The Bella Empire owes everything to Total Divas

I agree that Nikki is not a better wrestler than any of the 3 recent NXT callups....but she's better than most of the rest of the roster.

I would also say of the 3 NXT callups.....Sasha is the only one who's character is really there right now IMO, and she's done that in fairly limited time. But she just has "it" and it's obvious.

Becky....she really hasn't had a chance to show much yet. She may be fantastic in the ring, but she needs a chance to grow(meaning some character development and more solo matches) before she becomes a contender.

And Charlotte.....I think he's a phenomenal athlete and good in the ring. I like her.....but her character isn't there yet. I'm not sure the time is right for her to win the title. Frankly I don't think Paige winning the title before she had developed any kind of character, did her any favors.

I think they would be better off having Nikki retain on Sunday, but continuing or better yet.....starting the feud with Charlotte. Let Charlotte chase it for a while, let an actual feud develop.....THAT'S what leads to character development and that's what gets the fans invested. When Charlotte finally wins the title(maybe at Survivor Series?), there's a bigger payoff, and she's more ready character wise.

And I agree with you that out of the three NXT girls Sasha is the most ready. The WWE has screwed this whole thing up. Instead of giving these girls the time they've already spent there to develop characters, they've had them quite frankly in a muddled mess.

But I disagree that the fans aren't invested in this. They want to see Nikki Bella lose that belt. Being the longest reigning anything doesn't equate to being the best. Out of a division where there were only 3 real girls with the chance of holding that title, Nikki Bella wasn't the best. Paige and Naomi were both better in the ring than she was.

The problem with that was Paige has already held the title a couple of times, Naomi went into that horrible heel turn, and left Alicia Fox and Tamina, both of whom are dismal.

But like I said before the landscape has now changed, and we have 3 women who at any time could be Diva's champion and would be believable. Nikki Bella holding the title till Survivor Series, would be like her coming in second in a beauty pageant and the other three coming in first. And she would still be announced the winner.

This is a chance for the WWE to finally in a long time fix the fuck ups with the women's division. They started out on a sour note, but there is time to redeem it. I'm just afraid they won't. There is no point in these women learning the ropes in NXT, putting on main event matches there and coming up to the bullshit on the main roster. Everyone is a loser when that happens.
Honestly I cant believe people on this forum actually like the Bellas.
The bellas are a disgrace to professional wrestling. They are everything thats wrong with wrestling. Especially the Divas.
Only reason the bellas are getting a push. Especially Nikki is because of Cena and vince. Whoever thinks otherwise is a fool or a plain wwe sheep.

The diva revolution has been a failure. Nothing has changed.
The last time women wrestling was good was in 2006.
After that, it went downhill.

Bellas, cameron, eva, dana brooke and summer rae are terrible wrestlers.

I never liked or respect the bellas.
They are the kardashian of wrestling.
I honestly cant believe that people or wwe sheep actually think the bellas are good. Or generating heat.
Its go away heat( xpac heat).
Wrestling fans today, dont know shit about wrestling. It really shows.
Not saying all but most.

Wrestling isnt what its used to be. And its showing day by day.
The golden age era, the new generation era and the attitude era were the best times to be a wrestling fan.
1996-2001. Best years of wrestling.
So many points to address but I'll do it quickly.

1. Nikki is no different than AJ. Nikki and Brie actually grew up middle to lower middle class, farm girls and all similar to AJ being raised in a poor economic state. AJ lee gained popularity because let's see...she had romantic roles on Raw with Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, Cena, and CM Punk. Sorry but can you get much bigger than that? Locking lips with all of them and prancing around? Yet "we" hate Nikki because she actually dates Cena in real life? Big deal. Stop making Nikki out to be this silver spooned cry baby. The girls came in off a failed divas search as eye candy, took time off, and came back EXCITED they didn't have to dress like twins anymore and actually focused on developing their own brands and improved on their in ring skill. Anyone who doesn't see that only sees the fact that Nikki had implants (her choice) and that she dates Cena. That's on you, not on her.

2. Are the Bellas heels? Yes and no. This is where WWE needs to fix things. If you're going to be a heel on TV then maybe don't post all the great things you do, or at least DEFINITELY don't air it on tv. This is where I realize it's 2015 and we have access to everything but come on, give us something to believe in. Don't show the Bellas being nice lol. Let them be heels or at least snobby and only nice to those who suck up to them. But this is a problem for the authority as well. So confusing to boo them when they dance with New Day and when they tell Nikki even if she's disqualified she will lose the belt but then plot against sting in a trap match. Whaaaat? That's on the writers.

3. She broke it. Deal with it. AJ Lee's name has been mentioned equally as much as Nikki's so I don't think it's that they want to write AJ out. But Nikki and Brie are the faces of the division even if they're not the best in ring (which they're not but they're not bad-Nikki especially isn't bad). They have an amazing following on social media, a great and catchy brand in Fearless Nikki and Brie Mode, great appeal and are actually very nice ladies, entertaining on tv be it live interviews or TD. They're a big brand. Gotta respect them for what they built.
Total Divas is a huge success for WWE. If not for Nikki, that show would have been cancelled seasons ago. She relates to many other women who happen to watch the show. You could argue that other Divas contribute to the show, but I can't image what the show would be like without her. That being said, why shouldn't she have kept the Divas championship? Why should the honor of longest reigning champion go to a girl who did the "pipe bombshell" saying she's the most passionate Diva, & then takes like 4 3-month vacations, & then left to be with Phil?
those who blame or wine or use vulgarity words to Nikki are just punk and aj wannabe. I don't know why they won't accept Nikki longest title reign. Nikki is definitely better than aj Lee. look at aj Lee short carrier. she kissed all top wrestlers in the locker and act like crazy chick. then make real life crush with punk.
aj longest reign is done by wwe bcoz they try to make punk happy. so those who blame Nikki title reign are first look at aj title reign. I don't remember any of aj matches in her title reign. she done nothing. she come and skip around the ring and apply her submission lock and win.
Nikki deserve this place she is top diva on current roster. please try to stop vulgar words in post. in a website a columnist write about Nikki is, she make this reign bcoz of her breast implants and sleep with cena. that same idiot post aj picture for his every raw report.
Wow, everybody has hated on Nikki for the last year. Until I make a negative post, then all the band wagon people jump

But do you seriously think she would have gotten a record breaking title reign if not for her boobs and especially Total Diva the show.

I'm a life long AJ fan so I won't compare her.

But rightfully so, Paige should've been the one to break AJ's record..but now she's turning into a Total Divas bimbo airhead...
But do you seriously think she would have gotten a record breaking title reign if not for her boobs and especially Total Diva the show.

Maybe not, but you and others act as if Total Divas just started when Nikki became champion... Total Divas has been airing since 2013; where was Nikki two years ago? Losing matches to The Funkadactyls and really not doing much of anything. Brie was the first one to get the big push against Stephanie, not Nikki. Where are her boobs?

Face it, this isn't the same Nikki from 5 years ago. That Nikki would have NEVER been allowed to hold the Divas title for 300 days at this point in women's wrestling. When Brie was getting her push, fans were loving it, and she's ten times worse than her sister will ever be. Again, it's clear to see most people just hate Nikki because she has big boobs, dates John Cena, and stars in a reality show. There is no basis behind the rhetoric that she is the worst thing in wrestling today (which is the same excuse haters use against Cena). She may not be the best "wrestler" on the roster but was Stone Cold? Hogan? The Rock? Cena? Just because Charlotte and Sasha can put on much better matches than Nikki does not mean that they automatically deserve to run with the title. Personally, I don't know what's going on with Charlotte and Becky but they have looked pretty awkward and stiff since debuting. I have yet to see something big from either of them on the main roster. I, being a fan of NXT, know what they can do, but I also think they have to show it on the main roster as well. Yes, Charlotte was great in NXT but does that mean she deserves the title?

It's easy to hate on The Bellas but people should also take off the blinders and realize that Charlotte hasn't been that great since coming up either.
Before we get into this, a public service announcement:


Now then.
Wow, everybody has hated on Nikki for the last year. Until I make a negative post, then all the band wagon people jump
Listen to the crowd the next time Nikki Bella comes out. Hear all that very loud booing? That's your bandwagon. You seem to misunderstand the term; the bandwagon isn't 'people on the internet who disagree with me.'
But do you seriously think she would have gotten a record breaking title reign if not for her boobs and especially Total Diva the show.
Yes, but does it matter? Ladies' pro wrestlers have been getting implants since before you were the gleam in your parents' eyes in the ladies' bathroom at a Simple Plan concert. Total Divas is just as much a part of the WWE as RAW; here, you're misunderstanding that every part of the WWE production is not aimed at you, specifically and uniquely, as a fan.
I'm a life long AJ fan so I won't compare her.
And you're angry that Nikki has a record setting title run, because the WWE incessantly and repeatedly told you she was on a record setting title run. Because they were getting Nikki heel heat by comparing her directly to AJ. In the original sense of the word, you are a 'mark'; a sucker who is easily led by a few smooth words into a particular course of action, in this instance, hating Nikki Bella.
But rightfully so, Paige should've been the one to break AJ's record..but now she's turning into a Total Divas bimbo airhead...
Ah, because you like Paige, who's been heavily presented as a face, but because you don't like Nikki Bella, who's been heavily presented as a heel.

But please, tell me more about this 'bandwagon'.
Wow, everybody has hated on Nikki for the last year. Until I make a negative post, then all the band wagon people jump

But do you seriously think she would have gotten a record breaking title reign if not for her boobs and especially Total Diva the show.

I'm a life long AJ fan so I won't compare her.

But rightfully so, Paige should've been the one to break AJ's record..but now she's turning into a Total Divas bimbo airhead...

Umm...why? Because you say so?

Oh wait, Paige doesn't have big boobs, so it must be cool to like her.
Umm...why? Because you say so?

Oh wait, Paige doesn't have big boobs, so it must be cool to like her.
Hey, let's not go hating on people who like small breasts. Or people who like big breasts. Or just breasts in general. Breasts are awesome, I've loved them ever since I was a kid.
I already explained this; you didn't understand. I can explain it a thousand more times; you still won't understand.

Until you stop thinking WWE is perfect and everything they do is best, you won't understand.

I'm done here.
No, you were just wrong. And a sucker. You are still caught up on the idea that the WWE particularly cares how you react, and not that they care about the fact that you're reacting. This very thread serves as evidence that the Bellas are over as heels.

If you'd like the firmest proof of this, leave the sound on high when the Bellas come into an arena. X-Pac heat is when the crowd is silent, and goes to take a piss break during the match. The Bellas get loud, outrageous heel heat.

I know the response though, we've seen it often enough; you don't have to think about something because you're a (whatever), and part of being a (whatever) means you don't have to think about nothing.
If you'd like the firmest proof of this, leave the sound on high when the Bellas come into an arena. X-Pac heat is when the crowd is silent, and goes to take a piss break during the match. The Bellas get loud, outrageous heel heat.

But do they really get a lot of boo's? When she was given the title back the other night on RAW, the crowd was silent, not a shocked silent, just silent. The biggest problem with the Bella's I think is Brie. Fans love her husband, and if they boo her then they might feel they're booing him. If Nikki came out by herself she would probably get more heat, bringing Brie with her might inhibit some of doing anything.

If you read some of the Live show results, it's crickets when they come out.
I remember the Bella's actually getting cheers before their aborted face turn. I was watching a Superstars or Main Event match and Brie was well received. But I don't know overall right now, as the Diva's are upstaging the Bella's, who seem like afterthoughts in their own storylines at times.
There's too much discussion on this. It's the titty title, not a women's title. Vince should open a genetlemans club and send them over there because all they are to Vince is eye candy.
But do they really get a lot of boo's? When she was given the title back the other night on RAW, the crowd was silent, not a shocked silent, just silent.

You say this all the time... I can't tell if you're deaf or if we're just watching different shows... Look, I don't want to get into it about this, but this is false and it has been every time you've said it. Go back and re-watch the ending of that match (I'd post it but I'm lazy), you can clearly hear an audible chorus of boos when Steph mentions that Nikki is still Diva's champion. Pretty damn loud reaction actually in my opinion.

**Slyfox Edit: Here's the video.**

She easily gets the loudest reaction on the Diva's roster other than maybe Paige and Sasha Bank, so can you please stop spouting off that point about crowds being dead for the Bellas, their is no basis behind it. Usually, I can agree with some of the stuff you post but you really need to let the "crowd was silent" argument go when it comes to people you don't like (Sheamus, Wyatt, Bellas) because crowds are rarely silent nowadays, and I've noticed they're especially vocal when it comes to The Bellas, good or bad.
You say this all the time... I can't tell if you're deaf or if we're just watching different shows... Look, I don't want to get into it about this, but this is false and it has been every time you've said it. Go back and re-watch the ending of that match (I'd post it but I'm lazy), you can clearly hear an audible chorus of boos when Steph mentions that Nikki is still Diva's champion. Pretty damn loud reaction actually in my opinion.

**Slyfox Edit: Here's the video.**

She easily gets the loudest reaction on the Diva's roster other than maybe Paige and Sasha Bank, so can you please stop spouting off that point about crowds being dead for the Bellas, their is no basis behind it. Usually, I can agree with some of the stuff you post but you really need to let the "crowd was silent" argument go when it comes to people you don't like (Sheamus, Wyatt, Bellas) because crowds are rarely silent nowadays, and I've noticed they're especially vocal when it comes to The Bellas, good or bad.

Thanks for the proof. Sick and tired of some of these posters just flat out making things up and lying, in an attempt to create their own narrative.
I agree, I dislike the Bella's a lot, but the crowd defiantly was not quiet..

Only person I dislike more than Nikki Bella is Charlotte. She is a splash in the pan and will be gone by years end. Unless her last name keeps her around..
AJ was one the best female wrestlers in the business, and deserves to be regarded as such. I am not a Bella hater, and I think Nikki has worked her ass off to earn her spot. However, it would be ridiculous to state that TD or her relationship with Cena hasn't aided her climb to the top. Does she deserve to knock off AJ's record? No. Does she deserve her spot? Yes. Hate away.

No... just no. AJ Lee was atrocious in the ring and had absolutely no business being in it. How convenient she leaves when divas like Naomi, Paige, and 3 of the Four Horsewomen are about to be given their time to shine? How convenient that like her moronic husband, when the better workers are about to shine she wanted to run with her tail tucked between her leg?

As for Nikki breaking the record, I love the Bellas it's no secret so it shouldn't be any less of a secret when I say that I believe Nikki is as great of a champion for the women as Seth is for the WWE and US title pictures. I have no problem with her being one of 4 divas to hold the title longer than 200+ days in a single reign... being joined by AJ Lee, Paige, and Beth Phoenix. And furthermore, I believe she should only drop the title to either member of Team BAD or Paige, because I just don't see what others are seeing in Charlotte and Becky isn't quite there to be the Diva's champion.
You say this all the time... I can't tell if you're deaf or if we're just watching different shows... Look, I don't want to get into it about this, but this is false and it has been every time you've said it. Go back and re-watch the ending of that match (I'd post it but I'm lazy), you can clearly hear an audible chorus of boos when Steph mentions that Nikki is still Diva's champion. Pretty damn loud reaction actually in my opinion.

Actually I do only have half hearing in both ears, the result of a childhood illness, so maybe I am wrong about crowd reactions as I'm only hearing a portion of it. So I mostly watch their faces and what they are doing. But I concede that I might have been wrong regarding the reaction to the Bella's.
I agree, I dislike the Bella's a lot, but the crowd defiantly was not quiet..

Only person I dislike more than Nikki Bella is Charlotte. She is a splash in the pan and will be gone by years end. Unless her last name keeps her around..
Flash. Flash in the pan.

Maybe you're right, they're relying much too heavily right now on the fact that she's Ric Flair's Daughter. It'd work if Ric was there as a constant presence to help sell her, but right now it looks like they're selling Ric Flair. They're going to give her a title run as a face, and if the writers have any sense a program with a heel Paige or Sasha Banks. (Sasha/Nikki seems like the natural progression from here- Sasha doesn't need a title program right now and would be the 'face' against Nikki, who'd also benefit from a program with Sasha.)

The idea right now is to use Nikki Bella's huge heel heat to give the face rub to Charlotte, but it's not taking because Nikki Bella's just getting heat for being Nikki Bella. Which is a problem, because while Nikki is incredibly over as a heel, part of the job of the villain is to make the audience care when the Hero beats them.

So while Charlotte may indeed be a ....splash in the pan, they're going to give her a long title run against popular heels. Should be some good matches. By the time that's over with, Bailey should be coming up, and we'll see what happens with Charlotte then because they are going to push the absolute bejesus out of Bailey.

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