The 2015 TLC LD & Drinking Game

Remember when the Dudley Boyz broke Tommy Dreamer's wife's neck? It's amazing what simply working for the same company fifteen years ago can forgive.
I'm not sure how I feel about the Wyatts, but this is probably my favourite entrance of all time. I wish they'd lose the masks though.
Remember when the Dudley Boyz broke Tommy Dreamer's wife's neck? It's amazing what simply working for the same company fifteen years ago can forgive.

Oh there's worse examples of that kind of thing. Remember Rock shaking Hogans hand after, you know, attempted murder?
This match is one the Wyatts finally win, right?

The Wyatts have been boring as shit ever since the Cena-Bray feud. I'm over all the hand-wringing over them not winning enough. There's no substance to them, they aren't that good at anything. Beyond having a cool entrance I couldn't care less about them. If the old timers win, I'm cool with it.
So Rowan was definitely supposed to go through off the turnbuckle, right?

Edit: Or whatever one it was, I don't know
Wyatts win over Extreme. Paul comes out and says his Beat is coming. Wyatt ends up keeping his streak at WM. 0-3

Maybe that's the point of Wyatt's gimmick. He's gonna go 0-21 at Mania. Brock will lose to him right before he signs up for AARP and be the 1 in 1-21.

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