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That One Guy You Just Can't Stand

The Brain

King Of The Ring
As fans we all have our favorite wrestlers. We have wrestlers we love, wrestlers we hate, wrestlers we love to hate, and wrestlers we don’t bother to have much of an opinion on. Then there are those wrestlers we just can’t stand. I’m not talking about a guy we boo or hope to see get his ass kicked. I’m talking about a guy that we can just legit not stand for whatever reason and don’t ever want to see him again. Who is the one guy that for any reason at all you just couldn’t stand.

Mine is somewhat of an obscure name, but most of us know him. He’s only appeared in WWE a handful of times and I think I’ve only seen him wrestle once or twice, but every time I see him I just wish he would go away. The man in question is Bruce Hart. I love Bret and Owen, but I absolutely can not stand Bruce. I can’t think of a guy who has a bigger ego without accomplishing anything. This is a guy who believes his own hype despite not getting any. When he’s on tv I can just see the envy dripping off him. You can just tell he thinks he’s every bit as good as Bret and his bitterness is written all over his face. Anytime Bruce was called upon for an appearance he tried to make himself the show when nobody ever cared about him. Maybe I’m coming out of left field here, but there’s just something about Bruce that rubs me the wrong way.

This is not a Bruce bashing thread (although feel free to do so). I’m wondering if there’s any wrestler out there who you can’t stand the way I can’t stand Bruce. I know from reading KB’s reviews who he’s going to say if he posts in here.
Ken Kennedy Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson.

Forgive me if it's incorrect, but I believe this guy has NO wrestling ability. Not even at a John Cena or The Rock or Triple H level. They at least had some moves they did, perfected, and added to them. Anderson, as of TNA, has virtually nothing. Nothing Anderson's done has been more than him punching and kicking, boring and ineffective restholds, and generic moves like a suplex and his finisher.

And I abhor his gimmick. To put my thoughts explicitly; his gimmick is essentially that of the smug, arrogant douchebag frat boy who slips roofies into girls' drinks, then rapes them and records it and puts it on the internet while making stupid faces and posing, and engaging in heavily scatological pornography activities with them, then bribes others to do his schoolwork for him and gets by on sweettalking teachers into giving out extra credit for him, sleeps during class, and has a rich as hell father to pay his way through college.
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The Great Khali. If I see him on TV i turn it off. He has ZERO talent, can't move, and he can't even talk! I think his time to go came a looooong time ago. He's not even funny in his skits, he just sucks.
For me its definitely has to be the Miz. I just flat out hate this guy. I cant stand him. The only thing I think he really has going for him is his promo cutting skills , Which i'll admit he has skill in that area. But theres just something about him I just cant stand. Every time I hear his Music I usually flip the channel. I realize i'll get mass heat by my post but god shakes im sticking by it. He fucking sucks. Worst catchphrase EVER!

I know wwe has marked him as the next breakout guy and im dreading the day when he captures the world title. I just might actually stop watching for awhile when that happens..Thats how much I just dont like him. Im sorry but im not jumping on the miz is awesome bandwagon because I really dont think he is. Suck it!
Well I really can't say I "Cant stand" a certain Wrestler...

They're might be some wreslter's I'm not fond of but I always give them a chance to change my opinion of them...

I guess If I had to choose one Wrestler I dislike the most it would probably have to be Brian Kendrick.

I don't know what it is about this guy, I just always get annoyed when he is on my TV Screen. He is a very talented guy, but there is just something about him and that gives me the idea that he is an arrogant Jackass, but maybe it was just his gimmick in the WWE that made me hate him, for all I know he's probably a nice guy in real life.

Other guy's I have never been fan's of are people like ....

-Paul london
-Zack ryder
-Scott steiner

But I can't honestly say I "Can't stand" any Wrestler.......sorry.
At the moment it has to be Ken Anderson. Not only because I dont personally, but hes not good all around.

The man is injury prone yet blames all of his injuries on other people. On top of that he Injured John Cena during the mans title reign and couldnt care less about it. he also bitched for months after he was released about how he wasnt used correctly, when he was pushed to the moon on multiple occasions only to get injured.

Also I dont care for his promos. In TNA the man ij just terrible, and to get over he goes and does this moronic "Asshole" gimmick. Not to mention his overall demeanor is annoying. And in the ring hes just not good, there are much better in ring athletes than him.

So overall hes not very good, and there are many much better whom should be in his position. And hes currently the most annoying wrestler in the business to me.
I could not stand the miz for a long time, well pretty much until he swapped to trunks. I just felt he did not deserve to be in the WWE and he was just another no talent air head from "The Real World" and like most wrestling purists I could not stand it that he was in the WWE but Bryan Danielson, then Nigel McGuinness couldn't get in.

I just was totally talking with JBL when he was belitiling him. I just felt he was an arrogant son of a bitch like what you said about Bruce, Miz hadn't earned anything and walked around like his shit don't stink.

Thankfully now it has been revealed how hard Miz works and how much he is learnt. Now... I would definately mark out when he cashes in his MITB, well that wrestling for you.
gotta be cena......since his debut til now....from "thuganomics" to "super cena".....maybe its because he's the companies face and i have to see him all the time, or because i'm tired of him in general....im just over him.
I can't stand that fucking dwarf Hornswoggle. Useless, and absolutely pointless. I really don't understand what he's good for except for lucky charms jokes. Honestly we coulda had a Miz promo, a Kingston promo, we could see a rise of a mid card then that dwarf who does NOT do anything but bury Chavo and get in stupid skits. I enjoyed it when Dolph put the fucker in a sleeper hold
The Miz
Strongly dislike him, don't see the appeal of him. In my opinion all he's got is mic skills, he hasn't impressed me in the least anywhere else. But I will keep watching.

John Cena
Most of it might be my hatred of rap "music". But i have never liked Cena, he bores me to tears. I don't think he's that good in the ring, or that good on the mic. His biggest thing is his charisma, he does know how to play a crowd, that i will give him.

Virtually all of the Divas
Channel change/bathroom break. They haven't put on a decent match in who knows how long.
D'Angelo Dinero "The Pope"

One reason I don't like him, is because everyone else seems too. Most overrated guy in TNA.

Another reason I don't like him is because he seems to incorporate gimmicks/angles/manuevers made famous by other wrestlers. I know gimmicks/angles/moves all need to be recycled with the comings and goings of wrestlers (down the road someone else will use a Stunner, Rockbottom, Pedigree etc) but I feel The Pope has an over abundance of such things and every action he makes seems to have been made famous by somebody else.

The new version of his theme song starts with "Pope ... Is ... Pimpin," which is a lot like The Rock's Hollywood theme that begins with "Is ... Cookin." Then he walks out, arms to the back and front of him, same way Scott Hall would. Money falls from the ceiling (same as any other entrance with shit falling from the ceiling.) He is suppose to be a Harlem Street Preacher/Pimp which makes perfect sense for him to put his shades on a child in the audience ala Bret Hart (At No Surrender he put them on like a 15 yr old girl.)
He writes 4-up on his wrist tape, I forget who did the same thing, possibly Mike Tyson.

Then during his interviews it sounds like he's trying to roll Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, and The Rock's mic styles into one. In the ring, he uses Bionic Elbow's like Dusty. He just recently started using Jericho's Codebreaker, if I'm not mistaken.

I know wrestler's need to recycle moves/gimmicks, I just feel he over does it. I don't feel he ever really "creates" something. Tbh, I feel "The Pope is Pimpin" chant the crowd does is also a creation by the fans and not the Poop himself.

Other then that, I feel his promos and everything else about him is given to much credit. Last night he was trying to make a joke about Anderson and it failed, saying Anderson is full of piss and vinegar. And his mic skills in the ring and going tit for tat with others are noticeably poorer then his backstage solo promos.

In closing, I just don't think he's that original. He gets by on coping everyone else's work. Not to mention his attitude and his views on other things outside of wrestling.
Hornswoggle! I hate that guy. It's useless, it doesn't even speak! It's not funny at all. I don't know why he's still there!
The last time he did something usefull was four years ago, when he was called "Little Bastard", and helped a heel Finlay win matches.
Some other posters have went with Mr.Anderson, and I'm going to have to pick him as well. I just can't understand why the IWC drools over this guy so much. He does have a great voice, but I feel as if his mic work is vastly overrated. The "asshole" thing has become so stale now. It was something funny at first, but the word has just been run into the ground. And what else can he do on the mic?.....Repeat his name over and over again? Please.

And then there's the whole "WWE didn't give Kennedy a fair chance" theory. I think that this completely false, and it's something the Anderson marks use to try and defend him. WWE invested plenty of time in him, and gave him more than enough chances. He also never had too many (or any at all) memorable matches in WWE. I chuckled when he hit his finisher on Hornswoogle from the top of the ladder at Wrestlemania 23, but I just can't think of one great match he had in WWE.

Anderson/Kennedy is by far one of the most overrated wrestlers I've seen in all of professional wrestling ever.
For me, it's Jeff Hardy. I was so happy when he left WWE because I rarely watch TNA. I've never ever ever ever liked the man. He is an over glorified spot monkey. Him getting the WWE Title was a complete joke. I don't care how much "heart" has. I really don't. He is so damn boring. Keep him off the mic as well. I'm so sick of seeing his stupid painted face and all his flips. He is not even interesting whatsoever. The first Jeff Hardy matches were alright but watching the same spot fest over and over again is ridiculous. I really don't see how he has so many fans.
Triple H

And its not really because of his "backstage powerz", thats not the problem. My problem is that he is not as talented as those whom he wants to be compared to.

He is not and never will be as loved and respected as Ric Flair, he can flaunt his 20 world championships in a few years all he wants but he simply is not "the man" in ways Flair was.

The only time he was entertaining was as the sidekick to Shawn Michaels in the original DX, and his period in 99-2001 was good too, but i attribute this mainly to the talent he worked with, Rock, Mankind, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Angle and the rest.

His "reign of terror" in 2003 will forever be remembered as one of the most cringe worthy eras in wrestling, his opening promo to every Raw which perhaps only lasted 10 minutes but felt like it lasted 30min because of how inane and boring it was.

It saddens me that so many people, like Booker T were outright burried by this man, at Wrestlemania even, and in a feud which had racial overtones to boot.

It saddens me that Pat Patterson, perhaps one of the most respected men in wrestling had to quit his job because he disagreed with "Trips" and felt he was hogging too much of the light.

Bottom line: Considering how much time, money, tv time, promotion and marketing has been put behind Triple H, he never achieved that mainstream success that Austin, Rock, Hogan did, nobody has been given so much in WWE and given so little back. He always dissapoints at Wrestlemanias recently, his match with Orton and Sheamus most recently were both duds, crowd simply did not care.

If 20% of the effort put behind HHH was put behind a guy like Booker T in 2002, or RVD in that peroid, or almost any talented midcarder they would have become a much bigger star than Hunter did, they were getting bigger reactions than he was and they were jobbing to him on a nightly basis.

I know i sound like your typical IWC HHH hater, but just looking at the 2000-2010 era as a whole, you realise how much has been put to get this man over in that he becomes a main stream star, and yet he simply isent and never will be.

And i guess that is my consolation: In wrestling you either have "it" or you dont, you cant buy yourself to the kind of status that Andre, Hogan, Austin have in this industry.
X-Pac was always a guy I just couldn't stand seeing. Even when he was Texas as The Lightning Kid or whatever - I just hated seeing him. He was just annoying.

Now that person is Vickie. Change channel, hit mute, FF if on DVR. Just don't want to deal with it. It ain't heat - It's I can't stand this character.

If you watched WWE programming for the past few years, you'd know who I was talking about just by reading that. Vickie Guerrero just sends shivers down my spine every time she came out. Her and Edge made me hard to watch the programming for Smackdown when she and Edge were 'married'. I loved the feud between Edge and the Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. But still, hated Vickie Guerrero.
I used to hate Prince Iyakaia from WCW with a Passion also, many crappy stars like The Dudleys! They sux, their mic skils sux, and they cant really wrestle. I also hated Rhyno, Samoa Joe, All of TNA SuX! Plus Aldo Montoya, The Miestro, or how ever u spell it, lol TOo many to mention! I also hate lucky bastards that shouldn't have been world champions like EDGE, CM PUNK, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, RVD, all these guys didnt deserve it. I think Curt Henning, Scott Hall, Lex Lugar in WWF, Ricky Steamboat (in WWF), Rick Rude (wwf/wcw), and a few others, should have been world champions in WWF or WCW.
for me has to be r-truth. every time his entrance music hits i just know the match is going to be horrible. he looks like an idiot, has absolutely no intensity in any of his fueds. his whole weird dancing n doing the splits after punches is awful. and of course theres his entrance song itself which is probably one of the worst things ever in professional wrestling. abyss is a close second - i hate that lip thing he does and he has barely any skill in the ring - hes just a big unfit guy (not an athlete) who punches and uses weapons to put on a match.
For me its JTG the whole cryme time thing was okay but I didnt really care for it. I watch superstars regularly and whenever this guy comes on I know right away either he will job or he will win against an oppenent who he shouldnt win against such as Chavo or on of the Dude Busters. Good luck in your future endeavors soon JTG.
as far as people who don't wrestle anymore, i always hated lex luger with a passion. he was just a hulk hogan wannabe who couldn't talk and was worse in the ring than hulk himself.

the one person who i can't stand now is matt hardy. with his stupid twitter updates and his lack luster look in the ring, it just doesn't do it for me. i mean matt hardy 2.0 was cool back in the day but since then he's just been terrible.
The one wrestler that I have never been fond of would be Lex Luger. I can't stand him and have no real good reason why. I think all his work is shit and it took everyone he ever stepped into the ring with to make the match look good. His promo skills are shit, I never bought into anything he said.

To sum it up if Luger was on fire...I would piss all over that mother fucker and shit on his face.
Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole's commentary on RAW. I know material is extremely scripted these days but I feel the commentators take more liberty on NXT and SMACKDOWN. Lawler and Cole sound like the audio clips from a WWE video game. They say nothing but the bare minimum and Jerry Lawler's little laugh here and there is frickin aggravating sometimes. Neither of them seem to know how to call wrestling moves, and this is surprising as Lawler has been in the wrestling biz forever.

IMO, WWE should dock the announcers table by the ramp, like TNA does. There is no reason to have these idiots at ringside. They look totally detached from the action when the camera is on them, whereas at least Tenay and Taz (or Don West) in TNA actually put the effort forth that they are emotionally vested in the action taking place in front of them.
Wow, this is tough. If I had to pick one, I'd have to say Konnan. To be fair, he was very underutilized in WCW and I really didn't catch alot of his early TNA work, but his last days in TNA just annoyed the living daylights out of me. Probably because somewhere along the way he decided the Mexican American stereotype gimmick was something he wanted to hang on to and I totally despised that character. I always did love the rolling clothesline he did though.
It's funny when I saw the thread title, I immediately thought of Lex Luger. Then after reading a few posts, I realize I am not the only one! LOL

I just hate everything about him. Always have. Never was there ever a point when I went for him in a match, or a feud. I was against him when he represented WCW and defeated Hogan for The WCW Title.

I was even against him when he slammed Yokozuna. The Lex Express, The "Loaded" Elbow, His Voice, The Torture Rack... I HATE them ALL!!

His promos were atrocious!!!! Count me in as a Lex Luger hater forever. Hopefully the guy is haunted by the ghost of Elizabeth for the rest of his miserable life!

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