If the ratings and buy rates steadily decrease and TNA gets more viewership after this point when Michaels gave his farewell, I could see Vince throwing the kitchen sink at Michaels for another angle or two, and Undertaker giving him permission to return. You never know though, he seemed sincere in wanting to be finished, but he is only 44 going on 45. He didn't work a full-time schedule as it was and always got a few months straight off per year. He'll get the itch again, especially if the company isn't producing numbers.
I think what seperates Shawn from Ric Flair is that Shawn has more to his life than just wrestling.

I remember an interview not long ago were Bret Hart said he feels sad for Flair because Flair knows nothing but the buisness, which is why he could not stay away. Shawn has a family that I can tell he puts above wrestling (as he should) and he seems like he was happy with saying good-bye. I've said it before and I'll say it again; learning to walk away from the buisness is very important. Shawn is leaving on top. He has been in classic matches consistently and has been one of the most relevent guys on the roster for years.

Shawn did it right. I'll miss him, but I appreciate him going out the right way.
I also liked HBK's farewell speech. I always appreciated Shawn Michaels work and if this is indeed the end, then I bid my farewell to Shawn as well. This may be the last time we will see The Icon, The Showstopper, The Heartbreak Kid inside a wrestling ring.

Hell I have to admit, I cried. Once the crowd started shouting, "Please don't go!" I felt tears running down my cheek. I honestly felt his word were genuine and true. It was just him being him, saying what he wanted to say. To me, this was a little better than Ric's send off. I honestly believe that HBK will not go back on his words. That this it for him, his last hoorah.

Hell, I'm not sure if it's the right place for it, but maybe Shawn Michaels former student, Daniel Bryan can do a small goodbye promo tonight on NXT. I just feel it would give him a nice little rub and possibly a little bit over.

Anyways, my bow to the legend: :worship:
My favorite two wrestlers of all time and the rock or stone cold didnt even budge them out is bret hart and hbk and im proud of that because for me and proberly many others they are in the top 2 of the best ever and you just had to go by that after all there probelms and it was very severe at one point they still had that 100 per cent mutual respect for each other regardless if at times they hated one another and that was because both knew how good the other was and im very proud of both of them , the hbk speech was beautiful and very real and i loved that , i mean he was chocked up and was very good with what he said in his speech and looking at him i couldnt help but be proud of the man he has become and good luck to him.
I cant believe Shawn's retired i never would of thought when i watched him retire Flair that just 2 years later he'd be retiring aswell. Last night was so sad and like others have said i also shed a few tears, im just so thankfull he came back in 2002 as i only started watching wrestling in 1999 and missed his first run, ill also never forget when i finally seen him live in Nov 08, along with Stone Cold, Shawn is my favourite ever wrestler and ill miss seeing him on Raw every Monday night, who knows maybe one day he will return in a non-wrestling capacity but for now i just wish him all the best and hope he enjoys his well earned rest and his time with his family, Thank You for the memories Shawn you are and forever will be the Showstopper.
I just watched his farewell speech myself, it was really nice... HBK seemed comfortable with his decision, he thanked all the necessary people I think, said the right things... And hell, what a way to go out for one of the greatest of all time!

To headline your last Wrestlemania against The Undertaker, equally one of the greatest of all time and now - especially with Shawn gone - the most revered of all stars on the WWE roster, and then still deliver one of THE matches of your career at 44 years old, and go out with a bang; that is pretty much the best sendoff anyone could want.

Also, it is another testament to both Taker's and HBK's greatness that when Taker came out before Shawn's address, he needed to do nothing more than give a slight bow of his head and tip his hat to HBK, to give HBK one of the greatest shows of respect this business has to offer - and simply by having such a great career of his own and doing so much to keep his gimmick working, The Undertaker can make such a small gesture mean so much more than any great words and pathos ever could. Kudos to Taker for coming out and showing his respect for HBK in that way, too.

I like comparing this to one of Austria's nicest "farewell" stories: a female skier retired a few years ago (yeah I know it's weird, but Austrians care most about skiing sport events, mostly because it's the only sport we're at least halfway good at, hehe), after a long and decorated career with world cup wins, Olympic medals and what not... and she actually won her last race ever. Now while HBK may not have won at WM26, I think he "won" nonetheless - in being "The Showstopper" one more time, stealing the show, and delivering a classic for the ages in his last match. If that's not a victory, I don't know what is.

Now I'm pretty saddened by this on a personal basis, too... HBK was one of the first stars I knew when I started watching wrestling as a kid, growing up (and one of the first I really hated back then when he was a heel, with Sensational Sherri managing him, heh), and one who has always been a part of "wrestling" and a part of what I loved about this ever since. Now him going out leaves only The Undertaker as the last remainder of what is basically my own childhood (since wrestling was a large part of that), and he won't be around for very much longer either... and well, I guess it just makes me realize that I'm growing older (and maybe also out-growing certain things), and I wonder whether I'll keep watching wrestling for very much longer... But that is for another day to decide.

Today belongs to "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, one of the greatest superstars of all time, one of the greatest wrestling careers of all time, and a legend among legends.

In other news... when do you think will HBK be inducted into the Hall Of Fame? I daresay it won't be next year (if WWE is really doing the WCW-HOF-Theme due to WM being in Atlanta), but will it be 2012 already? Or will other people (e.g. The Rock?) go in first? But from a pure "importance" factor, HBK is by far and long right now the most deserving person of having a HOF ceremony centered around his induction, so I guess it should be pretty soon for HBK.
Shawn had a great career he is why I got into watching pro wrestling at 21 he has been in the WWE my whole life I believe. IMO he is the greatest wrestler of all time. He could work as a heel or a face and sell the hell out of both of them. Not debating him vs Austin and the Rock because they were all 3 great, but what I love about Shawn and Taker was they were able to get the job done in every era. For 21 years Shawn was excellent in the ring every step of the way. You don't come across many that can tell a story in the ring as effective as he could. His mic work was gold in the ring he was possibly even better. The showstopper was a great nickname for him because Shawn had an uncanny ability to steal the show each and every time he was out there. One of the few wrestlers who didn't need to win every huge event he was in to be relevant. Shawn just goes to show veterans wrestlers can put young guys over without losing anything. That is what I respect about Shawn look at how many people he put over in the biggest stage of them all Wrestlemania he was such a company guy and would do whatever was best for the E. I have so many great memories and so much respect for Shawn. The ladder match at Wrestlemania 10 vs Razor is the match that brought me to love wrestling as a 6 year old I sat their in aw as Shawn and Razor put on to this day one of the best matches I have ever seen. Then Wrestlemania 12 the iron man match with Hart two of the best in ring talents going at it for over an hour in a pure classic not too mention how amazing the end was with Shawn realizes his boyhood dream in the Anaheim Pond. I could go on forever including the last 2 Manias two guys over there 40s completely stealing the show and putting on two of the top five matches in Mania history. My favorite HBK moment was WM 14 with HBK wrestling with his back completely jacked and putting over Austin for his first world title. I know Austin was already over and would of been Stone Cold regardless but the show Shawn put on that night with his injury was one of the greatest things Ive ever seen in a wrestling ring. If I honestly ranked my top ten matches of all time Shawn would be in at least 5 of the matches imo hands down the greatest in ring performer I have ever seen (Taker is up there although it is hard to judge big men and smaller guys on the same scale)

As for everyone saying he will come back or wanting him to come back. I disagree I don't want him to come back and I don't think he will come back. Reason I don't think he will come back is Shawn has realized an even bigger dream in his life then being WWE champion like at WM12. He was realized the dream of having a great family that he loves and a great relationship with his savior. No offense to Flair and Hogan but they never have had the life Shawn has out of the ring and the happiness Shawn seems to have or so it seems and I think that may be why they keep coming back. Why I don't want him to come back... as a huge Shawn fan for years I have had the privilege of seeing him at his best every step of the way. I never want to see him come back and be like Hogan and Flair trying to hold on when it is just not there anymore seeing a past his prime Shawn Micheals would hurt much more than anything. Plus he has no reason to wrestle anymore he has done everything you can do and done it as well as it can be done what more do we need to see from him? The way he exited with the match Sunday vs Taker and the perfect farewell last night he is leaving the WWE in the best possible situation. In the WWE world Shawn leaving now is the equivalent of Jordan retiring from the NBA after the shot against Utah in 98. If Shawn comes back and is not himself like MJ did will it hurt his legacy as one of the greats of course not just like it didnt with MJ. But for me I want my lasting memory to be of Shawn putting on the match of a lifetime vs Taker.

As for the farewell, imo just like the match at Mania it could not have been done any better. As a huge Shawn fan, going into the farewell address everything that I was hoping he would do he did. I loved he gave credit to the guys in the truck the production guy and the great Jim Ross. Addressing the Brett Hart thing really made me happy because as a Shawn fan the whole Montreal screwjob thing and situation with Brett was the only time I was ever disappointed in Shawn in his whole career. I was so glad to see that he and Brett both talked about each other and described how much respect they both had for one another. Also, love how Shawn took responsibility for his actions and took all the blame for his mistakes and didn't try to put the blame on anyone else. Message to the fans about how they were the only ones who made him life himself really got to me and made me proud to be one of those fans. What he said about Hunter also really got to me and the embrace on the stage at the end love both of those guys and you can tell the truly have a friendship that anybody would love to have.

In the end, I'm proud to call myself a Shawn Micheals fan and so proud of the career he had. But, most of all I'm proud of the self growth Shawn had in his time in the E. He became not only a great wrestler but a great person. Shawn truly is a role model and I wish he was still going to be around for my kids to watch because Shawn is what wrestling is all about. If I have kids and they become wrestling fans Ill pull out the DVDs and VHS's of Shawn and say that is professional wrestling at its best right there. Thank you Shawn I grew up watching you and you are why I am and will always be a wrestling fan.
20 odd years with of wrestling for a man is enough, he had his MAJOR ups and downs, I think travel above anything else is enough for him, he is well off financially so he was right to stay at home with his wife and childern , picked the right choice !
A sad time...pretty much one of MY idols...started watching him when I was 7.

There's really not much else to say. I hate thinking about it. Thank you Shawn.

HBK Forever :)
wow, I never thought I would see this happen, major credit to shawn, 20+ years in the WWE/F, Multiple titles, wow, its gonna be different without him.
Shawn for class of 2011
Had to happen eventually. Given that these days he's down for about four-ish good matches in a decent year means, to me, that he's overstayed his welcome if he intended to live forever on his workhorse reputation. But none of you want to hear that, so I digress.

Shawn was a great wrestler and a major part of my time growing up as a wrestling fan. I first saw Shawn in 1994. The ladder match blew me away. T'was one of the first times I saw wrestling as a child and it was guys jumping off of ladders. I'd never thought of anything so wild. My parents told me not to do it, but Shawn Michaels could do it. And really, how much cooler could a guy get?

Me and him went through some good times together. Him trying to steal Nash's face heat at WrestleMania 11, his third Intercontinental Championship win, the Ironman match that actually put me to sleep the first time I saw it, his amazing match with Mankind (one of the top five matches, IMO, that the WWE has ever put on), his prickishness about my country in '97, his amazing comeback match in 2002, his great promo in Montreal in 2005, his memorable feud with Chris Jericho... Memories, people.

I think used to think he was a prick. I still think he's over-protected. I KNOW he;s overrated. But he's done some good in my wrestling watching lifetime and left me with a lot of fun. At the end of the day, that's what I'll remember.

Unless I'm talking about him on a board. Then I can't scream loudly enough how overrated he is.

R.I.P. Shawn.

Based off of the promo, I think he's done for good. He has nothing left to accomplish, so I can't say I'm shattered. I can't see him in TNA. Not knowing how good Vince has been to him. So... congrats on a fine career.
Shawn fighter battle who had a good reputation with fans and dx.
It was a tremendous fighter and meant and means a lot to the fans and for ourselves.

His reputation was great and his intelligence was great but sometimes it made me mad. Know why, because I like to do the fight with Ric Flair retirement but now is with.
HBK is my favorite wrestler ever. I can't express how nostalgic I feel when I think about growing up watching Shawn Michaels. I feel pretty confident he is moving on now. All of the guys from my childhood are getting there now. HHH, Taker, guys like that are all wrapping up their careers within a few years I'd say. I could see Michaels definitely returning as a promotional thing like a guest host or referee but never do I think he will wrestle again. The curtains have closed on the greatest WWF/E performer of all time.
Dude this isn't it for HBK. He has pulled this retirin shit before and he caame back. Or what about WrstleMania 7 when Macho Man's career was going to "end". And what about The Undertaker, he was supposed to be "banished". Man HBK will be back. Probably guest host, special guest ref. One last match like hogan, etc.
Shawn Michaels wont be back in a WWE ring again as a wrestler. He made the right choice by retiring as he knew that he had done everything he could and did not need to prove anything to anyone. I am a huge Shawn Michaels fan and have followed his career from the very beginning. He is one of the few original old school wrestlers that have stood the test of time. Thank you Shawn for entertaining us for 25 years. WWE has lost a wonderful wrestler and Mr Wrestlemania will always be known as Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels is retiring as an active professional wrestler. There isn't much more for him to do. Let's look at everything he has accomplished in his career. Multiple time world champion. Has made guys like Orton,Cena, and Jericho into superstars. Stolen the show at Wrestlemania year after year. There isn't anything left to prove. There isn't one big money feud left for HBK that hasn't already been done. He's already had epic rivalrys with HHH, Undertaker,Jericho,Cena,Orton,Edge,Batista and Kane. Sure there are young guys that could use the rub but theres always gonna be new talents who could use it. He is 44 years old, has given his all to this buisiness, wrecked his knees and his back, spent an immense amount of time away from the ring. He had a tremendous last match and has tremendous respect for the Undertaker. He won't go back on his word. As far as TNA its not even an option. Too low budget noone aside from Sting to make money with that hasn't been done and he said it himself he will never work for anyone but McMahon. Now at the beginning of my post I said HBK was done as an active wrestler. But I think he'll come back awhile down the road in some capacity. Whether it be as a manager for his protege Daniel Bryan, a GM or another role. HBK will be back. It's too hard to retire from the buisiness you love. He just won't be back in the ring. We have seen the final match from HBK.
I wanted to think that this retirement was fake, but I'm pretty sure he's truly done in terms of matches. When he said he won't go back on his word to Undertaker, as well as nearly his entire farewell promo, it all sounded so real that it couldn't possibly have been kayfabe'd. That doesn't mean he won't come back somehow. He will probably come back for a few appearances but I doubt he will wrestle.

The man has absolutely nothing to prove and simply calling him a legend is an understatement. He's been world champion, helped create the stars of today, and stolen the show countless times. I think we might see him return as a guest host or maybe as a guest ref for one of Trips' matches.... We might not see him again until he's inducted into the Hall of Fame, which could be as soon as next year.

TNA's not going to happen. He was always a WWF/WWE guy, and that's never going to change. Michaels even said he didn't want to be like guys such as Hogan or Flair. I'm very convinced at this point that this retirement is real because he had nothing left to prove after a legendary career and can now spend more time with his family. He'll back be back one day for a few appearances though, so no worries there. We'll see HBK again, just probably not wrestling another match.
He's done for good. Anybody with a brain could see that. He made it crystal freaking clear that he's not coming back. Stupid IWC always dragging good things through the mud, worshipping the mediocre, and obsessing over stupid, pointless "What if" scenarios. Shawn Michaels is DONE WRESTLING.

ESPN.COM had a cool article where a guy said that now that HBK is done wrestling at Wrestlemania, that it feels like it's time to grow up and sort of step away as a fan, too. I kind of agree with that. He and Taker were the last two real links to a more entertaining era... and Taker needs HBK in order to show any semblance of his former self. Now, it's over.

The door is open for all the second, third, and fourth generation wrestlers... and the reality stars... and the undefeated guys who lose their first match and disappear forever. The door is wide open to the boring and the bland.

HBK was the standard bearer. He set the bar for the others to follow... and none of them did. The real streak isn't Undertaker's undefeated streak. That's all just a product of booking and writing. It is, after all, scripted. The real streak belongs to HBK. Mr. Wrestlemania. He stole the show at 8 Wrestlemanias in a row. That streak will never be broken. It won't even be touched.

I haven't watched wrestling since Michaels bowed out and it will take something great to get me to check in on it again. I don't even read the results online because frankly, I don't care whether or not Cena beat Batista.
While seen HBK leave was definitely something outside of the ordinary, and he was indeed one of the last truly great wrestlers to remain active in the WWE roster over the last few decades, it was about time the man could return home and find some peace. All we can do is be thankful for what he did, for what he contributed, and everything he did for us, the fans, and the sport. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what will become of Triple H and The Undertaker now that they are the last two of an older generation, The Undertaker being clearly the one around for the longest while Triple H has cemented himself quite the career with classic feuds and matches not too far behind what either Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker have done. For now at least, let us bid Mr. WrestleMania farewell and wish him well until next we see him being dragged right back where he belongs inside the old square.
I felt the need to register somewhere and get my feelings about Shawn Michaels off my chest. I'm not a lurker. I haven't even watched wrestling since 2000, EXCEPT for Shawn's matches.

I started watching in 1994. I was 8 years old. I didn't care for wrestling at all before then, even though I remember one of my best friends kept bugging me about it all the time, so I started watching with him. He was a big Hogan and Savage fan, but being the impressionable kid that I was, I found them to be too "80s", too old for me. I was a big football fan by that time, and my favorite team was the Cowboys, not only because I lived in Dallas at the time, but because the players were young, had personalities (Michael Irvin probably had too much), and were flashy, but consistent in their ability to win football games. I believe these characteristics became the main reasons why I naturally gravitated towards Shawn Michaels. He was cool, hip, and a little arrogant, but he always put on the best performance of the night. I preferred Shawn over guys like Lex Luger because Shawn's gimmick at the time was more rebellious with Diesel at his side.

Ironically, the very first night I watched wrestling, Shawn fought Bret Hart on Raw. It was right before the Royal Rumble 1994. The first PPV I saw was WrestleMania X, so it's no wonder why I became such a huge fan of Shawn almost immediately. He did things that nobody else did, and I thought he had the best gimmick, the best entrance attire (not even close on that one), the best music, and the best theatrics.

It wasn't too long after WrestleMania X that Shawn started his Heartbreak Hotel segment. As a kid, I thought this further established him as being far cooler than everybody else. This was pretty strange for me to believe, considering the following:

-He wore very long earrings then
-He dressed like a male stripper or a gigolo
-Having hearts all over your pants is a liitle "geigh"

I didn't even really know if his gimmick was supposed to be a biker, a male prostitute (I knew what that was at that age), or a gay man. This seems superficial, but at that age, you're taught that real men have short hair, don't wear jewelry, and are tough guys. Considering this, I probably should have thought Shawn was gay, but he had so much charisma that I remember thinking only he could pull off wearing that kind of entrance attire and dancing to that music. Think about that. Anybody else would have looked like an idiot doing all of that stuff, but somehow Shawn made it look good.

I definitely preferred Shawn as a heel from 1994 to 1998, but I still loved him as a face. There was always something about his mannerisms throughout the match as a face that made me laugh and pull for him. Like when he'd have a guy in a headlock, and the ref would start the five count, he would very quickly pull his arms off and then back to the hold, and kind of shrug his shoulders nonchalantly. He was the best at telling a story throughout the match, and I always felt like he was somehow more real than the other wrestlers, because he had these little idiosynchratic ways about him.

Of course, my favorite time was 1997-1998. I remember thinking he really looked like he was having fun out there, and after reading his autobiography, I see why. I remember all the funny promos and acts that Shawn did, and almost all of his entrances during this time were awesome. His guest referee entrance at Summerslam 1997 was awesome. I remember him standing on top of the IYH set against Vader (?). His Survivor Series 97 entrance, his IYH DX entrance, his WM XIV entrance, his Badd Blood and Ground Zero entrances, and his Mind Games entrance all are permanently engraved in my memory.

I remember what an epic fail his Ground Zero entrance was. First he spits at the crowd, and somebody in the crowd hits him with something, so he starts doing the crotch chop at them. His pyro didn't go off during his pose, and then when it finally did, it was spazzing out, and Shawn was visibly upset and did the jack off motion with his hand at the pyro. One of WWE's DVDs has this match on it, and they cut out his entrance, probably for these reasons. I can't tell you how I remember those things, I just do. To me, his entrances and his entrance attires were a massive part of his character. He didn't really have a gimmick other than being cocky, so his character was strictly based off his promos and his mannerisms during his entrances.

I stopped watching wrestling about the time that WCW was bought out. I always had this hope in the back of my mind that Shawn would come back, but by this time I had given up on that possibility. I didn't entirely miss him, as Austin, Rock, Mankind, and HHH were all awesome from 98-2000, but it just wasn't the same without Shawn. When a friend of me told me he was coming back for SummerSlam 02, I had to watch. I didn't care about the rest of the card, only Shawn. It was a great match. For the next 8 years, the ONLY wrestling matches I would ever watch were his PPV matches at a friend's house. He had some great matches with HHH, Jericho, Angle, Undertaker, and others.

I'm 24 years old now, and I don't see myself ever getting into wrestling like I did during the mid to late 90s. Maybe it was a product of me being the right age (10-14) at the right time, but I really think it was because of Shawn Michaels. I learned to love Austin and Rock, and there's no doubt they were both great, but Shawn was the first, and he'll be the last for me.
hes done, its over, he will more than likely just stay away for a long while, become broke, wrestle for some indy company for a while, then become a Hulk Hogan and betray what actually made him...he might go to TNA, but not likely, his days with the WWE are done though...thats for sure...
hes done, its over, he will more than likely just stay away for a long while, become broke, wrestle for some indy company for a while, then become a Hulk Hogan and betray what actually made him...he might go to TNA, but not likely, his days with the WWE are done though...thats for sure...

I can never see this happening. HBK was one of the most loyal employees that the WWE ever had. He's stated time and time again in his interviews that he would never wrestle for another promotion, and he verified it during his final speech. The man is also a born-again Christian and has prayed to his savior that he wouldn't work for another promotion. That's some powerful stuff. He'll never work for anyone else.
Michaels always takes an extended break after Wrestlemania, nothing new here. But last night, that was either truly the end of the road for him, and was a superb final match and a tremendous respectful send-off for one of the best. Or it was merely a kayfabe retirement, and he'll return down the road to resume his career in some capacity.

HBK will be back in some capacity, almost certainly. He retired before for four years, and that time he had a severe back injury which left him almost paralyzed. He's done wrestling, except for maybe very rare special matches at some point, especially when he's eventually inducted into the Hall of Fame. But he will be involved in a host/manager or backstage role, more than likely. Very few wrestlers of his stature ever leave permanently. Stone Cold and The Rock are two examples who don't wrestle anymore but have kept making appearances over the years, even though they are concentrating on acting.
You know HBK has always done things his way and now he was forced to retire, do you think it will be any different? NO. Shawn will be back. He has had what 3 supposedly career ending injuries and always came back.
Yes it's difficult to accept, but I think this is the end of him wrestling carrer, I'm sure that he will come back just one night as a guest host, or maybe when he is inducted to the Hall of Fame its going to be the last time we see him, but I'm happy that now he can spend more time with his family, because that is more important than his carrer.

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