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I was replying to a thread and thought of this... I hope it hasnt been done I could not find it. This is not about who was thje best to not win world title... it is about who was the best Main Stay in the midcard. I would have picked Steam Boat but i feel he was in the Main event more to be considered Mid Carder mainstay..

My pick is Mr. Perfect

He was great talking and wrestling he along with Brett could tell a hell of a story and I belive that is why he stayed where he was. He held the IC and US belts when they meant alot more than they do know.

So, let me know who u think is the best Mid Card mainstay
I gotta go with double A Arn Anderson, this guy was a wrestling machine! he held numerous titles in both WCW and WWE. and could cut a wicked promo when handed a mic! a true legend in the industry!!!
My favorite midcarder/upper midcarder was Chris Benoit. Yes he was only a midcarder who was given the title for seven months and then pushed back to where he belonged. But he was a quinnessential one. He could go and main event any night and the fans would not complain because he was such a great wrestler. But then he also had zero personality which ensured that his fall back to the midcard was just as swift. He was not able to hold the attention of the common fan for a long time. When he went back to the midcard he would have great matches with a young and talented fellow midcarder and hence push him towards the top by giving him credibility.

So my choice is Chris Benoit.
I would take the Honky Tonk Man. He held the Intercontinental Championship longer than anyone in history. Which is the midcard title. The guy could cut a good promo and was really hated when he was in his prime. Plus some awesome entrance music
I would say Owen Hart.He was a awesome heel could really use the mic and make people boo him.Plus the guy is a 2 time slammy award winner and held tag team gold,eurpeon gold and a intercontinental champion.One of the best in ring performers mat skills and high flying abilites .
Hmmm.. Good thread. I would have to pick William Regal, a great technician, good on the mic, the guy can play heel or face to near perfection. Regal just like Jericho can put talent over and still not lose credibility.
I've gotta' go with Scott Hall/Razor Ramon. He was one of the best parts of the WWF as Razor and, along with HBK, totally stole the show in that ladder match for the IC Title. Then he went to WCW and we all know what happened there. While Hogan and later Nash dominated the Main Event scene for the nWo, Hall was in many ways the "heart & soul" of the stable. He was the primary reason that it was "cool" to root for the nWo and was arguably the godfather of the "cheered heel" movement. His surveys were the classic opening for many of the group promos and he was always funny when he'd take over the broadcast table. I also loved watching the guy in the ring (when he was still in shape). I've never seen anybody do a better job of selling his aggression and mean streak like Hall, who could take simple knife-edge chop or those signature single-arm shoulder blocks and make it look truly vicious.
I got to go with my boy Christian. He was a ME in TNA but that doesnt really count to me while I do feel he will get a World Title in WWE but he wont be ME he'll be a Upper Midcarder like Jericho. He's gots the Mic Skills, the ring skills, and the connectionwith the crowd.

But going back awhile I got to go with Owen Hart he was a great in-ring tech and High flier it's a shame his life/carreer was cut short he could of been a ME/Upper Midcarder RIP OWEN
Yeah, interesting thread so far.

I've got to go with Jake "The Snake" Roberts. He definitely had great ring psychology, could wrestle a hell of a match back in the day and could talk on the mic. Too bad his problems took center stage though.
id pick Umaga he was a plain monster that decimated the roster and had good feuds with Cena,HHH,HBK,Lashley,kane,Flair,some old school legends e.t.c. He had a good manger and undefeated streak and a good run with the Intercontinental title (apart from those matches with Santino). He had mic time but spoke (you know) but with Umaga actions spoke louder than words. Thats why i choose the late great Samoan bulldozer Umaga.
Guys you know it's Macho. Macho was so damn good as a mid-carder, that Vince had to make him a Main Eventer earlier than he would have anyone else. Macho is the first guy to shoot up the ladder as fast as he did. He was so hated that they had to do it. In those days it didn't happen. You had to put in time. Macho elevated the whole company. He was truely hated, nowadays heels are liked as much as faces. That era had the best workers and heels ever and Macho was the best worker in WWE along with Hennig and Dibiase
RVD!! no DOUBT about it.

Rvd was probably the one person in WWE that i felt wasn't pushed that much as i wanted him to be. He had had several OK pushes. But he did get that main Event push and several other MIDC. Pushes.
Macho man randy savage was a great mid carder but he was so good in the main event spots that I feel it would be an insult to call him a mid carder since he did hold the world heavyweight title on numerous occasions in times of high wrestling popularity (wwf 1984-1989) and (wcw 1996-1998)
but my favorite mid carders are RVD who just put on amazing matches wherever he was comepeting and other wrestlers who are due there credit because of immense popularity durin my favorite period of wrestlin the wwf attitude era are Val Venis,Al Snow,Goldust and the road dogg these where all hugely popular and are still rememberd to be highly entertaining today unlike about 70% of midard preformers in 10 years time
I know i already posted my choice, but 2 bring up convo what about the british bull dog, and i head someone mention goldust and i couldnt agree more he loves the spot so that makes it better since he accepts that he is not trying to sleep his way to the top per say.
I've got 3. First, as mentioned earlier, Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. The guy had it all, talent mic skills and ring psychology. The only other that has all the same traits and never gets the respect he deserves is "The Ravishing One" Rick Rude. He was not the largest man, but he could out wrestle anyone any day. My third and last is Don Muraco. He could wrestle, talk, and back up his reputation.

Out of the top three if I had to choose one and only; it would be Rick Rude.
Excellent question, and a difficult one to answer. So many great ones, no real right answer.

Top 5:

Owen Hart - I still feel WWE made a huge mistake by not giving him a world title run in 94 and definitely when he returned to attack dx. I think people take for granted just how good he really was. Better than Bret in all aspects, looks, mic skills, in-ring.....let's face it, Bret couldn't high fly or do Owen's reversals. He may have been the greatest heel of all-time. Owen 3:16 I just broke your neck. Ripping the sunglasses in front of little kids, that's just classic Owen.

Razor Ramon - So many great matches through out his career, people remember his HBK matches. But his ones against Goldust, Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett, IRS, Bam Bam Bigelow, 1-2-3 kid etc etc. were equally as amazing. He always brought his A-game.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase - Surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet. He geuded with so many main event faces, but never got his title run. Unless you count him buying it, which I do not. A shame really he would've made a great champion if only for a few months.

Mr. Perfect - How good was he? He made the IC title seem as important (if not more) than the World Championship. The same way Dolph Ziggler is making it again, thank god.

Rob Van Dam - Mr. Mid carder, he did for the TV title in ECW what Mr. Perfect did for the IC title in WWE.

Honorable mentions: John Morrison, The Miz, Bam Bam Bigelow, Carlito, The British Bulldog
i got 3 choices
1. rikishi he was actually eatertaining,
2. greg the hammer valentine (best damn ic champion ever)
3. british bulldog (my main pick just wanted to shout out those over 2 names as they dont get mentioned much)
peace dudes
Rude was a main eventer for most of his career in WCW and later in WWE... so I wouldn't call him mid card...

On titles won and overall impact I'd go with The British Bulldog, as he drew the biggest ever non US gate, won every title bar the World and actually to an extent revolutionised mid card wrestling... he made it ok to hold 2 belts at the same time while still being in the biggest stories along with Owen...
Some focus off Cena/Orton etc, ok I like it.

Difficult really to define a mid carder first. I'd personal DQ Macho Man and Rick Rude, as both enjoy top billing in WWE and WCW. Am also going to DQ people like Edge, Jericho and RVD, who, while earning their stripes down the order, did graduate to higher honors. So here are my 5, no particular order:

1. Curt Hennig: One of great triple threats, charisma/ring work/mic work. Should have been a multi time champion and put over guys who were vastly inferior - Ultimate Warrior leaps out.

2. Million Dollar Man: Yes, it was an easy gimmick and yes, it restricted him, but what he had, he used. He put over so many guys who went on to win championships off fueds with him.

3. Goldust: As himself, he's terrible. But put gold and black paint on him and he's transformed into one of the most reliable guys in the business. He's survived years with same gimmick, which could have been binned years ago, but has made it memorable. Deserves to have won titles, and maybe a team with cody could earn him another one.

4. Jake Roberts. Another great heel who never got the plaudits or gold he deserved. Anyone who could make the human car crash known as Randy Savage to focus and put on great fued deserves the plaudits. I know he might have major issues now, but he deserves his place in the hall of fame.

5. William Regal. OK, maybe i'm bias here given he's a fellow Brit, but he's been another who's been cronically under used and has still kept a job by being a reliable performer and willing to go up and beyond to make vastly weaker talent like Cena and Orton look good.

As for the best of all time? well, you pays your money you take your choice. But I think I have to give to Hennig. A triple threat more so than any of the others, but you could make a case for anyone on the list or a few left off (Chrisitian, Ricky Steamboat, or The Honky Tonk Man etc).
I am amazed that no one has even mentioned Booker T. Booker has got to be the best mid-carder I have ever seen; so entertaining you could book him in the main event and still sell. But he still wasn't champion till he swapped his name over to King Booker. It's strange; this guy had everything to offer the WWE during the collapse of the WCW. A 5 Time World Champion that was made to midcard in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. Still among the greatest performers I've seen.
even though I said AA Arn Anderson, another damn fine midcarder for quite some time was Barry Windham. he was an EXCELLENT technician in the ring, he could cut a good promo, and just had a cool ass move set. he won quite a few titles over the years, but any world champ title always eluded him.

I'm trying to use people that were never the world champ. because to me, once you've been a world champ, you'll never be "just a midcarder" again. you may end up back down in the midcard ranks, but you'll always, be considered (x) time world heavyweight champion. and that always comes into play in the "ring veteran" modifier for odds on winning, or unless you've pissed off creative! :D
Tully Blanchard. NWA United States Champion, owned the NWA National Heavyweight Championship for over a year, NWA World Television Champion twice, Southwest Championship Wresting Heavyweight Champion six times. That is not counting the domination he had over the NWA and WWE Tag divisions with Arn Anderson. Blanchard was the best little man in wrestling history before Shawn Michaels came around and is still behind only Michaels with that distinction in my opinion.
Cant believe no one said Pipper so far

Piper was in the main at WM1, so I don't know if he's really BMOAT. His tag-team partner for that match, on the other hand...

Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff deserves a spot in the top five. Looked like a million bucks, not fantastic on the stick but pretty darned decent in the ring. He's got my #3 spot.

My #2 (and this is not to be taken as commentary) is Buff Bagwell. Never really made the upper echelon in WCW, but he sure hung around it a whole lot. Decent mic skills, had maybe six moves in his arsenal, and one of the best physiques money could buy. I hope he kept the receipts for those leaky calf implants.

My #1 midcarder is Big Boss Man. Big guy who was as light on his feet as a cruiserweight, decent on the stick, good in the ring.

Incidentally, what's the working definition of a midcarder? I ask because a few names listed, I dunno if they were midcarders or not. Ted DiBiase was pretty much one of the two top heels, along with Andre, in the WWF for three or four years. Scott Hall was at the top in WCW for pretty much the whole NWO run. Very curious what the working definitions are.
I really don't think it's fair to throw former WCW/WWF champions into this discussion, so I won't. I also don't think it's fair to include guys who main evented several PPV's.

Curt Hennig

One of the very best in-ring performers you could ever have the pleasure of watching. He brought his A-game to every match I have even seen (even post-injuries). He made anyone and everyone he worked with look like absolute gold. He had a "cocky" heel persona that was original, and worked. Why did it work? Because he made it work. He busted his ass every night, proving why he was absolutely "Perfect."

It's a shame this guy wrestled during the Hogan-era. His style was suitable for just about any generation/era (including today), and I believe he would have been World champion if not for when he wrestled. Hogan had huge feuds with guys like Andre, Ted DiBiase, Savage, Zeus (??), Warrior, Earthquake, Slaughter, etc. during Hennig's prime. He and Hogan had a mini-feud, but it never really headlined anything, and I doubt Hennig won all that often. Hennig just didn't fit in to the "schedule" of having a big time, main event feud. It's unfortunate, but true.
My favorite Mid-carder of all time, some of you may find a bit odd. My favorite Mid-Carder is one of the most underrated wrestlers of all time, Shelton Benjamin. Shelton's career started off in OVW in Louisville and I followed closely. I knew it then, that he would one day become someone in the WWE. Up on his arrival we saw him team with Charlie Haas to for Kurt Angle's Team Angle. The World Greatest tag team really stood out but it was always Shelton Benjamin who shined more.

Shelton was drafted to RAW where he defeated WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H 3 times in a row on RAW. He won a couple Intercontinental Championships aswell as United States Championships. It seemed he was on his way to sucess in the WWE. He was athletic, fast, agile and had a great look. His in-ring ability really stood out from most. He was one of the first to use the T-Bone suplex as a finisher and when he hit it, he hit it well. When he switch his move to the jumping complete shot, I didn't like it at first but it grew on me.

Here's a guy who had what it took to truly become a somebody in the WWE. He had more talent than most do in the WWE currently. His mic skills were horrid, but since when do you need mic skills to win a world championship. Look at Batista, Big Show or Brock Lesnar. Shelton was way underrated as a talent in the WWE and will only get to really show how much talent he has outside of the company. Stupid mistake by the WWE. A great talent. My favorite Mid-Carder.

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