins (but he is not signed by WWE).

Another great person to bring in for this would be Bryan Danielson again not likely going to happen as Danielson is not in the WWE but this pairing could be good.

I am with the earlier posters this will probably be just some wrestler from developmental making his debut.
Well... well its THE Big Show!

Okay, I seriously 99.9% doubt this. But with Cena potentially going away again shortly for a little while, the feud may end soon. With a heel champion, the majority of fans wouldn't be too interested in Orton/Big Show. Batista/Triple H are rumoured to feud. Where does this leave the big guy? You could put him in US contention but they've already built up three good competitors for that divison in Kingston, Regal and Hardy.

So maybe the tag division is the only place set for The Big Show.

I seriously doubt this and wouldn't be surprised if we see a heel turn from a Colon (groansome to say the least), or a developmental talent being brought up. But having The Big Show in this division gives him something to do AND he could play that bodyguard role all in one!
I see the only logical choice would be bringing in big show. Theres no way he will ever do a program with Orton or HBK so when Cena leaves sometimes in June/July he will be pushed down into the tag team since big show has won tag titles and in WWE's twisted mind they will think he will add legitmacy to the title. I could see bigshow and cena ending quick since after all has big show had a full program with anyone since he came back to WWE. I say big show since hes the only one i can see. I think with Cena going soon they will have Big Show kabeface send him out of the WWE with a injury.
I dont know why but I'm thinking about Kennedy. Because its obvious that he wont get another singles push. And the guy is injury phrone. So why not put him in a tag team? Kendrick is a loudmouth, Kennedy is a loudmouth so the two of them could connect. There aren't really much better options is there. My second guess is Chavo. Since his aunt Vickie is the GM he'd think he has a chance at Tag Team Gold with Kendrick. And Kendrick would want that because Chavo could have a lot of backstage power or something.
MVP, Kennedy and all main eventers should be exempt from speculation as their singles career should be the focus (MVP challenging above his weight shows great intent and Kennedy is long overdue a main event/ upper mid card push)

Oh yeah cause Mr. Kennedy has been so underused these last few months *rolls eyes*

Anyway, I think it should be Sheamus or someone who's debuting. All midcard guys who are good enough to be in the Tag title scene right now seem to be tied up with something or other right about now.
Although I hope it's Kennedy, just cause I want to see him back.
I can't see it being Big Show or Miz, even though they have "the" in their names. Big Show is the number 2 main event heel on the brand, behind Orton, and it wouldn't serve any purpose to demote him. The Miz is starting to look like a very solid threat as a midcarder and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't start a feud between Miz/Kennedy when he returns. Plus, that would be another demotion.

The people on Raw that aren't currently in programs with other people, like Hardy/Kofi, Regal/MVP, and so forth, are: Chavo Guerrero, Festus, Jamie Noble, Sim Snuka.

None of them are really good ideas, but if it were one of those, it'd most likely be Festus with a slight repackaging of his gimmick.

Most likely, though, I'd say that its going to be someone that they call up from FCW. In which case, we have no idea who that would be, what they'll debut as, or anything of the sort.
If Kendrick were still on Smackdown then i'd say Dolph Ziggler was an obvious choice for his partner. But Ziggler is in the middle of some sort of push after the match with MVP and then beating up khali, so he's on smack down for awhile.

The first person who popped into my head was Paul Burchill. I feel like the two of them would work well together and with Katie Lea as a manager, they might go far as a tag team. Burchill is doing absolutely nothing on ECW and could be better utilized elsewhere IMHO
Kendrick is an annoying cockroach who IMO will be released from the roster by years end. I just simply cant stand him. I think his partner is going to be someone more suited for him (unlike Jackson), so its probably a fresh face nobody has seen yet.

I definately dont expect it to be the Miz. They actually seem to be trying to build some legit heat for The Miz with his "mini feud" with John Cena, and I think its working for the most part. I dont know, Miz just seems to be getting "tested" by the WWE to see if he can be a legit draw or not. Kendrick? Not so much. Lower midcarder at best. Putting The Miz with Kendrick would be a killshot to Miz's whole push right now.
The Miz sounds like the obvious choice here, but I can't see the WWE taking his singles push away that soon. They've done crazier things, but I can't see this happening. My only other choice at this point would be Lance Hoyt, or someone from FCW. My pick for his partner would have to be Drew McIntyre. Drew has been on WWE television before, and I think their could be some chemistry with these two.
After his win against Carlito TBK said "Now that was step 1. Step 2 find THE Partner to beat you for the titles." Who do you think TBK's new partner is?
I think it's THE Miz, because he THE partner, and Miz was born for tagging i think he will team with Kendrick, Turn on him, then get teh U.S. or I.C. title. The Miz and TBK would make a great tag team they would get heat it would help the tag team division and they'd help each other TBK could help Miz with wrestling and Miz could teach TBK mic skills.
other possibilities
THE Paul London because it's the best highflyer tandem not to compete in a ladder match regularly.
THE Ken Kennedy same as miz but less him learning to wrestle maybe become less injury prone, but they would make a good tag team.
I dont think it will be any of those 3 because Paul London is not in the WWE, the Miz is going to try a singles career for a little while and Mr. Kennedy is a face right now. I dont no who it is going to be but i think it will be a bit of a surprise.
There is already a topic around for this called "Let The Speculation Begin" :)

Not meaning to dishearten you.

My own personal view though is that it will probably be Festus. He's not doing a single thing right now except comedy skits and he does have some in-ring talent. TBK isn't the most serious superstar on the roster so it wouldn't surprise me if they found a way to pair the two.

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