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That One Guy You Just Can't Stand

I'm an elitist snob, who is also a couch qb. Of course there are loads of guys I cannot stand, but I always think my reasons are well backed so this thread kind of leaves me at a loss. Or does it...

SCSA - I just....didn't get it.
HHH - it was said earlier in this thread far better than I could.
Goldberg/Lesnar/Batista - I was tired of that brand of monster before GB arrived so he did nothing but ruin Nitro in my eyes.
Orton - Only because he is primed to be the next HHH. If he works to deserve the accolades he is primed to gain, groovy.
Hogan - Not even in his prime was I fond of him and knowing the kind of pull he used for his own gain just makes me feel right in my annoyance.
Cryme Tyme, Godfather...urban gimmicks - I am black. And a nerd. And can be tough when need be. And find the overuse of these kinds of gimmicks downright depressing. It reminds me wrestling used to be on The Nashville Network.
Stereotypical gimmicks - This piggybacks off the previous, but Kai-En-Tai, Finaly with a leprechaun, yoshi tatsu bowing post match (that can't have been his idea), things like that just reinforce how small minded wrestling was and at times still is.
Michael Cole. The guy can't even heel it up like heel announcers used to, like Heenan and Ventura. The guy is just plain annoying as shit.
Chris Masters.

I prefer Hornswoogle to him.He is arguably the only guy in WWE who has not any kind of talent , unless you count his pecs dance.
First of all this was a great thread idea so kudos,

Now let's see, it might be easier to say which ones dont bother me. anyway here is my list in no specific order

1) Sheamus: Ever since he showed up on Raw I've hated him, the way he moves, how full of himself he is, and the constant "Fella"'s.... He DOES NOT deserve gold, he deserves to be deported back to Ireland.

2) Vickie: EXCUSE ME! GET THE F*** OFF THE TV B****. Her voice, the way she looks, the way she does everything is more annoying than Justin Bieber himself.

3) Great Khali: Why is he even here still? He had a completly out of place title shot against triple H a year or so ago, and since then he has been a joke. Kiss cam...really? Then they make real contenders, real superstars like edge cower in fear of him... why? he cant do $hit. he is worthless, and his music is just disgusting. Then his dance (if you can even call sticking your index fingers in the air a dance) omg... When they did the "Puttin on the Ritz" skit, he sounded like a mentally challenged 3 year old. He spoke better english in the longest yard.

4)The Hart Dynasty AND The Uso's: I'll do these 2 at once, they suck. end of story, whatever happened to good tag teams, and tyson cut your hair you tool.

5)Nexus(The angle and everyone except Otunga and Barret): The Nexus angle is so old. for 10 weeks we sat there and watched them come out at the end of the show and do the same effing things. Otunga and Barret have potential, maybeeeeee even gabriel, but as for the rest and the Nexus as a whole, seriously, are we done yet?

6)Carlito: Whatever, he's gone now. but damn was he annoying

7)Zach Rider: He's just a dink and a waste of space, i liked him better with hawkins

8) Chavo Gurero, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio: No im not racist, i just cant stand Chavo's whining, Alberto is a jackass, and Mysterio is overated, he is too little to do anything. I dont care what you say, Mysterio could never beat Big show ever.

9)Jack Swagger: Last but not least, wow i hate this guy. His lisp makes me want to break my TV. I love when ppl bring signs that say Jack Thwagger lmao, but in the end he just sucks, he shouldnt have won money in the bank, and Def shouldn't have won a World Title.

On a side note, a few months ago i woulda put the miz and big show on this list. But the miz is really turning into a good heel, and Big show isn't on raw anymore so i dont have to deal with him.

What do you guys think? agree or disagree?
Only because you asked, I will let you know if I agree, or disagree.

1) Sheamus: Ever since he showed up on Raw I've hated him, the way he moves, how full of himself he is, and the constant "Fella"'s.... He DOES NOT deserve gold, he deserves to be deported back to Ireland.
If this was around the time he won the title the first time, I'd agree. But. He's really proven himself to me, and shown that he really is a good heel.

2) Vickie: EXCUSE ME! GET THE F*** OFF THE TV B****. Her voice, the way she looks, the way she does everything is more annoying than Justin Bieber himself.
No. No, no, no. No one in the WWE is more annoying then Bieber. Not even 'Swoggle. I think the level of heel Vickie has hit is amazing. Is it not their role to make us hate her, be annoyed with her, and wish she would get beat down? Every heel has that "annoyance" quality to them, some it's a catchphrase, others it's an action. She does quite well with her's.

3) Great Khali: Why is he even here still? He had a completly out of place title shot against triple H a year or so ago, and since then he has been a joke. Kiss cam...really? Then they make real contenders, real superstars like edge cower in fear of him... why? he cant do $hit. he is worthless, and his music is just disgusting. Then his dance (if you can even call sticking your index fingers in the air a dance) omg... When they did the "Puttin on the Ritz" skit, he sounded like a mentally challenged 3 year old. He spoke better english in the longest yard.
He's kept around, because having him on increases the ratings in India. While I agree on almost everything you said here, he will not be going anywhere. I think I read somewhere that they have him as a face because the Indian people were a little angry that people from their country are always portrayed as "evil". So instead they have him as a Bollywood star.

4)The Hart Dynasty AND The Uso's: I'll do these 2 at once, they suck. end of story, whatever happened to good tag teams, and tyson cut your hair you tool.
I have a soft spot for the Hearts. Now I was never a big fan of Bret.. I have my reasons.. But I do like the Hearts style. They are very gifted athletes, and if the WWE could boost the tag team division, I'm sure we would get to see this more. I did prefer them when they were chasing the title, as opposed to holding them.

5)Nexus(The angle and everyone except Otunga and Barret): The Nexus angle is so old. for 10 weeks we sat there and watched them come out at the end of the show and do the same effing things. Otunga and Barret have potential, maybeeeeee even gabriel, but as for the rest and the Nexus as a whole, seriously, are we done yet?
You have Otunga on your list of keep, and not Skip, or Tarver? And Gabriel as a MAYBE?? Otunga is one of the worst. Has proven nothing at all. He has a heel gimmick on nXt and then dropped it after, as well as gained weight, and rode the coat tails of his woman. He's one of the worst ones. The only members I enjoy watching in the ring as Barrett, Gabriel, Tarver, and big Skip.

6)Carlito: Whatever, he's gone now. but damn was he annoying
I'd have him on my list as well, but for a different reason.

7)Zach Rider: He's just a dink and a waste of space, i liked him better with hawkins
He's got potential, just underused. Hope they do something with him and Edge.

8) Chavo Gurero, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio: No im not racist, i just cant stand Chavo's whining, Alberto is a jackass, and Mysterio is overated, he is too little to do anything. I dont care what you say, Mysterio could never beat Big show ever.
Hate Mexican's much? No I'm Kidding. I don't recall seeing Chavo whine in quite a while now.. Del Rio is a jackass? How so? You've seen him like 3 times now. You know that's part of his character right? Agree on Mysterio though, as he was my point of focus in my original post.

9)Jack Swagger: Last but not least, wow i hate this guy. His lisp makes me want to break my TV. I love when ppl bring signs that say Jack Thwagger lmao, but in the end he just sucks, he shouldnt have won money in the bank, and Def shouldn't have won a World Title.
Really nothing more I could say about this one. The kid does have talent though.
Alex Riley.... I just don't get it at all with him all he does is take away from Zack Ryder n Evan Bourne n Trent Barrera n curt hawkins.... he's not over at all
Alberto del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez.


When this guy started cutting promos saying he was better than him I got the natural reaction: Hey! At least I have real friends!

No duh, I hated him from the very beginning.

Then Ricardo came. ARGH!

I can't stand either of them and I want them to go. They're so ANNOYING!!!!
Triple H

And its not really because of his "backstage powerz", thats not the problem. My problem is that he is not as talented as those whom he wants to be compared to.

He is not and never will be as loved and respected as Ric Flair, he can flaunt his 20 world championships in a few years all he wants but he simply is not "the man" in ways Flair was.

The only time he was entertaining was as the sidekick to Shawn Michaels in the original DX, and his period in 99-2001 was good too, but i attribute this mainly to the talent he worked with, Rock, Mankind, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Angle and the rest.

His "reign of terror" in 2003 will forever be remembered as one of the most cringe worthy eras in wrestling, his opening promo to every Raw which perhaps only lasted 10 minutes but felt like it lasted 30min because of how inane and boring it was.

It saddens me that so many people, like Booker T were outright burried by this man, at Wrestlemania even, and in a feud which had racial overtones to boot.

It saddens me that Pat Patterson, perhaps one of the most respected men in wrestling had to quit his job because he disagreed with "Trips" and felt he was hogging too much of the light.

Bottom line: Considering how much time, money, tv time, promotion and marketing has been put behind Triple H, he never achieved that mainstream success that Austin, Rock, Hogan did, nobody has been given so much in WWE and given so little back. He always dissapoints at Wrestlemanias recently, his match with Orton and Sheamus most recently were both duds, crowd simply did not care.

If 20% of the effort put behind HHH was put behind a guy like Booker T in 2002, or RVD in that peroid, or almost any talented midcarder they would have become a much bigger star than Hunter did, they were getting bigger reactions than he was and they were jobbing to him on a nightly basis.

I know i sound like your typical IWC HHH hater, but just looking at the 2000-2010 era as a whole, you realise how much has been put to get this man over in that he becomes a main stream star, and yet he simply isent and never will be.

And i guess that is my consolation: In wrestling you either have "it" or you dont, you cant buy yourself to the kind of status that Andre, Hogan, Austin have in this industry.

You hit the nail right on the head there. HHH is the one guy I just can't stand. HHH will give as good as he gets, which is great when he's pair with a legend like Shawn Micheals or The Undertaker, HHH will hold his own in those matches, but he can't carry s**t. You put him with younger, greener wrestlers, and the match will show it, and of course, since HHH is the star, fans say it's because Orton, RVD, Cena, Booker T, etc just aren't as good as HHH, and that's BS.

HHH on the mic is about as hot a Bret Hart, only Bret's a good guy that you can like, and HHH is a douchebag that wants to be HBK.

I'm really not happy about seeing HHH as the COO, except that at least it will hopefully mean he won't step into the ring and bury anymore young talent.


There are a number of other guys where I'm just not feelin it. SCSA was one of those guys. To begin with I hated him badly, but then I was a teen, looking at him as some asswipe with no respect for the business and the legends whose boots he was trying to fill. After few years I realized how badly wrong I was about him. He is one of those legends, and when it comes to the man, Steve Austin, there are maybe a handful of people I have more respect for... maybe. I love listening to him talk out of character about the business. But Stone Cold? meh

CM Punk. I get it, I'm older now than when Austin came around, I get why he's where he is right now, but I just don't care personally. I'm happy that he's doing a lot to revitalize the business (the big test comes tomorrow to see if he can win at Summerslam, which I believe he should and will), but his is another character I just don't care about.

Edge & Eddie Guerrero... ... that about all I have to say about them. I don't dislike them in any way shape or form, but neither do I like them in any way shape or form. There they are, guys that meant nothing to me while I was watching wrestling, that became stars during a time I didn't want to watch wrestling, and whose legacies mean absolutely nothing to me. I suppose if I were to attempt to watch some compilation DVD on their careers I might like them more. I really don't think that I could dislike them, but they're in the past now and I really don't see any point to getting involved with their history.
JT fucking G. I hate JTG. I hate his gimmick, the way he wears his jeans and especially that annoying noise he makes after speaking. Why can't he just be fucking future endeavoured? He's not talented, he's shit as a singles wrestler and in a tag team. I hate him.
Randy Orton - Bland characer, slow in the ring, robotic voice, his entrance is my bathroom break because it's so god damn long, get's shoved down my throat alot, and just an all around asshole. Cena is better than him in my opinion.

I always liked his character when he got his legend killer gimmick. But ever since he became "The Viper" he became boring, bland, and repetitive.

I don't understand why alot of posters are saying Ken Anderson. He was so innovative. His gimmick was awesome. But Orton just had to ruin him. Another reason why I can't stand him.
Why was an almost year old thread bumped? Christ. Whatever, I'll respond anyway.

At this point in time it's that Long Island douche known as Zack Ryder. I honestly can not understand what the fuck people see in him. Maybe it's because I don't watch Superstars or wasn't able to watch ECW much while it was around and he was there. I don't know. What I do know is that when I see him on my tv I hope he gets crushed by an opponent just so it pisses off all of his fans that think he's great. You can bring up his show on youtube all you want, it will not change my opinion until he can do that on tv. From everything I've seen so far, I am not impressed. Who knows, maybe in six years when he is still the Long Island D-Bag I'll be able to stand him, or at the very least not care if he is on my screen. Or maybe he can get an interesting gimmick.
the 1 person in wrestling i just cant stand and havent been able to stand sense his debut is Alberto Del Rio! this guy just really pisses me off i hate his gimmick,i hate his ring announcer,i hate his music,i hate his enterance and i just think hes horrible in the ring i watched many of this guys matches and i HATE how the whole frickin match he just attacks the arm non stop! if an arm injury happens in a match by itself thats 1 thing but to just non stop hit the arm its really annoying plus the fact the only moves he has really is the cross armbreaker and a running kick in the corner everything else is basic shit even i could do right! plus the fact he botches the armbar (not to mention an armbar as a finisher is just a shitty idea its such a basic move and he makes tons of people tap out to it? :wtf:) it might sound really horrible but everytime del rio has a match (i either mute my tv or change the channel during his enterance and generic lame promo thats the same every time he talks) im really just hoping someone breaks this guys jaw so hes out for a long time!
eziekel jackson!!! his in ring skills suck and every time he talks on the mic he sounds like a half a ***. hes supposed to mr domination but he sounds like a little girl every time i hear his voice. now why would i be afraid of that
John Cena.I have nothing against his 5 moves of doom or anything its just i find him boring to watch.

And R Fucking Truth.His Gimmick was good but its kinda stale now.His matches with JoMo have been good but the little jimmy thing is going for to long.
The Miz and Mr Anderson for the same reason. To me they are as annoying as finger nails down a blackboard. Their in ring movest is the most boring in the history of the business and don't look like they could beat up anyone.
I am growing to despise everything about Mr Anderson

He was initially hilarious as Ken Kennedy with his unique entrance catchphrases and the Green Bay Plunge was quite spectacular when I first saw it.

Now though everything about him irritates me. His voice, his look, that shitty baseball cap he wears, his "asshole" nickname and he has not improved one little bit as an in-ring competitor since his debut. He sucked then, and he sucks now. Even the finisher is boring now. I just don't see anything in him whatsoever.

This storyline he is in with Immortal where he is in the faction, then out of the faction, a face, a heel, a face, a heel feuding with a heel.... fuck me its awful. He would be better in Immortal, the guy is so unlikeable he needs to be a heel. Change his persona, make him more vicious and less comedic and he MAY have a chance to change my mind.

Plus, he has that TERRIBLE red tattoo across his back. Seriously, what the hell is that thing?!
Wow...only ONE?? I think a better list would be who CAN I stand. But I think it just depends on the day and my mood, but usually my disgust centers on the same couple of persons.

1. The bimbo barbie divas...Eve, Bellas, Kaitlyn, AJ, Aksana, Maxine, any of the girls from NXT, Tough Enough. I am eating it up with Beth and Natalya dominating and hope one of them will tear apart the little cookies soon. I am sad that McCool is gone, and Layla out of action.

2. Daniel Bryan..Sure I can appreciate his talent. But I saw him at a live show, and he cannot cut a promo to save his life. I'm sorry, even though I'm not a Cole-miner, I am starting to agree with Cole more and more, this kid, granted he's an internet darling, but so is Rebecca Black, and I'd almost prefer to watch her sing FRIDAY over and over. I'm sorry, but pre-existing talent, then let someone else trying to break in get that MITB case.

3. Hornswoggle, Khali, Jinder Mahal. Uhm...Personally, their promos are horrible, they are never used for any legitimate promos or decent matches. Why not cut the finances and get rid of people that are used for comedy filler?

4. David Otunga, Mason Ryan..I mean out of the remaining Nexus persons, these two have impressed me the LEAST. Both are not great speakers. Mason has impressed somewhat with his size and ability to rough up Show and Kane. But Otunga, still moves as clumsily and not as eloquent on the the mic as he thinks he is.

5.Anarquia...I've yet to see this guy cut a promo or form a clear sentence since he debuted in TNA. The crowd never boos or cheers him. Even as a heel you want people to do something. When the crowd sits quietly, that's bad. If you can't elicit a response, then you are terrible at your job.

6. Matt and Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore...Do I really need to say anymore? These two nutbags think they are god's gift to wrestling, and anyone associated with them seem to get infected with the same disease. It's disgusting.

7. Hogan, Bischoff, Flair...As Sting puts it, the Cancer of TNA. I admit, there are some fun twists, but everything seems a bit askew when you figure some of the highest paid (purportedly) persons in TNA are the non-wrestlers. I find that a bit hard to chew, when its called "Impact Wrestling."

That about wraps up my thoughts, for now. Whoo..I feel better.
John Cena, WHY is he so over? He is so so on the mic, Has ZERO in ring ability. ONLY reason he has a push is because kids love him. And his body looks disgusting, Steroids have destroyed Cena. I just think he's annoying and repetitive! From his mic work to in ring ability. You can tell the end of every storyline with Super Cena coming out on top! Push someone who deserves it!
Alberto Del Rio, I just don't care for him at all. Nearly every wrestler besides him I can see a good thing about them but not him. I don't feel that he's earned his spot. I use to not like Vicki and Michael Cole but I realized that that was there job to make me hate them and I was able to get over it but I just can't with this guy. And Ricardo Rodriguez is an ugly bastard, I hope he doesn't get a match in WWE. I just don't like a thing about Al and he is literally the only guy that I wish would leave the roster. When it comes to actual superstars I'm really one of the most mellow guys you'll meet and I hope everybody can be their best in the WWE, everyone from Yoshi Tatsu to Undertaker I wish them the best, but I just hate Del Rio. I don't like how he came in and I don't like what he's done since.
I'm going with the Rock he's just an idiot, he does all that smack talk and we have to wait a year to see some stupid most over hyped match at Wrestle mania this guy I don't know if Cena loses that match I'll lose a lot of respect for WWE

I use to love the Rock though I don't know anymore the act is just annoying now
As far as active wrestlers I really don't have one I think with WWE the recent roster clear really helped everyone has a purpose now

same goes for TNA
There are so many, but Kennedy irked me the most ever, of anyone :banghead:. Not in a, I wanna boo you way, but in a I wanna sit down in blank silence with no expression on my face at all :suspic:. The guy is just bad. Corny mannarisms , that lame voice thing and only everyting else about him is terrible. When he beat Bobby Lashley and Batista I was appauled :wtf:. I felt like they were ruining the craft and I was glad when he was fired :worship:. Also, the guy not only sucked but brought others down with him. Injured Cena badly. And I'm not saying blaming him for anything here, but before Eddied was found dead, his last match was against Kennedy where Ken hit the shit out of eddie with the chiar giving him a hard concussion. Kennedy is an idiot.
Imma name a few that I just never cared for.

Hulk hogan, even when I was a lil kid and everyone was a little hulkamaniac, I just didn't like him. Even tore off the hulk hogan sticker off of my hand me down lunchbox in the 1st grade. And that feeling just stuck with me for life. He's crap in the ring, and from I've heard over and over again he's a piece ofg shit in the back..

Bret Hart- same as hogan, only with a little more ring ability, but very little.. The guy just didn't entertain me. Bored the crap outta me in wwf and wcw.

Dwayne- the guy had 56 catch pharses that were funny the first time or 2 but he just got old real quick. It bugs me that he is considered one of the all time greats when his carrer lasted about 7-8 years. Hell Cena has been at the top of the wwe for almost that long and shows no signs of leaving anytime soon..
This is too easy...R-Truth. His gimmick is ridiculous-- he's made to look and sound like a complete idiot and an ignorant buffoon.
John Cena- He is one of the most boring wrestlers I've ever seen. His corny promos are terrible and sleep inducing. He's not exciting in the ring and has no personality at all.

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