The 1,001st Episode of Raw

Diet Soda

Mustang Sally <3
So what are we to visually expect from the first episode in this supposed 'new era' of Monday Night Raws? On 30 July will there be a new set? A new production style? New Raw logo? New opening credits or theme song?

Personally, I've never been fond of the HD design of Raw (and by extension Smackdown). The million LEDs on the stage are just an eyesore, and I'd much rather see the production scaled back a little. I feel we're due another change in format since these things tend to shift every 4-5 years.

Furthermore, since we're moving into three hour Raws every week, is there anything you feel should change to make the product more accessible over it's extended time period?

So what do you think?
Are you expecting Raw to stay the same with it's all-singing, all-dancing, in-your-face, flashing lights and sounds?

Or are you like me and would rather see a 'less is more' approach to presentation where the focus is on the performers?

OP's NOTE: This thread is not concerned with the one-thousandth episode of Raw, who will cameo, or what the matches will be. I want to discuss the direction Raw will be heading for the rest of 2012. You're welcome.
A new era means just that. I expect new set, new music and 'maybe' a new logo. Everything is changed and freshened up! We will probably see the debut of the new WWE Championship and maybe even a new GM announced?

Going back to the 1000th episode the week before, I wouldnt be surprised to see a major title change hands. Going into the 1001st episode we then have a new Champion getting a new belt! The 1000th needs to be memorable - how many times do we see the WWE Title change hands on Raw? Off the top of my head I can only think of Foley and Austin. Not sure if Jericho counts. Did Cena ever win/lose to Edge or Orton on Raw?
A new set for both of the shows is definitely needed in my opinion. We've had the same HD one for many years and quite honestly, it is overused and boring. Absolutely nothing about seeing the set, even live, excites me anymore. The shows need 2 sets to be a little different at least. I'm ok with them sticking to the video heavy set if they want, but incorporate some non video elements.

I do like the idea of WWE changing sets for major markets. Like a different set for New York, Boston, Miami, Chicago etc.. while the rest get a more generic set. It would make it feel fresh though and change it up one in a while. I remember a RAW in New York a few years ago using a set very similar to the 08 Royal Rumble, which also took place in New York.

A new era means just that. I expect new set, new music and 'maybe' a new logo. Everything is changed and freshened up! We will probably see the debut of the new WWE Championship and maybe even a new GM announced?

I for one would love new music. The current opening is the worst part about RAW. It was cool at first but quickly wore off.

Going back to the 1000th episode the week before, I wouldnt be surprised to see a major title change hands. Going into the 1001st episode we then have a new Champion getting a new belt! The 1000th needs to be memorable - how many times do we see the WWE Title change hands on Raw?

The most memorable idea in my opinion, would be the first unsuccessful MITB cash in, from the WWE Champion (champions only) MITB. It would be absolutely HISTORIC if it was Cena cashing in unsuccessfully.
Lets have the play-by-play announcers back. It's hard enough to sit through 2 hrs of Twitter-this and Twitter-that as it is. Im not getting my hopes up though, Charlie Sheen as a "Social Media Ambassador" is a bad omen.
a major title change would def be a good idea. while i agree an unsuccessful cash in of the briefcase by cena would be pretty epic, i doubt it would happen. actually if cena wins mitb, i could see creative having him cash in at the 1000th episode and win the title. would you all rather see the wwe or world heavyweight title change hands at the 1000th episode and who would you want to see become new champ?
You'd think we would get all this: new theme song, new intro, new stage, just a fresh and unique feel to the dull show WWE has been. But do I think they will, nope.

But what could happen on the 1,000 episode:

I could see them beginning another huge blockbuster storyline similar to CM Punk last year on this episode. It's clear they're planning on having a bigger audience worldwide tuning in, so this would be the best chance to capture some viewers for the upcoming months.

With this said, whatever they plan on doing (maybe the official takeover from HHH interrupted by Lesnar, a giant push to some superstar, etc.), it will drastically show in the following episode.

I do not see the 1,000 mark as a new era for WWE. They'll say it, but face it, WWE 3 weeks ago will feel the same as WWE a month after the 1,000 episode.
how many times do we see the WWE Title change hands on Raw? Off the top of my head I can only think of Foley and Austin. Not sure if Jericho counts. Did Cena ever win/lose to Edge or Orton on Raw?

Rey Mysterio won that tournament last summer, then John Cena beat him the same night to win the WWE Championship on RAW. The Miz started his reign by cashing in on Orton on RAW. Edge took the belt from RVD on RAW in 2006. Thre might be a couple more I'm forgetting.

and maybe even a new GM announced?

It's been confirmed on television that a new permanent General Manager WILL be announced on the 1000th RAW. So we already have that going for it.

On topic. I'd love a new set. I don't dislike the current set at all, but I think it would really spice things up. One thing that most definitely has to go is the theme song. And possibly the logo.
I hope that Vince goes back to the simple to design because I really hate there not being a distinguishable set being each show. The one for the supershow(house shows) is cool, but it looks like the RR of 99' too much to me. They really need to go in a different direction. Hell I'd like to see a title change on 1,001. Let Kane have it or someone similar, a superstar that has "Attitude" is what I am referring to.

WWE can do big things with this, but we know that awesome logic with them.
All I want is for the wrestlers to come straight out from the back. I think it captures the audience's arousal better to come straight out as opposed to around a corner from backstage. I would also love for the wrestler's to clearly come through via a curtain. It's kind of an old concept but sometimes everything old can become new again.

If they are changing the stage, maybe on the prior episode they can write a reason for one of if not a group of wrestlers to destroy it.

Other ideas:

1) Like a strip club that has a main stage and a side stage, add a second smaller ring that has lesser matches that can be watched online or on another network.
2) Put hydrolics on the ring so that there can be matches where it spins and bounces.
3) More colorful pyro
4) People movers
5) A Slip n' Slide
6) Trampolines everywhere
7) A DJ (I think Nitro used to do this)
8) Matches to determine who gets the main event slots at PPVs
9) Live contests for the home audience to win things like trips to WM (the key is that you have to be watching live)
10) I replace Lawler on color

So to sum it all up I don't think much anything will change.
I agree that Raw should and will change their look. Whether they decide to introduce such things as a new theme, new stage, new logo, new belt, etc. the 1000 or the 1001 episode I don't know, but that is really besides the point. There is nothing about the current theme/stage/logo that I really dislike, however it would be fresh to see a new change in "environment." The WWE Championship is a different story, the change is all but imminent and I can only hope that the new belt is better than the current (shouldn't be hard to accomplish).

As to the question of flashy vs. not flashy, I think both can work if done correctly. Personally and as mentioned before, I do not mind the current "flashy" look. I can see why people would not like this though, and if they add even more flash to it, then it will become obnoxious. A more "retro" look is not bad as well, but we are in 2012 and not 2000 so it would still be nice to see some modern technologies. I believe WWE will go towards the direction of flash, if only to keep up with the whole social media storm. Hard to advertise Twitter constantly when your stage is hardly considered "up to date."
You'd think we would get all this: new theme song, new intro, new stage, just a fresh and unique feel to the dull show WWE has been. But do I think they will, nope.

But what could happen on the 1,000 episode:

I could see them beginning another huge blockbuster storyline similar to CM Punk last year on this episode. It's clear they're planning on having a bigger audience worldwide tuning in, so this would be the best chance to capture some viewers for the upcoming months.

With this said, whatever they plan on doing (maybe the official takeover from HHH interrupted by Lesnar, a giant push to some superstar, etc.), it will drastically show in the following episode.

I do not see the 1,000 mark as a new era for WWE. They'll say it, but face it, WWE 3 weeks ago will feel the same as WWE a month after the 1,000 episode.

I couldn't agree more. I want WWE to go into a new era, but after the Summer of Punk ended WWE went to the same old status quot. After the 1,000th Raw, I don't expect anything to be different, no matter how much I want it. Off Topic: Long time reader, first time poster :)
I like the idea of a new theme song and logo for Raw.The current logos for Raw and Smackdown are flashy yet generic. I'd like to see a simpler logo for both shows that has a bigger visual impact. The old "Raw is War" graphic and the nWo logo are timeless, because they're simple and have visual impact. Raw and Smackdown need logos like that.

The set shouldn't be updated. It looks great live and on TV, it can display anything needed for the moment and it helps establish a wrestler's character. I love the giant flames across the entire entry way when Kane comes out. That set is perfect if you ask me.
A new era means just that. I expect new set, new music and 'maybe' a new logo. Everything is changed and freshened up! We will probably see the debut of the new WWE Championship and maybe even a new GM announced?

Going back to the 1000th episode the week before, I wouldnt be surprised to see a major title change hands. Going into the 1001st episode we then have a new Champion getting a new belt! The 1000th needs to be memorable - how many times do we see the WWE Title change hands on Raw? Off the top of my head I can only think of Foley and Austin. Not sure if Jericho counts. Did Cena ever win/lose to Edge or Orton on Raw?

Sycho Sid & HHH have both won the title on Raw. However I don't see a title change happening unless it's a match between Punk vs Cena. We probably will get to see the new belt. Would love to see a new WWE logo but I'm not getting my hopes up.
As far as the set goes, I have no problem with the set as is. It's bright/shiny/flashy and creates the image of being larger than life.

The 1001st Raw will be the first FULL episode of Raw under the "new" GM. With that said I wouldn't be surprised to see a new belt design. There have been reports of a new belt although I don't believe the belt images "leaked" are legit. However I also feel a new belt design would be better suited for the 1000th Raw opposed to the 1001st Raw (unless we get a new champion at the 1000th). However I feel as far as GMs go, I think we will see People Power return to raw Raw as a result of the HHH/Lesnar lawsuit.

The 1001st Raw will be the big kick towards Summerslam. Right now the focus is towards MITB, then it will be towards 1000, and 1001 will start the push to SS.
Yea I think with how there shoving this 1000th RAW down our throat's I'd expect changes. I think I'd like an even more HD set make it as expensive as possible. New music? Sure why the hell not! Slip n' slide's should be no less the 500 ft from where raw is being hosted, unless Aj or Rosa Mendez is using it.

What I really expect is a new direction for the company. More into the future not into the past (sorry attitude era fans). Focus on the younger stars get out of the past. A new era in professional wrestling!
I hope they keep Raw's Theme Song..

Nickleback - Burn it to the Ground .. It's a great song, but if they change it i guess we would get used to it in time.

The Smackdown Greenday theme needs to go. Just my Opinion, i guess it depends on peoples tastes in Music.
Dang it GSB these are all ridiculous, especially number 8.

Number 8 is the only one that I am serious about (number 9 too, it's not something I want but it will force people to watch live as opposed to DVR, which helps ratings). Sometimes fans complain about so-and-so (see Cena) constantly getting the main event slot. They also complain about too many meaningless matches on Raw or SD. I would think that every wrestler wants and thinks they deserve to go on last at a PPV. This could create some mini-conflict and give two wrestlers another reason to compete and the fans a reason to care.

Take MiTB. It makes sense if WWE thinks the WWE Title MiTB match should go on last. But shouldn't Punk and/or Bryan think the WWE Title match should go on last? This could lead to confrontation between Punk and Jericho, which could lead to a match. The match would be entertaining and could end with DB screwing over Punk and getting Jericho a win. WWE still gets the main event they always planned on but they give the fans a strong Raw main event in the process, further DB's dastardliness and get Jericho a win over the WWE Champion leading in to a PPV. Post match DB and Jericho can beat down Punk leading to the other faces from the MiTB match to come down, followed by the other heels for a brawl. Pull out a ladder for a spot or two and you've helped promote your main event.

Then again Divas going to the ring on a Slip n' Slide is much easier to explain.
Most likely they won't change any of the production design or the title belt, or the intro/theme music, or really make any major changes, because lol who cares about long term planning, let's have an extra hour of Cena making fat jokes.

This WOULD be an ideal time to shake up the presentation, but WWE have fallen into such complacency that I can't trust them to actually change anything.
The 1001st Episode of Raw will be themed "Raw Goes Hardcore" which to me would make it seem like an Extreme Rules type of event, only with commercials. I don't know what to expect from here, other than WWE probably putting forth another Jericho vs. CM Punk match for SummerSlam. Although I would not oppose to Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan either.

Also, I would assume that there could be a few returns this night. I assume Miz will be back on the 1000th episode, so maybe for this episode they'll return Wade Barrett. I personally would like to see him come in and attack Ryback after a match... maybe even during a match to cost him his victory. Setting up a rivalry between the two former Nexus partners.
The 1001 episode of RAW should be the Draft. They reset the rosters and end the SuperShow. Reshuffle the guys around. Move Daniel Bryan to RAW officially. Move Ziggler to SmackDown officially if you're going to have him chase the World Heavyweight Title. You don't need everybody showing up on both shows, because you'd have HHH and Lesnar to carry the load on RAW at least up until SummerSlam. Use that time to build as many guys as possible up as possible ratings draws.
If Del Rio happens to beat Sheamus, and Wade happens to win money in the bank, I would love to see Sheamus have a rematch on raw against Del Rio. During the match, have Wade come out and knock out Del Rio with the case causing a disqualification, then cash it in on DelRio right there, then we can have a Sheamus/Barrett feud :)
One of the big problems with professional wrestling is that there's too damn much of it. Many American industries make the mistake of finding something that works and over-saturating the market with it. Remember the quiz show "Who Wants a Be a Millionaire?" Just a few short years ago, it was the biggest thing on TV. Seeing a good thing, the producers added a second prime-time edition....and then a daytime version. Bang! People got sick of it and it dragged on for awhile until they cancelled all three versions.

Now, Vince McMahon comes and does the same thing, adding a third hour to a program that's already an hour too long. To my thinking, the only way to have a chance of making it work is to start featuring mid-carders in significant storylines instead of over-using the same old headliners time after time. Yes, I figure Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler will keep getting way more than their share of attention, but a 3-hour program requires that more be done with them than just letting them wrestle and go home. I keep thinking that the sudden, unexpected mini-push being received by Tyson Kidd might be a step in this direction; getting some other people involved. Whether this attention means he gets to start showing some personality remains to be seen, but developing folks who have been around but seldom featured might be a step in the right direction.

But things have to be changed. As I feared, the elimination of the brand split has sent us back to the beginning days of Smackdown, when the same guys who dominated Raw (Triple H, Rock, Stone Cold, Foley) were also the stars of the new Smackdown. Today, in that vein, the Punk-Bryan-Kane-A.J. soap opera has taken over both brands. Tensai has become a flunky on both brands. Dolph and Cody do their thing on both brands. etc. etc.

We need new characters being allowed to step up, creating more storylines for more people. If they're going to be doing five hours of original programming a week (six, if they continue NXT), they can't have the same few people carrying the whole load.

The 3-hour idea could be the best thing ever......or a total mess.
Sorry, but I much prefer the current set and logo over the other options you've presented. A "new" era is just what it is, and simpler sets and logos aren't that.

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