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The Blue Bloods Are Coming!?


[This Space for Rent]
After tonight's Raw, and with the information given from wwe.com its official..


Once upon a time, Regal & Burchill tried to form a Tag Team when Burchill was just debuting and it got over about as much as Mr. America. But this time around things are slightly different. Paul Burchill has had plenty of time to get over and hes a lot better known now, then he ever was then.

SO, with the apparent re-shaping of the Tag Team divisions on all three brands, is this a sign of things to come? Will Regal & Burchill form a Tag Team once again and become the new force to be dealt with on Tuesday nights?

I think this is possibly the best thing for both individuals, especially with the major amount of talent that E.C.W just lost. Regal & Burchill, both, have a chance to step up and be the dominate heels on the Brand now.

What are everyone's thoughts on Regal's trade to E.C.W, as well as the possible re-formation of the English Blue Bloods?
Well, just a few seconds ago I posted in a thread about the Hart Dynasty to SmackDown!, while ranting about Regal being traded to ECW. The thing is, I never thought of his reunion with Burchill. This could be good, as Regal not only rejoined Paul, but also Finlay (an original Blue Blood member), and with him comes (possibly) Sheamus. And, I've heard from a friend working in FCW that Stu Saunders is coming up soon. This could be the best move for the British/Irish performers on the roster. I'm looking forward to this move the more I think of it.
I have been a solid Paul Burchill mark for years now. And to once again get my hopes up that he could receive some type of push, makes me all kinds of excited to watch E.C.W.

The thing is though, E.C.W got massively fucked in their trades. They lost all of their top talent - minus Dreamer, Kozlov & Christian. The Hart Dynasty was arguably on their way to becoming the best faction in Wrestling, silently dominating E.C.W and now they're likely gonna get lost on Smackdown - but at least Natalya can finally get some gold, too.

The best trade addition was arguably William Regal, because Benjamin isn't shit but a spot-performer who's going to likely make Christian look better for spots, and Dreamer look better for.. well, nothing really.

So, Regal becomes the top heel, by default - especially as long as Kozlov continues his random domination of jobbers and no-names.

Dreamer & Christian will feud against Burchill & Regal, and Regal is likely going to be the main guy going for the Heavyweight title, but he'll build together the real British Invasion, or what I hope they refer to themselves.. the Blue Bloods.

"Earl" Robert Eaton and "Squire" Dave Taylor could even return to make limited cameos. This could be amazing.
I think this makes the most sense... Burchill is probably gonna get some kind of push due to his brother's death in Afghanistan (Vince couldn't can him for the bad publicity right now)
So as ECW's tag team... It could work

I could also see them go back to a manager type deal where Regal is the mouthpiece for Birchall and Seamus...
Will I really hope this happens, because lets face it Burchills not really doing much at the moment. Putting them together and giving them the push the Hart Trilogy were gettin would deffinately kick start Paul and Katie Lea's run in the WWE. Plus not to mention how much heat they would get over in the USA but they would get a hero's welcome over here. For example coming to the ring waving the Union Jack would probably get them instant heat, making sterotype comments about Americans being fat would get them insanely hated. Plus an American can get over by defending the USA and taking the piss out of them.

We havent had a solid English superstars push in a while (I think the last one was regal as commish back in 2001) so hopefully this team comes together and sets ECW alight because lets face it they dont have a clue what they are doing with Kozlov, Shelton will have a nice month then be jobbing his way to a future endevours list which leaves just Dreamer and Christian both are over faces. This is a fantastic idea and would probably make a lot of Brits watch ECW
When Regal was GM he was the one pushing Burchill, so I guess they could reform. But I don't see it myself. People and apparently WWE just don't give a shit about Burchill.

Regal is just taking up Finaly's role.
well if wwe wanted to expand there tag team division, then i say go for it. i think it would be good to form them as a team again. problem is like already said ecw got screwed in this trade. regal or shelton would have to be a top heel on ecw. kozlov could be but he needs to actually have a real match and squash jobbers. my point is ecw needs some main eventers and regal could be used to that though i doubt it. ecw still has christian,dreamer, but they a few more main eventers, i dont really want to see dreamer feuding with christian for much longer
I for one think it's a good move Regal to ECW, I even posted it in a thread of who you wanted to move to ECW just last week. I'm sure Vince is reading my posts :p

Regal has a very old school style something that is missing in ECW, but with him and Burchill being on the same brand once again, it would make sense for them to team up, either in a Blue Blood type team or even a UK stable (with Katie Lea). Either way, good move WWE!

EDIT; Also remember DJ Gabriel is British
Regal's draft makes sense in the way that he can work with the younger talent that they bring up. He's basically on Finlay level - midcarder that is too old to make anything out of, will never be given the title, and you might as well use him to pass on his knowledge to the people that actually have a future. Originally, I thought Regal was going to move to ECW on the draft we had after WrestleMania, so I see nothing wrong with this trade.

As far as Regal/Burchill...hm. There aren't any tag teams on ECW for them to compete with, so that might not go as far as everyone is assuming. In fact, with ECW having only Christian, Dreamer, Hurricane, and Goldust as their faces (since we all know DJ Gabriel is going to be fired soon), but having Shelton, Kozlov (ugh), Ryder, Regal, Burchill, and Ezekiel as heels...I wouldn't be too surprised to see Burchill actually turn face. Unless, of course, they got rid of Kozlov and/or Ezekiel (hopefully just Kozlov). It sort of depends on what they do with their releases and FCW talent. Regal and Burchill are probably friends, so I'm sure if they did turn Burchill face, Regal would have no problem letting Burchill dominate him and really putting him over.

We'll have to see. Is Regal's purpose going to be "heel jobber to the new guys" like it should be, or are they going to try to make him the #2 heel on the brand behind Shelton? I'd much prefer Ryder to be the #2, but like I said, we'll see.
I definitely have a strong liking for Regal and in my opinion I believe he should be the one to take the belt off of Dreamer. I mean we all know that Shelton will get it eventually so let him marinate a little bit and have Regal be a dominant champion(I mean if he doesn't have that many years in him, then let him have at least one dominant reign). Regal is a good wrestler, gold on the mic, and can really put over a storyline. Regal to ECW is a good thing as far as I'm concerend. As far as him teaming with Burchill? I guess that's fine and dandy as long as The Unified Tag Champs don't forget to visit ECW once in a while.
I like Regal in ECW, and I think he should make a run as the GM of ECW. If that can't happen then obviously a feud with Finlay. I don't think pairing him with Paul is a sound move. Perhaps down the line, but if they are going to pair up Paul with anyone it should be a "repackaged" Steve Lewington. He had a solid gimmick in FCW as Gabriel something or another. Paul and Gabriel would look better as a team.
Well, just a few seconds ago I posted in a thread about the Hart Dynasty to SmackDown!, while ranting about Regal being traded to ECW. The thing is, I never thought of his reunion with Burchill. This could be good, as Regal not only rejoined Paul, but also Finlay (an original Blue Blood member), and with him comes (possibly) Sheamus. And, I've heard from a friend working in FCW that Stu Saunders is coming up soon. This could be the best move for the British/Irish performers on the roster. I'm looking forward to this move the more I think of it.
finaly can't because he was traded to smackdown . i thing they are puting together a european faction with Sheamus,regal,vlad,& burchill.
Way to steal my idea Will ;)

I like the idea of Regal and Burchill teaming, because there's obviously no way for Paul and Katie to appear any other way. It would be a fresh new "stable" to replace the Harts, and would give Paul a nice rub.

The problem with all this, is that it seems we're heading towards a Regal v. Kozlov feud, which would bore me to fucking tears...
Someone mentioned having Regal team with Burchill and come down waving Brittish Flag, badmouth america, I think this is worst thing they could do right now.. Not only is it trying to copy what they themselves have done several times in the past, but TNA is doing this angle with a trio they are calling the Brittish Invasion. So it would mean that they would be taking an idea that TNA is using. think about that. I actually like a lot of the in ring stuff from the old, original TNA guys, but the story lines are rip offs of stuff WCW/WWF did during the Monday night wars. And it's been getting worse since they started signing the junk WWE let loose (Booker T, Angle, and others).
And Finlay was moved to Smackdown to get him away from Sheamus. Though I think a North Ireland vs UK could work. Kind like the fuzzy days of the IRA.
If any one saw the match, the little bit at the End were Regal was upset Kozlov tagged in and got the win, and while they were 'celebrating', Regal looked several times like he was going to attack Kozlov.
One good way to turn Kozlov face, and Regal hill would be to team them for a while, then regal tries to sneak attack Kozlov, but Kozlov catches him and starts a beat down, then Burchill comes down to help out Regal, setting a feud between the two of them and Kozlov, with teh due trying to become the dominate force on ECW, maybe recruiting part time aid from Christian as a fellow 'Commonwealth' citizen. Nothing bashing the US, but playing up their pride in the UK and the contributions that the UK has made to the wrestling universe. Then Kozlov could get a partner and have a Russian/US alliance against the UK/Canada Commonwealth. That's how you turn Regal heel and Kozlov face.
Don't know if thats the greatest idea considering a few things:

1. When they tried first it was shit!
2. No one gives a flying fuck about Paul Berchill
3. What will it do? Vince doesn't have an I for talent! They might have a good start but in the long run one of them is gonna get realeased or the group will just disband and act like nothing ever happened!
I'm actually liking the idea of the 2 pairing up against Kozlov. No way either one takes him down on their own. Don't really care for another British Invasion angle. There is usually one every couple years or so, and it usually always flops.
i think if they were going to do this then they would have kept finlay and debut shamus (sorry but i have no idea how to spell his name) as a face. think about a british vs irish feud. that would have been some intense matches. all four men have a beat the shit out of you style and i think this would have been a very entertaining feud.

but no finley went to smackdown to do.....well nothing. and burchill hasn't been seen in a while so who knows.

i do like the idea of giving regal one last run as champ. he is gold in the ring and on the mic.
What are everyone's thoughts on Regal's trade to E.C.W, as well as the possible re-formation of the English Blue Bloods?

I mean, it's what Regal was sent to ECW to do. Along with Goldust. He's there to help push the new talent so that they can form the new ranks for the WWE. A reformation of the Blue Bloods would do just that for Burchill. And Regal is good enough, he can do what needs to be done to get a now better, not nearly as green Burchill over with the fans.

I really like Regal to ECW, because he's a heel Kane or Finlay, essentially. He'll go and do the job for the new kids. While he's doing that, he'll be teaching them invaluable lessons on how to work the crowd. I hope Regal gets the ECW title, just to do it and lose it to some great face. It's what he's there for.
I mean, it's what Regal was sent to ECW to do. Along with Goldust. He's there to help push the new talent so that they can form the new ranks for the WWE. A reformation of the Blue Bloods would do just that for Burchill. And Regal is good enough, he can do what needs to be done to get a now better, not nearly as green Burchill over with the fans.

I really like Regal to ECW, because he's a heel Kane or Finlay, essentially. He'll go and do the job for the new kids. While he's doing that, he'll be teaching them invaluable lessons on how to work the crowd. I hope Regal gets the ECW title, just to do it and lose it to some great face. It's what he's there for.

That is right that Regal, a guy that has plent of experience including training CM Punk, can provide insight to new wrestlers. I would like to see a Seamaus vs. Burchill fued ahead. It would make little sence to start a new guy off with Regal who just was in an ECW main event. However, Swagger's first fued was with Dreamer so it makes sence for the WWE to follow a proven path of success. Both Swagger and Seamaus were FCW Champs and I think the WWE has similar plans for each of them.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
Regal/Burchill would be a solid tag team to build up younger performers and to be used to get Burchill really over as a heel with the fans. Building Birchill up as a major heel on ECW and getting him into PPV's would get him into main events on Smackdown or Raw (preferably Smackdown since CM Punk seems cardboard as a heel.)

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