Superstars You Just Can't Stand

Dolph Ziggler- Seriously I have no clue why people on this board love him. He's boring and without Vicky he'd get no reaction at all. He can't cut promo's and while he's a great in ring worker, doesn't make him championship material. They're trying to make him the poor man's Curt Hennig.

Cody Rhodes- Another HUGE mystery to me why he gets pushed. I think he's very boring on the mic and in the ring. Within two years he will be a mid-carder just like his father was and brother is.

People who rip Punk and Bryan really need to check their ROH and other promotion matches. WWE waters them down. Very BAD booking with Bryan and they dropped the ball with Punk. I am sure it was done purposely to make him look bad so they could do the same old Cena stuff. As for me with HHH, he's a egomaniac did you really think he would push Punk and job to him? He and Hogan are totally Randy 'The Ram' Robinson.

Really? This boggles my mind. Dolph Ziggler is every bit as good in the ring as Daniel Bryan is, and is radically better on the mic and more charismatic, radically, not to mention having a vastly superior look and personality. And Cody Rhodes may be half a step behind Ziggler in the ring, but is a couple of steps ahead in terms of charisma and mic work. I cannot fathom someone supporting DB and tearing these 2 down.

For me, DB is #1 with a bullet in terms of wrestler I cannot stand. I will not refer to him as a superstar, because he is nothing of the sort. Good in ring skills, but he has never once been able to make me interested in anything he's done or entertain me in the least. His world title win has really turned me off to Smackdown, and when he appears on Raw alongside Punk and Ryder all it accomplishes is making me sore on the two of them. Just awful.
Randy Orton - I have been watching wrestling since about 1983 and I don't think in that entire time that I have ever disliked, no down right hated, a wrestling character as much as I hate Randy Orton. I hate everything about the man, from all the horrible things I have heard about his attitude and action out of the ring and behind the scenes to his stupid jerky seizure like movements in the ring. The RKO yes is an awesome looking move but it was more awesome when it was done by DDP or god forbid even Johnny Ace! Orton is a charisma black hole, he sucks about as bad as John Borrison on the mic, and can't even make kicking someone in the head look realistic.

Alberto Del Rio - I don't like Del Rio because he is the worst kind of heel or character period in wrestling, the kind that gets zero reaction from the crowd. He doesn't get "good" heel heat and doesn't even get the "bad" or "X-Pac" heel heat, he gets nothing at all. He comes off as the Mexican JBL and no one is gonna do the JBL character as good as the original. His matches are boring, his entrance is boring, the only thing remotely interesting part of his character is his fat ring announcer sidekick. He was pushed way to fast with little to no build to any of his matches. All he did was fight Rey Mysterio over and over again for about year in some terribly boring matches, had an awful RR win, a very lackluster performance at WM27, then a really lame ass title reign that he didn't deserve. He needed to be built up threw the midcard with a IC or US title reign for a year or more before getting shoved into the main event picture where he is no overshadowed by just about anyone he steps in the ring with.

Some other guys that I just don't really care for but don't want to get into the long explanations: Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, Alex Riley, David Otunga.
Dolph Ziggler- Seriously I have no clue why people on this board love him. He's boring and without Vicky he'd get no reaction at all. He can't cut promo's and while he's a great in ring worker, doesn't make him championship material. They're trying to make him the poor man's Curt Hennig.

Cody Rhodes- Another HUGE mystery to me why he gets pushed. I think he's very boring on the mic and in the ring. Within two years he will be a mid-carder just like his father was and brother is.

Dolph knows how to make someone look great in the ring. His sells are awesome (For example, the belly-to-back suplex he got from the top rope against Bryan just last week was sick).

Cody's mic work is awesome, he's not as good in ring as Ziggler but not by much. His dashing and masked gimmicks were great (especially with those paperbags). Also, did you guys hear the pop Cody got at MSG? Was freakin' sick.
I won't necessarily say I can't stand Daniel Bryan. I think he is a great wrestler, but I don't like the way they are booking him. Not only is he the HEAVYweaight champ, but I was looking over the results of WWEs house show and I think they went WAY too far with the main event...
-WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan def. Mark Henry and The Big Show in a Triple Threat Steel Cage main event

Granted it's a house show and not on TV, but WTF? It's bad enough that the World Heavy Weight Champion is like 170lbs, but to put him in a match against two 400lb+ guys(in a cage no less), and have him win is ridiculous.
Santino: Because I am not 10 years old
Mick Foley: Shills out for pay, made his career on hardcore wrestling but now plays with socks
Booker T: Promotes illiteracy on a massive scale. I do not understand why someone would want him giving commentary when he can barely form coherent sentences.
Zack Ryder: I'm just not "cool enough" to get him
Kofi Kingston: See Zack Ryder
Rey Mysterio: Just sick of him
HHH: He and undertaker should switch gimmicks because HHH has made a career out of burying people.
Agree 100% with HHH and Rey - but I don't fully understand your reasoning for your first 4 superstars.

Santino provides comedic relief. They use him so children can be entertained and adults can get the "inside joke". He isn't nearly as patronizing as DOINK. When Santino is in the ring he displays a unique move set and is overall a decent wrestler. He has many levels to his character. He can entertain both age brackets...

Mick Foley should not be punished because he was smart enough to market himself in other areas to continue to make a living and support his family but not have to take years off his life doing it. Check out Mick Foleys STAND UP TOUR! (cheap plug, GO MICK!)

Booker T and Zack Ryder bother bring something fresh. They have their own special connection with the fans. You don't have to be "cool" to like Zack Ryder. Whats great about Zack Ryder is he is mocking everything that isn't cool about people who think they are "cool". Dig it sucka?

Which brings me to KOFI KINGSTON! ..I have to agree with you. Something about Kofi doesn't click with me. I can't exactly say what...

Great list and explanation. Very thought provoking. Thanks Xumer.

I use to hate on John Cena so much. Then I realized that's exactly what he wants me to do. Cheer or Boo, John Cena is gettin' $$$.
I respect him because he is the complete opposite of HHH. He actually puts people over. Edge and Orton for example.

WTF are you talking about ? HHH has put-over Randy Orton, Batista, Jeff Hardy and others. Even if someone is fueding with him he makes everyone look good. Putting over someone doesn't necessarily mean make yourself look bad and lose, it's to make them look good. You can still get over with the fans/crowd and look good' without winning the specific match. HHH has put-over more guys than Undertaker.

Stop talking bullshit just because you hate him. Keep riding the IWC bandwagon of CM Punk, Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan and your indy promotions.
Top 5

5 Jeff Jarrett. Besides Triple H, there is no wrestling superstar pushed down our throat with so little talent. Mind you, Triple H blows Jeff Jarrett away on promos and gets marks for who his best friends are. Jarrett should never have been anything more than a midcard champion or a heavyweight division jobber.

4 Cody Rhodes. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. That's all i have to say.

3 The Miz. The guy isn't one bit entertaining. He's just about as annoying to watch as Michael Cole is to listen to.

2 Triple H. He'd be my number one if he wasn't already so many posters choice. The guy shouldn't have won a world title after 2001. Stephanie, Jericho and Shawn Michaels made this guy tolerable although he was an excellent heel for a few years. Since the top guys left, he's done everything in his power to control the product and wrestling has sucked ever since. I don't have concrete proof of this as I don't work behind the scenes in WWE but I think it's pretty logical to deduce. If the IWC thinks Hogan played politics and hate him for it, they must totally despise Hunter.

1 CM Punk. I see so much potential with the Punk character. But the reaction he got from his promo 'heard round the world' is ridiculous. It's been praised as a big moment in wrestling and it really was nothing more than a wrestler getting an extra few minutes to ramble on about things only the IWC gives a shit about. It was one time over the past 10 years where WWE actually gave a wrestler creative control over his character for five minutes. Big deal. This used to happen 24/7 in the Attitude Era. Punk is considered edgy but he'd have been eaten alive in the attitude era. Nash was spot on when he said Punk looked like a short order cook from a waffle house. Despite the fact he's not a big guy, Punk still has a really unique image. I see so much potential with this guy but his excess mic time and rambling just comes across as pretentious whining from a 'square' posing as edgy. It's almost impossible for a grown man to find anything that interesting about a guy who can't kick back and drink a beer or two. Sure alcoholism is a problem, but only with about 1-2 percent of the American population. A guy who can't have a drink or two who walks around on his high horse acting just like all his cynical IWC fans is grating. How can a wrestling fan take a wrestler seriously or find him 'edgy' when he goes on record to say he won't casually drink. I have no problem with people not drinking, but i do have a problem with people essentially preaching that they don't drink and that makes them better than people who do drink. Whether he actually preaches it or not (debatable) it's at the very least lame that he states it on record and appears proud of coming across like a coward who struggles with having a good time and 'lightening up'. Punk has the image of an asshole druggie but has the personality of a cynical and worrisome grandparent. The kind that figure drinking a beer will lead to alcoholism, or straying from a scheduled bed time will result in a bad nights sleep or having a bubble bath will lead to a yeast infection or allowing your grandkids to watch wrestling or tv violence will lead kids to paralyze their friends with wrestling moves or buy guns and shoot whoever they don't like. Punk preaching his anti-alcohol attitude is like if the Undertaker went around doing interviews all the time talking about how he loves watching Dirty Dancing while eating cotton candy and wearing a thong. Punk should really just shut his mouth about his personal life and let his image do all the talking. Minus his usage of obscure wrestling facts, Punk is all image, it's guys like Rock and Stone Cold with the authentic 'cult of personality'. Punk is basically Wade Barrett but with a cool look. I watched Survivor Series with a few buddies and I got carried away in a conversation with one and we both missed Punk win the title. It meant nothing. It should have been the highlight of his career and the turning point in WWE programming but it was just meaningless. That is what Punk and his revolutionary talk has become and deep down I want to believe he's been set up to fail by Triple H. But perhaps all of us in the IWC are wrong and CM Punk just doesn't have 'it'. Regardless, he's the one wrestler right now who annoys me more than any other.
Ok now I know I will be exicuted for the following but hey I CAN'T STAND THEM.

1: HULK HOGAN-He is an ass and he is out only for serving himself. He has never willingly put ANYONE over and he is not good in the ring. Hell if they have the 5 moves of Doom Hogan only knows 3 of them. Hogan I could write a book of things that annoys me about him with refrences on all the shitty things he has done to people thru the years in and out of wrestling.

2: Dwayne Johnson - ok he is semi good in the ring hits his spots well but is also a 5 maybe 6 moves of Doom. Now onto his Promos that everyone raves about that havent really changed in YEARS. Next time he does a promo when he is done go to you tube and pull up an old promo from the attitude era. OMG its the same damn promo just with his catch phrases moves around a bit. His promos are meaningless and repetative its Take your vitamins Jabroni and say your prayers roody poo candy ass etc etc. His promos back in the day were entertaining but now zzzzzzzzzz since its not all about catch prases anymore. I will bring back an old chant "ROCKY SUCKS ROCKY SUCKS"

Those are two that I can not watch cause well they annoy the hell outta me.

Ok folks open up your knives and start stabbing.
Really? This boggles my mind. Dolph Ziggler is every bit as good in the ring as Daniel Bryan is, and is radically better on the mic and more charismatic, radically, not to mention having a vastly superior look and personality. And Cody Rhodes may be half a step behind Ziggler in the ring, but is a couple of steps ahead in terms of charisma and mic work. I cannot fathom someone supporting DB and tearing these 2 down.

For me, DB is #1 with a bullet in terms of wrestler I cannot stand. I will not refer to him as a superstar, because he is nothing of the sort. Good in ring skills, but he has never once been able to make me interested in anything he's done or entertain me in the least. His world title win has really turned me off to Smackdown, and when he appears on Raw alongside Punk and Ryder all it accomplishes is making me sore on the two of them. Just awful.

Yeah on the case of DZ thats what JOBBERS ARE MEANT TO DO put people over it the ring.

DB they just really dropped the ball with. he needs to be made into a Pillman type character. Punk they just REALLY screwed up the angle to put of ADR. ADR never will be over I don't hate him, I just find him VERY BORING. Kind of the been there done that Million Dollar Man bit.

They really need to allow Punk to do the Pepsi Plunge!

CM PUNK vs Bryan ROH
WTF are you talking about ? HHH has put-over Randy Orton, Batista, Jeff Hardy and others. Even if someone is fueding with him he makes everyone look good. Putting over someone doesn't necessarily mean make yourself look bad and lose, it's to make them look good. You can still get over with the fans/crowd and look good' without winning the specific match. HHH has put-over more guys than Undertaker.

Stop talking bullshit just because you hate him. Keep riding the IWC bandwagon of CM Punk, Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan and your indy promotions.


I liked Punk before his shoot, and I also liked Bryan before his little title win. I don't think they are the best thing since sliced bread either. Atleast I can admit the flaws in my favorites. Bryan has been poorly booked this year, lacks character and personality, but he's great in the ring and that's why I like him. I don't think he should've gotten the MITB briefcase if it meant him being a jobbing to Christian, Rhodes, etc. Punk isn't the greatest wrestler in the world. If you were to say that to a butthurt fanboy, he'd most likely rage and threaten you in someway, something I won't be doing. As for "Tho Gome", my opinion still stands, I hate the guy.
I wouldn't exactly call this guy a superstar but he's on the roster nonetheless:

HORNSWOGGLE!!! Seriously, he's gotta go. None of the skits with him are funny and any time I see him on the screen it makes me think so much less of the WWE product. I mean, is there anyone out there that enjoys his appearances? Who exactly are they trying to cater to, with Hornswoggle?

KOFI KINGSTON: I cannot stand this guy. I respect his talent and ability in the ring but honestly, as soon as that music hits, I cringe.
His music is terrible, his stupid "boom boom" thing with his hands jumped the shark a long time ago and his happy go lucky attitude drives me insane.

Jack "TH-Wagger" - This bozo has got to go. Can't stand anything about him.
Kelly Kelly- I don't exactly know why, but she genuinely pisses me off! The whole smiley girlie girl thing is way overblown. I like Beth and Natalia because they actually wrestle. Kelly Kelly does one freaking head scissors take-down and considers herself a wrestler. The womens division is joke. She's just a model in wrestling gear. Long gone are the days where we had divas that actually wrestled and weren't afraid to get down with the guys (Chyna, Trish, Lita, Jazz).
1. HHH. Why in the hell does this guy not go away? He is not the greatest. Never was. Never was close. Never will be close. He would've been the greatest mid carder to ever live. But he sucked shawn michaels balls so well, that he just had to climb that ladder, and i guess steph fell in love with his nose, so then he was like "baby i'm the greatest" make me champ 13 times. she was like okay nose. so we have seen him put over who? batista? orton? that's fucking all. buried sheamus. buried dibaiase on raw for no fucking reason. killed punk's momentum. why?? because his abdomen bloats out very gross looking and unnatural? fuck him

2. Chris Beniot. He just looked fucking insane. I always knew he'd be the type to murder his family and himself. He was fucking toothless and was obviously pumping roids. looked funny with his big ass head and short funny looking legs. fuck him too

3. Rey Mysterio. Best moment ever was when nash made him eat that bus in wcw. just throw him into to shit like ring posts and through tabels and hit him with chairs and i'd be happy.

4. John Cena. Yes he WAS the guy who rapped on the way to the ring. Go back and listen to all the shit he'd say mr "i love kids i donate money i do it for the cena fans" shut the fuck up. fuck him

5. Jack Thagger. Thagger thux.

6. The Miz. He has boobs and sucks so much ass. fuck him

7. Kofi Kingston. He is so stupid. He should be made to job to al snow

8. Big Slow. Never bought him even when i was a child. He DID do a dropkick one time. terribly booked and the weakest big man imo. he lost to mayweather. and he sounds stupid. fuck him

9. Batista. no talent. can't do a promo. can't walk and chew gum at the same time. he disgraced the title almost as much as fucking david arquette. and almost as much as hogan in wcw.

10. Hulk Hogan. Fuck him. He still thinks to the day he could be THE GUY. He will never let it go. so much fucking talent got wasted cause of him. guys that should have been champion. Hogan, HHH, and Flair. Let it go. Please. I love flair, but jesus. put the shit down. you will die if you get thrown off the top rope again. you're almost 70

Wow my first post here and I am going to be negative and talk about guys I cant stand.

Michael Cole-I just really dislike the character he plays. The overzealous heel commentator x100. It wouldn't be so bad if he also wasn't so full of himself. I miss the old Michael Cole. I understand its nice to have a good face/heel announce team but The King isn't a great face to play off him and Striker and Booker are still too new behind the announce table to play off him well imo.

Jerry Lawler- I used to love his heel character that rooted for the bad guys but he still had a sense of right and wrong and morality, he would tell the heels they were going too far and he and JR played perfectly. I just miss that mostly

Cena-I could write a book

Hogan-The original Cena moves and character wise but was a worse wrestler

Jack Swagger-He is good in the ring and puts on solid matches but he lacks charisma and his speech issues don't help. Its a shame because he has the in ring ability to be a solid upper midcard guy and even have some title runs but his mic skills are lacking. They paired him with Vicki but now he and Dolph always seem to have this feud that I am just waiting to play into a major storyline

I'm on the fence about Del Rio. He is good in ring and very technical but his character is so bland. I know he took off his mask before he came to America so he wouldn't lose it disrespectfully but it seems his character went with it
Kelly Kelly- I don't exactly know why, but she genuinely pisses me off! The whole smiley girlie girl thing is way overblown. I like Beth and Natalia because they actually wrestle. Kelly Kelly does one freaking head scissors take-down and considers herself a wrestler. The womens division is joke. She's just a model in wrestling gear. Long gone are the days where we had divas that actually wrestled and weren't afraid to get down with the guys (Chyna, Trish, Lita, Jazz).

Agreed Kelly 2 is the most annoying hot chick I have ever seen in my life. I think she is incredibly attractive but something, well everything about her besides her looks, just annoys the shit outta me.
Hornswoggle!!! why the fuck are u still here? you should have left when finlay did!!! complete waste of air time! actually just a waste of air!!! hes here for the kids? bollox!! hes a bloody adult!!! and the worst in a long list of stereo types the wwe have made!! i forward any segmant on smackdown that starts in teddy longs office mainly because i know hes going to pop up! JUST FUCKOFF!!

Teddy Long - probably not really his fault but every shit decision made on smackdown and there are a lot of them! seem to come from him! think its time for a change!! your backstage segments are a waste of time with that idiot above and that stupid dancing bird!! need vicky back in charge!! or maybe regal!!

Sheamus - gone from a complete bad ass to mucking about with hornswoggle and the fucking muppets!! has become so predictable when any superstar challenges someone in the back, for this sell out to come out and bury them!! yet he doesnt seem to make any ppv's or actually have any proper angles just seems to be there wasting time with the 2 above!! do something decent or bugger off with them!!

Ted Dibiase - this guys theme tune should have something to do with his gimmick, yet all he does is hang out in the car park!

Daniel Bryan - worst title win ever! only worth watching just to listen to Cole slag him off!!!

Jerry Lawler - get out of John Cena's arse and be the old commentator everyone knew and loved!!! Would rather listen to Cole bury everyone than this pg version of what you used to be!!!

The Miz - really really? stop saying that!!!!

Aksana - would rather watch some wrestling than watch you dancing with teddy long, just piss off!! theres a reason the fans respect beth, kharma and natalya more!! because they actually have talent!!!
after reading these thought id add some more:

Mick Foley - it stopped being funny 10 years ago mate, nobody wants one more match from you, nobody wants another this is your life segment wasting 20 mins that could be given to macintyre or gabriel!! just go silenty back to TNA, the rock walking out and rock bottoming you and leaving pretty much somes up what everyone is feeling.

Santino - this stuff was funny as a heel, you just look like a bumbling moron now!! even how you walk to the ring , we know its just going to be a quick burial!! theres no underdog cheering from the crowd, no hope that you might pull off a win!! says it all when your completly buried by the 51 year old kevin nash.

The Rock - probably going to be an unpopular one but the only thing i found entertaining was rock bottom on foley and your fruity pebbles speech!! other than that the fact you ruined the start and end of wrestlemania said it all! us title match demoted to pre show just to hear you chat shit!

Sin Cara - its like watching frank spencer wrestle!! knew before he did that he was going to botch that move at survivor series!!! just dont return! nobody will notice!!
Sheamus - he is the only guy i can think of right nows whos matches i cant stand watching. i couldnt even watch him vs christian, and i love christian. all of his matches are the exact same, he'll never have a steal the show type match, i didnt find him entertaining as a heel or a face. rumor had it he only got far in the wwe because he was HHH's workout partner, if thats true, then he politiced his way to the main event and didnt deserve a single pap per view match
oh and Hunico!! gone from a luchador style character and the sin cara that could actually wrestle, and all of a sudden hes some rip off version of CJ from GTA San Andreas with awful music!! explain that
Triple H- Definitely was great, but was shoved down our throats WAY to much throughout the 2000's with the McMahon-Helmsley Regime, etc. He won everything, all the time, constantly had slow, rambling, long winded promos because We get it.

Alberto Del Rio- Don't understand what is so great here. Not that great in the ring IMO, boring on the mic, says the same things over and over and over. Not that impressive of a physique. Also shoved down our throats a little too much because of his desssssstinyyyyyy.

R Truth- Never really thought he was great in the ring, his heel character was fresh and funny at first, but needs to be tweaked or updated or something. He just gets annoying every time I see him.

Big Show- Has never been the sustained massive unstoppable force that he should be. Agree with others who mentioned the hat and the dumb finisher. He should come out every time as The Showster. (No, probably not)

Treatment of Eric Young- Not that I can't stand EY, I just wish he wasn't stuck in the comedy routine. I know the show needs someone in that role, but I think EY is pretty good in the ring, give him a better gimmick, let someone else play the stooge.
John Morrison - What an absolute waste. I will give credit where credit is due, the guys can pull off some amazing spots, but thats all he is a glorified spot monkey. He has the personality and appeal of a bag of wet shit. I preferred him better as Johnny Nitro as Sleazy E's lackey and then in MNM, but as soon as he got the John Morrison rip off rockstar gimmick I hated him.
There are a few guys that when they appear I change the channel real quick.

Alberto Del Rio- This guy has no business in the main event picture at all. I never got why so many in the IWC and VKM are in love with him. He cant cut a promo to save his life, he is boring in the ring and he is doing a gimmick that others have done before but much better. I have seen reports that he is a good political player, he must have used that fact that VKM loves him to get where he is cause he has nothing else going for him. Hopefully he takes this time off to repackage himself.

Cena- I used to be a fan but now he is soooo stale it is really sad. I thought that he should have taken a couple months off this past summer to freshen his character but he didnt. Also, for those who say its all cause of how WWE books him...BS!! He has more control over his character than anyone but just doesnt get that the top guys like HHH, SCSA and UT have all been where they are cause they evolved. Cena needs to evolve, hopefully this storyline with Kane will do that.

Hulk Hogan- Again, huge fan back in the day but now he is just a sad person. He has cut the legs out of some of the most talented guys it is unreal. He is the biggest reason Bret Hart failed in WCW and why TNA is failing now. He still thinks he draws but in reality he doesnt.

Ric Flair- OK, hear me out on this. One of the best of all time but one of the biggest back stabbers there are. He is the very definition of hypocrite. I have seen some of his interviews on Youtube and it is unreal how he buries good talent. Nothing more now than a bitter old man.
I should also mention:

Booker T- Used to be good back in the WCW days, but now I just can't take him anymore. His commentary is A-W-F-U-L. The sound of his voice, his incoherent speech, the constant bickering among him, Cole and Mathews, I just can't take it. It feels like work to listen to the Smackdown commentary, it makes me mentally tired.
At the moment, I literally can't stand Alberto Del Rio. I just feel like they really f---ed up with him. And I also can't stand Rey Mysterio, because he's been putting on the same match for the past five years. I can't stand face R-Truth, so I'm really hoping he's not going to be all happy and crappy on Monday, because I'd much rather see a ghetto crazy Truth than a "Suntanned Superman". -Shudder-

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