Superstars You Just Can't Stand

Let's see here...

ADR: Sorry, the whole gimmick is Mexican JBL. And at least JBL didn't wander around rambling about destiny and how he was fated to win things. JBL got things done and called himself a wrestling god. I don't want you to think that I'm super high up on JBL or anything, he just did ADR's gimmick better than ADR, and had an interesting stable in The Cabinet, to boot.

Orton: Never been able to really stand this fella. What with doing, what was it, 30k of damage to a hotel room, shitting in a diva's gym bag, being pretty much a cunt to fans, I don't get what people see in him. I'd say I don't get how he's gotten away with the shit (no pun intended) he's gotten away with, but then being buddies with Trips will get you pretty far (look at Sheamus, workout buddies with Trips and wins the title in less than a year.). Everything he does looks forced, his promos are wooden, and I honestly wanted his voice to go out every time he mentioned a PUNT to the SKULL (emphasis his.) He's generic and bland and I just wonder what the hell Cowboy Bob had on Vince to blackmail him with to get his son so far.

Also, to the fella that said he didn't like Punk and listed his "not being able to have a casual drink" and being too "cowardly" to do things like that...seriously, first off "Straight edge means I'm better than you" was a gimmick, an angle, if you will. Secondly, I remember an interview where he said his dad was an alcoholic and it affected his childhood and adolescence. Nothing cowardly about rising above what you grew up with, in fact I'd say avoiding the sauce after growing up in that situation is pretty good. But maybe that's just me. I'm not saying your wrong for not being able to stand Punk, but taking an angle that just happened to be based on his actual life and disparaging his decisions in life for it is just dickish and stupid.
Top 5

1 CM Punk. I see so much potential with the Punk character. But the reaction he got from his promo 'heard round the world' is ridiculous. It's been praised as a big moment in wrestling and it really was nothing more than a wrestler getting an extra few minutes to ramble on about things only the IWC gives a shit about. It was one time over the past 10 years where WWE actually gave a wrestler creative control over his character for five minutes. Big deal. This used to happen 24/7 in the Attitude Era. Punk is considered edgy but he'd have been eaten alive in the attitude era. Nash was spot on when he said Punk looked like a short order cook from a waffle house. Despite the fact he's not a big guy, Punk still has a really unique image. I see so much potential with this guy but his excess mic time and rambling just comes across as pretentious whining from a 'square' posing as edgy. It's almost impossible for a grown man to find anything that interesting about a guy who can't kick back and drink a beer or two. Sure alcoholism is a problem, but only with about 1-2 percent of the American population. A guy who can't have a drink or two who walks around on his high horse acting just like all his cynical IWC fans is grating. How can a wrestling fan take a wrestler seriously or find him 'edgy' when he goes on record to say he won't casually drink. I have no problem with people not drinking, but i do have a problem with people essentially preaching that they don't drink and that makes them better than people who do drink. Whether he actually preaches it or not (debatable) it's at the very least lame that he states it on record and appears proud of coming across like a coward who struggles with having a good time and 'lightening up'. Punk has the image of an asshole druggie but has the personality of a cynical and worrisome grandparent. The kind that figure drinking a beer will lead to alcoholism, or straying from a scheduled bed time will result in a bad nights sleep or having a bubble bath will lead to a yeast infection or allowing your grandkids to watch wrestling or tv violence will lead kids to paralyze their friends with wrestling moves or buy guns and shoot whoever they don't like. Punk preaching his anti-alcohol attitude is like if the Undertaker went around doing interviews all the time talking about how he loves watching Dirty Dancing while eating cotton candy and wearing a thong. Punk should really just shut his mouth about his personal life and let his image do all the talking. Minus his usage of obscure wrestling facts, Punk is all image, it's guys like Rock and Stone Cold with the authentic 'cult of personality'. Punk is basically Wade Barrett but with a cool look. I watched Survivor Series with a few buddies and I got carried away in a conversation with one and we both missed Punk win the title. It meant nothing. It should have been the highlight of his career and the turning point in WWE programming but it was just meaningless. That is what Punk and his revolutionary talk has become and deep down I want to believe he's been set up to fail by Triple H. But perhaps all of us in the IWC are wrong and CM Punk just doesn't have 'it'. Regardless, he's the one wrestler right now who annoys me more than any other.

This is completely ridiculous. The guy doesn't drink so it means he can't go out and have a good time. That makes sense right? and it has everything to do with his in ring ability and is ability to be entertaining.
Typical shit from a guy who drinks. "Oh you don't drink? You must be really boring to hang around with." What do you do when you are out just sit there and do nothing. Sorry if you can't have a good time when you're out without alcohol but you should realise it isn't needed.

I fail to see how you can't stand this guy as a wrestler because of the choices he has in his personal life that have nothing to do with wrestling(unless he uses it as a part of a gimmick, which he has in the past but is not doing at the moment). You are entitled to your own opinion but I don't see how the guy not drinking effects his entertainment value to you.

Now on to people I can't stand:

1. Sin Cara - Just don't see the hype. Botched a shit load when he first came in. Violates wellness policy. Replaced by someone who did the job better than he did and botched less and yet still has a job.

2. Kofi Kingston - I just don't see his appeal. Not a big fan of his in ring work and he just doesn't interest me.

3. Hornswaggle - I don't really feel much need to explain this one.

4. R-Truth - God I just dislike this guy in the ring. I really hated his gimmick before he went heel it was boring and annoyed the hell out of me. The new gimmick is funny at times but still don't enjoy his in ring work.

Would put Orton and Cena in here but have enjoyed Orton's work with Barrett and Christian over the last while. Have enjoyed Cena with Kane recently and he has been mentioned a dozen times over.

I would also add Beth Pheonix but when I stopped to think about it I realised that it wasn't that I disliked Beth at all, I actually think she is good in the ring and can carry herself on the mic well enough. I realised that I just really hated the way that she has been booked in her title reign and in the few ppv's leading up to the title reign. I get they are trying to make the other diva's look strong but what it actually did was make Beth look as if she was all talk when she said they were weak and she was strong.
Jinder Mahal - His gimmick has been done countless times in the past and he's one of the worst to try to pull it off. His ring skills are below average, his mic skills are boring, and the fans just couldn't care less for the guy. The only way he can get a crowd reaction is by insulting the United States which is guarenteed to get anyone cheap heat. I really can't stand seeing the likes of Alex Riley jobbing to him. He should be nothing more than a jobber to the stars until he gets a good enough gimmick and improves his green in ring skills. I hate this poor attempt at making him a mid-carder.
1. Dolph Ziggler - I want to like Dolph Ziggler because he clearly has great in-ring skills and isn't too shabby on the mic, but the whole "I'm the greatest wrestler ever" and overly cocky gimmick has been used to death. If the WWE tweaked his gimmick and dropped that jizzjar Vicky from his side, then I'd be a fan.

2. Big Show - Time to hang up the boots, Show. Being so big limits his arsenal of moves, thus making all of his matches predictable. His voice is like nails on a chalkboard and his acting is about as bad. I wish the WWE would stop clinging on to overused gimmicks like giants and monsters, and instead focus on coming up with fresh material.

3. Daniel Bryan - I've never understood his hype and I probably never will. Everything about him is bland.

4. Jinder Mahal - I know this guy is high on McMahon's list, but I'm not seeing what he is. He doesn't have a great look for the WWE, he has no presence in the ring, no personality, his moves are bland, and his act is boring.

5. Primo/Epico/all tag teams - It's almost like the WWE just stopped trying in terms of trying to produce great tag team feuds and matches. This is the best they have to offer? The tag team division was once my favorite part of the company. The Hardys, Dudleys, DX, Brothers of Destruction. There's an immense amount of talent within the wwe, surely they could come up with better teams than this.

John Lauranitis - Yes, he's not a wrestler, but he pretty much dominates air time. I liked the storyline at first, but just like the Michael Cole storyline; they're dragging it out way too long. The interaction between him and Punk can be amusing, but for the most part it just drags on and on and goes nowhere fast. When Lauranitis and Otunga are on the t.v., I fast forward.
vince macmahon. i know he isnt really a wrestler but he always annoyed me, take the Matt Hardy situation. the guy worked his ass off there since the nineties, what did he get? a few midcarder titles and some tag team titles. the only big time spotlight he got were his feuds with kane, jeff, and edge. Then, he gets released without so much as a goodbye storyline, match or promo seriously vince WTF?! :banghead:

Take a look at Matt Hardy right now, and tell me that putting the World title on him would have been a good idea... Matt has been given SO many chances. Those big feuds with Kane, Jeff, and Edge you talked about WERE the opportunities he was handed to see if he could handle anything more. He was also incredibly well known for his attitude and being an overly dramatic person. I mean, he used TWITTER to get himself fired so that he could go to TNA. He didn't try to be better, to do better work, increase his promo skill, spend a few extra hours in the ring working on polishing his techniques... WWE wouldn't let him go until his contract was up, so he bad-mouthed him employers to the INTERNET until they were forced to fire him. Who the hell does that?

Matt had great success with Jeff by his side, and then got lazy and coasted on that success until the very end. He never had to try on his own, and always felt entitled to be in the main event because of being one half of the Hardy Boys. I didn't hate Matt Hardy, so don't get me wrong. I thought he was an average talent that got a decent reaction, but if I as I fan couldn't see a reason to push him in the main event consistently, what in the hell were paid creative members going to see in him? Maybe he should have spent less time absorbed in the drama, bitching about Lita, and whining for his spots...and spent more time trying to solidify his work as a singles wrestler.

Basically what I'm trying to say is...if you're entire defense for not being able to stand Vince McMahon is the way he dealt with Matt Hardy, you are incredibly ignorant. In fact, VKM brought him back several times and gave him way too many chances to prove himself. I mean, TNA fired him after he got in a car accident without waiting to hear if had something to do with drugs, so if we're talking about grace here, Vince deserves a lot more credit that he deserves. You also just purely can't hate the most visionary mind in the history of pro wrestling, just because in your mind he wronged Matt Hardy. That's just stupid. I'm sorry if "it's just your opinion" and I'm being an ass...but that doesn't make it any less true.
Jack Swagger - I just don't get him, like at all. Whether it be the lisp or just the whole Kurt Angle-ezzzzque gimmick, he doesn't click with me. Mainly, though, it's due to the fact that he can't cut an exciting promo to zzzzzzzzave his life. He was zzzzzhoved down our throats after the Money in the Bank coming from obscurity and due to that, he didn't captivate audiences in the zzzzlightest. He wasn't over and he still izzzzzn't. I get that he can go in the ring, because he can really can but, watching him try to hit the gutwrench powerbomb a few months ago on RAW about 3 timezzz was painful to watch. He just zzzcreams laziness to me. And, the fact that he took the title of Ryder too doesn't help his cauzzze. Anyone else but him would have been a-okay. I zzzzuppose, at the end of the day, I don't really have many gripezzzzzzz with him just with the way he's been booked. He hazzzzn't really been given a proper chance to imprezzzz me. Hizzz World title reign was pizzz-poor and, I worry that creative will never take a chance with him again. Not that I care, because I don't.
John Morrison.... oh wait that ones been taken care of, so grateful he finally threw the towel in and gave up.

The Undertaker. Please retire already, I get it 19-0 awesome. He's got a streak, a streak of mostly shitty over rated and badly booked matches at WM.

The Rock. Stick to movies, because I didn't miss you.

Big Show. How has he not been an 100 time WHC/WWE Champion? Getting beat by guys 1/3 his size has been played out.

Foley. Please Mick just give up, retire and quit making us suffer.

Nash. see Foley
CM Punk - He just really annoys me
R-Truth - He was good as a heel but has become so stale again.
Jack Swagger - So fricken boring
Daniel Bryan - To me he is extremely overated.
HHH - as a wrestler cant stand him anymore (nothing new from him) but as C.O.O. I dont mind.

Randy Orton - boring, still the same stuff everytime, was fine without him on smackdown

Kofi K. - I liked when he debuted then he turned out be boring because nothing new came from him and im simply tired of his happy-face style. I liked when he had his feud with Orton but then again he went back to be boring.

Big Show - Since his magical one punch KO, its "getting screwed or hit cowardly then he become angry and use his magical punch.." simply boring.

Cena face - well boring/same stuff/same moves (I hope he turns heel).

Kelly Kelly - (not a superstar but I had to write it) She's boring sreaming everytime, not that great in the ring, and shes nothing special. Also I hate when she scream bis*.
Hello, this is my first post I just really wanted to reply to this thread!

1. Jack Swagger- First, he annoys me with his body movements (mouth hanging wide open all the time......shaking his head back and forth before doing the pushups.) Tries so hard to act like an "intense" Lesnar/Kurt Angle type character. Just boring!! Forgettable matches, forgettable World Champion and of course the horrible mic skills. Tried to intimidate muppets: "I'm cravin a hammm sandwich, waaaka waaaka" :glare: Please, just leave.

2. The Miz- He IS funny sometimes I admit, but every time I see him all I think is NSYNC/Backstreet Boys!!!! Man, I will never take him seriously.

3. Kelly Kelly- Spoiled skinny little rich girl, why does she scream during the whole match??!!!! Why does she beat more powerful and skillful women like Natalya and Beth Phoenix every week??

4. Kane- I like Kane alot, there's just one thing they do with him that I can't stand. Why does he turn on Undertaker EVERY OTHER YEAR? I mean, can't he just make up his mind and be brothers? It's too predictable now that Kane will be cool then turn his back for no reason and feud with Undertaker for the 18th time. Besides that, I enjoy Kane.

5. Rey Mysterio- Another guy I like and has great matches, but please....Mysterio beating Big Show, Mark Henry, just f*****n stupid.
Hello, this is my first post I just really wanted to reply to this thread and that's probably all, but here goes:

1. Jack Swagger- First, he annoys me with his body movements (mouth hanging wide open all the time......shaking his head back and forth before doing the pushups.) Tries so hard to act like an "intense" Lesnar/Kurt Angle type character. Just boring!! Forgettable matches, forgettable World Champion and of course the horrible mic skills. Tried to intimidate muppets: "I'm cravin a hammm sandwich, waaaka waaaka" :glare: Please, just leave.

2. The Miz- He IS funny sometimes I admit, but every time I see him all I think is NSYNC/Backstreet Boys!!!! Man, I will never take him seriously.

3. Kelly Kelly- Spoiled skinny little rich girl, why does she scream during the whole match??!!!! Why does she beat more powerful and skillful women like Natalya and Beth Phoenix every week??

4. Kane- I like Kane alot, there's just one thing they do with him that I can't stand. Why does he turn on Undertaker EVERY OTHER YEAR? I mean, can't he just make up his mind and be brothers? It's too predictable now that Kane will be cool then turn his back for no reason and feud with Undertaker for the 18th time. Besides that, I enjoy Kane.

5. Rey Mysterio- Another guy I like and has great matches, but please....Mysterio beating Big Show, Mark Henry, just f*****n stupid.
The Miz- I just think he's annoying and never really liked the guy
Dolph Ziggler- he's got skills I will tell you that. If he got Vickey out of the way maybe I would like him.
I have more but these are the guys I cant stand.

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