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That sounded like the HBK of old

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
The promo Shawn Michaels cut tonight sounded awfully a lot like the 1995/96/early 1997 Shawn. He used that line "Well you know somethin.." that he said so many times when addressing the Hitman, Sid, and all his other opponents from that era. He also sounded angry, tense and agitated; which is better than the goofy persona he usually gives off and more like the old HBK.

I can see it now, DX vs Jerishow in a little program that results in DX winning the belts. They will carry them for a little while, then around the time of Royal Rumble Legacy will challenge them and take the belts by cheating in some way, which will cause DX to get pissed at each other and turn on one another...Thoughts?
Yes it sounded like the old HBK, No DX should not win the titles though. Winning the titles will do nothing for them in terms of building the tag team division as Jerishow has done. While i and a few other have said after HIAC jerishow would feud with DX, i think the program should continue with Jerishow keeping the titles until Edge and Christian form there reunion because thats where it seems like its going towards. Legacy will interfere in the title match most likely.
I really think when HBK and HHH break up it'll be HBK turning on Triple H for bringing him back to Raw and DX. He'll blame Triple H for all the beatings and the pain, and maybe well get Triple H vs HBK at WM next year. This would keep Triple H out of the Main Event, and away from any major title.
HBK going back to his old roots would be nice to see. Seeing HBK tonight was great and exciting to see that he might just be moving from the goofy persona. DX will face Jerishow for the Unified Tag Team Championship, but certainly won't win since Legacy will interfere or something. If HBK turns on HHH, it will no doubt have them feud into Wrestle Mania.
I think this shows this is his final year. I think he is going ot be at the top of his game from here to Wrestlemania. He has been a guy who has great matches anytime he wants to and can still give great promos when needed. He tends to take time off though since he has gottn older but the last 3 or 4 fueds have been great with him. Jericho, JBL, Undertaker, and now Legacy. All have been at worst solid and some were very good.
This is pretty interesting to me. I just made a thread about Shawn going back to being the old HBK. I think the mic work is a good start if he's going to do that, but I went further out on a limb saying he needed to get back into better shape, get the old gear back, and turn it up a notch. I did not catch Raw tonight. After watching Shawn get beat down so bad last night, my frustrations with the Shawn Michaels we've had for a while now. I never had anything bad to say about his performance in big match situations because we all know that he can still deliver the type of matches he always used to.

As far as the DX thing goes, and the prospect of another Triple H - Shawn Michaels feud. I don't think that should happen until and if Shawn is retiring for good. If Shawn gave Flair the send-off, Triple H needs to retire Shawn being his best friend and the natural leader of the company along side Undertaker with Shawn aside.

I actually started getting worried last night after the DX - Legacy match thinking Triple H was about to level Shawn with the sledgehammer. It's been pretty anticipated, and I thought last night it might be coming to fruition. It would have been pretty good timing if you wanted and the story would have worked given the line of events. Shawn's just been getting beat up and Triple H has been saving the day. He could have hit him with the sledge, came out tonight and said he was tired of carrying Shawn and that he called for his help, not to save his ass in every match. He could come out and say that Shawn's always been the weakest link in DX, and that DX was stronger when he was the leader than anytime with Shawn at the helm which is proof. This is the best part though, Triple H could go on and say " Hey Shawn, remember when you "Lost your Smile"? Well it looks like now you've lost your balls. You used to be the Heart Break Kid and now your looking more like a Heart Broke Joke." That would be golden and set up a great feud. Shawn could in turn come out and maybe admit that he's lost a step or two, and that he hasn't been himself for quite a while, he hasn't been the real HBK, and that maybe it's over. You could then have Triple H come out and start baiting him saying there's no way Shawn is going to get out of facing him, he can't say it's over, Triple H will tell him when it's over, and that's going to be at the next Pay Per View, or something to that effect. From there you can have them meet at a Pay Per View and have Shawn get demolished, then have Triple H celebrating on Raw talking about how he was right, he's always been The Game, he's always been better than Shawn, and now HBK is dead. From there you could have Shawn on the titantron. He could talk about how humiliating his loss was and that he's tired of getting kicked around. He goes on telling Triple H that there was a time where Shawn Michaels(speaking in the third person) would have tore Triple H apart, not thought twice about it, and asked for seconds. Continuing he would say " Every now and then guys loose their hunger after being on top for a while" and credit Triple H for never loosing that, and go on with " I guess I haven't had that for a while, but after the beating I took last night, there has been a fire lit inside of me, and Triple H, you are going to feel the fire like never before. I've been taking it easy for too long, and allowed everyone else their glory while getting my face stepped on. That ends now." "Triple H, at (insert ppv) I want you in (insert match) and you are going to get a taste of the old Shawn Michaels."

That is when he would go get back in better shape, and come back like the old Shawn Michaels. I think that would be the way to go no matter what the angle they use is. Whether it is due to loosing tag titles, or a scenario like I set up above, it should be done when Shawn is ready to retire.
Shawn stayed longer than i ever imagined after his return. Although i personally think he shouldve stayed retired. He has looked frail for years now, and can barely walk. He in my opinion is continuelly tarnishing his legacy. Some can stay for 25 yrs or whatever, but michaels body and his eyes just really look like he's suffering or forcing it. retire already. Nextly, i think triple h wouldnt be the right guy to fued with at mania. Best friends or not which i find that hard to believe, Michaels needs a new challenge, someone he's never faced at mania, like christian, swagger, morrison, umaga or king booker, if they could resign them. Triple h and michaels have fueded twice at mania already, they even had a hell in the cell match, so move on idiots!
I'm surprised that no one's caught on to this little angle that HBK's pulling. It's called 'full circle'. Sitcoms do it toward the end of their run. HBK is nearing his end. Hence is why he's doing to the whole attitude from the early days of the Heartbreak Kid. I like the prediction of them winning the Tag Team belts, having a decent run with him, and having Legacy end up winning them at the Royal Rumble with some kind of cheating or error in judgment from either HHH or HBK. Then the Rumble starts and HBK ends up being eliminated by HHH. Then HBK costs HHH the Rumble also. Which sets up their epic battle at Wrestlemania...where HHH ends HBK's career. Full circle. Mr. Wrestlemania ends at Wrestlemania. It's only fitting.
honestly when the came out i was like ok this could work as a great fued with jerishow and the shawn promo was great i can see and dx vs jerishow tag team title match in the near future but i don't see dx winning i can see legacy interfering or even being inserted into the match so its triple threat and legacy can win the belts there and then dx will break of with either shawn or trips turning heel then feuding till wrestlemania
the best way for shawn to retire now with his new (old) attitude is to vs...The Hitman Bret Hart, it would be a clash of the titans and reflect full circle of the show stopper, remember the wrestlemania's that were sold out because of these guys.....
Bret wants to return to have him vs Shawn in shawns last match in wwe, then possibly have HBK return as Raws Co-GM with Bret Hart.
I think in my opinion Triple H (heel) v HBK (face) has been overdone. If there going to feud again personaly Id prefer to see it the other way round. However I agree that it should wait until Mania with HBK superkicking Trip at the rumble or perhaps Trip eliminates HBK and HBK gets pissed off and slowly turns heel maybe completing the turn at No Way Out (or whatever its called now)
I seriously do not think that DX should win the tag belts, I like this idea of keeping DX around until someone is ready to turn, but them winning the tag belts and feuding with Jerishow for a few months just takes away attention from developing teams.

On a side note I would love to see a heel Michaels in his last match at WM against Triple H, the year he was inducted into the hall of fame, ala Rick Flair.

Shawn still has a motor and can put on some of the best matches in all of the WWE but I think the time has come where he can retire at the top of the heap as the greatest performer of his Generation. (I consider him to be a part of the Gen after Hogan and before Austin because that was when he was a mainstay of the WWE)

Go full circle and go out like people who saw you in your prime remember you, the heel that we loved to hate. That was the Shawn Michaels I loved to see get his ass kicked and thats the Shawn I will always remember.

Just My Opinion
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Sure HBK may be retiring soon...but maybe not. I'm a huge fan and won't be sad to see him go before he starts really becoming a shell of himself (I really don't want to ever see that.) He may have two more years left in him. He's never been on SD, and there are some young lions there for him to have a good go at.

As far as a feud with HHH goes....PLEASE GOD NOT AGAIN!! We've seen it at least ten times (Not counting tag, triple threats, SS, etc.) Its been done to death and I'll only accept it with a heel HBK. I don't see him going out as a heel. Don't get me wrong I'd love to...but I don't. I think he has to be a face and pass the torch to another face. HHH doesn't need the rub, of course need rarely plays a part w/ HHH. Let it be Y2J, Punk, Morrison. The guy who puts out Shawn Michaels should really stand to benefit from such a high profile accolade.
I also think that he may not retire so soon. He just came off a 4-month hiatus, and basically works a light schedule even when he is performing. If he feuds with HHH at WM26 I don't think it will be for his retirement because HHH doesn't need the rub from Shawn; he's already a well-established, well-known, multi-time champ main-eventer. I could see him taking a beating from HHH which would result in time off for recovery, where he would actually work out hard to get back in the shape of the Heartbreak Kid of old, and comeback cocky and arrogant similar to SummerSlam 2002(even though I would like Shawn to play the heel). He's only 44, and he works light as it is, so I could see him going on a little longer. He also saves himself in matches lately by mostly taking beatings and not much offense. I'd like to see some crucifixes, some hurricanranas, and other moves from the Heartbreak Kid.
i really hope they dont win the titles and i hate how the hart dynasty hasnt gotten a shot yet. and what about betista and rey did they really only reunite for 1 night?? so much for a feud.

i get how dx will eventually break up but do u really think they will have shawn leave as a heel?? no. HHH will turn on shawn and that will lead to a great wrestlemania departure for the heartbrake kid
You heard the HBK of old? Really? I just heard an awful mic worker who didn't know what he was going to say, and instead sounded corny and awful.

Seriously, HBK is deteriorating into one of the worst mic workers in the company. It's not bad enough we have to watch him wrestle, more and more we have to listen to him and his boring monotone voice on the mic. And when he does try to add something more to his promos, he just comes off as corny and a joke.

Seriously Shawn, just retire. You're embarrassing yourself.
While I definitely think Slyfox is being too harsh on Shawn, I think he seems to be closer than a few of you. HBK of old? Really now? If ME, Becca, HBK-aholic, Mrs. Shawn Michaels, can say that was no where near great, or of the quality Shawn has done in the past, it should be painfully obvious to the rest of you. I don't think it was BAD, but he's just becoming older and will never be what he was before. I'm seeing his retirement nearing closer, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't wrestling this time next year. While not something I want to happen, I don't want him to become one of those wrestlers who tarnishes their reputation by staying too long.
Hmm yeah, I've been reading this thread and thinking "Was I watching a different show?". I didn't see any such sign of a Shawn heel turn and I don't expect to either. I would like to see someone light a fire under him though as I'm a bit tired of this quiet, humble guy.
As for what Sly said, typical bullshit from someone trying to be provocative.
i totally agree with slyfox here. Hbk retire already, he's frail, can barely walk. He keeps tarnishing his legacy by staying in wwe. Just retire, its been obvious for years that his body just simply cant hold up.
There's no way in hell HBK vs Hart is ever gonna happen. Stop fantasizing. Shawn's only got a year or so left in him, he's hit the "old age" wall hard. I think him vs Undertaker @ WM25 was the last "amazing" match HBK had in him. Of course, he's always proved everyone wrong, so we never know. As I posted in the Official HBK Thread, I think he's gonna turn on HHH and blame him for everything. Makes complete sense, i'd love to have a little reincarnation of the Heartbreak Kid, but is it really possible?
He said...four words...Well you know something...and this means he's going back to his old ways?....looked like the same HBK to me....but hey great imagination i guess....and i doubt we something cool like HHH or HBK turning on anyone....i hope so though
Wrestling is a work, so Shawn could be putting on some of the wear-n-tear, aches,pains, slowness a little more dramatic than it actually is, maybe making it seem that he is washed up, only to somehow prove us wrong like he always has.
Shawn stayed longer than i ever imagined after his return. Although i personally think he shouldve stayed retired. He has looked frail for years now, and can barely walk. He in my opinion is continuelly tarnishing his legacy. Some can stay for 25 yrs or whatever, but michaels body and his eyes just really look like he's suffering or forcing it. retire already. Nextly, i think triple h wouldnt be the right guy to fued with at mania. Best friends or not which i find that hard to believe, Michaels needs a new challenge, someone he's never faced at mania, like christian, swagger, morrison, umaga or king booker, if they could resign them. Triple h and michaels have fueded twice at mania already, they even had a hell in the cell match, so move on idiots!

Shawn has given us some of the better moments of the decade since he returned. He has been outstanding at all Wrestlemania's since his return and his feud with Jericho was brilliant. He works great, He puts people over and your comments about his eyes looking forced? He's just getting old. Unfortunately, that happens to some guys. He doesn't need to retire. He most certainly can walk. He can also get slammed, flipped and thrown... many times during a match.

I'd just like to point out at Hell In A Cell, he spent the majority of that match being worked over. That isn't an easy job. He was constantly beat on. Did you see Cena and Orton in action last night? How about Legacy? No. Triple H and Shawn Michaels did and Shawn was used a lot in the match against Jerishow. Shawn is an amazing man. He has come back from something I'm willing to bet none of us know the first thing about and he puts everything out there each and everytime. Just Retire Already? That'd just about ruin the WWE right now.
CJ the pirate. Michaels first two years back 2002-04 was when he had his best years upon coming back. He is very frail, u said it correctly. he's getting old. Sometimes when a person is too old they have to let it go, michaels is one of those who just needs to let it go. And no, he cant barely walk, i guess your one of his fans in denial. I've been watching alot of his matches in the last 7yrs. He puts on a few decent ones from time to time but not enough to continue forcing his body. He's tarnishing his legacy for staying arnd way to long. WWE needs lesnar, lashley, angle, king booker, rvd. muhammed hassan who by the way is only 28 jeff hardy, not michaels. He's just like flair who stayed far far to long, age doesnt affect everyone but it damn sure affected hogan, flair, and now michaels. go home.
Michaels has gotten a lot better with age, but his time is coming and it's coming soon. He won't turn heel now that I think about it, so it'll probably be HHH and they'll face off at Wrestle Mania 26. This could very well be it for HBK after all. He's just getting ready to fuel the feud that's all.

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