The Bar Room: The General Spam Discussion forum 2.0

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
How did this place manage to become more tame than the GSD? How did we end up in a time where JGlass cries at me for calling someone a moron in the Bar Room?

This is a forum that was password protected because it was "posting to the extreme," and "not for the faint of heart."
I disagree. If people can still post in the Prison where they make fun of people for breaking the rules or whatever, I don't believe for a second that these people are suddenly "too grown" to fuck around and bust each other's balls in the Bar Room.
Who exactly gets busted on in Prison? The stupid posters. Most of whom are in Prison.

In other words, people here make fun of idiots when they deserve it rather than just being stupid for the sake of being stupid.
I'm calling bullshit on that.

People have been using "you take things too seriously" as a tactic to win arguments and look superior to each other, which in my opinion has created an atmosphere of disingenuous positivity, all throughout the forums, not just the spam sections. People are walking on egg shells, while at the same time priding themselves on their maturity, instead of just being real and showing any kind of passion for anything, and I'm calling bullshit because you can't pride yourself on having this mature, positive forum full of friends (which is clique-y as shit, by the way) while at the same time opening up public flogging forums for people you think arbitrarily "deserve" it. You can't have it both ways.
Calling someone a moron doesn't make you extreme, it just makes you an angry bitter asshole, there's busting balls & then their just being a dick for the sake of being a dick
I'm calling bullshit on that.

People have been using "you take things too seriously" as a tactic to win arguments and look superior to each other, which in my opinion has created an atmosphere of disingenuous positivity, all throughout the forums, not just the spam sections. People are walking on egg shells, while at the same time priding themselves on their maturity, instead of just being real and showing any kind of passion for anything, and I'm calling bullshit because you can't pride yourself on having this mature, positive forum full of friends (which is clique-y as shit, by the way) while at the same time opening up public flogging forums for people you think arbitrarily "deserve" it. You can't have it both ways.

Well, actually I can as that's how it is and most people don't seem to mind.
So would it be being a dick if I, or anyone else called someone a moron because the general population felt that they deserved it?

No. Here. Allow me to demonstrate.

You're a moron for complaining about people not being dickish on the forums. We've done that a lot, it was fun, move on with your life.
It's "can't" in the sense of being not logically sound, not "can't" meaning "not allowed." I don't know why I had to explain that, considering I know for a fact you knew what I meant.

Actually I don't because all I see when I read your posts are "IT USED TO BE SO MUCH BETTER! MAKE IT LIKE IT USED TO BE!" and assorted crying sound effects.
Actually I don't because all I see when I read your posts are "IT USED TO BE SO MUCH BETTER! MAKE IT LIKE IT USED TO BE!" and assorted crying sound effects.

There's no reason to get upset and try to attribute cartoonishly ridiculous personality traits to me in order to invalidate my argument.
Upset? I'm laid on my bed watching football and reviewing an episode of Thunder before getting on the treadmill for a workout. I've seen no complaints other than yours.

However, I'll throw you a bone. YOUR FACE invalidates your argument.
I don't even think it's about "growing up" as much as its the forum mirroring the PC World we're becoming more and more of each day. Not to mention the "PG" World pro wrestling has become, too.

It's not a bad thing, though. People are nice to each other on here nowadays; nothing wrong with that at all. There are plenty of other forums people can join if they want e-chaos and drama.
I don't even think it's about "growing up" as much as its the forum mirroring the PC World we're becoming more and more of each day. Not to mention the "PG" World pro wrestling has become, too.

It's not a bad thing, though. People are nice to each other on here nowadays; nothing wrong with that at all. There are plenty of other forums people can join if they want e-chaos and drama.

That makes sense too. In my case I just don't get the enjoyment out of being a dick to people that I used to. I'd much rather talk 80s wrestling with Norcal, Brain and Shocky or explain to people why WWE is nowhere near as bad as they say it is. Or the bets with Sam and Dragon Saga. That Daniel Bryan debate with you the other day was fun. It's just more enjoyable anymore.
I don't know why you watching football and reviewing Thunder means you're not upset, but your tone and attacking my personality pretty much tells me that you're getting upset, when I haven't done anything to you except criticize the current state of the Bar Room.

I don't care how many complaints you received. I'm only speaking for myself. If anyone wants to chip in and agree with me, that's fine. If not, then I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to have an opinion that deviates from everyone else's. But you seem to have a problem with me, and you refuse to address anything I've said, and instead are trying very hard to illustrate the fact that you don't take me seriously.

I've seen it before. Between you and Slyfox, and by extension, some of the other moderators as soon as they get offered that position, suddenly feel like they're in some celebrity-like status where the posters without bolded names are beneath them, and completely not worthy of any effort whatsoever to address concerns.

If you don't want to address my concerns, then I don't know why you bothered responding to me in the first place. I never once said, "hey, KB, come listen to me bitch about the Bar Room." You chose to come here and respond, and now you're acting aloof about it, as if I'm forcing you to be here. Go watch your football, and review Thunder. I'm not asking a thing from you.
I don't know why you watching football and reviewing Thunder means you're not upset, but your tone and attacking my personality pretty much tells me that you're getting upset, when I haven't done anything to you except criticize the current state of the Bar Room.

Some sage advice for you:

If you don't like the Bar Room, don't come into it. Like the warning says actually.
I don't care how many complaints you received. I'm only speaking for myself.

Well that's good as you've already gotten my mood wrong.
If anyone wants to chip in and agree with me, that's fine. If not, then I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to have an opinion that deviates from everyone else's.

The battle cry of those who have nothing to say or nothing to back up whatever it is they're saying.
But you seem to have a problem with me,

Not really. 0/2 tonight.
and you refuse to address anything I've said

I've responded to you, even though you haven't actually said anything other than "I don't like how the bar room is."

and instead are trying very hard to illustrate the fact that you don't take me seriously.

Me? Not take something seriously? Perish the thought.

I've seen it before. Between you and Slyfox, and by extension, some of the other moderators as soon as they get offered that position, suddenly feel like they're in some celebrity-like status where the posters without bolded names are beneath them, and completely not worthy of any effort whatsoever to address concerns.

Uh, yeah. This is surprising to anyone?

If you don't want to address my concerns, then I don't know why you bothered responding to me in the first place.

You try watching Jim Duggan vs. Roadblock and see if you don't need a break.
I never once said, "hey, KB, come listen to me bitch about the Bar Room."

Actually I believe making a post in a forum does suggest you wanted people to read it.

You chose to come here and respond, and now you're acting aloof about it, as if I'm forcing you to be here. Go watch your football, and review Thunder. I'm not asking a thing from you.

Who's acting? I am aloof.
I don't even think it's about "growing up" as much as its the forum mirroring the PC World we're becoming more and more of each day. Not to mention the "PG" World pro wrestling has become, too.

It's not a bad thing, though. People are nice to each other on here nowadays; nothing wrong with that at all. There are plenty of other forums people can join if they want e-chaos and drama.

So then why do we rail on people who's entire forum history dates back to the kind of horseplay we saw a few years ago? I'll borrow your comparison to PG era vs. Attitude Era.

Kofi Kingston wouldn't dare do anything beyond saying the word "crap" during the third quarter of Raw, but get a DX reunion on PG Raw and you have 20 minutes of scraping-the-bottom-of-TV14 dick jokes, and Stephanie McMahon doesn't start going off the rails at them, telling them to grow up.

I understand that it's not a bad thing that people are friends here. I get that. It's great that we've had a sports conversation in one thread last something like 3 years straight now, where everything is sunshine and rainbows. And Doc's personality has done nothing but great things for how people treat each other around here.

But are we going to start bitching because someone else in a subforum that's explicitly labeled "extreme posting" called someone a moron?
e trying very hard to illustrate the fact that you don't take me seriously.

I've seen it before. Between you and Slyfox, and by extension, some of the other moderators as soon as they get offered that position, suddenly feel like they're in some celebrity-like status where the posters without bolded names are beneath them, and completely not worthy of any effort whatsoever to address concerns.

2008 called, it wants its post back.

What exactly are you complaining about?
Some sage advice for you:

If you don't like the Bar Room, don't come into it. Like the warning says actually.

I do like the Bar Room. That's why I'm complaining about it. If I didn't like the Bar Room, this would have been pretty meaningless, and I wouldn't have been posting here in the first place.

The battle cry of those who have nothing to say or nothing to back up whatever it is they're saying.

You said no one else has complained. That's what I was responding to. By breaking up my argument into pieces, you're completely losing context. I didn't just say that with no subtext attached to it. I have something to say. You tried to weaken the merits of my argument with the fact that nobody else has complained, and I was simply telling you that my concerns aren't contingent on whether or not anybody agrees with me.

Actually I believe making a post in a forum does suggest you wanted people to read it.

Just because I wanted people to read it doesn't mean I'm trying to force some obligation on you to do something about it. I have a bunch of threads I've started that have died with maybe 2 or 3 responses, and I'm okay with that. You chose to respond, and now you're acting like I'm inconveniencing you with it. You're an admin. You can do whatever you want, and that totally includes not interacting with some lowly regular-font poster.
I have a bold name, I'm better than people, thats just a fact.

Anyway, what is Mozz on about?

I'm not sure but it could be amusing down the line.

I do like the Bar Room. That's why I'm complaining about it. If I didn't like the Bar Room, this would have been pretty meaningless, and I wouldn't have been posting here in the first place.

Translation: KB, go fix something that one person is actually complaining about.

How exactly would you like me to fix it? Of course your recommendation doesn't mean as much as that of someone from the Kliq, whose member list can be found in our Super Secret Clubhouse on our Elite Member Moon Base where the pillows are made of cotton candy and the devil gives free sleigh rides. Oh and we can post boobs. Those are important.

You said no one else has complained. That's what I was responding to. By breaking up my argument into pieces, you're completely losing context.

Does a rambling nonsensical argument have context in the first place?
I didn't just say that with no subtext attached to it. I have something to say. You tried to weaken the merits of my argument

I've been doing this for over an hour now and I still have no idea what you're arguing about.

with the fact that nobody else has complained, and I was simply telling you that my concerns aren't contingent on whether or not anybody agrees with me.

Translation: .......somebody help me out here?

Just because I wanted people to read it doesn't mean I'm trying to force some obligation on you to do something about it. I have a bunch of threads I've started that have died with maybe 2 or 3 responses, and I'm okay with that.

I've started probably 1000 times that many with the same amount of responses. Point being?
You chose to respond, and now you're acting like I'm inconveniencing you with it.

Actually you're amusing me with your tales of the second spam forum not living up to your expectations.

You're an admin.

Card carrying.

Wait why don't I have a card saying I'm admin? You there! Muscular jungle boy who carries my Gatorade! Fetch me a card saying I'M ADMIN.

You can do whatever you want, and that totally includes not interacting with some lowly regular-font poster.

Haven't seen you in awhile TM. How the heck are you?

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