Possibly the end of the line for HBK

I sure hope Michaels hangs them up. I've always said that he shouldn't have never came out of retirement and i was a huge fan of his. What has he really gained by coming back. He won the title once, won the tag titles a few times, reformed degeneration wack one too many times, ended vladimir botchlov's streak, lost to triple h in hell in a cell, had some decent matches with jeriflab, shelton benjamin, and frailman the undertaker. Doesn't sound like it was worth it to me. He would've went to the hall a fame on just his career up until 1998. So it was pointless to come back. He is headed for the "ric flair" title. Shawn has stayed waaaay to long and he's paying for it. He can barely walk, he's hunched over, why a person would continually put their body through such agony is beyond me. Shawn you have to live for the rest of your life. He's tarnishing his legacy. The line for michaels was back in 2004. Dude go home.
I haven't read everything so sorry if I repeat. Just droppin my thoughts on the post.
I actually like what HBK is doing. He's playing the old grizzled dog looking for something to cement his legacy on. This actually reminds me of The Wrestler. I see HBK going down a dark road, getting his shot at WM against Taker and losing. Fin HBK....or is it?
He's taking time off after WM....HBK will surface at Summerslam to resurect his legacy to set things right before he finally rides into the sunset. Bet on it.
man are u serius hahahbk coming out of retirement was the best thing that could of happened, he has given us countless classics since then, if anyone should of retired r stayed away it should of been hogan or flair, now those are two guys that can BARELY go, if hbk hadnt of came back we would not of seen y2j-hbk hbk hhh hbk angle hbk orton, hbk taker (again) and so many other awesome matches with shelton, mysterio, cena, jeeze dunno wat ur talkin bout man , u definetly contradicted yourself by saying u used to be a fan of his, if that was the case you would kno what a ood match is ( some of the ones i mentioned) and u would support hbk for coming back, everyone has their oppinion but majority of what i read on here is behind hbk 100 percent
Drobs85....seriously do you really believe that honestly. I do agree he would of gone in the hall of fame after 1998 but you are extremely stupid if you think he has tarnished his legacy for returning. Look at the matches hes had with kurt angle, chris benoit, edge, triple h, randy orton he even made John Cena look like fucking desmond wolfe at WM 23. He has put over so many future stars ive lost count and even to this day is putting on better matches than half the wwe roster. Also I dont know where you got jeriflab from Jericho is in great shape and putting on the most entertaing and overall best matches on Smackdown.
man are u serius hahahbk coming out of retirement was the best thing that could of happened, he has given us countless classics since then, if anyone should of retired r stayed away it should of been hogan or flair, now those are two guys that can BARELY go, if hbk hadnt of came back we would not of seen y2j-hbk hbk hhh hbk angle hbk orton, hbk taker (again) and so many other awesome matches with shelton, mysterio, cena, jeeze dunno wat ur talkin bout man , u definetly contradicted yourself by saying u used to be a fan of his, if that was the case you would kno what a ood match is ( some of the ones i mentioned) and u would support hbk for coming back, everyone has their oppinion but majority of what i read on here is behind hbk 100 percent

i see peoples posts with other posters comments underneath for their tagline and i kinda get jealous, i want somethin i say to be someones tag line, cuz im better then this, norcal guy, although he would casualy beat me to death
what i think would be cool is that since john morrison broke his ankle he probably wont be in the elimination chamber so it gives HBK the perfect opportunity to maybe get in the elimination chamber. shawn could get in the EC and win go to wrestlemania. and for the first time ever HBK vs edge for the world title . leave a comment on what you think
Some of you amuse me. "Since he's been back with Triple H he's been...". Maybe that's what we're supposed to be thinking about now. These last few weeks especially, Shawn hasn't been focused on DX. That's because that's what his character is supposed to be like now; pretty sure this is the beginning of Shawn's heel turn. So thank you all for proving that yes, Shawn is still a fantastic wrestler.

This isn't the end of Shawn. He'll take a break after Wrestlemania like he did last year. But he'll be back. His time back won't be long - a year or 2 at the most. But all the reports I've seen have not named this Wrestlemania as his last.
reading through all these posts really does give me mixed feelings about whether or not HBK should be gone, especially after reading he's taking another break after WM 26. Yeah Morrison's ankle does open a door to put HBK/taker together for wrestlemania either via a rematch of the last 2 guys in the chamber or maybe HBK screws taker in the end and gives jericho the belt so he can take on edge, yes like it has been stated before. taking maybe 3-4 months off like he did last year really does put vince in a bind so Idk maybe it is time for shawn to hang em up maybe not. He has done a great job over the last year of putting over great talent like legacy, new ideas like Jerishow so maybe it is time. But hopefully whatever he decides to do it's done on his terms, which I think Vince will allow out of respect
Honestly, there is only one way that I feel about this whole situation. I think that Shawn Michael's last match is not going to happen this year at Wrestlemania. They have no built that up at all, and if it was going to be his very last time we saw him in the "E" ever again, they would've started building it up, even before Royal Rumble happened. Honestly, within the next year, I see WWE pushing Shawn to the moon, because he is the only one who knows how much time he has left to wrestle. It could happen sooner than later, or it could happen in the next few years. But the way i see it, it is going to be Shawn VS Triple H at Wrestlemania. Although, my all time favorite match were between those two last year, they both need new feuds to keep things as interesting as they possibly can.
I see no evidence whatsoever of how this could be the end of the line for HBK. He's going to have a great match at Wrestlemania, stealing the show like he always does because he's that awesome, either against Taker or HHH.... and then he will take the summer off to heal like he has been doing in recent years. He'll be back by Summerslam. HBK might be NEAR the end, but he's certainly not there yet. This is not the end of the line because he's not going anywhere unless he gets a bad injury or something. He loves what he does and will continue putting on great matches until he just can't do it anymore.
This is the dumbest post ever.

It is apparent that this whole thing is an angle, and HBK turning heel would be perfect! It is about damn time, I mean since Cena isn't turning heel let HBK do it. Shawn is the best heel and he proved it against Hogan, and last year when he went up against Taker. Shawn Michaels does need to retire soon, perhaps next year, but it isn't happening this year simply because his whole time back has been DX. If he is going to have a final run than it needs to about HBK. He should have final feuds, finish up any loose ends, and then get a great send off match against who I don't know, but I think Shawn style of wrestling won't allow him to stay around as long as Flair, Hogan, or Sting. He was a risk taker, and it has taken a toll on his body, so one more year Shawn, and hang it up.

Of course he should stick around either as GM, or talent relations or something along those lines, but I think he is good. Oh and that moron that said that Shawn tarnished his legacy since coming back in 2002, are you ******ed. He had great matches against Mysterio, RVD, Angle, Cena, HHH, Jericho, Benoit, he carried Hogan, matches against Flair, Orton, let's not forget Undertaker, he carried Big Show and Kane in matches, his matches are always good nearly better than 90% of the roster. Shawn Michaels was hall of fame back in 1998, but Shawn Michaels since than has become Legendary! Wrestling will truly miss him when he does retire, but until then stop worrying about it.
"Phenomonal 1" I never said Michaels was tarnishing his legacy by coming out of retirement, I said he was tarnishing it by staying far too long after he came out of retirement. He's getting way too much credit for some of the matches your saying were "great" Shawn has 1-2 solid matches a year if that which really isn't alot, and really isn't worth the continuing punishment he's putting his fragile body through.. When was the last time he had a match with angle, benoit, edge, orton, or even triple h? Multiple years ago. As far as cena, I strongly disagree. I feel like cena carried michaels in that match for the belt, cena has always carried his own. And which jericho are you looking at? Great shape, or you really serious, that's like saying big show or regal is in great shape. Shawn should've stayed retired and was already in the hall of fame, now if he doesn't do the smart thing, he'll be rolled into the hall in a wheelchair.
I feel like cena carried michaels in that match for the belt, cena has always carried his own.

Insanity. Michaels made Cena look like a total moron even in defeat. Did you hear the dead silence after the match? The people were so sick of Cena winning at that point that there are like no cheers and no boos after the match. Just silence.
Shawn returning from the injury was really a fluke if you think about it. He's had a whole second career, and I think that it's garbage that they haven't put the world title on him for a meaningful run.

His legacy is being tarnished more due to them jobbing him to everybody...i know he wants to put over young talent but he can still do that without having to lose to everybody and their brother....heck he'd probably have to do the job to the Brooklyn Brawler if he were still around....

I haven't ordered a WrestleMania since Michaels lost to Cena...it was bullshit...i was watching it in total shock when Cena pinned him. I will buy WM this year for Bret, but i really hope that they dont' make Shawn Michaels keep losing.
Can't you see the writing on the wall? The undertaker doesn't want to face Shawn at Wrestlemania? So what is the ONE thing Shawn could do to make the Undertaker come after him? That's right screw the Undertaker at The Elimination Chamber on Sunday causing him to drop the Title. This would ignite Taker coming after Shwan. With Michaels already repotingly taking time off after Mania Undertaker defeats him again!! HHH and Michaels don't have enough time to feud with Shawn leaving again.

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