This is definitely the end of HBK's full time career.

He took an extended break last year both to let his body heal and to be with his family. He came back and essentially tied up loose ends including having one tag title reign with Triple H as DX and reconciling with Bret Hart. He also spent the last five years at least putting over star after star from Edge, to Cena, to Triple H, to Batista, to Angle, and so forth. He's made himself quite a career and helped make quite a few others too.

It's weird in a way as it was Shawn who retired Flair just two years ago. It seems crazy that Shawn would be taking his leave so soon afterwards but that's how it is.

Either way, this is pretty much it for HBK. That does not mean he's gone for good. I do expect to see him show up in non-wrestling roles. In addition, I do expect him one day to come back to the ring. I thought I read once that he did want to stop so he could be with his kids while they want him around. My understanding is that means that after they reach a certain age, he could come back.

Obviously though, by the time his kids reach that age, HBK may be at the point where he physically can't compete in the ring. (As a side note, that's a bit scary to me as I remember when he was the new, young star who was going for the championship.)

That being said, I do foresee him in the WWE in the future. I do foresee in the distant future him coming back for some really compelling reason for an occasion match. It won't be often though. I'd be surprised if he wrestled within the next two years. And after that I'd see it one match per year, tops. As it goes for Undertaker, well, he would understand business and that having HBK come back two years later will sell a lot of tickets and PPVs. From a character standpoint, Undertaker could watch something really heinous going on towards HBK and essentially let HBK take to the ring one more time.

After THAT is said and done though, after HBK reaches an age where he can't wrestle, then I foresee him with an on-screen role.

And I agree...if HBK lost his career to Taker's streak, the streak should stay intact. Twenty years is quite an investment and it's very, very, very, very unlikely anyone can or will repeat it. Let it be the thing of legends...
Having just watched Raw gotta say the Shawn Michaels farewell speach was beautiful, really great and, personally, a touch above the Flair speach as didn't have all the wrestlers coming out and, in a fair few cases, doing the whole fake thanks stuff. However there's one thing from the night that seemed strange to me...

Bret Hart saying goodbye to Shawn Michaels... On the surface it seemed a nice touch to finally draw a line under the history of bad blood between them but, to me, it seemed that although Hart was right to praise HBK as one of the greatest wrestlers ever, it did seem that he was giving the praise through gritted teeth as he kind of knew that the fans would think he was a bigger man for doing it but that's about the only reason he did.

I hope I'm wrong on this but, to me, it seemed that Hart was kinda trying to get that last bit of attention on himself for being the bigger and better man then HBK as this could well be the last night he gets to do it.

Thoughts or the such anyone? Bare in mind I've been up for nearly 24 hours since Wrestlemania and I'm currently feeding a 3 week old baby so apology's if this makes little sense!

Hart and Michaels have put aside their differences and have made up for the past. I think Hart really meant that Micheals was one of the greatest wrestlers in the business.
The past is the past Shawn admitted to making mistakes both men are at that point in their life where these issues need to be put to rest. Shawn doesn't love the person he was and admits his shortcomings in his past with his family and faith Shawn seems to be seeing things through a total different view over the past several years. From Brett's prospective with the stroke and what not maybe he feels like the old saying "life is too short" is true in this case and he needs to forgive a guy in Shawn Micheals who is admitting to his mistakes. I personally loved it tonight with both guys reaching out to the other.
Tonight's "farewell" was so tasteful I was amazed and impressed. The bit from Taker..perfect! I was expecting Vince to try and do something even bigger than Flair's farewell. Having Shawn say "daddy's coming home" hit a lot of people including myself because if I grew up without my dad around most of my life hearing him say that. It would THRILL me.

Time does heal all wounds. Bret did what he did out of respect for Shawn. Shawn respects Bret, Bret respects Shawn. Yes the screwjob was a major low point for the WWE and HBK but Canada in a way has also forgiven HBK. Yes when he worked as a heel they were still chanting "you screwed Bret" but remember when DX went to Canada they were chanting HBK.

So Time does indeed heal all wounds..except for those that refuse to accept a mans apology.
I think what hart said was indeed sincere. I just hope that the new hart foundation can win the tag titles, I would like to see an actual tag team bring credibility to the tag titles again and why can't we get a new set of tag belts? what is so hard about bringing it down to one and calling it the WWE Tag Team Championship?
Your wrong, the speech was very sentimental, but Bret Hart was not trying to be the better man or anything like that. Bret Hart knew this was the end for HBK. He gave him his respect. Bret also mentioned his family and himself a bit. But nothing about HBK. He only mentioned him practically. So I'm sure Bret Hart isn't that selfish.
After watching RAW tonight, I believe sadly that Shawn truly is done, or in his mind right now he thinks it. It will take some time for Vince and money to talk him into coming back to wrestle for the buildup and next year's Mania. I also read from an inside source that Taker will give Shawn permission or ask him to come back to wrestle again. If Shawn stays home with his family every day for the next 8 months, how much more time would he need to come back for a few TV appearances and a PPV match? That won't take away from the time he's inevitably gonna have now. If this is it for Shawn, I think I'll retire from watching the WWE cus Shawn Michaels is the only reason I've tuned in the last several years, and that link to my youth is gone now.
When you get older things get put more into perspective and you think more clear. Shawn grew up finally and Bret willingly accepted that apology. They both have the up most respect for each other and in no way was Bret grinding his teeth and faking what he said.
After watching RAW tonight, I believe sadly that Shawn truly is done, or in his mind right now he thinks it. It will take some time for Vince and money to talk him into coming back to wrestle for the buildup and next year's Mania. I also read from an inside source that Taker will give Shawn permission or ask him to come back to wrestle again. If Shawn stays home with his family every day for the next 8 months, how much more time would he need to come back for a few TV appearances and a PPV match? That won't take away from the time he's inevitably gonna have now. If this is it for Shawn, I think I'll retire from watching the WWE cus Shawn Michaels is the only reason I've tuned in the last several years, and that link to my youth is gone now.

I know what you mean. HBK was the reason I got into wrestling as a kid (and the reason I started watching it again after a 7 year hiatus), and I'm real sad that "that link to my youth is now gone" as you worded perfectly.

Part denial, but part logic as well, I don't think HBK is completely done. He deserves some time off, but c'mon...the guy loves this too much to stay away forever. He may never be a true roster member anymore, but you KNOW he's going to get the itch again. Hell, if Bret fucking Hart could return to do a match and an angle with Vince McMahon of all people, you know it's not out of the realm of possibility for the best ever to come back. Besides, who else is going to win Match of the Year without HBK? Lol.
Hart was sincere in his speech and Michaels proved he is no longer the same man who ran amuck back during the 90s. It's apparent that these two legends have finally put the past behind them and mended their friendship (if there ever was one to begin with). After all, life is too short for anyone to hold onto old grudges.

Tonight's farewell was fantastic. It was simple yet powerful and when Michaels said there would be no "one more match," I believe him. To me, Michaels seems like the kind of person who is content with where he is in life. He said once that he could've walked away from wrestling a couple of years ago without any regrets. He's done so much since his comeback in 2002 that he has nothing left to prove or accomplish.

So now, two legends got the send-offs they deserved.
I just watched Raw, eagerly awaiting what sort of farewell HBK would receive.

I won't lie, I did like what they did, but I was expecting a Ric Flair style sendoff.

HBK speaking from his heart was perhaps the next best thing they could of done, but it felt like something was missing that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Then again, it could just be me in my line of thinking

What did you all think? Like it? Hate it?
I just watched my last wrestling show ever, that is if HBK doesn't come back. There is now nothing left for me to watch. I just cannot get into the newer wrestlers. After everything HBK has given this company, I wish they would have given him a better sendoff too. I really liked his speech at the end because that was HBK. I have now watched two of these and after the last one I quit watching and only started watching again because he came back. Wrestling has lost one of the great one and one that kept many people still watching after all these years. I do feel that the ratings are going to go down quite a bit now that Shawn is gone because I know a lot of people who only still watched to see him. I was a bit disappointed in the send-off he recieved, especially since he was so important to the company.
Honestly, I felt this was done much better than Flair's...His was cool because of all the old guys and such, but HBK did the send off on his terms, which I think is how it should be. I legit believe he will never wrestle again, and I didn't get that same vibe from Flair's, as they made it look like a cameofest. HBK's felt real to me,and thus to me I think it was perfect for him.
Honestly, I felt this was done much better than Flair's...His was cool because of all the old guys and such, but HBK did the send off on his terms, which I think is how it should be. I legit believe he will never wrestle again, and I didn't get that same vibe from Flair's, as they made it look like a cameofest. HBK's felt real to me,and thus to me I think it was perfect for him.

Well, the cameofest involved not only the horsemen, but the many wrestlers who became better at plying their craft thanks to either teaming with, fighting against, or simply just taking notes and being awe-inspired by Flair. I wouldn't have minded all the roster and legends past to come out and show their appreciation for HBK
Well, the cameofest involved not only the horsemen, but the many wrestlers who became better at plying their craft thanks to either teaming with, fighting against, or simply just taking notes and being awe-inspired by Flair. I wouldn't have minded all the roster and legends past to come out and show their appreciation for HBK

Logic thinking time. Think of Ric Flair, think of people you associate him with? Most of them were there, awesome.

Now who do you think of when you think of HBK? Lets do a run down shall we?

Marty Janetty - I'll come back to him at the end.

Bret Hart - Well he thanked Shawn in his promo, there was no need for him to come to the ring.

Triple H - He came out and hugged him at the end.

Undertaker - A man who pretty much stays in character, gave a hug last night and a polite tip of the hat to Shawn. Ultimate respect there.

Ric Flair - TNA ---- WHOOOO

Kevin Nash - TNA

Scott Hall - TNA

Sean Waltman - TNA

You see where I'm going? FOUR of the people associated with him are on contract to a rival promotion, Trips did the kliq symbol earlier on. Now with the TNA guys being in TNA and Trips/Taker/Bret showing respect in their own ways how ODD would it be for Janetty to just rock up? Most the crowd would be WTF who's he? It would work if loads of people were coming out, but as his Kliq buds are at TNA what would the purpose be in that?

Great way to go out in my opinion.
I actually preferred the farewell of HBK to that of Flair. I liked the brute honesty that was obvious in Shawn's words, I liked the fact that they just let him talk, to give us, the fans a more personal goodbye, than if the entire roster comes out and gives him hugs on camera, etc. If that happened, the goodbye would have been between Shawn and the WWE, not necessarily Shawn and the fans. I don't think he could have been nearly as heartfelt in his thank yous to the fans, to the WWE, to Vince, Bret, to everyone else that he thanked, had there been all the other wrestlers surrounding him.

Basically, given Shawn's attitude towards life since marrying Rebecca and finding God, this goodbye was more appropriate than a huge gathering. He still got the huge gathering backstage to be sure, but, last night was about Shawn Michaels and the fans. I applaud the WWE for doing it this way, it just seemed more genuine. Unfortunately, it also means that I came away with the impression that HBK truly is finished, and will not be returning to the ring, period. Knowing that the WWE will no longer have HBK as the standard bearer for putting on great matches is sad.
I honestly don't know whether that was the 'real' retirement of Shawn Michaels, or whether he may return in the future. To be honest, none of us do. However, potentially that WAS his last match. Potentially, we'll never see him wrestling in the business again. Potentially, we've just said goodbye to the best the WWE had to offer. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd say that's reason enough to be upset.

The 'end of HBK' breaks my heart, literally. This is a man I grew up worshipping. I'd have done anything to meet him, and I actually cried the first time I watched him live. I usually have a Shawn DVD on constantly in my house, even if I'm doing other things at the same time. Watching Wrestlemania and Raw were awful, if I made a list of things I'd cried the most about, this is easily in the top 5. You can disagree with how upset this makes me, but when you've grown up watching someone, and enjoyed everything about their work, when there's a possiblity you'll never see it again it's dreadful.
I'm glad they didn't do a carbon copy of the Flair send off as with only a two year difference between the retirements, it would have seemed cheap. HBK's sendoff was unique and perfect for him, stood in the ring and got to shoot with everyone in the ring and the boys in the back. Plus, very nice nod to his fans from WAY back in the day with the "HBK has left the building" line. I think it was perfect for him.
I thought it was a terrific send-off. As I've said elsewhere, with Flair the whole roster was made to come out and say thanks to him, even if they didn't particularly like him which, to me, made his feel more false as it was more orders then feelings (obviously the people in the ring had feelings but you get my gist). With HBK doing it on his own in his words and making it clear that he was glad to have retired how he did, even giving thanks to the video people, showed a classy side to HBK that I'd always doubted existed (glad to be wrong there).
I'll miss his matches but will love the memories and, hopefully, this will be the start of WWE letting a new face or two move upwards on Raw and show a bit more in the ring as, like has been said, he's the standard bearer for the company in match quality and they need to get someone else to that level!
I think he's done. As a HBK fan growing up, I hope he honors his word. If it were a dream match or a match that would be like the Undertakers final match, I could see Shawn being the one to end it. He had a great Wrestle Mania match and was given a nice piece of time to say goodbye. I think Shawn will respect the fans and stay true to his word.
Now who do you think of when you think of HBK? Lets do a run down shall we?

Problem with that is Lee that there was a lot, and I mean a lot of people that came down to the ring to Ric Flair's goodbye that I couldn't put my finger on "what the holy hell did he ever do alongside Ric ?" guys like Chris Jericho and John Cena stands out.

Now I must admit I didn't mind how WWE handled the send off yesterday, cause it was still good, it was heart felt, and it didn't have Shawn standing crimson red in the head crying like Ric Flair did, and the thing with Triple H at the end was the very thing that made it just perfect.

But, I don't see why some of the people Shawn associated himself with, even if just for a brief moment, a guy like John Cena, who he held the tag team titles with, a guy like Randy Orton, yes he feuded with Randy, but Randy is face now, would be just fine, Jericho could perhaps come out too, just for the sake of paying tribute to the guy who he idolized the most, hell they build a feud around him idolizing Shawn, why not have him come out and thank him then, even if he was a heel?

So yeah well it wouldn't be as huge as Ric Flair's would, even though they could have the whole roster come out and stand down by ringside as they did with Flair, but the few people that had any significant association with Shawn Michaels, I wouldn't have minded seeing them at least showing some sign of gratitude during Shawn's goodbye speech.

But all in all, I think it was handled good, I loved how they did small video's of Shawn's career highlights, although I think there was some stuff they could've perhaps been put in, that was left out (in the years 2002 - before the undertaker 2009)

but to answer the thread question, Shawn got a fine send off, not perfect, but something you could live with as a fan, or something I bet Shawn could live with.

Now, Shawn for Hall of Fame 2011, please Vince?
Personally, I liked HBK's send-off last night. He sounded genuine and like he meant it when he said he's retiring. His emotion and appreciation for the people he thanked was a strong enough send-off to where it's in the level of Ric Flair's "send-off"....hell, even better. Ric Flair never had a send-off since he shitted all over his.

If HBK really retired, wrestling just wouldn't be the same without him, I know that. I know he'll be back by making appearances here and there, but it's going to take a while to be used to not having him around and it'll be tough..

Otherwise, thank you Shawn Michaels. See you in the Hall Of Fame next year..
I now have two sad memories of two of my heroes retiring, First it was Zinedine Zidane in 2006 and now it is Shawn Michaels.

I grew up idolising the man, for me he was the reason I was hooked to this buissness in the first place, The Hogans and Austins may have put wrestling on the map, but Shawn Michaels is what kept people watching back, he is the one who always carried the night on his back, Shawn Michaels career may have ended but his legacy will live forever, and to be honest I prefer watching Shawn's new DVD than watching RAW right now.

Funny fact is that during WrestleMania XII while Shawn was winning the WWF title, my mom was giving birth to my young and only brother, think me and my brother will always be associated with him, he was our most favourite wrestler and I don't know if I will watch RAW again, certainly not for the next two/three months.
I am going to miss the guy. I think Shawn is the greatest wrestler ever. It doesn't seem he will ever wrestle again. I doubt he will shit on it the way Flair did. He meant it. Hope it stays that way.

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